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Author Topic: Blood Sweat and Cheers - forthcoming gladiator rules  (Read 1104 times)

Offline Irregular Wars Nic

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Blood Sweat and Cheers - forthcoming gladiator rules
« on: October 14, 2016, 12:38:45 PM »
Hello LAFers,

As some of you might know, I have written a couple of rule sets for Ganesha Games and Vexillia, and I am not working on something completely new for me, a card-driven tactical duel game for gladiators called Blood, Sweat and Cheers.

Cards are used to abstractly represent the different options available to a player’s gladiator during the ebb and flow of a gladiatorial bout, while dice are used to resolve interactions. The watching crowd interacts with the gladiators in the arena by rewarding showy attacks and spilt blood with favourable cheering which may in turn be utilised to buoy up a gladiator’s performance.

The concept is to have just about everything (baring dice and miniatures) that you need in a single pack of cards which will come with a double sided A4 sheet containing all the rules. The rules will be published by Ganesha and probably made available through DrivethruCards.

Ten gladiator styles will be available. Each gladiator has three attributes (speed, attack, defense) and is able to conduct the same basic set of actions depending on the players hand. There are also two special moves that are restricted to each style/class of gladiator.

The rules have been put through their paces quite a bit already, but if there are any other groups out there willing to print their own cards and have a go, I'd certainly be interested in the feedback. Please contact me via my blog if you're interested. http://irregularwars.blogspot.co.uk/


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