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Miniatures Adventure => Age of the Big Battalions => Topic started by: Helge on November 23, 2022, 04:51:41 PM

Title: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 23, 2022, 04:51:41 PM
Greetings from a new arrival to this forum. A decade ago I was part of many “Tales of Painter” style events on long-forgotten forums, so now I am unashamedly hoping to leverage this community for motivational boosts. And motivation I shall need aplenty, as my newest adventure is to recreate the battle of Waterloo in 28mm!

The sections below list the grand plan and the list of units which I will “check off” when completed (and posted!). Finally, I am adding a reply with the very first completed unit to kick this off with some eye candy.


The Plan

The game plan is straightforward if possibly a tad ambitious: the entire engaged order of battle of all three armies with Black Powder style unit scales in 28mm. As with my previous ranked historical effort –  an Early Imperial Roman Army (https://wargamingworkshop.com/historical-collection/hail-caesar/early-imperial-roman/) – I shall use uniform square bases for all elements as follows:
50mm square for all formed units (6 infantry, 4 formed light, 2 cavalry)
50mm round for skirmishers and other unformed units
50mm, 75mm, 100mm round for brigade, division and corps/army command respectively
40mm wound market dial for ADCs with one ADC for all Division and Corps commanders (and as actual wound markers obviously)
Artillery as:
  - 1 Section (2 guns) represented as 1 model on 100x100mm base
  - 2 Sections (4 guns) represented as 2 models on 150x100mm base
  - 3 Sections (6 guns) represented as 3 models on 200x100mm base (usually 2 cannons and 1 howitzer)
  - 4 Sections (8 guns) represented as 4 models on 300x100mm base

With that basing, infantry will come in 2, 4 and 6 bases for small, standard and large formations respectively. Cavalry with 2 bases per squadron, forming a second line if the third and fourth squadrons are present. That gives all standard units a 20cm frontage which appeals to my orderly mind (and seems broadly consistent with the fighting frontage in real life).

At this point, I have purchased just over 5,000 models – a mix of Perry, Warlord and Victrix for the bulk but with command/specialized models from Elite, Front Rank, Foundry, Steve Barber, Avant Post, Eagle, Calpe, and anybody else I could find online. Everything for the Allied army is cleaned up, assembled, glued to popsicle sticks and primed with dozens of cans of GW Wraithbone spray. The latter being critical as my hope is to leverage GW Contrast Paints for the bulk of the paint job. Add 100+ glorious GMB Flags on custom poles and 1,000+ 3mm MDF bases from Warbases. Now everything just needs a spot of paint… and that’s where hopefully this community will give me a (virtual and moral) hand.

Note from the Future (November 22nd 2023): I am adding this comment on the one year anniversary of this project. The Allied Army is largely completed now with only a few units left. I have started to assemble and prepare the Prussian army as the second phase of the project. The anticipated order of battle for the Prussians has therefore been added at the end and will get checked off in the same manner once completed. If you wish to see the 100+ Allied units without clicking through endless pages, you can get everything in one shot on my website. (https://wargamingworkshop.com/historical-collection/napoleonics/allied-army-of-the-netherlands)

Order of Battle

Below is the “To Do” list through which I will have to gradually progress – marking completed units as I finish and post them here (and exploding entries as I drill in). I shall start with the Allied Army. Huzzah!

Allied Army of the Netherlands
66 Command Bases (4 Corps, 12 Division, 32 Brigade, 16 ADC, 2 Regimental)
58 Line Battalions (12 large, 45 regular, 1 small)
20 Light Battalions and other formations (3 large, 15 regular, 2 small)
10 Heavy Cavalry Regiments
21 Light Cavalry Regiments
27 Artillery Batteries
This represents all formations in the active OOB at Waterloo excluding units posted in the rear to guard the line of retreat.

