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Author Topic: Mixing Perry Miniatures and Wargames Foundry late medievals?  (Read 2821 times)

Offline Charlie_

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Mixing Perry Miniatures and Wargames Foundry late medievals?
« on: November 07, 2015, 04:06:22 PM »
I know this question has been asked before, and I've done a search and read a few old threads here. But was wondering if anyone had any recent thoughts on the subject.

Obviously, both ranges are sculpted by the Perry twins, the Foundry ones being about 20 years older than their more recent sculpts.

From what I can see and have read, the Foundry sculpts are much the same in terms of scale, perhaps  a bit shorter and somewhat less realistically proportioned.

The Foundry late medieval range as a whole I think looks a bit crude and 'cartoony', and doesn't have much to offer me that Perry Miniatures doesn't, but there are a few 'diamonds in the rough' there judging by these pics.


I'm thinking of getting just the first two sets at the top of the page. Of the 'Captains', I think second, third and fourth from the left look really good. And of the 'Armoured Men At Arms' set, the three pikemen look great, and will make excellent standard bearers (in fact these three looks miles ahead of everything else in the range, and look like they'd fit right into the 'modern' Perry range, at least judging by those pictures). The others in both those sets might well be fine too, which I'd consider a bonus if so.

Anyway, if anybody here has any thoughts of experiences to share as to mixing these old Foundry sculpts with the modern Perry 15th century medieval ranges (both metal and plastic), or even better some photos, I am all ears!!!

Offline Captain Blood

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Re: Mixing Perry Miniatures and Wargames Foundry late medievals?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2015, 05:03:54 PM »
I think these are VERY early Perry sculpts. They all look incredibly stunted to me. As you say, there may be one or two gems in there, but personally, I wouldn't mix them
Hells Bells, across the Perrys own relatively recent WOTR and EA codes, there must be 300 or so different metal figures, not to mention the infinite possibilities of the plastic sets. What can possibly be missing that you would need to pull in a few 25 year old sculpts that are very definitely showing their age?  ::)

But hey, it's your money  :D

Offline nils

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Re: Mixing Perry Miniatures and Wargames Foundry late medievals?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2015, 05:55:42 PM »
I have them and they dont fit.
The foundry ones are realy smal...
I painted the foundry ones to play lion rampant (some mountedt knights to) and my oponent used perry plastic.
It looks not right..
as always im unabel to take picturs

Offline Charlie_

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Re: Mixing Perry Miniatures and Wargames Foundry late medievals?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2015, 12:23:10 PM »
Hmm, I guess it's a no then!

What can possibly be missing that you would need to pull in a few 25 year old sculpts that are very definitely showing their age?  ::)

To be honest, it's just the six Foundry sculpts I mentioned that I would want, to add to my reservoir of command figures. The Perry WOTR commands are nice, and of course I've been making my own with the plastic kits, but believe it or not I'm starting to run out of ideas. In particular, I wish the plastic kits had a few more fully armoured bodies in a standing (ie not walking) pose. Perhaps I need to be more creative with my converting....

Offline westwaller

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Re: Mixing Perry Miniatures and Wargames Foundry late medievals?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2015, 01:08:49 PM »
I don't own any of the Wars of the Roses miniatures from Foundry so I cant tell you about their sizes, but are the Medieval Swiss more appropriately sized?

Offline JollyBob

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Re: Mixing Perry Miniatures and Wargames Foundry late medievals?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2015, 04:08:57 PM »
I, on the other hand am quite happy to mix the new Perry and old Foundry minis.

Yes the Foundry ones a bit shorter, and the sculpting maybe isn't as crisp but I don't really give a monkeys. A few dropped in here and there provide some nice variety of poses and consistent painting hides any rough castings.

There are a couple of threads from me where you can see this, the Bishop of Carlisle's retinue probably being the most useful.

Bob is in a contrary mood today it seems.

Offline Captain Blood

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Re: Mixing Perry Miniatures and Wargames Foundry late medievals?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2015, 05:16:37 PM »

There are a couple of threads from me where you can see this, the Bishop of Carlisle's retinue probably being the most useful.

Bob is in a contrary mood today it seems.

Well I can't argue with the Bishop of Carlisle - that's a lovely little group as I recall  :)


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