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Author Topic: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source  (Read 27437 times)

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #90 on: October 09, 2014, 08:58:49 PM »
Some of your minis seems significantly small, right ?

I'm thinking of the figs on last pic (except last on right). I'm wondering if it would be Grenadier instead of Ral Partha   ???

Concerning the bases, I choosed the hard way, I base almost everything I have on washers, now. So I'll have a lot of work on the RP minis !

edit : the last pic you posted is composed of grenadier figures, according to this website :


"1303 metahuman gang" blister pack

Personaly, I hope to find this pack one day :



« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 09:05:43 PM by sundayhero »

Offline eilif

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #91 on: October 09, 2014, 09:10:31 PM »
You're right! I pulled the bases off the other three  and they are all Grenadier!  Despite the half-paint job obscuring it, they are actually quite well sculpted.

Are you going to remove the integral bases before gluing them to washers?

I think if IWM is at Little Wars this year I'll pick up another Shadowrun fig or two just for fun.

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #92 on: October 09, 2014, 09:59:09 PM »
I think I'll sand the integral bases with 80grit car washable sandpaper so I can adjust the size on the bases. So depanding the mini, the integral base will be completly removed, or slightly sanded.   ;)

I prepared some washers tonight, tommorow I'll start basing.

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #93 on: October 14, 2014, 10:58:16 AM »
All the minis are based now !

I also made a few corrections and conversions (drone, female troll, samourai). A few multipart figures too.

Next time I'll create a topic for the work in progress painting !

Offline eilif

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #94 on: October 14, 2014, 01:37:46 PM »
Looking good!  Can't wait to see these painted up.

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #95 on: October 14, 2014, 04:02:03 PM »
I hope to start painting this week end. I still have to prepare the minis and put some primer coat on them.

I will also start thinking about scenery ! I also have some other scenery projects to complete in the same time (scenery for 28mm zombies, scenery for 20 modern afghanistan, some fantasy 28mm scenery, and some dungeon furniture. Not speaking of the gaming mats I started and I will have to sell soon.  I realize that I almost not posted anything concerning scenery here, except a few cork buildings and some heroscape detailled hexes.

I hope to finally start gaming regularly on next holidays ! I'd like to play at least 1 week end/month (solo campaigns), and other week ends, continue my modelling projects (sculpting, painting, scenery).

Offline Oldben1

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #96 on: October 14, 2014, 05:05:57 PM »
That guy with the cannon mount is awesome.

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #97 on: October 14, 2014, 11:05:47 PM »
This is a "cyber zombie", wich according to Shadowrun background, is a creation made of a metahuman heavily modified by cybertechnology and magic. The purpose is obviously to create some kind of enhanced super soldier.

The metahuman is technically dead, but his soul is caught inside the modified cybernetic body by complex secret magical rituals. A "normal" metahuman can handle a limited amount of cyber enhancements : a cyberzombie can go far beyond these limits.

This kind of creature is very rare and expensive in the shadowrun universe. It's also very difficult to maintain them alive and effective.

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #98 on: November 02, 2014, 09:43:12 PM »
I just had a new idea : I first created this topic to find small scale "shadowpunk" suitable miniatures.

I wanted small minis to be able to create credible scale cities. But I really like 25-28mm minis, and already had a lot of them available. So I bought official shadowrun minis. Great for painting, details, and skirmish. But creating big enough city blocks for this kind of game in 28mm will be time (and maybe money) consuming, not speaking of the storage and table size. And imagine if you make your buildings with detailled interiors....I would probably play my first games when I will be retired (and I'm only 35  lol).

The same problem occured wit super heroes. I sold my 32mm minis, wanting to go in 15mm or small, to be able to create big scenery. But I really like painting and customizing big scale supers and  villains.

So I thought about computer MMORPGs games. Most of the time, there is a main persistent big world, with all other NPC and player characters, and missions are played in instanced aeras, sometimes randomized, where only your player character and his team were there, fighting in "dungeons" (no matter it's scifi or fantasy, it's about the same mechanics) until they complete the mission and kill the boss.

I believe it could be done in miniatures. Imagine a big 3X3' table, in 6, 10 or 15mm. Buildings are "plain", you cannot visit them. You play with small scale figurines on this table around or on top of sky scrappers, lurking in streets. And once the scenario offers you a new mission, you "enter" a building, and then you play on a generic tileset scenery, with detailled 28mm minis.

This way, I will just create ONE interior building tileset (in the same way I created my fantasy 3d dungeon), and you can create realistic 3' high buildings to fight your super heroes on it, fight crime with your street judges, or brawl with gangs during a run in shadows of the darkest streets.

It should be both a time gain, but also more playbility and more possibilities concerning modelling, painting and gaming.

What do you think about this idea ?

Offline eilif

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #99 on: November 03, 2014, 12:53:24 AM »
What about just doing "compressed" buildings in 28mm scale and when your characters enter a building, the floorplan of the building can be much bigger than the actual building on the tabletop?

