I see Jon just added a bunch of new 15mm scifi packs to the GZG web store. Of particular note, we've got the "Brethren of the New Light" as a new faction, which are probably an homage to something I'm unfamiliar with. I particularly like the "field preacher" guy waving his holy book around here:

Got some potential for use in a less overtly religious role as a commissar with a political tract instead.
Also some neat new amored police, including some well-posed guys with pistols and a breaching ram:

The Xarr/Chitters got a pack of unarmed figs, which could be civilans, martial artists, nonsentient alien beasties, or the basis for conversions:

Also got a bunch of new support weapon teams for various factions, my favorite of which is probably the versatile antitank missile system (shared by the ESU naval infantry and IslamaFed forces with different crew figures):

Like the way it can be assembled as a two or four tube launcher and extra ammo bits are always a nice bonus.
Oh, and the NSL got their light infantry support weapon pack redone:

On the one hand I love the chunky missile launcher design, on the other I wonder what sort of steroids those troopers are using to be able to carry those things.

Bunch of other stuff as well, but those were the standouts for me. All of them are up on the web store now. Guess I'd better dig out that coupon from the holiday sale and decide what to get.