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Author Topic: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread  (Read 62638 times)

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #135 on: January 07, 2023, 02:56:09 AM »
So...about that painting contest I mentioned?

I came third! An honourable mention would've been nice, but I'm down for third! Tough competition, but somehow I managed to pull victory out of my butt and paintbrushes.

Now, onto today's pile of pictures.

Got some spooky ladies here: The Brides of Nagash!

Obsessed with pleasing Nagash with their magical talents, the Brides found themselves raised in eternal service to the object of their desire.

Of course, Nagash has more than enough sycophants already, so he sends them off to seek out magical secrets...as far from him as possible.

With not enough of a will to realize that Nagash hates their fawning, they willingly go along with their orders in an attempt to get him to notice them.

The models are GW's Myrmourn Banshees. Despite the fiddly areas I didn't notice until it was too late, they were pretty fun to paint. The way they float through the scenery on the bases is pretty dang neat, as is the fact I got them for twelve bucks.

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #136 on: January 12, 2023, 06:53:26 AM »

A small update this time.

Get it? Because he's small.

I'll stop now.

The mini is Reaper Mini's Lou. It was a fun little project to undertake. The tentacles were a bit fiddly to paint, but they worked out alright. I originally got him to paint for spooktober, but I didn't get to him in time. Sure, I could've saved him for this year, but that doesn't solve the problem of wanting to paint him now.

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #137 on: January 24, 2023, 03:18:08 AM »

A couple endless spells today, the chronomantic cogs and quicksilver swords.

I painted both up to match the general vibe of my seraphon, since that army can summon bound endless spells that aren't quite as powerful, but can't be used by my opponents, which will be quite helpful for my next project...

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #138 on: February 02, 2023, 01:34:21 AM »

Things are heating up in my pile of opportunity!

Or maybe they're cooling down, since I've finished this one?

Thin ol' profile from the rear.

Feelin' hot, hot, hot!

The model is another endless spell, the burning head from GW, with a little skull from Wyrd's flame accessories blister that I've been holding onto for just such an occasion. Turned out better than I expected, tbh.

Offline Elk101

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #139 on: February 02, 2023, 08:29:32 AM »
Nice smokey effect on that.

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #140 on: February 15, 2023, 06:26:36 AM »
Nice smokey effect on that.

Cheers! I just let things happen as they did and it turned out fairly well.

Speaking of things that came out fairly well, here's the last of my endless spells; the aethervoid pendulum and malevolent maelstrom.

Not much to talk about. They chop stuff up and suck souls until they explode.

These spells, like the others, came from GW at some point, but I got them second hand from a tabletop convention.They turned out pretty well, if I had to judge.

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #141 on: March 11, 2023, 01:38:27 AM »

This fierce fellow is Reeve Raukov, as the absolute youngest member of the Blackpowder/Raukov family...for now.

As the absolute youngest, Reeve was kitted out in the best equipment his family could afford to keep him safe when he goes adventuring.

Of course, he is quite the swordsman, even without the fancy equipment. Who do you think managed to kill that giant bat on his shoulder?

He's no slouch with a pistol, either.

Reeve is an empire battle standard bearer I bought second hand. The banner had snapped off, so I just lopped off the banner arms, re-positioned the head and popped on a couple of spare arms I had lying around. I'd been looking for the perfect excuse to use that sword for ages and now? Now I'd found it.

With that, my Empire/CoS army now has a character or unit for each of my little cousins...of course some of my cousins have gone off and had kids of their own and CoS is due for a big update, so who knows what I'll do in the future?

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #142 on: March 30, 2023, 03:36:26 AM »

Did some skeletons because of course I did.

Brimming with necromantic energies, these five skeletons work in tandem to overcome more powerful foes.

The two archers harry targets into a funnel, whereupon the spear wielders keep them in place...

Then the swordsman rushes in to finish off whatever's left.

These five are Oathmark skellies. Picked up five with some extra bits for twelve bucks and figured why not? You can't have too many skellies. They were a bit fiddly to assemble (and I misplaced one of the shields during painting) but I like how they turned out.

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #143 on: May 16, 2023, 08:49:21 AM »

Hi ho, hi ho!

When I picked up these dwarfs and realized there were seven of them, well you know I had to try it.

