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Author Topic: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison  (Read 109563 times)

Offline westwaller

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ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:31:53 PM »
I have been thinking about putting together some comparison shots of the various manufacturers ECW/TYW miniatures side by side for the benefit of other LAF members interested in starting this period for some time now, and I have finally started to put something together. I admit it could do with a bit more work, maybe some more photos etc but in the time I had spare to do this, I have only had time to do this so far. Oh and sorry for only putting one arm on each warlord figure, I didn't want to get half painted stuff out, or faff about making new ones up...

Here is a shot of ECW/TYW figures to give an indicator of the various sizes. I have tried to include more than one mini from each company, usually a smaller one, and a larger one of the same range. I have not included any Bicorne,Redoubt or Foundry because I don't own any.

Here we have from left, TAG, Perry, Warlord infantry plastics, Empress and Renegade. I have included more Renegade figures because of the variation in size between figures. At first glance, it might appear that they are all not far off each other in height, but you can easily get a TAG or Perry figure underneath the musket of the loading Renegade figure (which as he is leaning forwards, I consider to be the largest of the Renegade range)

Next we have a shot of the ranges that I consider to be compatible with one another comfortably- TAG, Warlord, Empress & Perry. It should be noted that the Warlord firing musketeer is a tad chunkier than his at porte/advancing comrade, so for some, the smaller Perry Ecw offerings might look at bit 'off' standing next to them.

Lastly we have TAG and Perry miniatures to show the similarity between them when it comes to height.

Then we have Perry next to two Empress Ecw:

Then TAG next to Empress (left to Right):

Finally Renegade next to Empress:

Thats that for now hope some of you find it useful.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 03:46:19 PM by Captain Blood »

Offline Captain Blood

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Re: ECW Miniatures comparison
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2015, 02:49:27 PM »
Good idea.
If we can popluate this thread with useful comparison shots of ECW/TYW period figures, we can then stickify it as a useful reference point for all such queries  :)
Here's my contribution from several years back:

Left to right: TAG, Warlord plastic, Bicorne, Renegade.

Generally, the guidance is:

Bicorne and Renegade go seamlessly together at the larger end. Redoubt fit well too height and stature-wise, although they are stylistically rather different.
TAG are a bit smaller - they fit well with the Perrys and Warlord metals towards the smaller end.
But stylistically, TAG fit well with Bicorne / Renegade (because they're all sculpted by Nick Collier)
The old Perry range for Wargames Foundry are very diminutive. Style-wise they fit in okay with the Perrys' own range (obviously) but not much else.
The Empress range are at the tall end, but very much slimmer than Bicorne / Renegade / Redoubt, and with a very distinctive style of their own that (IMHO) doesn't really fit with any of the other major ranges above.

Offline MediumAl

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Re: ECW Miniatures comparison
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2015, 05:52:16 PM »
Comparison picture here with ideas for how you can match up figures of different heights;



Offline Atheling

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Re: ECW Miniatures comparison
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2015, 02:00:20 PM »
Thanks for doing this guys as I'm looking at doing some Thirty Years War gaming and this thread is more than a little useful!!

Kudos  8)


Offline westwaller

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2015, 02:38:37 PM »
Glad it was useful to you. It comes up of various forums so much, I thought I would do a thread.

TAGs TYW range is pretty extensive and would mix with Warlords too if you want to go that way, although if you wanted some bigger chaps I might have some for sale soon...

Offline Baron von Nickedoften

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2015, 07:52:19 AM »
Very useful thread.  I'm not sure if everyone is aware, but Bicorne was taken over in August last year and has been adding to its ECW range for the first time in a while, including entire packs in montero and monmouth caps, specifically for the Royalist Oxford Army.  I bought some of these at Salute and the newer figures don't look overly big beside some of the Perry and Foundry offerings - I'll try and post some comparison pics at some point.

Offline Captain Blood

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2015, 03:21:44 PM »
Well well. Interesting news. I didn't know that, although I remember that the previous Bicorne owner had been trying to shift the business on for some time.
Saw them at Salute for the first time in a couple of years, and thought I didn't recognise the people behind the desk.
They certainly need to do something about their display cabinet, where all the miniatures were laid out under glass at round about groin height. Not that helpful to seeing what's on offer (although I own most of them already).

Do you know who's sculpting the new additions? Nick Collier did 80% of the original huge range - all very nice.
He then moved on / ran out of steam and Alan Marsh provided most of the later packs. Unfortunately in a totally different style - very squat and munchkin-like. Nothing like Collier's brilliant sculpts for the bulk of the range.
Be interesting to see if the new owners have brought in a third sculptor or reverted to one of their original two...

Offline madaxeman

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2015, 04:17:31 PM »
If its useful, I've got a directory of 28mm Renaissance-era manufacturers on my site.

I'll now go and update the Bicorne entry.... ;)

Madaxeman.com Renaissance figure directory

« Last Edit: January 08, 2020, 02:48:28 AM by madaxeman »
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Offline traveller

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2015, 04:22:36 PM »
Great post!

Another worthy contributor is Emil Horkys TYW range sculpted by Paul Hicks:


They match the TAG/Perry size

Offline huevans

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2015, 06:17:46 PM »
Great post!

Another worthy contributor is Emil Horkys TYW range sculpted by Paul Hicks:


They match the TAG/Perry size

To the contrary, my impression is that Horcata figures are far larger.

Offline traveller

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2015, 07:48:25 PM »
To the contrary, my impression is that Horcata figures are far larger.

according to my memory they are on the smaller side, like other Hicks sculpts. For sure they are smaller than Renegade/Bicorne/Redoubt but I will make a comparison shot tomorrow to make sure.

Offline Youngster

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2015, 08:24:38 AM »
Thanks gents for some very useful info - I am actually looking to flesh out a (mostly Warlord) TYW Swedish army so both handy and very timely  :)

Offline MediumAl

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2015, 09:11:11 PM »
Hi. the Horcata are very slightly bigger than TAG and Perry, roughly the same height as Warlord plastics and Empress, although Empress have a slimmer build.
A link in my earlier post above shows a comparison phota which includes all these. Horcata is the rightmost. I think they go very well with all the above.


Offline huevans

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2015, 10:47:34 PM »
Much appreciated, guys!

A follow-up. I was thinking of getting some variety in my TAG figures by converting them with heads, weapons and hands using Warlord plastic sprues bits and pieces. Warlord figures are a bit larger as a whole, but TAG heads are a little disproportionate in order to give the figures some personality on the table. So the conversions might work.

Anyone tried this?

Offline MediumAl

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Re: ECW and TYW Miniatures size comparison
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2015, 10:29:59 PM »
I've not really done much in the way of metal conversion, because I get the variety I want in metals by mixing a few of the manufacturers. I have converted the Warlord plastics - mainly to add musket rests or to modify the pose. I have also made Harquebusier cavalry from the plastic cavalry. Plastics are easier to convert, and they don't have the variety of pose that the metals do, so you get more reward for the effort put in IMHO.


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