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Author Topic: VSF aerial arms race  (Read 13613 times)

Offline Rabbitz

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2009, 04:38:15 AM »
At Osaka ship yard the sound of hammering stopped in the early hours of the morning.   By lunch crowds had started to gather on the newly lengthened ancorage, eager to catch a glipse of what had been the cause of so much noise from the huge ship hanger. 
The doors slowly slid open and score upon score of labourers poured out from the massive building.  In the dim light the huge form of the Misaka lay silent, shadows falling across its wooden decking.  Light reflected from a sheet of glass behind the silent ship and some two stories above it.  Something very big was in there.  Something that would be used to strike fear in the Shoguns enemies.

As the rows of labourers cleared a second team of craftsmen moved towards the huge double doors.  Buckets of paint in hand they moved in silence into the building, the doors gliding closed behind them.

The Birth of the new machine was coming very soon.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 04:39:49 AM by Rabbitz »
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Offline Sinewgrab

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2009, 05:05:55 AM »

The Birth of the new machine was coming very soon.

Yes, it is. But it isn't Osakan.

"There is no known cure for the wargaming virus, only treatments with ever increasing doses of metal."

Offline thejammedgatling

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2009, 05:46:51 AM »
At Osaka ship yard the sound of hammering stopped in the early hours of the morning.   By lunch crowds had started to gather on the newly lengthened ancorage, eager to catch a glipse of what had been the cause of so much noise from the huge ship hanger. 
The doors slowly slid open and score upon score of labourers poured out from the massive building.  In the dim light the huge form of the Misaka lay silent, shadows falling across its wooden decking.  Light reflected from a sheet of glass behind the silent ship and some two stories above it.  Something very big was in there.  Something that would be used to strike fear in the Shoguns enemies.

As the rows of labourers cleared a second team of craftsmen moved towards the huge double doors.  Buckets of paint in hand they moved in silence into the building, the doors gliding closed behind them.

The Birth of the new machine was coming very soon.

And in all the rushing crowds of workmen and engineers, nobody noticed three rather large and unwieldy geisha as they shuffled into the dark corners of the hanger, or the muffled "Good Lord!" exclaimed by one of them from behind their fans. The guard behind them groaned on the floor, still feeling the poisonous effects of the gas dart ejected by Captain Fairbains bustier.

"Right corporal Lumpkin, load the imaging device".

Corporal Lumpkin obligingly slotted his fan into his own bustier. A crank handle appeared from somewhere in the folds of his kimono. "Er, sorry sir but this is always the tricky bit..works better with two sir".
"Oh very well Lumpkin, Sergeant Longbottom..please crank the Corporals bust..do it quickly man!"

A while later a second guard appeared and stood agog at the sight of two elderly looking ladies, one turning what looked to be a crank handle on the other as she let out a slight whirring noise. It was just enough of a pause in shock to allow the lead weighted fan of the Captain to give him a good wallop ...and goodnight Tokyo.

"Right men, it's getting a bit thick in here with unconscious guards...lets be off and get these pictures back to London...check face mirrors men..correct greasepaint...forward at the double!"

Offline Christian

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2009, 07:09:35 AM »
Ha HA! That was funny :D

Offline Malamute

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2009, 09:02:22 AM »
Excellent stuff, That would  make an interesting small game. Now where to find butch looking Geisha girl figures. lol
"These creatures do not die like the bee after the first sting, but go on age after age, feeding on the blood of the living"  - Abraham Van Helsing

Offline Christian

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2009, 01:25:48 PM »
I'm sure there's an appropriate dodgy part of town out there somewhere...

Offline Gluteus Maximus

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2009, 06:18:36 PM »
... Now where to find butch looking Geisha girl figures. lol

I do worry, sometmes.... ::)


Offline fastolfrus

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2009, 10:15:14 PM »
Now where to find butch looking Geisha girls

Any bar north of the Humber on a Friday night, or Newcastle or Blackpool any night of the week :~}
Gary, Glynis, and Alasdair (there are three of us, but we are too mean to have more than one login)

Offline Malamute

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #38 on: February 23, 2009, 08:54:00 AM »
Now where to find butch looking Geisha girls

Any bar north of the Humber on a Friday night, or Newcastle or Blackpool any night of the week :~}

Very true, had forgotten about looking up there. I once spent a very educational friday night out on the town in Darlington. shall not forget that in a hurry.... :o

Offline thejammedgatling

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2009, 12:11:59 PM »
Vice admiral Walsh of the 2nd Martian Battle battle squadron paced his study in agitation. There had been no news from London in over three days and things were going from bad to worse. Communication with the French had been cut save for erratic flyer mail which all too frequently fell into Prussian hands. Admiral Farleysrusk of the Imperial Russian Navy had been in his office most of the morning. He could still see the marks on his desk where the old man had banged his fist repeatedly. The shocking loss of most of the Russian Convoy that month while the British fleet were relatively unharmed had not gone down too well. Diplomatically the one surviving Russian Captain was hailed as a hero in London and this had gone some ways to simmering down the situation. But now he had to worry about supplying the Russian outposts when his men were already stretched to the limits just holding the line around the capital of New Brighton.

