In between moulding new Warband ranges, prepping new Romans and Gauls and packing/unpacking the van for shows, we've managed to get a few extra WWI goodies sorted out and ready for release. This small batch includes casualty markers for several of the nations (plus a generic one in cap) and also some items from the requests lists, such as the Belgian Lancers or Highlanders in glengarry.
WWI - Highlanders, in Glengarry (30) £4.50
BP63 Wiring party (10) £1.50
BP64 Casualty markers (10) £1.50
BelgianB7 Lancers (15) £4.50
GermanGP48 Casualty markers (10) £1.50
FrenchF35 Casualty markers (10) £1.50
Austro-HungarianAH16 Casualty markers (10) £1.50
AccessoriesWW6 Casualty markers (10) £1.50
We'll have a few more WWI releases coming soon, with the wagon and ambulance almost ready to go now. After those will be the new Wood Elves for Warband, the Napoleonic Nassau troops, and the new Roman/Gallic ranges!
And some pics:
BP62 - Highlanders in glengarry:BP63 - Wiring party:BP64 - British casualty markers:B7 - Belgian Lancers:GP48 - German casualty markers:F35 - French casualty markers:AH16 - Austro-Hungarian casualty markers:WW6 - Generic casualty markers:We hope you like them!