At last I've gotten round to writing the battle report from our last game. Super pics are, as always, done by Dr. Blackwood (a.k.a VI Blackwood)....................
To recap:
The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers presents.......
"The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven"
Friday 15th-Sunday 17th August 2008
5 armies, 7 players, 16' x 6' table, our own rules ("Setting the East Ablaze!") and a cellar full of wine and decent malt whisky....
The Table: 16' x 6'. The town of Zhwingwee in the centre, south, with the Chinese dug in in various positions throughout the town. The archaeologist dig site to the centre, north. The main river runs between them, but is fordable in all spots on a throw of a 4,5,6. The Russian attack came from West (Red Ted) and North West (V.I. Blackwood). From the east, came the mad horde of Der Baron........and so to the army lists,pics and report.
It is 192? at the place on the on the map where Russia, China and Mongolia meet. The last sparks of the Russian Civil War have moved to the Bolsheviks eastern frontier.
The Bolshevik 1st Cavalry Army under Red Ted Robinson, now fully recovered from the assassination attempt that all but killed him two years before in Tashkent (he remains hideously disfigured - think the Elephant man meets Nikki Lauda) has struck east in a lightening campaign. Just to the north another Bolshevik force, the 13th Siberian tank army, under the command of the cunning and cruel V.I. Blackwood, appears to be following the same route. The two men are not friends or comrades. Ideologically they sit at the extremes of the Bolshevik movement – Robinson is a supporter of Stalin, whilst Blackwood is extremely chummy with Trotsky. Lenin himself refers to them as his ‘squabbling Clydesiders’. It is widely believed that Blackwood orchestrated the bomb plot against Red Ted, though mysteriously the actual perpetrators all met strange and unexplained deaths before coming to trial.
To the east lies the last remaining White Army in existence – that of the legendary Baron Ungern Von Sternberg. This near mythical figure has created a new pan-Buddhist empire out of the chaos that followed the collapse of the Romanov Empire. A series of successful military campaigns has stunned the civilised world (and all of his fellow Kriegspielers!). He now controls a land mass that stretches from his capital Urga to Baronberg (nee Tsingtao) on the Pacific Ocean, albeit through the strategically vulnerable Baronzig corridor. But all is not well. Der Baron has not been seen for several weeks now, and there are rumours that he has shuffled off in his celestial chariot. Other rumours talk of him as having ascended into heaven before returning as a higher form of life (suggestions on a postcard please). Yet other tales from the bazaar talk off him being banged up in a Chinese choky on a drunk and disorderly charge involving a camel. Whatever the truth, the fact is that Sepailov - his ever faithful ‘Teapot’- and the indomitable Chuffer Campbell have been running the show of late.
Somewhere in between these three approaching Apocalypses’ lies the strategically vital Chinese town of Zhwingwee. Its value is twofold. Firstly it controls the important Pwein River crossing, and hence the gateway between the three competing powers in the region. Perhaps more importantly though is that it is the site of the single largest armaments factory in China, under the command of the disgraced warlord Slan Ties. He has hired the notorious mercenary, ‘one-lobe’ Longhorn, a British ballistics expert (the name comes from an unusual injury picked up during the last few days of the war on the western front, from which he was not expected to survive). He now plies his grim trade around the world’s war zones, selling his dark secrets of death to the highest bidder.
And, in the middle of this train crash waiting to happen, is an Italian archaeological expedition under Count Zeppo Capone. He has been sent by the Vatican to discover the whereabouts of the lost keys of St.Peter. The keys, which feature in the Vatican coat–of-arms, were lost during the barbarian invasions of Italy in the 5th century AD. Carried east, they were repeatedly captured by a succession of despotic princes and emperors, before being last recorded by Marco Polo in the late 13th century as being held by the great Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan. Long thought to be only a physical metaphor of the Vatican’s claim to spiritual hegemony, a recently decoded Leonardo da Vinci codex refers to these keys as being described in a lost 7th century tract by Jacob of Edessa (633-708) as having originally being handed by God to King Solomon in the 10th century B.C.. Furthermore, there is reference in the Edessa document to the keys being in the possession of Moses and used to help the Israelites escape Egypt. The current Pope believes therefore the keys are an object of awesome and terrible power, and need to be returned to the Vatican.
