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Author Topic: Warlord chinese & uniform question.  (Read 10754 times)

Offline 88D

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Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:03:13 PM »
Finished a few chinese a while ago and would like to know if this is the correct uniform for them or if I should change it for any new ones in the future?
Any criticisms welcome.

Offline juergen c. olk

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2015, 10:02:35 PM »
They look fine,it just really depends on what unit your Osprey and Schiffer books have publications that would answer more of your questions.

Offline 88D

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2015, 10:22:24 PM »
I have looked in both chinese warlord/civil war osprey books and one says blue-grey whilst the other says green-grey so I thought I'd ask the experts here if they had a more definitive answer as to which was more correct.
Cheers for the quick reply mate.
They look fine,it just really depends on what unit your Osprey and Schiffer books have publications that would answer more of your questions.

Offline cuprum

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 05:40:15 AM »
I have a Chinese book on the uniforms of the Chinese army. But to me it is extremely difficult to translate it using Google translator

I was able to translate - that uniform in this period were made of fabrics purchased commanders privately at local factories. Sometimes used a home-made cloth. Therefore, on the observance of the exact shade of color uniforms can not be considered. As well there were large variations in the cut of the uniforms.

Offline Mike Blake

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2015, 02:23:04 PM »
Splendid - thanks.

I have some OWN 54mm figures to paint and now see that I can do some more conversions of figures in greatcoats too!
Size Does Matter! - 54mm - The One True Scale

Offline 88D

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2015, 06:21:39 PM »
I have a Chinese book on the uniforms of the Chinese army. But to me it is extremely difficult to translate it using Google translator

I was able to translate - that uniform in this period were made of fabrics purchased commanders privately at local factories. Sometimes used a home-made cloth. Therefore, on the observance of the exact shade of color uniforms can not be considered. As well there were large variations in the cut of the uniforms.

Cheers I'll stick to blue-grey/grey in the future, Also anyone know what a common colour for warlord artillery pieces would be? I'm torn between dark grey or green.

Offline Svennn

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2015, 06:47:45 PM »
I think your figures look fine.  As Cuprum says there was a lot of variation during this period.  It is quite a few years since I painted mine but I went with a more desert khaki colour - not grey at all.  May have to do a second batch?

I have a Chinese book on the uniforms of the Chinese army.

Any chance you could let me have the ISBN for this book?

I have a wonderful Chinese uniform book covering Ancient and Medieval and looking at the pictures you posted am guessing it is the same illustrator.

cheers   Svennn
"A jewelled sceptre plucked by order to serve their cause"

Offline 88D

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2015, 08:22:05 PM »
I think your figures look fine.  As Cuprum says there was a lot of variation during this period.  It is quite a few years since I painted mine but I went with a more desert khaki colour - not grey at all.  May have to do a second batch?

Any chance you could let me have the ISBN for this book?

I have a wonderful Chinese uniform book covering Ancient and Medieval and looking at the pictures you posted am guessing it is the same illustrator.

cheers   Svennn

I've found it on avax search under 民國軍服圖志 / Min guo jun fu tu zhi / Chinese Republic army uniforms if you want a pdf version of it.

Offline Svennn

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2015, 08:33:01 PM »
Thanks for that.  I had never heard of Avax but found it and the book easy enough, takes me to Mediagod who I have never heard of either and as they want my credit card details I shall not proceed any further.

Got the ISBN now though shall hunt a hard copy

cheers  Svennn

Offline 88D

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2015, 09:38:44 PM »
Thanks for that.  I had never heard of Avax but found it and the book easy enough, takes me to Mediagod who I have never heard of either and as they want my credit card details I shall not proceed any further.

Got the ISBN now though shall hunt a hard copy

cheers  Svennn

I downloaded it from the uploaded link on the repost and it never asked for any details and worked fine for me if that helps you.

Offline juergen c. olk

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2015, 11:37:41 PM »
You can also watch the film "1911",by Jackie Chan about Sun Yat Sen. There are battle scenes w/ quite the mix of uniforms. It might be on you tube if not I know it's on Hulu. Also on DVD.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 11:54:16 PM by juergen c. olk »

Offline juergen c. olk

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2015, 12:55:10 AM »
It's worth the watch,about 2.5 stars out of five,there is a nice little scene w. a german made ship exchanging fire . the subtitles are not always correct,but it is part of the charm.

Offline Mike Blake

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2015, 10:11:39 AM »
A) FWIW the download of the book worked fine for me too, no worrying links to sites asking for CC details. Excellent it is too - covers a wider period than I expected, and includes the navy. many thanks for the original link.

B) the Jackie Chan film is not the usual JC film, it is an attempt at serious history. As such it is a bit long on polemic and short on action, but if you stick with it (or fast forward the dull standing around talking bits  ;) ) it is IMHO worth a look for some splendid battle scenes. Amazon had it very cheap, around a fiver I think, and it is certainly worth that.

Offline 88D

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2015, 07:02:32 PM »
You can also watch the film "1911",by Jackie Chan about Sun Yat Sen. There are battle scenes w/ quite the mix of uniforms. It might be on you tube if not I know it's on Hulu. Also on DVD.

Surprisingly I watched it last week, Thought it was alright other than the communist propaganda dump at the end of the film on dvd. Bodyguards and assassins however is really good.

A) FWIW the download of the book worked fine for me too, no worrying links to sites asking for CC details. Excellent it is too - covers a wider period than I expected, and includes the navy. many thanks for the original link.

B) the Jackie Chan film is not the usual JC film, it is an attempt at serious history. As such it is a bit long on polemic and short on action, but if you stick with it (or fast forward the dull standing around talking bits  ;) ) it is IMHO worth a look for some splendid battle scenes. Amazon had it very cheap, around a fiver I think, and it is certainly worth that.

Got mine for 50p from cex.

Offline Mike Blake

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Re: Warlord chinese & uniform question.
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2015, 11:07:59 AM »
Cex? Could you elaborate please - a place for cheap Foreign DVDs?


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