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Author Topic: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL  (Read 2560 times)

Offline H_E_H

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Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:57:56 AM »
Hey folks.
A fellow gamer from another site suggested I post some AARs over here.
I registered the other day and am blown away by the talent, skills and unbridled imagination oozing at this forum.
Great place. Thanks for having me!

I recently purchased Cowboys: The Way of the Gun on clearance at Miniature Market for $18.
The standees were decent, but knew I had to make some of my own. I got busy saving searched images (I'm sure you all know the source miniatures...)
I printed them out, adhered them to backing boards, cut them out and colored up with permanent markers.

The very same guy who recommended I registered here, got me involved with the rules set and tokens for Fistful of Lead. Now I have a second purpose for my western flats.

Here's a sampling of my paper miniatures.

Some AARs and battle reports to follow...
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 02:12:26 AM by H_E_H »

Offline Toman

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 01:35:06 AM »
looks good. I just started western gaming and my budget only allows paper right now. I have several standee sets from drivethroughrpg but yours look way better. any chance you'd like to share your files?

Offline H_E_H

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 01:56:17 AM »
looks good. I just started western gaming and my budget only allows paper right now. I have several standee sets from drivethroughrpg but yours look way better. any chance you'd like to share your files?
Oh yeah, I can share them with you, but they're on my work computer.
Tomorrow, I'll snatch them.  They're basically copied and pasted images in MS Word and produced on a laser printer.


Here's my first game with Fistful of Lead.
I'm a bit embarrassed to show what I use for buildings, but we (me, my wife and kids, that is) have been totally cool with proxies for now.

Session One:
Showdown at Sundown in Downtown Hangtown

We chose miniatures that utilized a rifle and pistol. I controlled a team of four gunfighters while they both had two on their side.  Victory to the last team standing.

A player aid to assist us with the rules

My wife and son moving their gunfighters

My wife brazenly strolled her fllower-bearing gunfighter, Snub-Nose Sue, down the main avenue.  My riflemen responded accordingly, while my pistol men took to the side streets at the back of the buildings.

Smithers creeping around the hardware store, Sue up the middle, Trapper Joe to rear of the post office.

Hard Hartford and Wallace get within range of sue and decide to shoot at Snub-Nose Sue.

They wound her once, but both roll 1’s and must reload their guns. Hartford takes cover along the side of the courthouse to reload his rifle.  Meanwhile, General Smithers (bottom right) has been wounded by Trapper Joe and returns to the front of the hardware store.

Bottle Bill takes to the side of the tavern, unaware Sue and Rhoda have advanced up the side road. Rhoda surprises Bill, but her gun must be reloaded! While she fumbles with the bullets and rifle, Bill shoots her down. RIP, Rhoda.

General Smithers, who took a shot on Rhoda before she fell also needs to reload. Along the wall of the hardware store, he readies the bullets…

Snub-Nose Sue, enraged with Rhoda’s killing advances on Bottle Bill’s cohort, Hartford in close combat!
She rolls a ‘9’ while Hard an ‘8’, a heated scuffle indeed.
So much so that Sue’s hellfire temperament sees Hartford cowering in fear (PINNED).
Trapper Joe and Kilmister take shots at the crawling gunfighter. 

It looks bad for Hard Hartford.  He eventually tries to stand up from his PINNED status and decides to “Get the Hell Outta Dodge!”
(This ‘running in fear’ condition result would eventually happen to two more gunfighters: Snub-Nose Sue and Wallace)

Meanwhile, with his pistol reloaded, General Smither returns to the side street to take on Trapper Joe and Killer Kilmister, but the duo proves too much for the civil war veteran. RIP Smithers.

Eventually the shootout came down to Bottle Bill battling Trapper Joe and Kilmister.
Bill takes out Trapper Joe (upper right). Bill and Kilmister are both seriously wounded with double inflictions. They’re moving slow and shooting awry.
Finally with a jack in hand, beating Kilmister’s 4 of spades, Bill takes the fight to Close Combat, finishing off the last of the Hangtown gang.

With the last rays of the sun shining on him Bill takes a swig from his bottle and slumps along the side of the post office, exhausted and barely holding onto life...


The carnage in downtown Hangtown…

...and results of each combatant

Offline H_E_H

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2017, 03:08:22 AM »
Session Two:
Refute the Renegades’ Return
It is discovered Trapper Joe and Ian Killer Kilmister had associates in the wild who didn't take kindly to their liquor suppliers' demise.
Four renegades descend upon Hangtown looking to even the odds.

My daughter and youngest son each controlled two new gunslingers, pals of Bottle Bill, who would not allow this vengeful act to occur.
My daughter: Sophia Reyall and Clementine Fine
My son: Clayton Honey and the Kid.

Word spread there were four renegades creeping about the south end of town, so the gunslingers split up, to confront them, real violent-like.

The renegades shuffled about, sizing up the threat and assessing distances and chokepoints

Sophie was first to fire, but the indians proved nimble among the barrels and troughs.
Their east direction of retreat was blocked with Clayton firing his rifle from the rear of the mayor’s office.

The renegades returned fire, but also needed to reload.
Clayton stuck his neck out a bit too much and was cut down in front of the Kid’s eyes.

Emboldened with the kill, the renegades advanced along the side of the hardware store and saloon.