Buildings like this..

are made from plastic DVD crates that can be found at the dollar store. Clearly they're not actually big enough to be real big buildings, but they get the idea across, and you can fit quite alot of them on one small table. They're lightweight so I just put each one in a grocery bag, nest one sideways inside another and then put them all in a big blue IKEA bag that I hang from the celing of my work space.

You can't cover nearly as much ground as in a smaller scale, but they're dead cheap, and you also end up with a set of fairly generic buildings that are useful in many settings. Also, you don't have to paint up your figs in multiple scales.

One last note, if you paint them be sure to use a specialized plastic-bonding paint such as Krylon "Fusion" (their Camo line is also "made with Fusion Technolgy").
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 12:55:08 AM by eilif »

Offline Malebolgia

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #100 on: November 03, 2014, 10:05:21 AM »
Seems like a really neat way and perfect for Shadowrun. So small scale to go through the streets and 'normal scale' to do runs in buildings? Nice.

For the small scale the paper buildings and floor tiles from Dropzone Commander are *perfect*. This one:
I have these myself for my Pacific Rim game. The cardboard is printed at high resolution on thick card and looks ace. I mounted the cityscape tiles on 1m foamcore strips (3 tiles in a row, so 3'x 1' on 6 strips). This way, the cityscape is fixed, but can be changed in design. The buildings are all seperate. And assembly goes fast! You could do everything on a dedicated hobby evening.

For the insides you could use a LOT of games...Sedition Wars, Space Hulk, MERCs, Worldworks, etc. And for Cyberspace you can use the tiles I made for Cyber Alley (http://paintoholic.nl/cyberalley/cyberspace4.pdf). These were inspired by the new Shadowrun Returns games, so should fit the look ;)
“What use was time to those who'd soon achieve Digital Immortality?”

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #101 on: November 03, 2014, 12:23:52 PM »
Thank you for the help !

For the urban scenery, I will go with homemade, scratch build scenery. But I really like your idea for cyberspace !

I think I'll go for something "hybrid" between print and play scenery and scratchbuild scenery, for the cyberspace/matrix. Maybe printing something similar to your PDF (or maybe ask you for the original matrix pattern you created  lol), and glue it under some clear acrylic. Or print it on photopaper, then glue it on MDF and finish with laminated clear coating.

Thanks for the ideas ! Now back to the topic's beginning, I have to find small scale figures matching the big ones I bought ! In a way, it's simplier now, since I have the original 28mm to compare !

@Ellif : your crate scenery is pretty cool, but for my project  I will need to create really large buildings (refering to judge dredd or shadowrun artwork cities). Since my gaming table is about 100x100cms, you can imagine that the city block I could create on this aera will be pretty limited...
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 12:27:45 PM by sundayhero »

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #102 on: November 03, 2014, 11:47:19 PM »
Following your idea, I'm currently looking for paper scenery, there is some impressive stuff available  :o

Printed on mate or satin photo paper, it would be nice looking I bet !

I will made some research to see if paper building is really time and money saving (if you try to print and build as best you can).

Offline sundayhero

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #103 on: November 09, 2014, 12:07:54 AM »
New "no content" update  lol (but it helps me organizing my ideas and keep them somewhere, since I don't own a wargame blog).

I finally don't think I'll go for 15mm big city for now. The reasons are the following :

It will be a too big project. Even in 15mm, a scifi city stays a urban city. Filling a 100x100cm table with interesting buildings, skyscrappers, highways, subway, etc... will take ages.

It will be too complex : I recently bought a good amount of shadowrun minis, not speaking ot the other near future minis I have (urban war, necromunda, mutant chronicles warzone). If I have to find  (or convert) each 15mm matching each big one, not speaking of the civilians, police, etc... I will need in the city, it will take ages to complete too.

It maybe doesn't worth it, as a solo gamer. Since I'm a solo gamer, I need simple structures, to manage the opponent behaviour. Thinking of movement in 3D will add more complexity to my games, and not necessary more fun.

I recently discovered this blog :


This guy is experienced in solo gaming, and his way of thinking is very eficient, in my opinion. He paints nice figures, play on nice boards, but we can see that he thought about solo playability.

Take a look of this scifi board :


It can be used as urban scenery, warehouse, or even a big starship or space station. The result is gorgeous, but keeping the project "humble" enough to allow great playability, a lot of possibilites of games, and probably all of this has been done in a "realistic" amount of time.

In one word, this man understood everything, and is my new solo gaming Hero.   :D

So I will soon come back in 28mm, with modular all purpose scifi boards  ;)

Offline nathan

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Re: shadowrun and cyberpunk miniatures source
« Reply #104 on: November 09, 2014, 11:40:02 AM »
I recently discovered this blog :


This guy is experienced in solo gaming, and his way of thinking is very eficient, in my opinion. He paints nice figures, play on nice boards, but we can see that he thought about solo playability.

Thank you for the link.  This is a really great blog.


I love the contained boards he makes.  Whether it's modules/tiles he can rotate around or drop terrain:


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