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Author Topic: What is it about Frostgrave?  (Read 12062 times)

Offline ImhotepMagi

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2015, 06:27:06 PM »
The things that really get me about Frostgrave:

1) Centered around the wizard: This gives an almost RPG quality to the game. The wizard is like your player character and the rest of the warband his supporting cast. It feels like the wizard's story is being told.

2) Skirmish: I have gone more and more to skirmish size over the years. It is easy to paint and each model in the warband gets it's chance to stand out. While the wizard is the "hero" of the story, each other character can have his moments of greatness.

3) The City: I love the idea of a dead city filled with treasures. Sure the next ruin is probably empty and lifeless, a windswept husk of former glories. But it could also be filled with magical wonders. That might mean magical artifacts, enchanted weapons, tomes and the like, but it could also mean finding portals to other dimensions, walls covered in gibbering mouths, great halls filled with mechanical servants still going through the motions, etc. Anything is possible in Frostgrave. It is the perfect "a wizard did it" medium to put almost anything on the table.

4) Not Alone: I also like the idea that the "dead" city is still very much alive. The snow-filled streets are crawling with weird magical beasts, extra-dimensional horrors and the walking dead of a bygone era. You're as likely to be eaten by demons, giant toads and ice spiders as you are to be killed by your fellow wizards.

So in short, I'm a fan of feeling like my wizard is traipsing into a frozen, deadly wasteland filled with all manner of crazy that could swarm out of the ruins any minute.

Offline gorillacrab

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2015, 06:31:35 PM »
I agree with all points made and I'll add a few more.

With its staggering variety of 80 spells, FG lets you play and experiment with different casting strategies - the killer who tosses Elemental Bolt, the careful ones with Fog and Wall spells, and the sneaky ones who can manipulate treasure locations and Jump (fly) their own troops - or combos of those styles and more.

I like peppering in wandering Beasties and the narrative and uncertainty that brings. Plus I enjoy it is a game where you don't focus on destroying the enemy - especially if you play Calmdown's excellent campaign variants - but on grabbing treasures (only attacking to deny the enemy).

So when you add that stew of possibilities to a simple-yet-deep game in a dramatic lost world, you really have something.
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Offline grant

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2015, 06:32:48 PM »
What's great about Frostgrave?

Two words: Defecating Bear

Once you have one of these, the rest of the game is superfluous.
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Offline Mason

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2015, 07:55:17 PM »
Another point is it has given me a good reason to make some use of my existing Mordheim-themed figures and scenery that has been neglected for far too long.
I just need to make some snow drifts to sit up against these, and some ice to sit on the water and I am sorted......

Looking forwarf to doing that and rebasing some of my existing figures on round bases, which is long overdue.

Offline Helznicht

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2015, 03:39:31 AM »
Its very generic to allow many different types of fantasy figs you may already have, keeping cost of entry down.  I have several Mordhiem warbands that fit into this perfectly.  Heck I could probably pull together 2-3 warbands from the Heroscape figs I got, it's that friendly.

Streamlined Campaign System.  15 minutes and your fighting again!

Lots of Magic and Spells, and I like Magic and Spells!

The whole ruleset is KISS  (keep it simple stupid), I like that.

A single parallel dice roll determines combat keeping the off turn player engaged while staying quick. 

Very modifiable.

Love the theme and the base hardback rulebook is affordable.

Offline baza

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2015, 05:03:24 PM »
Frostgrave has brought me to this forum and I really love this game!

The rules are quick and simple to get to grips with, yet the game can be very tactical with lots of key decisions and thinking to be done.

You can create your own background and story with whatever miniatures you have, campaign play is brilliant!

The magic and the vast amount of spells and potential combinations.

The scenery, I have never really concentrated on building scenery when I have played other games but all this has changed, I have become a scenery fiend, buying and building more and more.

The future: With more expansions coming out myself and my gaming group are really excited about what the future holds for Frostgrave.

Offline area23

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2015, 08:42:50 PM »
I suppose it's what has been mentioned before. Gangs of D&D style adventurers Vs. mercenary gangs like Mordheim.
Random monsters, treasures and potions.

