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Author Topic: Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A  (Read 2273 times)

Offline Lluís of Minairons

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Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A
« on: February 15, 2014, 04:03:46 PM »
I'd like to show you our first set not related to Spanish Civil War, but specifical to WWII instead: the Panzer I ausf. A Flakpanzer conversion intended for providing mobile AA support to the German columns invading the USSR during Barbarossa. We have it nearly ready, at both 1/72 and 1/100 scales altogether. They were scheduled for next May and June respectively, but progression on them is running fast enough to make it feasible to release both before.

This is what the 1/72 version (the closer to a deadline one) looks like:

The idea behind is to take advantage of our already made plastic Panzer I ausf. A for complimenting it with a few supplementary parts, allowing it to be built as a Flakpanzer:

Except for gun barrel in white metal, all such supplementary parts are resin cast. The complete kit will include all the pieces necessary for Flakpanzer (either plastic, resin and metal), so that what you'll have in box is all this:

Oh, not to forget that our set will also be complimented by 3 crewmen, that are right now being sculpted at 1/72 by Juan G. Bautista of Xan Miniatures (the artist behind our SCW 20mm figures range, you know).

(Please note the figures shown in this picture do NOT actually correspond to this kit, but belong to Xan Miniatures' own catalogue instead; we've been granted permission for using them in this series of pictures, while the ultimate ones in early WWII German uniform are being sculpted)

Same for the 1/100 scale version. I do not have ultimate models of it yet, but this is what the prototype looks like:

(Admittedly the same thing, but smaller  :lol: )

In this case, the complimentary 15mm crewmen figures have been commissioned to another talented sculptor who deserved a chance in our opinion (besides, this allowed us not to distract Juan Bautista from his current proritary work on both his own brand and our so successful SCW 20mm range). You'll know about him soon.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 04:05:59 PM by Lluís of Minairons »
"Nations that went down fighting rose again, but those who surrendered tamely were finished" - W. Churchill

Offline BattlewagonBruce

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Re: Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2014, 08:23:48 PM »
Looks great.

Hope it is out soon.

Would look good as Deutsche Afrika Korps paint job.


Offline Helen

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Re: Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2014, 08:26:37 PM »
Looks great.

Hope it is out soon.

Would look good as Deutsche Afrika Korps paint job.


Lovely release for the future. Hey Bruce, since when did this vehicle see service with the DAK?


Best wishes,
Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well (V van Gogh)

Offline Lluís of Minairons

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Re: Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2014, 10:00:11 PM »
It would be great to know that this vehicle was actually used in other fronts, besides of Ukraine.

As far as I've been able to learn, only one Flak Abteilung battalion was given such particular Flakpanzers --the battalion was formed in Romania just before Barbarossa invasion, it was involved in the German invasion of Ukraine and ended up at Stalingrad in the way you can imagine.

I've been fooled a couple times by contradictory infos about this Flakpanzer, for once I read that it was also used by the Spanish "Blue Division" in Leningrad whereabouts as an armoured support substitute, for instance.

So further reliable information would be warmly welcome :)

Offline Poiter50

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Re: Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2014, 02:13:59 AM »
Having just assembled some T-26s for my Russians, I'm sure my Czech Panzer Company will look forward to these.

Offline BattlewagonBruce

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Re: Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2014, 01:47:16 PM »
My mistake Helen!

Im just nuts about DAK stuff. I am trying to find pics of the sdkfz 7 russian 7.6cm pak 36 (r) that were sent to africa.

I think I will post a request as I want to do one of these.



Offline Poiter50

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Re: Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2014, 01:59:51 PM »
Otherwise known as the Diana?

My mistake Helen!

Im just nuts about DAK stuff. I am trying to find pics of the sdkfz 7 russian 7.6cm pak 36 (r) that were sent to africa.

I think I will post a request as I want to do one of these.



Offline BattlewagonBruce

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Re: Minairons: Flakpanzer I ausf. A
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2014, 02:22:52 PM »
Yes thats it!

Found some pics




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