As regards tokens and such its not that heavy normally, you do get the odd game where more tokens get used than normal, but that’s more players not removing them selves from bad situations, and those models tend to do little until you spend an action removing the tokens.
The tokens are up for free down load now on Wargamevault and the rules are available there for those who prefer that portal for their rules.
Sorry not been around much, hammering down bits for book 2, this gives you rules for fire teams and vehicles and takes the game from a skirmish to a more traditional wargame, although maintains the action and suspense and simple fast rules
Its advised to learn the skirmish rules before you play book 2 other wise your get your rear handed to you buy an experienced player who knows how to avoid counters
Its an incredibly deep game for its simple rules.
Right back to my German Beer and enjoy the Yule tide

wish all a great time and an awesome new year.
Next year lots happening including a magazine running a series of articles on the game

Feed back on the rules has been beyond awesome.