So now I've got seven dwarves. No army to put 'em in, but I have a plan for 'em.

As you probably worked out, they're old warhammer dwarfs. Got them at moab last year. I'm going to see if I can sell them at the same place this year for a bit of profit...but then again I'm pretty happy with how they turned out...I might just keep 'em if nobody wants them.

Offline Hobgoblin

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #144 on: May 16, 2023, 09:50:32 PM »
Nice work on the dwarves and - especially - the undead!

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #145 on: July 11, 2023, 09:06:45 AM »
Nice work on the dwarves and - especially - the undead!

Cheers! Never can have too many skellies, as they say.

These however, are not skellies.

These are Sotek's Swarm, a super aggressive group of ripperdactyl pilots who get in, get out and leave a big red mess wherever they go.

They're fast, deadly and fierce.

Linked to their ripperdactyls through an unseen bond, very little can slow them down...

...except for toad snacks

When you're on the road, you take your protein where you can get it, I guess.

Haha, toad butt.

The minis are GW's Ripperdactyls. Got them on the cheap from moab last year, so it was nice to finally paint something that'd had been on my list for a while. Some say I may have put too many greeblies on the base, but I say I could've added more if not for the limitations of our three-dimensional universe. The jars are from Eureka Miniatures.

I kept the dactyls and riders separated from the bases to make storage and transport easier, but we'll see if that was worth it. It took me a while to paint due to the sub assemblies I made, but the end result was worth it imo.

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #146 on: July 15, 2023, 12:50:54 PM »
OOh the Ripperdactyls look great Pete, your growies on the bases look very lush too with the gassy tuft/little leaves/

OOh and that flaming skull, mate that temperature and smoke effect is perfect you nocked it out of the park!!!

A priest of no small skill, there is very little that Kai'Tehe can't fix.

Of course if he can't fix it, odds are he knows someone who can.

Ooh, he knows Bob does he?  lol

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #147 on: August 18, 2023, 08:19:41 AM »
OOh the Ripperdactyls look great Pete, your growies on the bases look very lush too with the gassy tuft/little leaves/

OOh and that flaming skull, mate that temperature and smoke effect is perfect you nocked it out of the park!!!

Ooh, he knows Bob does he?  lol

Yeah, who doesn't know that guy? Cheers for the kind words and finally picking up your brush again!

Stalking through the trees is a lone elf.

Assured of his skill, he accessorizes with yellow to stick out just a little in the woods that he calls home.

That's not a knife! Oh wait, yes it is.

The model is one of GW's Lumineth Realm-lords, a Vanari Auralan Sentiel. Did I like painting it? Yes. Would I paint a whole army of them? Probably not. Still, that's a benefit of the miniature of the month thing. Lets you experience a taste of other armies before selling a kidney to go all in.

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #148 on: August 18, 2023, 10:17:15 PM »
Ooh very swish, the green and gold is very on point for this month! Great colour combo and your gems look amazing.

I like the variety that skirmish games provide not having to paint a 1000 of the same figure. :D

Offline Vladimir Raukov

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Re: Vladimir's Miscellaneous Fantasy Thread
« Reply #149 on: August 26, 2023, 02:51:36 AM »
Ooh very swish, the green and gold is very on point for this month! Great colour combo and your gems look amazing.

I like the variety that skirmish games provide not having to paint a 1000 of the same figure. :D

Cheers Berty! Whenever I don't know what to paint something, I usually fall back on greens. The gems themselves aren't too tricky either: just black, red, lighter red, orange and a stripe of white after the orange and a dot of white in the black before some gloss varnish.

Didn't need gems for these two, but Toh and Kata don't need fancy accessories to do their job.

Masters of stealth (at least as far as non-chameleon skinks are concerned) Toh and Kata recover lost relics for their masters.

They have faced setbacks, but none severe enough to disrupt the Great Plan.

As you've likely surmised, Toh and Kata are Warhammer skinks. Toh was miniature of the month a few months ago and Kata was the extra skink from my ripperdactyl kit. I figured since I was painting one skink, why not two? Pretty chuffed with how they turned out, especially since I did most of the work in one night with Constable Bertrand, who made a silly comment that went on to inspire their names.


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