I've wanted to try my hand at painting pirates and 18th century costumes for quite a while and probably always wanted a pirate ship; These days I'm resigned to it probably being in the neighborhood of only a foot long though

. The impetus for this project is the Windward isle game Osprey is planning to publish but my intention for this thread is more about making neat period stuff than discussing things thast are Frostgravesque so I think it would find a better home here.
I plan to build a Chinese styled pirate crew with a cool Junk but my IHMN models aren't past priming because I grabbed some Cutlass marines and got to painting them instead. They are almost done and jst so this isn't just a wall of text with me rambling about a Fantasy historical setting that might not be of interest to anyone I'll add the the WIP and focus on providing more pics as I add things to the thread.
I got the Marines because I binge watched the Pirates of the Caribbean and the supernatural elements in the stories gave me a hankering for some magic tricks with my muskets and fine cravats. I'm imagining an alternate English Empire/Near Empire under the rulership of an Immortal Elizabeth. Drake or a like Drake was able to procure a draught from the fountain of youth which has extended the monarch's reign well into the 18th century. I can't really decide if she would truly be a ageless virgin queen or a desiccated wreck plastered in powders and cosmetics; I guess the details don't matter yet.
I don't know what the ramifications of this would be but the general plan is that the Elizabethan Golden age hadn't ended and the only thing actually keeping the English from sweeping the board clean is the Sidhe.
The Fey Folk are malicious and disdain all mortal men but have a very special hatred for the English. When Merlin wove enchantments that cursed them to never set foot on the shores of Albion (or possibly any land at all) the Unseelie courts were forced to abandon their homelands to the wretched man things and take to a shadowed nether sea somewhere outside of reality ( Fey ships are ghost like and can sail in and out of the nether sea and real oceans (possibly by night only?).
As loathe as they are to align themselves with any man the Sidhe have made pacts with both the Spanish and French in various schemes to revenge themselves on the English as well as hatching their own machinations and with other Kingdoms of Men.
Intrigues and High Adventure await all manner of Sailor and Explorer in a New World steeped in it's own magical traditions locking horns with Powers of the Old World in Golden Ageless.
That's the premise in a nutshell. Here is the marine WIP.