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Author Topic: VSF aerial arms race  (Read 13583 times)

Offline thejammedgatling

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VSF aerial arms race
« on: February 12, 2009, 03:21:44 AM »
For those of you VSF ers who rarely make it to the workbench section, have a look at Rabbitz latest creation for his Japanese forces. Please help me deter this deluded and wild-eyed gamer from constructing his 1.4 meter battleship!

In the meantime the gloves are really off this time. I shall be posting here over the next few weeks a British 'response' to this armed aerial build up.

Offline Malamute

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009, 08:25:21 AM »
Here, here, we can't let those little yellow fellows rule the skys eh what?!
Looking forward to seeing your creation take to the air. :)
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Offline answer_is_42

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2009, 04:17:48 PM »
*Has a look*
Wow. That's awesome. Why would you want to stop him building a 1.4 meter one?  ::)

Wouldn't it make more sense for the Japanese to fight on the British side (Boxer rebellion, World War 1 etc)?
Can't wait to see the British 'response'.

And what about the Chinaman?
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Offline Gluteus Maximus

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2009, 07:39:18 PM »
*Has a look*
Wow. That's awesome. Why would you want to stop him building a 1.4 meter one?  ::)

Because if Rabbitz has one and TJG doesn't .....  :'(

Let him build it, but only on the proviso that he makes a scale Burt Kwouk as the Skipper.... Captain Kato lol

Offline thejammedgatling

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2009, 03:28:37 AM »
*Has a look*
Wow. That's awesome. Why would you want to stop him building a 1.4 meter one?  ::)

Because if Rabbitz has one and TJG doesn't .....  :'(

You miss my point. Imagine if I did blow it from the sky. It will basically destroy everything on the table as it falls to earth....so even if I win I lose. It's not a case of model length envy....truly...you have to believe me. Please?

But remember the Japanese proverb...is not the greatest dragon laid low by the swarm of bees?


Wouldn't it make more sense for the Japanese to fight on the British side (Boxer rebellion, World War 1 etc)?
Can't wait to see the British 'response'.

And what about the Chinaman?

We though quite a lot about this one in the timeline. I suppose it was because I read up a bit on the Russo- Japanese war in the exact period we were gaming and liked the idea of re-creating this clash in a VSF setting. The British remained neutral in that one much to Tsar's chagrin. Also, as Rabbitz said, we'd already re-run Pearl Harbour and had the American-British alliance formed.

I reckon the Chinese would be great as perhaps a warlord/ mercenary force fighting for the highest bidder/ pirates etc. Some of the Copplestone 'back of beyond' figs lend themeselves to this so well. Still, I reckon we'll have enough on our plates this year with appearances by Japanese, native Martian 'Termions', Drune, Russians and American ground and aerial forces.

Offline Ray Rivers

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2009, 09:28:21 AM »

In the meantime the gloves are really off this time. I shall be posting here over the next few weeks a British 'response' to this armed aerial build up.

Indeed, it appears an aerial arms race is truly underway.

And I for one am truly looking forward to the British response.

Could you imagine putting all these ships together in a single place and actually gaming a 28mm aerial battle?


Offline answer_is_42

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2009, 10:29:28 AM »

We though quite a lot about this one in the timeline. I suppose it was because I read up a bit on the Russo- Japanese war in the exact period we were gaming and liked the idea of re-creating this clash in a VSF setting. The British remained neutral in that one much to Tsar's chagrin. Also, as Rabbitz said, we'd already re-run Pearl Harbour and had the American-British alliance formed.

I reckon the Chinese would be great as perhaps a warlord/ mercenary force fighting for the highest bidder/ pirates etc. Some of the Copplestone 'back of beyond' figs lend themeselves to this so well. Still, I reckon we'll have enough on our plates this year with appearances by Japanese, native Martian 'Termions', Drune, Russians and American ground and aerial forces.

Fair enough. I'd rather trust a Jap than a Yank, though (damned rebels!).

