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Author Topic: Modelling 18th Dynasty Amarna Period in 1:50; quite awsome example actually  (Read 8033 times)

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Yesterday, when visiting the New Museum in Berlin, I could not refrain from taking pictures of what I found a very interesting model visualisation of certain Egyptian reconstructions - it was breathtaking to see how large building ensembles really are when not scale compressed for wargaming.
I will post pictures I took and links I found.
All models courtesy of Christian Tietze, who also published a book about these
linked images are referenced accordingly, the others are mine.
wherever You see human silhouettes, remember they are about the size of 28mm. These are true state of the art archaeological reconstructions. Enjoy

house of Ramoses

the same, from a different angle

the house of a functionary in charge of cattle management (or something like that, I am no egyptologist...)

and the small Aton temple

« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 11:30:47 AM by bedwyr »

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Re: Modelling 18th Dynasty Amarna Period in 1:50
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2014, 11:12:35 PM »
in case someone does not recall the scene  :D

and a few more details of the first complex, the workshop where the bust of Nofretete was found

« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 11:26:37 PM by bedwyr »

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before I forget, here is the small clip for the 2012 exhibition

and another pic of the workshop model

Offline Prof.Witchheimer

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Very fine model. Could be a nice reference for a wargames project. What are these egg-shaped buildings, granaries?

Offline Michi

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Very fine model. Could be a nice reference for a wargames project. What are these egg-shaped buildings, granaries?

Ovens, I suppose. Being a workshop where a bust was found...

Offline Belgian

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Very fine model. Could be a nice reference for a wargames project. What are these egg-shaped buildings, granaries?

I would also have said granaries while the smaller one in the building would be an oven.
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I'd go for granaries too
it's what the plan says

Offline Michi

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I bow to your expertise. All I can do now is trying to walk (away) like an Egyptian.

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no expertise here actually, just common sense (and the plan of course).
in antiquity, firing ovens for around 800°+ were never close to any highly flammable settlement - and everything was flammable before iron construction.

the only exception is roman brick firing ovens, which had special buildings built around them, but they were still outside

and the workshop of Thutmosis was working in wood, plaster and paint....

btw, scroll upward and check the detail with the silhouette - the granaries are far too large for any kind of pre-industrial oven
I took the pictures precisely to demonstrate how distorted our perception is by 28mm wargaming  :D
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 10:43:33 PM by bedwyr »

Offline Doomsdave

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I took the pictures precisely to demonstrate how distorted our perception is by 28mm wargaming  :D

It's not distorted; it's just scaled to a rectangular planet 6' X 4'.  ;)
This is my boomstick!

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Re: Modelling 18th Dynasty Amarna Period in 1:50; quite awsome example actually
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2014, 09:11:16 AM »
It's not distorted; it's just scaled to a rectangular planet 6' X 4'.  ;)

 lol lol lol

I thought the whole workshop scenery had the right size for a gaming table, wheras the temple scenery was huge, about 1.5-2 pingpong tables.
there was a forumite who recently posted his version, and he actually pretty much nailed it, on a compressed scale of course.

if we may digress a bit, I have the impression that not only scale creep and compression are at work, but also field of fire reduction and obstacle pile-up. I remember the times with the competitive rules where the opponents were allowed to add scenery pieces  :-X ;D

Offline Mason

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Re: Modelling 18th Dynasty Amarna Period in 1:50; quite awsome example actually
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2014, 09:33:25 AM »

If they ever bring that to the museum where I work, I would find it difficult to resist playing a game on it.

Offline grant

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Re: Modelling 18th Dynasty Amarna Period in 1:50; quite awsome example actually
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2014, 02:00:36 PM »
I dunno; looks a bit wooden to me.
It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words - Orwell, 1984

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Re: Modelling 18th Dynasty Amarna Period in 1:50; quite awsome example actually
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2014, 03:04:38 PM »
If they ever bring that to the museum where I work, I would find it difficult to resist playing a game on it.

from my experience, if such things don't transfer into a permanent exhibition, they tend to collect dust for a few years and then get dumped if noone has space to keep them

and they'll dismantle the exhibition soon. It could be that it's going to travel a bit if it hasn't already

Offline Peithetairos

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Re: Modelling 18th Dynasty Amarna Period in 1:50; quite awsome example actually
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2014, 09:03:55 PM »
Thank you for the pictures. A good reference and inspiration. Egyptian skirmish anybody?


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