The Kid himself, feeling vindictive, rushed the corner of the dry goods store and fired on a rifle-bearing indian, killing him with one shot.

A wounded Clementine, rushed along an alley on the west side of town took out a pistol-bearing renegade.
Moments later she herself was cut down by a renegade.

Billy, quick on his feet, rushed past the hardware store, around the back of another watering hole to hopefully surprise a pistol-bearing indian.
Little did the Kid know he was pinched! A rifle-toting savage had snuck around the backside, ready to gun down the young gunfighter.

Sophie Reyall, observing the situation, fired on the pistol bearer, pinning him in the middle of the road. His rifle-bearing cohort was a bit too loud rounding the corner.
The Kid heard his approach and whirled to confront his clumsy adversary!
Firing on the indian, he dropped to a pinned status.
When both renegades next activate, they both rolled ‘1s’ and "Got The Hell Outta Dodge!”

Sophia and the Kid watched as the two head out of town the way they arrived.
Another victory for Bottle Bill and his cohorts.

Offline H_E_H

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2017, 04:42:21 PM »
looks good. I just started western gaming and my budget only allows paper right now. I have several standee sets from drivethroughrpg but yours look way better. any chance you'd like to share your files?
Toman, I shared the files with you.

Offline H_E_H

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2017, 10:49:14 PM »
Cowboys: The Way of the Gun


I left my game out on the table from last Saturday night’s play session with my wife knowing I would wake bright n early Sunday to try a scenario solitaire. When the time dawned, I made myself a sizeable cup of joe and proceeded to flip through the scenario book searching for a fun, but manageable shootout situation.

I came across Scenario 16: The Crazy Bunch and realized it was based on the final shootout in Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch. Not only were the cowboys outnumbered four to five by the Mexican police, but there was also SIXTEEN town folk gunnin’ for the Crazies!  I had to play this session!

I selected four homemade paper miniatures with rifles I thought resembled the final four from the the film as well as twenty-one enemies to represent the Mexican police and town folk.

Here are the scenario rules,opening hand for the cowboys, set-up spaces for the cowboys and where I choose to place the Mexican Police and town folk:

Another view of the starting positions:

Crazy Bill falling fast

Final Thoughts:
This was an insanely entertaining scenario.  The cowboys' situation was desperate, frantic and of course crazy.
I got caught up in the fun and forgot that each character could shoot twice in a turn and so, the scenario would have gone quite differently for both sides and probably wouldn't have gone the distance.  All in all, the scenario was a very fun romp through glorified gunfights and film fantasy.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 10:51:15 PM by H_E_H »

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2017, 07:05:44 AM »
Looks like you had some exciting games there with good support from the rules.

Offline CptJake

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2017, 01:53:41 PM »
Welcome to LAF.   Some of the talent displayed can be intimidating, but honestly everyone here is willing to help with suggestions/techniques/constructive criticism/ideas and so on.

Love you paper minis.   The coloring on them is pretty darned cool and they allow an easy and cost effective entry into the games.

Now you need some paper terrain wild west buildings!

Hey folks.
A fellow gamer from another site suggested I post some AARs over here.
I registered the other day and am blown away by the talent, skills and unbridled imagination oozing at this forum.
Great place. Thanks for having me!

Every time a bad person dies, a Paratrooper gets his wings.

Offline H_E_H

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2017, 02:49:49 PM »
Looks like you had some exciting games there with good support from the rules.
Agreed about the rules support! The rules for Fistful of Lead are complete and competent.
It helped to read the examples of play to iron out any doubts or questions.

Welcome to LAF.   Some of the talent displayed can be intimidating, but honestly everyone here is willing to help with suggestions/techniques/constructive criticism/ideas and so on.

Love you paper minis.   The coloring on them is pretty darned cool and they allow an easy and cost effective entry into the games.

Now you need some paper terrain wild west buildings!
Thanks, CptJake!
I also construct cultist paper miniatures for Eldritch horror and my goal is to have a distinct look of cloaked/robbed/hooded fanatics for each Ancient One.
As well the neanderthal/caveman/primitive bug is biting next and there are several rules sets that I'm looking to buy.

I'm still unsure how I want to approach acquiring or making western buildings.
I have a sizeable Heroscape and Wings of Glory collection out in the garage, so buying and storing a town's worth of building is not a path I want to follow.   Perhaps collapsible paper buildings might be an option.

Thanks guys!

Offline Toman

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2017, 05:22:46 AM »
world works games Deadfall building essentials might be what your looking for. they are fully modular and customizable buildings that will store flat. only like $6 too.

Offline H_E_H

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2017, 02:16:43 AM »
world works games Deadfall building essentials might be what your looking for. they are fully modular and customizable buildings that will store flat. only like $6 too.
Good to know. I'll look into them. Thanks!
Hey, did you get the paper miniatures files?

Offline dar916

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2017, 03:56:23 AM »
Those paper minis are great!  Any chance you'd be willing to share?

Offline H_E_H

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2017, 05:15:22 AM »
Those paper minis are great!  Any chance you'd be willing to share?
Indeed. How should you want 'em?

Offline dar916

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2017, 05:40:55 PM »
PM sent.  Thanks!

Offline Toman

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Re: Paper Miniatures, C:TWotG, FfoL
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2017, 01:18:35 AM »
Hey, did you get the paper miniatures files?
Yes I did thanks. haven't had a chance to print any yet though.


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