I Corps - Prince of Orange & MG de Constant-Rebeque as Chief of Staff
1st British Division (Guards) – MG George Cooke
      1st British Guard Brigade - MG Maitland
              II/1st Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
              III/1st Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
      2nd British Guards Brigade - MG Sir Byng
              II/2nd Foot Guards (Coldstream Guards)
              II/3rd Foot Guards (Scots Guards)
      Divisional Artillery
              Sandham's Company, 3rd Btn. RFA
              2nd KGL Horse Artillery

3rd British Division - MG Count Sir Karl von Alten
      5th British Brigade - MG C. Halkett
             II/30th Foot (Cambridgeshire)
             II/33rd Foot (Duke of Wellington's Own)
             II/69th Foot (South Lincolnshire)
             II/73rd Foot (Perthshire Highlanders)
      2nd KGL Brigade - Col Baron Ompteda
             I KGL Light
             II KGL Light
             V KGL Line
             VIII KGL Line
      1st Hannoverian Brigade - MG Graf von Kielmansegg
             Light Battalion Grubenhagen
             Light Battalion Lueneburg
             Field Battalion Osnabrueck
             Field Battalion Bremen
             Field Battalion Verden
             Feldjaeger Company
      Divisional Artillery
             Lloyd's Company, 10th Btn. RFA
             1st KGL Foot Artillery

2nd Netherlands Division – LG Perponcher Sedlnitsky
     1st Brigade – MG Bijlandt
              27th Chasseur Belge (Belgian)
              7th Line (Belgian)
              5th Militia (Dutch)
              7th Militia (Dutch)
              8th Militia (Dutch)
              Foot Artillery Battery
     2nd Brigade – Prinz von Saxe-Weimar
              I/2nd Nassau
              II/2nd Nassau
              III/2nd Nassau
              I/28th Line (Nassau-Orange)
              II/28th Line (Nassau Orange)
              Horse Artillery Battery

3rd Netherlands Division – LG Baron Chasse
     1st Brigade – Col. Detmers
              35th Chasseur Belge (Belgian)
              2nd Line (Dutch)
              4th, 6th, 17th and 19th Militia were not engaged
     2nd Brigade – MG d'Aubreme
              36th Chasseur Belge (Belgian)
              3rd Line (Dutch)
              12th and 13th Line, 3rd and 10th Militia were not engaged

II Corps – Lord Rowland Hill
2nd British Division – LG Clinton
     3rd British Brigade – MG Adams
              I/52nd Foot (Light)
              71st Foot (Light)
              II/95th Rifles
              III/95th Rifles
     1st KGL Brigade – Col du Plat
              I KGL Line
              II KGL Line
              III KGL Line
              IV KGL Line
     3rd Hannoverian Brigade – Col H. Halkett
             Landwehr Osnabrueck
             Other three battalions skipped as they never advanced from reserve
     Divisional Artillery
            Alm's Company, 3rd Btn. RHA
            1st KGL Horse Artillery

4th British Division – LG Sir Charles Colville
     4th British Brigade – Lt. Col. Mitchell
              III/14th Foot
              I/23rd Foot
              I/51st Foot (Light)
The remainder of 4th Division was posted at Hal to guard the line of retreat for the army.

Reserves - Duke of Wellington
5th British Division – LG Picton
     8th British Brigade – MG Sir Kempt
              I/28th Foot (North Gloucestershire)
              I/32nd Foot (Cornwall)
              I/79th Foot (Cameronian Highlanders)
              I/95th Foot Rifles
     9th British Brigade – MG Sir Pack
              III/1st Foot (Royal Scots)
              I/42nd Foot ("Black Watch")
              II/44th Foot (East Essex)
              I/92nd Foot (Gordon Highlanders)
     5th Hannover Brigade – Col. von Vincke
              Landwehr Gifhorn
              Landwehr Hameln
              Landwehr Hildesheim
              Landwehr Peine
     Divisional Artillery
              Roger's Company, 3rd RFA
              Kpt. Braun's Battery, Hannover Foot Artillery

6th British Division – MG Sir Lambert (acting)
     10th British Brigade – Lt. Col. Brooke (acting)
              I/4th Foot (King's Own)
              I/27th Foot (Inniskilling)
              I/40th Foot (2nd Sommersetshire)
     4th Hannover Brigade – Col. Best
              Landwehr Osterode
              Landwehr Verden
              Landwehr Lueneburg
              Landwehr Muenden
     Divisional Artillery
              Sinclair's Company, 3rd RFA

Reserve Artillery
              A Troop RHA
              D Troop RHA

Brunswick Division – Duke of Brunswick
     Advance Guard - Major von Rauschenplatt
              Jaeger Btn.
     Light Brigade - Lt.-Col. von Butlar
              Light Btn. Leib
              1st Light Btn.
              2nd Light Btn.
              3rd Light Btn.
     Line Brigade - Lt.-Col. von Specht
              1st Line Btn.
              2nd Line Btn.
              3rd Line Btn.
              2nd Hussars
              Horse Battery
              Foot Battery

