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Author Topic: x-com boardgame  (Read 3358 times)

Offline TheShadow

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x-com boardgame
« on: August 05, 2014, 10:37:45 PM »
Coming soon from fantasy flight....


I know one or two who'd be interested in this !
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Offline Predatorpt

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 11:15:31 PM »
Looked interesting until that little bit about the "companion app"  :'( A boardgame where you need an app to play? Even if it's free, that means you'll need to have an laptop/mobile to run the game...

Offline Elbows

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2014, 12:23:45 AM »
Since the computer game was one of the biggest let-downs I've ever purchased...I'll pass.  I like the idea of the app as long as it is NOT required. 
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Offline Dentatus

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2014, 12:32:36 AM »
Funny, I love the computer game.

But regarding this board game that needs an app... why not just stick with the computer game?

I'll take some of the minis though.

Offline zizi666

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2014, 01:52:02 AM »
I guess we'll be seeing more of this in boardgames as smartphones and tablets become more and more accessible.
Space alert comes with a CD, but we've been playing it whilst playing the mission tracks on my Phone or on a friends' tablet.
Zombicide had an app for the starter box.Had a friend that had it on his Ipad as well as an app for X-wing. While those both work perfectly there's nothing like the feel of real dice in your hand and I must say, I've only saw him using the apps once and after that no more.  ::)
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Offline beefcake

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2014, 04:26:45 AM »
Havem't checked it out yet but as there have been a lot of threads with peoples own UFO/XCOM projects on here it looks like it could be really good. I might get it if not just for the minis but I know it will get some good gaming in when my bro and I meet on the rare occasions that we do.
I hope they put some alien miniatures in there too.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 04:31:37 AM by beefcake »

Offline Malebolgia

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2014, 07:10:47 AM »
Can't wait to see this game! And also looking forwards to using the app in the game. Reads like a fun new gimmick in a boardgame.
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Offline Daeothar

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2014, 08:27:46 AM »
EEP!!  :o

I've been dreaming of an X-COM miniatures game for years now. I've worked on and off on creating a concept and ruleset, but since that's really not my strongsuit, that project has been floundering for as many years...  :?

My concept's based on the original nineties game (as that happens to be my actual most favouritest game of all time, even though it feels hardly playable these days...), but I certainly liked the reimagined version from 2012. Not all aspects, but most of them, yes. I thought it was a nice shove into the 21st century at any rate, even though I was sort of bummed by the fact that maps are no longer random, so that takes away from the replayability a lot.

This game of course has nothing to do with tactical combat but, like my own idea, could be used as a campaign tool, where tactical combat is played out off the board. Of course with all these shiny boards, cards and what nots, you'd need a pretty large area to keep your campaign map stored.

Still; I'm interested, with or without the app. All of my regular playing buddies have smartphones and/or tablets, so that should not pose a problem, and I like the subject matter. Plus; it looks pretty... ::)

I can't get over the idea though that things like apps, on-line tools etc are just gimmicky. Anyone remember that odd game from the nineties, AtmosFear, which required the use of a VCR? lol
Miniatures you say? Well I too, like to live dangerously...
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Offline Commander Roj

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2014, 09:42:52 AM »
I loved the sequel, Terror From The Deep, and I will be interested in this, but only if it doesn't require an ap.

Offline The_Beast

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2014, 06:22:55 PM »
I'm having trouble getting the full sense of the toy factor. Anybody see numbers/kinds? I'm seeing some Saucer-like things, the little fighter(?) things, and four kinds of groppos, but numbers of each weren't given anywhere I can see.

Buying close out Risk variants have been bery bery good to me of late, but I AM a greedy so and so...

Anyone remember that odd game from the nineties, AtmosFear, which required the use of a VCR? lol

Started as Nightmare, then became AtmosFear, then switched to DVD. It even seemed to have control codes. I know it was supposed to be realtime, but I couldn't pause, fast forward, or reverse, though you could stop and then start all over. Now, given Real Life interrupts, THAT'S a Nightmare!

They had skeletal pantomime wraiths at the '95 GenCon; seven foot tall ghouls in cowboy hats. Was pretty kewl.  ;->=


Offline Braxandur

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Re: x-com boardgame
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2014, 07:36:55 PM »
A friend of mine is in one of playtest groups, he already mentioned this game a few months ago. Next weekend we are going to visit him and I'll ask him about it. Not sure how much he knows though. Any questions in particular that people would like to have awnsered?
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