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Author Topic: VSF aerial arms race  (Read 13584 times)

Offline thejammedgatling

  • Mad Scientist
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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #60 on: March 06, 2009, 10:42:11 AM »
Well I finally got to tinker a bit more in the shed and add some bits to the steam chopper as I'm now calling it...

I've made a few changes to the original concept. The waist gun turret is now gone and the access gantry now houses the boiler. The waist gunner are still there but now next to them is a drop down ramp for boarding actions or landing, rather like the doors of a landing craft which partially protect the crew. Who are in this case my incomplete French marines from Renegade.

The rear end is now has bombs which can be dropped on hapless targets individually or en- mass to create a wall of explosive.

I think the engines came out fairly well all up, and when I start the detailed work (rivets etc..yawn..) they should start to blend in well.

I have to make a simple mechanism for dropping the hatches or locking them in place. I'll try to find some very fine hinges. The temptation with this one was always to go big and keep adding bits onto it (extra ramps/ turrets etc) but it started to look like a lot more than a simple fast attack troop transport.

Hope the troops provide some scale. This little ship will fit thirty inside it. Oh, the rotors are not on yet by the way. The rounded extrusion on the tail plate opposite the steam chimney is a mounting point for the tail rotor. Still havn't decided on a tail mounted gunner on the top 'curly' bit. Any thoughts? And any recommendations on pilot/ gunner figures (I notice a few people have used the Copplestone ones).

Hope to complete this soon and put it on the sticky!


Offline gamer Mac

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #61 on: March 06, 2009, 11:03:00 AM »
Looking great.
Some lovely detail starting to appear. Its a lot bigger than I first thought.
There is one thing I am not keen on - the off set funnel. One at each side would look better or a single one in the middle would blance it.
For hinges you can buy very small brass ones for dolls houses. Any shop that sells dolls house stuff should have them. Quite cheep £1 or £2, for a pack. How about small magnets to hold it closed.

Offline thejammedgatling

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #62 on: March 06, 2009, 11:08:31 AM »
That's a good idea. I had thought about magnets for the flight deck to keep the figures steady in play but didn't think of that for the door. D'oh!

I did try putting on a chimney on both sides but  it looked a little overwhelming (and rather like the horns of a bull). I also realised that I'd be missing the chance for a perfect place to put that tail rotor.

Offline answer_is_42

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Re: VSF aerial arms race
« Reply #63 on: March 06, 2009, 11:51:24 AM »
Looks more Pulp/SciFi than VSF, although I'm sure that's nothing a few rivets can't fix  ::).
Can't wait to see it finished.
I told you so. You damned fools.
 - H.G. Wells


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