The stage is set. As always, we are dealing with powers beyond our comprehension.
Individual briefs will be issued on the day of the game.
Steve Langan
Individual Player Briefs:
1. The Mad Baron
You are the God of War, Baron Ungern Von Sternberg and one of his favourite field commanders, Colonel Kazagrandi.
Kazagrandi is in charge of the field army as Der Baron lies rotting in a Chinese prison in Zhwingwee.
Your army is fierce and warlike and .......desperate, as it is almost out of ammo and supplies. The capture of Zhwingwee is therefore essential.
Your objectives Victory points
1. Free the Baron and return him to the army 200pts (plus a +2 on the army morale for four moves)
2. Capture the warlord fort 300pts
3. Capture the grey fort 300pts
4. Capture the Chinese temple 500pts
5. For every enemy unit destroyed 100pts
6. Sack the town 500pts
7. For every 10% of the army destroyed 10pts
Forces at your disposal (ammo low on a throw of 1. Then -1 to hit thereon)
8 Chahar Mongol cavalry T5 M4
16 Tartar irregular cavalry Irregular M3, with single shot rifles
15 Tibetan bodyguard cavalry Irregular, M5, ferocious
2 x 10 Austro Hungarian POW’s T2, M3, with bombs, 1 LMG each
2 x 10 White Russian officers T4 M5, ferocious, with bombs and 1 LMG
1 x 20 Siberian volunteer infantry Irregulars, M3, no bombs
8 x Cossack Cavalry T4 M4, with 1LMG
3 x HMG’s T3 M4
2 Field guns T3 M4
1 x Lancia AC T3 M4
1 Putilov Garford AC T3 M4
1 Schneider Tank T3 M4
2 x snipers T4 M5
1 aircraft, with bombs T4 M4
2. The Italians
You are Count Zeppo Capone, world renowned archaeologist. You have been sent by the Vatican to discover the whereabouts of the lost keys of St.Peter. The keys, which feature in the Vatican coat–of-arms, were lost during the barbarian invasions of Italy in the 5th century AD. Carried east, they were repeatedly captured by a succession of despotic princes and emperors, before being last recorded by Marco Polo in the late 13th century as being held by the great Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan. Long thought to be only a physical metaphor of the Vatican’s claim to spiritual hegemony, a recently decoded Leonardo da Vinci codex refers to these keys as being described in a lost 7th century tract by Jacob of Edessa (633-708) as having originally being handed by God to King Solomon in the 10th century B.C.. Furthermore, there is reference in the Edessa document to the keys being in the possession of Moses and used to help the Israelites escape Egypt. The current Pope believes therefore the keys are an object of awesome and terrible power, and need to be returned to the Vatican.
However you are also Capo di tutti, Head of the Five families, The Cosa Nostra, The Mafia. You are The Godfather.
Your mission is therefore twofold:
1) Find the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, as per your original brief. Archaeology is your private passion, but business – and particularly the family business, is business. So:
2) Your main objective is to establish the family opium transit network in China. Your nephew Alfonso has already established a distribution network in the USA, out of Chicago, and he awaits the first shipment. In addition, various other family members are hard at work in the various global fleshpots.
Objectives Victory Points
1. Ship as many chests of opium from the dig site down 100pts/chest
river from Zhwingwee as you can. A chest will be con-
sidered ‘shipped’ if you get it to the port side. Only if
another player has a ship in play will there be chance of
confiscation. Note that the local Chinese governor is
aware of this trade, and is unlikely to allow you passage
without a % of the victory points. This negotiation is
entirely between the two of you. Each truck can carry
three chests. Dice at the start of each move (1D10) to
see how many chests are delivered to the dig site.
2. Discover the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and get them
safely away. This would be the find of the millennium and
the victory points available reflect this. 2000pts
3. For every successful ‘hit’* 250pts
4. For every unsuccessful hit -100pts
5. For every 10% casualties -200pts
6. For still being possession of the dig site at the end of the
Game 500pts
*how to carry out a hit: You have three ‘hit’ attempts during the game. Success % will depend on three factors: base chance (which reduces after each attempt as folk take more precautions): profile of the target (higher the profile, less chance of success) and ‘cunningness’ of the plan (more cunning = higher modifier)
Base chance = 40% 1st attempt +20%, 2nd attempt - , third attempt -10%
Profile: High -25%, medium - , low +10%
Cunningness +/-20%
Note there is always a chance of discovery.