His ADC Lieutenant Hock knocked briskly and entered the room. He carried a message tube in his hand.
"Excuse me sir, message has arrived through sir. From London".
"A ship has broken through the blockade?"
"Not exactly sir..this one is a special message. Came via the Seer sir"
Walsh knew what that meant. The Seer were a strange and aloof race but they could be useful at times. It always gave him the willies though having a conversation with someone without moving his mouth. It was said that the really powerful ones were able to send messages and images to each other over vast distances. But from Earth?
"It's been transcribed into code sir, standard cipher"
The message read:

Once Walsh had applied the cipher to the message he leaned back in his chair and rocked slightly.
"Hock, kindly pass this message on to Admiral Burns of the American legation. From the look of those Astronefs they will not be on Earth for long. It would seem as though we can expect company very shortly"

That evening vice-admiral Walsh went back to the test labs. The great steel duranium doors swung open to a cavernous interior full of men in boiler suits ...pulling, riveting and fitting every type of component possible. In the middle of all this dim hall one figure stood over a drawing board, a single gas light illuminating a pile of drawings as thick as his arm. Walsh approached as Jonas Arkwright looked up .

"We need those infernal machines now Awkwright! How much longer?"
"I can work wonders Admiral, but miracles take a little longer. We're having to strip old craft as it is to build the new ones. You know we are now almost out of supplies. However..." he held up his hands before Walsh could say a word. " I have made some alterations that I think you will like. We've increased the speed by reducing the weight of the armour..not the strength mind you...just the weight. And that white coal is looking very promising. But probably the best thing is this..."
Awkwright pulled a cloth back from a large lump of metal standing behind him. He could see that Walsh was taken aback.
"Good grief that's a ...."
"Indeed it is."
"I thought they were.."
"Indeed they were.."
Walsh paused just long enough for a thought to pop in his head. Images of the sights and smells of childhood fairgrounds with Nanny Smackley invaded his mind. "I don't suppose it makes candy floss too does it?"
"Alas, quite a lot" said Awkwright, pulling the lid off a large drum that stood next to it.
"My dear Awkwright.."said Walsh with a faraway look in his eye "I do so love the taste of candy floss before bedtime. Tastes like....victory.."

Offline Malamute

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2009, 01:22:33 PM »
Wonderful stuff Sir. The anticipation of whats coming is reaching fever pitch. :)

Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2009, 02:49:12 PM »
Mmmmm, candyfloss  ;D
So many projects..... so little time.......

Offline gamer Mac

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2009, 10:59:59 PM »
Its to hard to resist :'(
Its happened.....

News from Glasgow
Today the Glasgow Heralds quotes
“Glasgow’s World Famous Ship builders to Help the British Empire Win the Current Aeronef Arms Race”.

Spokesman Mr G Mac for John Brown Ship Builders announced today that they have laid down the first parts of the hull, designed by the famous scientist James Clerk Maxwell. They hope that with their effort added to the other famous shipbuilders in Brittan, will help the Empire colonies expansion on both Mars and Venus.
We have managed to acquire some pictures and they will be published as soon as possible.
Spokesman Mr G Mac states that it is a new design of ship being constructed a “light Reconnaissance support vessel” designed by Mr Maxwell including some of his amazing electromagnetic technology.
As this is a new field of technology for Glasgow Mr G Mac has stated that he intends to consult with the leading brains in the British Aeronef field. He also intends to consult Britain’s allies. The government has also promised all of its latest information from its spy net work to help in this great undertaking.
The first part of the build is being constructed from the fabulous Lift wood and also the amazing new lighter than air material Poly styrene.

One of the Herald photographers managed to get these first photos

Offline Ray Rivers

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2009, 09:19:11 AM »
God Lord!  Yet another keel is laid!

This can only end in war...  :)

Offline thejammedgatling

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2009, 12:43:47 PM »
This thread has now overseen the birth of the Japanese, Norwegian and Scottish aerial fleets! Realising that I hadn't actually posted any pics yet of a British response got me going tonight with trying to get early stage photos for everyone to have a look at. It has been slow work between kids and work commitment trying to get anything done..but here goes:

This is the base module from the side. The orange thing is the cockpit for the two pilots. The black piece at the rear is probably the boiler, though I am considering making it a drop down waist gun/weapon pit. It also supports the weight of the top gunnery control and steam turbines. The base of the ship is 12mm MDF and the superstructure 3mm mdf. The thin stuff is cuttable with a stanley knife . The black section is a bar chair for concrete mesh ( I had a few dozen left over when I poured my driveway).

I wanted an open deck with partial armour for a platoon of men to stand ready to disembark. My inspiration for all this was the Huey air cav Vietnam war mobile units. To this end there will be waist gunners added to the side. I'm probably going to use some fine cabinet hinges to make a drop down boarding ramp too.

So here she is with the basic engine rig added. That's the Sierra airship basically cut into three sections. I liked the idea of the forward swept engines...reminded me a little of a Klingon bird of prey. I havn't put the propellors back on for these shots yet and will be adding a tail rotor too, so will cannibalise the existing rotors so I have enough.

I quite like the circular stern. The large central section of the plastic kit will house the tail gunner plus the forward facing main weapons control officer.

I may also sheet magnetise the crew deck so that I can use a tilting base. I'm sure I can find something suitable. Even a cheap camera tripod might be the answer....

Anyway , hope you like these. Love those black and white shots gamer Mac! Keep posting your shots eveyone...you are keeping me inspired. Hopefully enough to build the next four.....

Can't let the Japanese fleet rule the skies can we?


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