For the whole story with pictures, see link below. was a fun game and I tried out some self created vehicle rules as well. The game ran across 7 rounds and took about 90 minutes (including picture taking and notes!), so played very fast! I used some solo rules that had been suggested (roll 4 differently coloured D6, one is a D3 and determines the number of actions taken, the others are in priority from high to low in regards to Quality for activation).
The cannibals tried to slaughter as many as they could and if they could drag a victim off the board by the 7th turn they would get DOUBLE the points for the model! The Heroes won with 5 VP to the Cannibals 3.
The civilians would have to roll a 5+ on the first turn to be able to activate, otherwise they could only scream in terror
They also would try to phone the police if I rolled a 5+ on their subsequent activations (although most were too busy screaming, dying and crawling away).
Hope you enjoyed the story.