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Author Topic: Those of you who play infinity, how do you find it? What do you play?  (Read 11652 times)

Offline Vermis

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Re: Those of you who play infinity, how do you find it? What do you play?
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2014, 03:18:27 PM »
Even better. lol Thanks.

Offline Major_Gilbear

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Re: Those of you who play infinity, how do you find it? What do you play?
« Reply #46 on: September 25, 2014, 03:35:26 PM »
Right... I wrote something up, and then realised that my Operation Icestorm would be showing up soon - so I decided to hang on and see what the 3E rules looked like before posting.

Now I've got O:I, and I've read the rules. (Also, pored over the models, rolled the faction dice to "test" them, and generally behaved with the contents like a small child in a sweetshop. :D )

The rules are very clearly explained in good English, and the rules are not in a separate section to the missions like many other rulebooks are. Rather, each mission scenario introduces all the rules you will need to play it, with each successive scenario building on the one(s) before.

Even so, the game is clearly very stripped-down, with a lot of detail removed.

An example is close combat, where characters just make a melee attack in the same way as a shooting attack, but only when in base-to-base and using their CC score. There is nothing more, and even the model profiles for the Father Knight have had the close combat weapons removed for simplicity.

Other examples include a lack of orders choices (no coordinated orders, cautious moves, jumps, climbing, going prone, etc), no explanation of long and short orders, no special ammo, no mines, no flamers... And whilst I know it's quick-start, these are all fairly basic game rules that do apply to the models in the box.

This is not really a complaint as such, but it does remove a lot of options that I feel are important basics, and which people often overlook when learning/are being taught (and then they wonder why they can't beat whatever the perceived über-combo of the day is...).

So. Long ramble short: shall I wait for the full third edition release to write a proper and relevant (i.e. current) review, or do I finish up and post the review based on second edition? I'll say now that I'm not really too keen on doing both though!

Offline hubbabubba

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Re: Those of you who play infinity, how do you find it? What do you play?
« Reply #47 on: September 25, 2014, 04:49:48 PM »
Relax and go with the flow.  :D

I'd appreciate reading either of the two, maybe to better review 2nd, as between 3rd actually becoming available, and the player base becoming familiar enough to give it a good write up, well we could be talking about Easter 2015.

Hence Corvus's no brainer, what are new players, (those who the box was aimed at,) supposed to do until 3rd is released, learn 2nd ed and later unlearn it all when 3rd is released.

Offline Major_Gilbear

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Re: Those of you who play infinity, how do you find it? What do you play?
« Reply #48 on: September 25, 2014, 05:21:41 PM »
Hence Corvus's no brainer, what are new players, (those who the box was aimed at,) supposed to do until 3rd is released, learn 2nd ed and later unlearn it all when 3rd is released.

That actually confused me, since new players will have to un-learn quick-start 3rd, learn 2nd to play games until full 3rd is released, and then re-learn what they un-learnt to start with!  o_o

Anyway, I'll stick with 2nd then.  :P

Offline chromedog

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Re: Those of you who play infinity, how do you find it? What do you play?
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2014, 12:07:40 AM »
From what I can gather, Icestorm isn't intended to be played over a single weekend (there are several campaign style escalation missions).  New players would probably play the missions several times each (and possibly swap factions to do so) and that would probably keep them going until 3rd ed comes out.

That the veterans can and will be playing all the missions in one afternoon is more or less irrelevant from a "starting out" pov.

It's really no different to starting play with QSR and moving to full rules.  2nd ed QSR was missing a large chunk of the rules, its focus is getting the orders/ARO mechanic, the face to face rolls, etc down.


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