Nassau Brigade – MG von Kruse
              I/1st Regiment
              II/1st Regiment
              III/1st Regiment Landwehr

Cavalry - Earl of Uxbrigde
              Staff Corps of Cavalry
     1st British Cavalry Brigade (Household) - MG Somerset
              1st Life Guards
              2nd Life Guards
              Royal Horse Guards
              1st Guard Dragoons

     2nd British Cavalry Brigade - MG Sir Ponsonby
              1st Dragoons
              2nd Dragoons
              6th Dragoons

     3rd British Cavalry Brigade - MG Sir von Doernberg
              23rd Light Dragoons
              1st KGL Light Dragoons
              2nd KGL Light Dragoons

     4th British Cavalry Brigade - MG Sir Vandeleur
              11th Light Dragoons
              12th Light Dragoons
              16th Light Dragoons

     5th British Cavalry Brigade - MG Sir Grant
              7th Hussars
              15th Hussars
              13th Light Dragoons (attached from 7th Brigade)

     6th British Cavalry Brigade - MG Sir Vivian
              10th Hussars
              18th Hussars
              1st KGL Hussars

     7th British Cavalry Brigade - Col. Sir Arentschildt
              3rd KGL Hussars

     Hannover Cavalry Brigade - Col. Baron Estorff
              Duke of Cumberland Hussaren

Netherlands Cavalry Division – LG Baron de Collaert
     Heavy Cavalry Brigade - MG Jonkheer Tripp
              Karabiners No. 1 (Dutch)
              Carabiniers No. 2 (Belgian)
              Karabiners No. 3 (Dutch)
     1st Light Cavalry Brigade - MG Baron de Ghigny
              Lichte Dragonders No. 4 (Dutch)
              Hussards No. 8 (Belgian)
     2nd Light Cavalry Brigade - MG van Merlen
              Dragons Legers No. 5 (Belgian)
              Huzaren No. 6 (Dutch)
     Divisional Artillery
              Peters' Half-Battery, Horse Artillery
              van Pittius' Half-Battery, Horse Artillery

Horse Artillery – 8 Batteries
              E Troop
              F Troop
              G Troop
              H Troop
              I Troop
              2nd Rocket Troop

Prussian Army of the Lower Rhine

My second army for this project are the Prussians. The force is composed of three Corps though the first two only made it partially onto the field. I am using German names throughout but it should be pretty easy to translate. All in, the Prussians will be a bit smaller than the Allied Army but not by much:

52 Command Bases (4 Army/Corps, 10 Division (Prussian Brigade), 27 Brigade (Prussian Regiment), 11 ADC)
61 Line Battalions (11 large, 50 regular)
4 Heavy Cavalry Regiments
14 Light Cavalry Regiments
13 Artillery Batteries
This represents all formations in the active OOB at Waterloo excluding units that didn't make it onto the field.

Armee des Niederrhein - Generalfeldmarshal Bluecher

I Korps - Generalleutnant von Zieten
1. Brigade - Generalmajor von Steinmetz
     12. Infanterie Regiment - Oberstleutnant Othengraven
              I/12. Infanterie Regiment
              II/12. Infanterie Regiment
              F/12. Infanterie Regiment
              Westfaelische Landwehr Jaeger
     24. Infanterie Regiment - Major von Laurens
              I/24. Infanterie Regiment
              II/24. Infanterie Regiment
              F/24. Infanterie Regiment
              Schlesische Schuetzen
     1. Westfaelische Landwehr - Major von Huelsen
              I/1. Westfaelische Landwehr
              II/1. Westfaelische Landwehr
              III/1. Westfaelische Landwehr

Reserve-Kavallerie - Generalleutnant von Roeder
     1. Brigade - Generalmajor von Treskow
              2. Dragoner
              5. Dragoner
              3. Ulanen
              4. Husaren (attached to infantry)
     2. Brigade - Oberstleutnant von Luetzow
              6. Ulanen
              2. Kurmaerkische Landwehr Kavallerie

