Hello all,
I am new to these forums and ill try to post as much stuff as I can. I have been playing and painting Kings of War stuff for awhile. Goblins and Basileans are on my to do list for this summer. Should keep me busy until My Mantic Abyssals arrive. I have pledged on another FB forum to get these 20 mounted paladins done before the end of the month. More important than that I suffer from new shiny syndrome. So, painting 1/2 armies and selling them before finish has to go. So I need to practice some paint discipline and actually finish an army. I also am working on SAGA Scots which I may get around to posting when Im finished. I really want to do a quasi historical army for kings of war for fun but ill wait till im done with what I have.
For starters I have these 20 paladins for kings of war: