This is a good idea and it fits my schedule for this year too
I would like to include:
Matakishi -My Mythic Greece project
Theme - Miniatures and scenery for AGON, an RPG of Greek Heroes.
Items or goals - To complete my original planned miniature set and add some more, culminating in actual game reports!
Thread link - - Already underway...
March 5th: Re-based older mythological monsters for their new setting.
March 13th: Painted some ruins and some shades. Re-based more old miniatures.
March 16th: City guard, Bronze Men, a well, some urns, and a horse shrine.
March 22nd: Nymphs and a Titan.
March 30th: More hoplites, an old giant and huge scorpions. And...Battle boards!
April 4th: Last of the hoplites, some slingers, some cavemen, and a Medusa.
April 7th: Hydra, Gryphon, Man Bull, Argus.
May 17th: Wild men and a copper bull.
June 20th: The first game!