Well our third battle in the Wacht am Rhein campaign was fought out last night. It was time for the US to try and halt Kampfgruppe Peiper...

The attack started off small, with little happening until an incautious German MG team moved into range of an American MG team who promptly cut them to ribbons with ambush fire. Now the Panthers oved up and a mutally ineffective duel began between Panthers and AT guns at range, neither side doing anything.... and that was how if stayed for six turns until a German barrage came in and pinned almost every single US unit south of the river. Following this, the Panthers rushed forward into the fire of the AT guns.

Obersturmführer Kremser led the charge, and was the first to be hit by a 3" AT gun, just like the real day. Sadly our round pinged off the front of the Panther. The 57mm opened fire too and managed to miss with both rounds, and the second AT gun, the only unit unpinned south of the river, opened fire too with a flank shot on Zimmermann's Panther second in line. Both shots also went wide of the huge target.

Now the Panthers had free rein. First one gun crew were gunned down, followed by another. The German 37mm flak in support hosed down the gun south of the river, killing some crew and forcing the others to abandon the gun.

From there it all collapsed rather quickly. One halftrack attempting to get out of the line of fire, drove over a mine and exploded, the Panthers formed a long skirmish line and pumped the factory building north of the river, acting as our CP, full of 75mm HE and MG fire... with mortars for aded insult to injury. By turn eight, it was all over, the US battle rating wasbroken in a horrific 2 - 24 drubbing... the Germans taking only three total casualties. The US not helped by poor dice and not being able to pick chits less than 4 in value though! Great game but a decisive German win for the campaign.
On to Stoumont...