A very good game.
Just one comment, the Brunswick reinforcements don't come on in the middle of the table (I'd also suggest Turn 7 is too early, but then I've never played "Black Powder" and would find it difficult to judge the length of a game). The map in "Rebellion!" is wrong in that it doesn't include the main road from Bennington which passes along the eastern side of the stream and exists on the south edge of the table, just past the Tory redoubt (the road that crosses the bridge and exits on the long edge is a minor road that doesn't really lead anywhere). Stark's main body advanced along the main road from Bennington to the bridge; after capturing Baum's command, they re-grouped around the bridge and then when they found that more Germans were coming, they headed off along the main road. That is the road that any Crown reinforcements should enter on, as they were using the road that ran along the north bank of the Walloomscoick River.