II Korps - Generalmajor von Pirch
5. Brigade - Generalmajor von Tippelskirch
     2. Infanterie Regiment - Major von Cardell
              I/2. Infanterie Regiment
              II/2. Infanterie Regiment
              F/2. Infanterie Regiment
     25. Infanterie Regiment - Major von Petersdorff
              I/25. Infanterie Regiment
              II/25. Infanterie Regiment
              F/25. Infanterie Regiment
              Tyroler Jaeger
     5. Westfaelische Landwehr - Oberstleutnant von Roedel
              I/5. Westfaelische Landwehr
              II/5. Westfaelische Landwehr
              III/5. Westfaelische Landwehr
              Westfaelische Landwehr Jaeger
     10. Fussbatterie

6. Brigade - Generalmajor von Krafft
     9. Infanterie Regiment - Major von Schmidt
              I/9. Infanterie Regiment
              II/9. Infanterie Regiment
              F/9. Infanterie Regiment
     26. Infanterie Regiment - Oberst von Reuss
              I/26. Infanterie Regiment
              II/26. Infanterie Regiment
              F/26. Infanterie Regiment
     1. Elb-Landwehr - Oberstleutnant von Bismark
              I/1. Elb-Landwehr
              II/1. Elb-Landwehr
              III/1. Elb-Landwehr

Reserve-Kavallerie - Generalmajor von Wahlen-Juergass
     1. Brigade - Oberst von Thuemen
              1. Dragoner
              2. Ulanen
              5. Kurmaerkische Landwehr Kavallerie (attached from 3. Brigade)

IV Korps - Freiherr von Buelow
13. Brigade - Generalleutnant von Hacke
      10. Infanterie Regiment - Oberst von Lettow
              I/10. Infanterie Regiment
              II/10. Infanterie Regiment
              F/10. Infanterie Regiment
      2. Neumaerkische Landwehr - Major von Schmalensee
              I/2. Neumaerkische Landwehr
              II/2. Neumaerkische Landwehr
              III/2. Neumaerkische Landwehr
      3. Neumaerkische Landwehr - Major von Braunschweig
              I/3. Neumaerkische Landwehr
              II/3. Neumaerkische Landwehr
              III/3. Neumaerkische Landwehr
      21. Fussbatterie

14. Brigade - Oberst von Funck (replacing GM von Ryssel)
      11. Infanterie Regiment - Major Graf von Reichenbach
              I/11. Infanterie Regiment
              II/11. Infanterie Regiment
              F/11. Infanterie Regiment (detached)
      1. Pommersche Landwehr - Oberstleutnant von Brandenstein
              I/1. Pommersche Landwehr
              II/1. Pommersche Landwehr
              III/1. Pommersche Landwehr (detached)
      2. Neumaerkische Landwehr - Oberst von Pawels
              I/2. Pommersche Landwehr
              II/2. Pommersche Landwehr
              III/2. Pommersche Landwehr
      13. Fussbatterie

15. Brigade - Generalmajor von Losthin
      18. Infanterie Regiment - Oberst von Loebell
              I/18. Infanterie Regiment
              II/18. Infanterie Regiment
              F/18. Infanterie Regiment
      3. Schlesische Landwehr - Oberstleutnant von Thile
              I/3. Schlesische Landwehr
              II/3. Schlesische Landwehr
              III/3. Schlesische Landwehr
      4. Schlesische - Oberstleutnant von Massow
              I/4. Schlesische Landwehr
              II/4. Schlesische Landwehr
              III/4. Schlesische Landwehr
      14. Fussbatterie

16. Brigade - Oberst Freiherr Hiller von Gaetringen
      15. Infanterie Regiment - Oberst von Crailsheim
              I/15. Infanterie Regiment
              II/15. Infanterie Regiment
              F/15. Infanterie Regiment
      1. Schlesische Landwehr - Major von Fischer
              I/1. Schlesische Landwehr
              II/1. Schlesische Landwehr
              III/1. Schlesische Landwehr
      2. Schlesische - Oberstleutnant von Blandowski
              I/2. Schlesische Landwehr
              II/2. Schlesische Landwehr
              III/2. Schlesische Landwehr
     2. Fussbatterie