Of course in primis the miniatures Ex-Grenadier and ex-Foundry sculptors working all for a Northstar project.

I have this fixation that any unit or gang will not be mixed, but every gang should be only miniatures of the same sculptor. So I'm digging up lots of old stuff from boxes to make interesting combinations.

Also the point that there is no clearly defined background is really important. I'm having a great time getting carried away by my own ideas and not being limited at all by prefabricated histories, maps and NPCs. The scenarios in the book are inspiring because they are open and generic.
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Offline Hummster

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2015, 09:22:17 PM »
Just got, but haven't read the rules....

I am hoping to breathe new life into my complete Mordheim collection and wanted to use all the scenery I have for that.  Does the place have to be frosty?

No compulsion for it all to be frosty, just need plenty of the scenery.

Offline Vidgrip

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2015, 11:58:04 PM »
"What is it about Frostgrave?"

1) The author is clear about players being allowed to use any figures they wish, not just the official figures (lovely as they are).

2) The official figures, and photos in the excellent rule book, evoke an old-school fantasy style which leans toward realistic proportions rather than cartoonish stylization.  Nothing wrong with other art styles, but this is what I like best.

3) Frostgrave seems to be geared more toward story telling than tournament play.  I’m hoping it will attract both miniatures fans and RPG players alike.

4) I love to scratch build terrain and I’m having a blast building the city! 

5) Like others, I appreciate the open ended mystery of the city, world, and timeline.  I sincerely hope these things remain undefined.  My fear is that the impending supplements will begin to chip away at what could best be left to our imaginations.

Offline joe5mc

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2015, 02:12:17 PM »
Hey guys,

Thanks for this thread. It's made some great reading! I love reading about how the game has brought back players who have drifted away from the hobby and especially those that have rediscovered a bit of child-like enthusiasm because of the creative freedom that the rules and setting allow. 

I obviously can't say for sure what will happen in the future with Frostgrave. However, I can say that I view the game as a 'tool-box for creativity'. While we will learn more about the Frozen City, and the world it sits in, I want to leave lots of room for people to put their own visions on it and create their own stories within it.

At this time, I have no intention (or interest) in making a map of the city. Nor do I have any intention of making special rules for classic fantasy races. I think once Thaw of the Lich Lord is out, people will have a better understanding of how I want to 'expand' the game.

Offline Stavros Banjo

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2015, 04:00:00 PM »
I do wish you lot would shut up about how good Frostgrave is. So far I've been really proud of myself for resisting the temptation to buy yet another rulebook.... but my iron will is rapidly crumbling.... curse you all  lol

...and what fresh new hell is this?

Offline Argonor

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2015, 04:26:55 PM »
Well, this will probably prove unpopular, but my answer to the OP is:

Nothing, really.
Played half a game and decided it is not for me.

I think the concept is nice and interesting, but I dislike the game mechanics too much to play it.
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Offline Morray

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2015, 05:25:48 PM »
Lol, what downer!
 Well I love it, mechanics are fun and it's a great game to play with more than one opponent as well, which is a problem in my group.

 For me it's activated a big hole in my passion for table top, which is a great mix of Skirmish, Fantasy & Snowy scenery settings.

 The spells are great, as has been said. And as before the freedom to expand on the rules as you like (In my case wandering monsters galore) Is perfect.

 All in all I'm loving the handful of games I've played.

Offline frogimus

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2015, 12:59:34 AM »
Well, this will probably prove unpopular, but my answer to the OP is:

Nothing, really.
Played half a game and decided it is not for me.

I think the concept is nice and interesting, but I dislike the game mechanics too much to play it.

No game fits for every single gamer. I respect that, as I'm sure most people on here do also. I hope you find the game that gives you the same pleasure that Frostgrave gives to us.
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Offline grant

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2015, 04:12:13 AM »
Well, this will probably prove unpopular, but my answer to the OP is:

Nothing, really.
Played half a game and decided it is not for me.

I think the concept is nice and interesting, but I dislike the game mechanics too much to play it.

I am of this thought as well. "Running around, doing boring shit"

That being said, there's some super cool projects and some amazing stuff going on in this thread - the Egyptian one is by far my favourite.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 04:52:33 AM by grant »


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