While I am not averse to the KS scene, as you may well know, I would venture a guess that the results for the holdouts are:
- they are grumpy and old
- some folks just prefer the traditional model of buying models as they are released
- many people are wary due to the lack of recourse a backer has if a project goes belly-up (we have seen a few of them)
- some have moral reservations about large companies using the service as a 'pre-order' system when it was originally envisioned as a platform for smaller independent companies to secure capital.
- others don't like the idea of pledging for a miniature/product which has not yet been sculpted and thus the quality/style cannot be evaluated prior to purchase.
Those things being said, I would think that you, as the project creator, would agree that to produce so many figures would not be possible in such a short time span using traditional financing methods?