Now I know there's a thread for workbenches, and I had posted a pic of this; but I cleared the mess out a bit, and realised I had never shown it in transformer mode - there's more than meets the eye.
Here's the work surface:
Don't adjust your screen, it's actually the right side up. I don't live on the International Space Station or anywhere without orientation; the view results from angling to get any sight of Lead Painters League models out of the frame....I must have tilted myself more than I realised
The work space is remarkably clear of stuff because it's my wife's end of the table...
Removing the old paint stations and the supplies in the middle, and then the top board, you get this:
Loads of storage which can be accessed from the sides when the top surface is in place - like an all-round shelf. Here you can see my paint and flock collection and other stuff. The two wooden slat towers support the top surface.
Clearing this space leaves this:
A gaming surface. It's small, 2' x 3', but usable for small games.
I can also remove the lower surface:
Voila': storage space.
As for the steam - well, to get enough energy to clear the decks for action (that is, to clear the surface to place a gaming surface and scenery) a steaming cup of coffee is needed, isn't it?
Or a cold Guinness....