Reserve-Kavallerie - Prinz Wilhelm von Preussen
     1. Brigade - Oberst von Schwerin
              1. Ulanen
              6. Husaren
              1. Reitende Batterie
     2. Brigade - Oberstleutnant von Watzdorff
              8. Dragoner
              8. Ulanen
              12. Reitende Batterie
     3. Brigade - Generalmajor von Sydow
              1. Neumaerkische Landwehr Kavallerie
              2. Neumaerkische Landwehr Kavallerie
              1. Pommersche Landwehr Kavallerie
              2. Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (attached to infantry)
              3. Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (attached to infantry)

Reserve-Artillerie - Generalmajor von Holtzendorf
              3. Schwere Batterie
              5. Schwere Batterie
              12. Schwere Batterie
              11. Fussbatterie
              11. Reitende Batterie
              4. Haubitzen Batterie

French Army of the North

Imperial Guard – 22 Btn., 6 Cavalry Regiments, 12 Batteries
I Corps – 33 Btn. and 4 Batteries in 4 Divisions
II Corps – ignore for now
VI Corps – ignore for now
Light Cavalry (attached to Infantry Corps) – 14 Light Cavalry Regiments, 5 Batteries
III Cavalry Corps – 8 Heavy Cavalry Regiments, 2 Batteries
IV Cavalry Corps – ignore for now

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 23, 2022, 05:01:22 PM
As promised, here is a quick snap of my "pilot" unit for this project: II/30th Foot (Cambridgeshire). Part of the 5th British Brigade of the 3rd Division in I Corps. I am starting with 3rd Division as it seems the most "generic" of the Allied formations which will get me into the grove of painting regular British battalions.

The photo also shows my default configuration for each unit. Four 50mm bases for a Standard sized battalion, a 50mm round skirmisher base for elements of the Light Company, and a wood marker. Having two columns of flank companies on each side is not entirely accurate for the British company structure, but a single column look too small. Models are Perry plastics which will form the bulk of my British units with some metals mixed in for commands.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: OSHIROmodels on November 23, 2022, 05:27:25 PM
They look grand  8)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on November 23, 2022, 05:36:55 PM
Admirably ambitious and off to a great start!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: fred on November 23, 2022, 06:39:33 PM
A great looking unit. Only another 199 of them to go!

I love your ambition for this project. The fact you have already built and base-coated 5000 28mm figures is pretty astonishing

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Redshank on November 23, 2022, 06:54:52 PM
That is quite the project! I start to feel embarrassed when my projects last longer than the war they are about (a deadline that is coming perilously near for my Mex-American War stuff), but 23 years of French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars should give you enough time (although 100 days would be pushing it!)

I really like chunky bases of 2 ranks of 3 for black powder infantry in 28mm+, and was considering something similar for AWI, stolen from inspired by the Dress the Lines blog chap.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Jabba on November 24, 2022, 11:09:52 AM
Good luck with your endeavour. The club I play at has done the same but using Shako II as the rule set, so only 18 figure infantry units.


Most of the Prussians off table.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 24, 2022, 03:02:45 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. Tony, that Waterloo battlefield is gorgeous. Very inspirational. My gaming room only has a 9'x5' table so Waterloo won't fit (shot from an old game below).


I am slowly converting a second room as a dedicated display zone (display cabinet walls in my main room are mostly filled :(). So I am toying with the idea of a permanent Waterloo layout. First some painting to do... I will upload another battalion later once my new camera arrives (old one died :().

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on November 24, 2022, 11:00:34 PM
Good Luck Helge and....Good Grief man! :o What a project!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 25, 2022, 02:21:37 AM
Steady progress wins the race. Here we have the II/33rd Foot Duke of Wellington's Own with unique red facings. Halfway done with the 3rd Brigade :).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on November 25, 2022, 02:40:51 AM
Lovely figures and fantastic Waterloo terrain!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Hitman on November 25, 2022, 03:24:48 AM
WOW!! Your figures look fantastic!! You have made a great start going forward. Keep it up!! Your table is going to look spectacular!! Great job...keep it up. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on November 25, 2022, 11:01:53 PM
Your basing system is very similar to Olicana's on here.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 26, 2022, 04:07:38 AM
And another one. Batch work at its finest!

This is the II/69th Foot South Lincolnshire with green facings. They have an engineer with them, but otherwise as vanilla as the other battalions of the 3rd Brigade. One more to go...

