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Author Topic: What is it about Frostgrave?  (Read 12047 times)

Offline Jockjay

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #45 on: April 18, 2016, 03:36:04 PM »
This is the first game that ever got me to build terrain. ever. Admittedly badly as well.

I like it. I don't LOVE it. The D20 makes it almost impossible to actually plan out combat and stuff, other than outnumbering to increase the odds. But one D20 vs D20 is a bit on the side of hardcore luck. But you know what? That's frostgrave. If you play the game as a bunch of linked scenarios, let the narrative flow, it grows on you. If you want a tournament style 'check my alpha combo' game then forget it. My mate's Templar was at +12 Fight at one point (on a D20) and he got rinsed by a Thug at +2.

I know all/ most games have that element of luck, but the D20 feels like a coin flip. But that adds to the madness, IF you could plan stuff out etc, the game would be about smashing each other up, instead it is all about getting as much out of a game whilst loosing as little as possible. And the almost randomness of the combat means everyone is as liable to die as anyone else so every move/ attack is a risk.

I feel shooting is slightly overpowered in the sense that the shooter does not die if he cocks his roll up, whereas in close combat a bad roll is very bad news. Need more terrain :)

It's chilled (no pun), and if played with that in mind, it's good. But if you are a bit more competitive watching 4 guys get eaten by a warhound with a penchant for rolling 20's will strip that fun away.

Just my 2p.


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