There is a secret tunnel from the fort to the prison
Forces at your disposal
10 x Alpini T5 M4, with bombs, 2 LMG’s
10 x Mafia men I rregulars, M5, 10 with SMG’s, 10 with rifles, bombs
10 x Chinese coolies Irregulars, M2, with single shot rifles
10 x archaeologists T4 M4, marksmen, with bombs. 2 LMG’s
2 HMG’s T4 M4
1 Aeroplane T5 M5
3 trucks for the opium T4 M4
2 unarmoured machine gun carriers T4 M4
1 X AA guns
2 x staff officers (snipers) T5 M5
3. Red Ted
You are Red Ted, victorious Liberator of Tashkent, Peoples poet, etc, etc. Having thrown off your early life as an armed uniformed lavatory attendant in Imperial Service, you now realise that you are a man of destiny. A new Napoleon, destined to free the Russian peoples from the Capitalist yoke of servitude and ignorance. However you have spent the last three years recuperating from a dastardly assassination plot in Tashkent. And although no charges were ever brought, you are dead certain that V.I.Blackwood was behind the attempt.
Now back in the saddle, and recently appointed to command of the elite 1st Cavalry Army, you have been presented with the opportunity to kill two birds with the one stone. You have been ordered by Lenin to lead the assault on the last remaining White Army – that of Ungern Von Sternberg. This represents your chance to fully rehabilitate your military reputation for the greater glory of the Soviet People. Dead bird number two would be V.I.Blackwood. However the eyes of the Kremlin are on both of you, and you cannot be suspected of causing his demise, otherwise it’s a one way ticket to Siberia! You must therefore appear to co-operate with him and work to the destruction of the Whites. As he has all the heavy weapons (and you all the human capital), you have no choice in this matter.
An added bonus in the Chinese armoury of Zhwingwee. The greatest concentration of weaponry west of the Urals! Your army needs these supplies urgently.
Your Objectives:
1. Destroy the Army of Ungern Von Sternberg 500pts
2. If V.I. Blackwood dies in the game 250pts
3. If you kill him, and are not fingered 250pts
4. If you capture the Zhwingwee, more or less intact 500pts
5. For every Chinese unit destroyed 50pts
6. For every 10% of your army lost -100pts
Forces at your disposal:
3 units of Regular Russian Cavalry (8 figures each) T3,M4, 1 LMG
1 unit of Red Cossacks (8 figures), T5, M4, 2 LMG’s
1 unit of 10 Siberian Rifles, T5 M4, Marksmen with bombs, 1 LMG (motorised)
1 unit of 10 Red Sailors T4 M5, stubborn with bombs, 1 LMG (motorised)
1 unit of 10 Red Guard Maidens, Irregular, M4 (motorised)
1 unit of 10 Regular infantry, T2 M3, 1 LMG (motorised)
1 Russian navy sniper, T5 M5 (motorised)
1 Russian navy HMG, T4 M5 (motorised)
2 Regular HMG’s, T2 M4 (motorised) 1 Commissar (motorised)
4. V.I. Blackwood
You are V.I.Blackwood, the cunning, cruel but supremely talented senior Bolshevik commander on the Asian front. You have been tasked by Lenin himself to bring to heel the final poisonous virus of White counter-revolution: Baron Ungern Von Sternberg and his Asiatic hordes. In addition you are to secure the Chinese frontier town (and vital armoury) of Zhwingwee as the springboard for World Revolution.
You have been given command of the newest unit in the Red army: the 13th Siberian Tank Army equipped with the best weaponry in Soviet Russia. Your crews may be a little unsure of all this new technology, but they are keen and highly motivated. To aid you in your Crusade, the 1st Cavalry Army, a rag tag squabble of dissidents under your old nemesis, Red Ted, has been attached to you command. You failed to kill him once, and the chances are he is a tad pissed off to be under your command. He needs to be watched carefully, but as Moscow is wise to what happened between you two three years before, now is not the time to complete unfinished business.