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on November 26, 2022, 04:33:02 AM
A very nice start to an impressive &  ambitious project.  From perusing your painted galleries on your blog, I suspect you will finish this project.  Wonderful work there.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 26, 2022, 04:45:41 AM
Thanks for the encouragement. I am still uploading older armies to the blog whenever I can summon the enthusiasm for photography. I fairly recently crossed 10,000 painted models so this project - while certainly ambitious - isn't hopelessly out of scope for me. Famous last words :)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on November 27, 2022, 01:20:30 AM
Keep taking pictures of the older stuff.  You have a very nice collection from what I have looked at!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 27, 2022, 02:42:58 AM
Thanks. I will keep plugging away on the photography. For now, here is the II/73rd Foot Perthshire Highlanders as the final battalion of the 5th British Brigade. While dressed in standard uniforms, I added a bagpiper from Victrix as a nod to the highland origin of the battalion.


The brigade is led by Major General Sir C. Halkett. I am using 50mm round bases for Brigade commanders with just one model. Division commanders will have 2 models on a 75mm round base and Corps commanders 3 models on a 100mm round base.


Onward to the 2nd KGL Brigade...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Jabba on November 27, 2022, 05:05:43 PM
One thing I learnt fairly early was to put the firing figures in the rear rank and have the front rank loading or making ready, less musket and bayonet overhanging the front of the base that way.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on November 28, 2022, 05:58:47 PM
Great looking figures!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 28, 2022, 11:05:09 PM
Jabba - I found that I can push firing lines back far enough on the bases that the bayonets only stick out a little bit. Should be fine (fingers crossed :)).

The 2nd KGL Brigade gave me some visual variety from the ocean of red. Here are the I KGL Light and II KGL Light battalion. The I KGL Light is based on Cazadores metal models from Perry with some minor conversion. Only way I could get to the unique uniform of the I KGL Light which isn't quite the same as the Rifles. The II KGL Light models are specific metal options so no problem there. I used a mix of muskets and rifles on the formed units, plus rifles for the skirmish screen.

I KGL Light

II KGL Light


While far from the finish line for the Allied Army, the bulk assembly is already starting for the French. Below you see the rim-painted and labelled bases for four divisions of d'Erlon's I Corps. All in, there are well over 1,000 labelled but empty bases staring reproachfully at me :)

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on November 29, 2022, 01:15:24 AM
You have opted for a very unusual way of doing things, which is very interesting to me; I certainly cannot criticise, as I haven't properly finished a wargaming project yet! My Napoleonics are a shambles  >:(
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 29, 2022, 01:31:47 AM
vodkafan - For bulk projects like this, I tend to invest time into preparation and then just power through. It's the only way that these bigger tasks will ever get done (for me at least). I sprinkle in smaller "snack" projects for variety but mostly my mental focus has to stay on the big plan. Otherwise I drift off (and my storage room gains one more filing box full of unpainted models...).

For this project, I cleaned up all the models and sorted them into units. Then everything gets glued onto popsicle sticks, spray painted (GW Wraithbone in prep for Contrast paints), and placed by brigade into my "in progress" shelving unit. Pick below shows the opened drawer for the first brigade of the 2nd Netherland Division but each drawer content looks the same - stacked with popsicle sticks and Napoleonic models.


In parallel, I batch all the bases with rim paint and prepare all the flags (metal rod, glue on finial, add GMB flag with touchup as needed). The upcoming formations then get laid out to motivate me to slowly fill in empty bases with painted units. Preparing flags and bases also means that the gap from painting the models and having a full unit is very short. As soon as the models are dry, they get glued onto a base, get some tuffs and Luke's Scenics base ready piled on, and done. Very satisfying the get each unit truly finished in rapid succession.


I have been using the same approach for other big projects such as this Early Imperial Roman Army (which was before I discovered Base Ready so I had to sand, paint, drybrush x2, tuffs, rim the bases which took a lot of the efficiency out of the process...).


Obviously not as big as the Napoleonic project, but I have done Warhammer armies with 400+ models which is probably more comparable in workload to 1,000+ Napoleonic due to much higher detail level of GW figures. Example would be this Orc Army (https://wargamingworkshop.com/fantasy-collection/warhammer/orcs-and-goblins/) with ~450 models.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on November 29, 2022, 05:09:08 AM
Your efficiency and organizational skill is impressive! 🫡
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on November 29, 2022, 10:34:04 PM
Thanks Helge for explaining your system. I think I could adopt at least a few of those procedures for myself.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on November 30, 2022, 02:55:49 PM
knock-out in all respects  :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on November 30, 2022, 05:41:02 PM
I really admire your production methodology, and particularly the base identification, which I do as well.
When you have time, I and I think many others would appreciate your painting process. You started with figures on sticks, priming, and contrast paints. The complete process would be most useful.

