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Author Topic: Afrikakorps Raiding force - Hollywood-style (Update: 13.07.17: Me109 finished)  (Read 6933 times)

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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The Shadocks site has a reproduction tanks pdf (I might have linked to it and fallen foul of our host's reasonable terms and conditions, for which I am sorry).

Highlights include a Chaffee Panther, a BMP 2 Panzer III and any number of T34s and T55s.

Offline Carrakon

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There is also a Panzer 3 (in five and six wheel versions). You can order a 305mm to the foot version for about £38K if you want (?).

I see your point though. I have one of them, and it is going to be hard work to get it to look like a FV432.

Hmm... You do raise an interesting idea: Converting a model of the real thing to look like it had a different basis... I'll have to think about it...

Basically my requirements-checklist is as follows:

1) Display characteristic design features to make the goal of the modification apparent (like the Pz IV turret in my WIP).

2) Obviously do a bad job/not go far enough so it is apparent that it is not in fact the real thing. As a guideline: If you entered the living room and your sibling/spouse/roommate watched a war movie with the vehicle in it, it must be so bad that at a glance you'd realize that it's a conversion (This is where the Band of Brothers examples fail).

3) Bonus points if the basis is easily recognizable.

The Kelly's Heroes Tigers are a perfect example of what I'm aiming at, basically.

Thanks for the heads up about Shadocks - I didn't know that site before! It immediately gave me the idea of using a Universal Carrier as basis for an L6/40 - gotta make sure the Italians get some Hollywood treatment as well!

Speaking of expanding the Movie-theme to the others: The Allies obviously are problematic here as their gear was availlable for filming after the war. Anyone got ideas for them? So far I can only think of putting in anachronisms (for example a Cromwell tank instead of the Crusader)...
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 07:21:32 PM by Carrakon »
If I were you, I'd rather be me.

Offline FramFramson

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  • But maybe everything that dies, someday comes back
You could rebuild fake crusaders using German postwar light tanks like the SP1C, HWK, or Ru 251?

Not sure what might work for Matildas.

I joined my gun with pirate swords, and sailed the seas of cyberspace.

Offline Carrakon

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Alrighty I managed to finish the Natives - useable as robbers, native resistance or any other interested third party. Please excuse the image quality - the lighting is just atrocious today and I'm not a photographer.

First are the leaders of the bunch:

I'll have to make a flag for the guy in the center. Anyone got an idea for a suitably politically neutral (as in usable for Arabs allied to either Axis or Allies or neither)flag? Otherwise I'll just have to make something up.

Second are 2 Lewis gun teams to provide some real punch:

And lastly a bunch of riflemen to fill the ranks:

Hope you guys like 'em!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 10:18:19 AM by Carrakon »

Offline wolfkarl

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Looking good! Check warflag.com they have a colonial section with Arab flags.

Offline FramFramson

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  • But maybe everything that dies, someday comes back
A tribal flag specific to the area might do.

Offline Helen

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Lovely work introducing Arabs in the fold for your desert meme.
Best wishes,
Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well (V van Gogh)

Offline Carrakon

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Made some progress on theminiature front: I absolutely needed some regular British Army lads to use as defenders against the Axis raiders, so here goes:

First a load of riflemen. I didn't paint the non-covered helmets in a sandy colour because I like to have a little contrast:

And some automatic weapons: 2 Bren gunners and a Thompson:

And finally two officers:

As far as infantry is concerned, I only really have Italian Askaris on my wishlist, but that'll probably have to wait as I grew a bit tired of painting all those khaki uniforms. Americans would be a welcome change here, but to my knowledge noone makes them in early war Herringbone twill and I have an irrational and intense dislike for the Parsons jacket somehow  :?

I guess I'll need some unarmed civilians though. Other than that I'll need some more vehicles for the brits and perhaps some planes for all sides - gotta have something to blow up after all :)

« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 10:19:43 AM by Carrakon »

Offline Gonvalon

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Michael Perry wants to make some Americans in his WW2 Africa Range.
So there is hope on the horizon.

Offline Carrakon

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Just finished the first armoured support for this project:A Sd.Kfz. 231 (6 wheels) armoured car:

It is a scratchbuilt vismodded BTR-152, as I always felt that this thing had a really German look to it. Modifications are
-different fenders
-closed crew compartment with turret
-different wheels, as the Sd.Kfz. had regular truck wheels.

Hope you like it!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 10:20:22 AM by Carrakon »

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Neat vismod/conversion.

Offline von Lucky

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I'm liking the feel you've created. Very nice conversions and painting.
- Karsten

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- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Blog: Donner und Blitzen

Offline vodkafan

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This is an insane thread. I have to keep looking to see what you have done next.  o_o
I am going to build a wargames army, a big beautiful wargames army, and Mexico is going to pay for it.

2019 Painting Challenge :
figures bought: 500+
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Offline Carrakon

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I apologize for not posting a proper update, but I just have to show off my newest buy which just is SO perfect for this Project:

I'm so happy right now!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 10:20:57 AM by Carrakon »

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Excellent, it appears in so many different films, as does the 108.


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