I guess it's not to hard velites are bidowers. The hard part I am haveing is between the different groups of Hastati, Principes, and triarii.
Hastati are foot yeoman with Javelins, but I hesitate to give them expert. Maybe save that for veteran units or Principes.
Then I am debating of making Principes expert yeomen, exp yeomen with javelin or maybe just expert foot Sargent to represent them being the experienced better kitted out 2nd line.
And Triarii would ether be just foot Sargent or maybe even foot men at arms. Not sure about the last bit.
What do you think?
Most Hellenic army's will have a Corp of foot sargents for their hoplite, or Carthage Punic spearman. Experts foot Sargent could represent well equipped Celt and Spanish units and the rest being represented by fierce foot and bidowers.
Peltasts are ether foot yeoman with javelin or bidowers.
I will have to think more on the elephant and cav.