Have you ever read "The Unparalleled Invasion" by Jack London? 'cause this kinda reminds me of it;

(NOTE: The story is set in 1976, but those of you who were around at the time may be aware that the year depicted is somewhat different from that which you remember. The story was written in the early 1900's.)


Online Rabbitz

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2009, 11:33:08 AM »
So Mr Gatling,  Do you have the W.A.S.P's , Watson Arkwrights Scout Planes on the drawing Board or is it the L.A.D.S , Low Altitude Delivery System?

I have a wicked plan for my third build in the Japanese armory.  third you say, oh yes number two has been born as is slowly maturing into something truely hiddeous.  Mwahahahaha

Cant wait to get all the flying machiones we can muster onto the table. 
What a wonderful sight it would be to have all the VSFers on here in a massive big battle.   :o
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Offline thejammedgatling

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2009, 12:28:59 PM »

What a wonderful sight it would be to have all the VSFers on here in a massive big battle.   :o

er...yes , but at this rate it's going to have to be in the carpark.

Offline fastolfrus

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2009, 12:49:03 PM »
I vaguely remember Donald Featherstone's book on naval wargames having a solution to the "how big is the table" question with a suggestion for a normal table with your usual ground forces, but moving the ships around it, possibly on small tables, so that the table forms a sort of "island" in the middle of your gaming room.
Why not take that option with the nefs ?
Put a decently large objective in the middle of your table, start your attacking nefs in the doorway, and fly in.
Do all your nefs have front/side mounted guns ? If they don't have downward facing (under/through hull) weapons they will have to be off table to get a line of sight anyway.
Kitchen stools might make reasonable flying stands.

Another thought on the Russo-Japanese war, don't forget the outrage in Britain when the Russian fleet opened fire on the North Sea fishing boats, we might have actually come in on the Japanese side with a bit more provocation.
Gary, Glynis, and Alasdair (there are three of us, but we are too mean to have more than one login)

Offline thejammedgatling

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2009, 01:12:24 PM »
I vaguely remember Donald Featherstone's book on naval wargames having a solution to the "how big is the table" question with a suggestion for a normal table with your usual ground forces, but moving the ships around it, possibly on small tables, so that the table forms a sort of "island" in the middle of your gaming room.
Why not take that option with the nefs ?
Put a decently large objective in the middle of your table, start your attacking nefs in the doorway, and fly in.
Do all your nefs have front/side mounted guns ? If they don't have downward facing (under/through hull) weapons they will have to be off table to get a line of sight anyway.
Kitchen stools might make reasonable flying stands.

Another thought on the Russo-Japanese war, don't forget the outrage in Britain when the Russian fleet opened fire on the North Sea fishing boats, we might have actually come in on the Japanese side with a bit more provocation.

Some great ideas. But by now you'll have given Rabbitz the idea of building an aerial fishing fleet. Hope those Japanese like aerial squid! I'm going to have to build some scaled up to 28mm of those too now I suppose..

Offline fastolfrus

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2009, 02:53:07 PM »
I haven't suggested a carrier yet..... loaded with Lillienthal gliders or steam powered biplanes, or Japanese kite gliders.

Offline thejammedgatling

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2009, 11:49:38 AM »
I haven't suggested a carrier yet..... loaded with Lillienthal gliders or steam powered biplanes, or Japanese kite gliders.

What a superb idea. The carrier BECOMES the table and the smaller aircraft buzz about. I like it! Especially the idea of the kite gliders, though somehow I have this picture of Chinese fighting kites in my mind. What is a Lillienthal glider by the way?

Also this picture once again inspires:

or this:

But something with sail as well? Hmmm...

Offline argsilverson

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2009, 11:54:54 AM »
Aerial arms race!
Don't we immitate the real world with those arms races every then and now!

Offline Christian

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2009, 12:18:43 AM »
Holy crap those pictures are amazing!


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