Your Objectives Victory Points
1. Destroy Ungern Von Sternbergs Army 750pts
2. Capture Ungern Von Sternberg alive 250pts
3. Capture Zhwingwee, more or less intact 500pts
4. For every Chinese unit destroyed 50pts
5. For every 10% of your force lost -100pts
Forces at your disposal
1 x MkIV captured British tank T2 M4
1 X MkV captured British tank T2 M4
2 X Renault FT tanks T2 M4
1 X Austyn Putilov half track T3 M4
1 X Austyn Putilov A/C T3 M4
2 X White A/C’s T3 M4
2 X 76mm Field guns T2 M3
10 X Cheka T3 M5, stubborn, with bombs, 1 LMG
1 x Commisar
1 Armoured train T4 M4
1 x AA gun T2 M3
Off table:
4 x rounds of pre-planned HE. Must be planned before the first Tank army unit enters the table.
5. The Chinese
You are Slan Ties, the former ruler of most of China. Following your disgrace, you retreated to your last, and most powerful stronghold, Zhwingwee. This is a strategically vital town. Its value is twofold. Firstly it controls the important Pwein River crossing, and hence the gateway between the three competing powers in the region. Perhaps more importantly though is that it is the site of the single largest armaments factory in China. Your second in command is the notorious mercenary, ‘one-lobe’ Longhorn, a British ballistics expert (the name comes from an unusual injury picked up during the last few days of the war on the western front, from which he was not expected to survive). You know that the Reds and Whites are headed your way, and you are ready for them.
To the north of the town is an Italian archaeological expedition, which has developed a side trade in opium smuggling. You want a cut of this as all the opium chests must leave the town port. Also in the town is a small European ex-pat community centred around the Guinness brewery and the Church of Scotland mission (recently damaged in an earthquake).
There is a labyrinth of secret tunnels under the town. These connect your headquarters with the prison, the fort, the temple and the abandoned temple across the river in the hills, as well various side tunnels.
Wherever you see a grill in a building you have a prison cell. Most of the prisoners have been there for years. Most of them are human(ish)
You also have 4 field guns, a 180mm siege gun, ammunition, masses of small arms, etc split between :
a. The temple (field guns)
b. The fort (ammunition)
c. Warlord fort (siege gun and small arms)
Your objectives
1. Maintain control of the town 1000pts
2. For every enemy unit destroyed 100pts
3. Slice of the opium trade from the Italians t.b.c.
4. For every 10% of your forces destroyed -50pts
Forces at your disposal
2 x 10 White Russian mercenaries T4 M4, stubborn with bombs
10 Assault troops T3 M4 , SMG’s, ferocious, with bombs
10 ‘Dare to Die’ infantry T3 M5 , pistols, ferocious, with bombs
3 x 10 regular infantry T2 M3, close order
8 Regular cavalry T3 M4, with carbines
2 field gun’s T3 M4
2 HMG’s T3 M4
1 Heavy mortar T4 M4
1 aircraft T4 M4
2 AA guns T2 M4
1 Executioner (as per the rules)
1 Mercenary officer (2IC) Sniper and observer T5 M5
6 rounds of HE. May be planned the move before firing as your 2IC has pre-marked fire zones around the town
And do to the battle itself.................

Red Teds forces are first to advance on the town. This shot shows Red Cossacks reconoitering the fearsome fortified temple that anchored the western flank of the towns defences......

Menawhile from the East, the fearsome Tibetan cavalry of Der Baron trample the harvest underfoot.....

Whilst opposite them, with their flanks protected by Slan Ties warlord fort to their left, the town clink to their right, and the river in front of them (and no doubt fortified by the output of the Guinness Brewery to their rear), anxious Chinese conscripts nervously await the impending onslaught by Der Barosn horde......

Here is a better shot of Arthur Guinness and Companies most remote brewery, complete with delivery trucks....The Italian dig site is in the background

The Italians threw a massively lucky early dice and discovered the keys, potentially presenting them with a game winning advantage. However they had to safely land their seaplane (which was indulging in a bit of arial sport at this time..) and smuggle the keys off the board before being discovered by any of the other players. A steady hand and nerves of steel were required. This shot shows a consignment of opium being transported by camle train to the town docks.

The Chinese enjoyed a significant advantage through their tunnel system, being able to rush reinforcements under cover to wherever danger threatened. Here we see 'One lobe' Longhorn (on the left of the forts walls) holding off repeated Red Ted attacks on the temple, few of which showed any guile, tactics or thought!