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Author Topic: Guild Ball  (Read 3312 times)

Offline mattspooner

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Guild Ball
« on: February 21, 2014, 09:17:42 PM »
Just in case u guys haven't seen it -


Offline Elbows

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Re: Guild Ball
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2014, 10:22:16 PM »
Did you just...link to another page...which was just a link to a third page?  Some serious internet etiquette issues here boss.   :?
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Offline pixelgeek

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Offline Vauln

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Re: Guild Ball
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2014, 01:47:53 AM »
I went all-in on DreadBall a while back and now there is another KS for DB Xtreme. There is no way I am gonna get into a new mini sports game. Having said that, the minis look kinda cool and the otter may pull me in if I can get the single mini, doubtful though. If these guys had some sort of sport implement (bat, gloves, sticks, etc.) instead of weapons it would be a little more appealing to me. What is the point of a ball when you can just chop your opponents head off with an axe?   

Offline obsidian3d

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Re: Guild Ball
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2014, 08:43:18 PM »
I'm torn on this one too. I think the game and miniatures look very nice. On the other hand, it's a pretty pricey buy in, even for just two teams. The second concern I have isn't even with the game itself, it's whether or not I can actually get anyone to play. I can see it being nearly the same group as I've already talked into playing Dreadball. That's not a slight on the game itself by any means...just an issue I'd need to figure out before investing. :(

Offline Braxandur

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Re: Guild Ball
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2014, 12:50:48 AM »
I've got the same issues.  I went all out on dbx, for which we now have an established gaming group, but guild ball doesn't seem to interest as many people. Next to this i also agree that the models look nice, but pricy and if I'm missing the sports theme.

Considering I'm not really that enthusiastic when receiving an update for this game, it's clear that I should just drop my early bird and instead focus on what I do expect to play and actually makes me comelook for updates as dbe did and recon now does.
Why aim for gold if you can get lead?

Offline obsidian3d

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Re: Guild Ball
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2014, 09:25:04 PM »
I've pledged on way too many campaigns in the past two years, and with the dollar down quite a bit I'm going to make this the last one I'm in on. I'll be receiving paid-for product from various campaigns for the next year or so, and the reality is I don't need a single one of them (of course...who needs any of this stuff?!).

There are several things I'm excited about with Guild Ball:
- The models we've seen so far are VERY nice and are in a scale I'm happy with.
- The free rules read nicely and it looks simple to play but still a lot of room for tactical thinking (much like Dreadball!)
- The developers seem to have got their ducks in a row and I'm confident this will be one of the few KS campaigns that will actually deliver on time!
- The figures should easily cross-over into other games. Carnevale is one of the first that comes to mind.

A few down sides:
- It's a sports game at heart, which might mean I'll have trouble talking people into playing it over (or in conjunction to) Dreadball.
- It's expensive. Granted, I'm in for six teams (granting me a seventh for 'free')...so I could always pledge less. Come on though, like THAT's going to happen.
- More sh*t to paint. I could paint a half dozen figures every day for the next five years and probably still not get through my lead and plastic pile. When this does finally arrive, how long is it going to take me to actually get it on the table?

Offline Jorny

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Re: Guild Ball
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2014, 10:05:58 PM »
I think that the concept is cool and all, but it lacks one of the greatest strengths of Blood Bowl and Dreadball, the fact that they are board games and thus have a low threshold to start playing. Guild ball seems to require a lot more investment in money and time in form of terrain and painting.

Cool figures though.

Offline obsidian3d

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Re: Guild Ball
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2014, 05:07:13 PM »
I think that the concept is cool and all, but it lacks one of the greatest strengths of Blood Bowl and Dreadball, the fact that they are board games and thus have a low threshold to start playing. Guild ball seems to require a lot more investment in money and time in form of terrain and painting.

Cool figures though.

To a point that's true. If you're already a war-gamer though, I think putting together a 3'x3' table to play a game on is something you likely have terrain for. I'm going to print out the test rules today and give it a play before the campaign ends, to see if I will keep my pledge as it is now.

Offline Major_Gilbear

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Re: Guild Ball
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2014, 10:57:35 AM »
I think that the concept is cool and all, but it lacks one of the greatest strengths of Blood Bowl and Dreadball, the fact that they are board games and thus have a low threshold to start playing. Guild ball seems to require a lot more investment in money and time in form of terrain and painting.

Cool figures though.

Well, Dreadball/Bloodbowl still expect you to assemble and paint figures, although I'll concede that the GB figures will require more advanced experience with assembling miniatures.

As for a board... Well, a 3'x3' piece of suitably-coloured fabric will do in a pinch.

Everything else; I expect most people have a handful of D6 dice, a tape measure, and something they can use to track Momentum and Influence (small coins, beads, buttons, whatever).

So really, the expensive buy-in is the models (and the time to assemble and paint them). Even then, since the rules are free and the players are named, I expect that you can just proxy some figures (paint their names on the bases though for clarity!) and crack on. ;)


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