Hi all! Some friends at our local club and I decided to give Bolt Action a shot for quick and fun games, and since we're all on a tight budget, decided after some researching on the intertubes that 15mm was indeed a nice scale to play the game with. As I've seen on some blogs, it actually gives a better feel on weapon ranges and all that, and it's also cheaper.
So, our adventure begun! For the moment, there's only 3 of us. A soviet player, and two germans (one being me). As the game seems fast and fun, I might be tempted by another army, just to have some variety on the table. The british are looking quite tempting...
Anyway, here go some snaps of some of my forces. I have some more heer painted, but as I took these while trying a portable studio late at night, not all of my painted troops made it to the table. Next time!
Anyway, here they come.
Panzerschrek team

Command group shot

"See that guy, so dapper in his leather trenchcoat? Tell command to send his ass to Russia. I'm tired of his shit, he gets all the ladies!"

Those are from Peter Pig. Funny faces, but the minis are quite nice. Bases are unfinished.
Panzergrenadiers, mix of Flames of War plastics and Peter pig.

Damn creases on the background fabric...

More Panzergrenadiers, this time Flames of War metals. My God, those gigantic heads...

And some regular Heer, again, Flames of War plastics. Those are amazing, great detail and poses.

Detail shots of some of them

And finally, the little big guy of my force at the moment. The german armored workhorse, the Panzer IV

The problem with the tank is the damn basecoat. I used Tamiya grey primer, and maybe the paint was from a bad batch or I used too much, but the paint chips away almost with a mere glance. I've had to fix a lot of damage just from the sponge on the case, so I might as well leave this one on the shelf and get a new one from Plastic Soldier Company, or a couple. Shame, I really like how it looks even if the color is not what I wanted to achieve.
Anyway, those are some of my guys at the moment. I want to get some support weapons to add to the horde of unpainted little germans I still have, and I'd love to have a Tiger on my shelf at some point. We'll see how we like Bolt Action.
Thanks for watching, everyone!