Latest project, a couple more things to do with Reapers Bones Great Worm minis.
Monster corpses are fun, right? Never have enough monster corpses.
"Unvorg the Unwise had been bragging about the amazing magical axe he'd inherited from his uncle since he'd joined our adventuring party months before, but we'd never believed him. I still don't know what surprised me more, the fact that it really was one of the legendary executioner blades after all, or the fact that giant worms could even trigger the axe's head-severing enchantment. I mean, a dragon or giant, sure, but what even counts as the neck on a worm?
I swear, if he somehow decapitates a black pudding or something next I'm retiring to work an inn."
-Almuric the Adventurer

And while I've done lots three-part Purple Worm sets with dug-in, enraged, and tail sting bits, this is the first (and probably last, the sculpting was a pain) stab at doing a three-headed mutant version of the same idea.
"So, let me get this straight. A giant burrowing worm managed to get break through all the mage guild's mystical wards, get into the alchemical stores vault, and swallow whole barrels full of precious reagents and distillations before being driven off by the guard golems."
"That's correct."
"And a check of the inventory shows that it's gorged on a mix of hydra essence and refined chimera blood?"
"Also correct."
"And you want us to track it down and see what the results of its binge drinking session are?"
"That's the quest we're hiring you for, yes."
"Because it will advance the study of alchemy if our theories are correct. Master Conifrex expects the creature to develop tricephaly, Master Domifrus is predicting pyrotic exhalations, and Master Luskanifan thinks it will wind up exploding due to the unstable admixture. Then again, Master Luskanifan thinks just about everything will wind up exploding for one reason or another, so that one's a bit of a stretch."
"But the creature may be a three-headed fire-breathing explosive burrowing monster the size of watchtower?"
"You know, maybe we'll just pass on this job."
-Al Murick the Adventurer