Those look nice too, I prefer the tiled roof to the thatch for my plans.
It's actually rather easy to modify the 4Ground ones for a tiled roof. Either take some corrugated cardboard, cut it to the roofs shape, and peel the cladding off one side before gluing it down...or you can buy some of the textured plasticard sheets that already have the shape.
Another thing to look for is some of the wooden "puzzles" and architectural models out there, several of them are Japanese or other asian building styles from the area that can work well enough...especially since your minis seem to be more fantasy inspired in appearance from the start, so the mix isn't something that would look that off, just not accurate. There are a few builds of them by the Storm Table on youtube that you can look for that he did a long while back.
Not buildings, but there used to be a video by, I believe, the Emperor's Canaries, that did a great bamboo tutorial using straws that I've used.