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Author Topic: NOOB Qs - Painting Fur/Skins  (Read 1461 times)

Offline Revfan

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NOOB Qs - Painting Fur/Skins
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:28:10 PM »
Hey Guys
I am back at it!  Thanks for all the help and suggestions on my NOOBs 1st Try thread.  I am slowly finding my way, but having fun in the journey.

My next question is... I bought some cheap orcs via ebay, I thought that painting multiples of the same mini would help improve my neophyte skills...

I am not sure who made the orcs, but they are wearing some sort of skins/fur jacket.  I did a forum search, but couldn't find any threads dedicated to painting the illusion of fur... it is textured a bit so that should help... any suggestions on how to go about it?

And... anyone recognize these figs?

Thanks, in advance!

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Re: NOOB Qs - Painting Fur/Skins
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2015, 03:57:36 PM »
Drybrushing is probably the most common - dark base colour and light highlight gently drybrushed on.

You could of course go the other way - light base colour and a darker wash.

Either one will give you that difference in shade you want to show texture. Don't be scared of going for quite a jump between a really dark base (or wash) and a light highlight (or base).
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Offline Dr Mathias

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Re: NOOB Qs - Painting Fur/Skins
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2015, 04:02:55 PM »
My method on fur is to paint a mid tone base, followed by a light dry brush of a slightly lighter color. I then apply a thin darker wash (usually a GW or Secret Weapon wash). I then dry brush a lighter tone again. The last step is to highlight any areas you want to pick out (edges, textures the dry brush didn't catch) with direct painting.
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Re: NOOB Qs - Painting Fur/Skins
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2015, 05:17:49 PM »
Those orcs are looking great so far! Full of character!

Drybrushing is a great method. I used to use it all the time, but now I enjoy torturing myself, so I paint every single strange of hair/fur in an exaggerated way. Whether you apply the hilights using drybrushing or painting though, I find the actual hilighting scheme is the same for me:

  • I start with a very dark coat
  • I apply the first hilight over the entire coat of fur. This will provide the fur texture everywhere. If you're drybrushing, use a brush that a little more wet but very lightly applied to only catch toe high spots.
  • A second highlight  with a lighter color just on the raised areas. IE, those that get direct light
  • If the hair is clean and healthy (or I'm just in the mood) I'll also put final dots of white on the very highest points on the fur/shape of the figure to represent the shiny hair reflecting direct sunlight.

Here are some examples:




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