I thought I'd share some weapon ideas for using Osprey Black Ops for earlier games.
Christopher M asked about flame throwers for the rules. Modern forces tend to use weapons like the RPO-A Shmel (an RPG with a Fuel Air Explosive warhead). But for earlier games (Cold War, WW2 or earlier) I'd recommend the following stats for flamethrowers:
Flamethrower, Close 3", Long 6", (No extreme range), 1 Shot, D6 HE, +2 Save, Ammo, Special: Ignores cover modifiers.
These are not stealth weapons. Firing one counts as an explosion for stealth purposes. Cost is +2 Points (same as AGL).
Steve C has had the idea to convert 'Black Ops' for King Philip's War (native Americans circa 1675). He asked for some stats for muskets and rifles.
Musket Effective 12" - Extreme 24" - Shots 1 - Reload, Shot
Rifled Musket Close 6" - Effective 18" - Extreme 36" - Shots 1 - Reload 2, Shot
The rifled weapon takes two actions to load. The 'shot' special effect is the heavy lead ball, rather than scatter shot. Cost is 1/2 for the musket and 1 for the rifled musket (in period only).
I really like the idea of taking the game out of it's original setting. After all stealth is as old as warfare.