A outstanding project with superbly painted figures. I look forward to seeing your progress.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 01, 2022, 02:37:13 AM
IronDuke - "Paint with Contrast" is pretty much the entirety of the painting process :). The only "trick" is the order of steps:

1. GW Wraithbone spray base (for other armies I would do some kind of zenithal spray highlight first but 28mm Napoleonics have such "closed" poses that placing light sources doesn't really add anything)
2. Sloppily applied Apothecary White all over or at least to catch all the straps. All Contrast paint works over white, so I use a giant brush for this and just goop it on.
3. Blood Angels red for the jacket, not worrying overly much it it gets on some of the white straps.
4. Skin with Guilliman Flesh, Hair with assorted browns, facings and other details in colour of choice.
In all of the above steps I don't worry that much about precision. Most contrast paints are dark enough to overpower the earlier paints so I don't do any intermediate clean-up. The next steps clean up all the remaining sins.
5. All black and metal parts with Black Templar. This overpowers everything and is the only step where I try to be neat *but* most of the black/metal items are physically close to the trousers which are not yet painted so I can be sloppy there.
6. Metal with Vallejo Metal Color Silver or Vallejo Brass (both of which cover very strongly)
7. Trousers with Vallejo Heavy Charcoal which covers in one shot and will clean up any mistakes from the black/metal steps. In a few cases I used Contrast Basilicanum Grey for the trousers but then I have to clean up beforehand so I am shifting away from this.
8. Nuln Oiln over silver, Reikland Fleshshade over gold/brass. This tends to hide any imprecision of the metal step. If something spills onto other sections - which it frequently does - it just adds a bit of shadow depth.
9. Final clean-up of any spillage on the straps with any high pigment white paint (usually with retarder medium for easy of application). I then typically use up any remaining white on my palette to mix with the remaining Charcoal and do a sloppy highlight on the knees and other parts of the trousers.
10. Spray coat with AK Interactive Matte to seal everything.
11. Base, glue on flowers/tuffs, add Base Ready mix, and done.

The key to efficiency is that only the very last paint step involves any clean-up. This takes some mental discipline because the urge will be to fix, prod and adjust every step of the paintjob which will massive expand the timeline.

On that note, here are the V KGL Line. I decided to use Warlord plastics for these to visually distinguish the KGL from the British Perry plastics. I figured that the rigid monopose Warlord models would be symbolic of the stoic German. They also don't have a skirmish base for the same reason.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Redshank on December 01, 2022, 05:32:16 AM
Really impressive and inspirational. Doesn't sound like you need much encouragement, but keep plugging away!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: fred on December 01, 2022, 07:29:37 AM
Thanks for sharing your method - for figures that make such use of contrast paints, they don’t look contrast painted - which is a good thing - they look much more realistic and natural. Contrast paints can sometimes give a bit of a ‘glow’ to a figure which can look a bit unnatural.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on December 01, 2022, 12:07:54 PM
absolutely as Fred says above.

I actually quite like the inky 'glow' for fantasy - but I too wouldn't have picked the units shown thus far as mostly Contrast painted.

first time I've seen results like this with a Historicals unit. Brilliant.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: tomrommel1 on December 01, 2022, 02:03:12 PM
What a project.... Would never be able to cope with such a massiv painting plan.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on December 01, 2022, 05:30:41 PM
I echo fred's comments and many thanks for posting your painting methodology.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on December 02, 2022, 05:46:43 PM
Big thanks for the painting method, painting the half dark-half white uniforms of the Napoleonic era is a pain in the ass, but your method sounds fast and gives a really cool looking result.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on December 02, 2022, 07:16:26 PM
Fantastic looking figures! Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 02, 2022, 11:01:55 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. Below are the VIII KGL Line which completes the 2nd KGL Brigade commanded by Colonel Baron Ompteda at the bottom. Onward to the Hannoverians!


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on December 03, 2022, 07:59:24 PM
Now, those KGL fellers look good, too!  Love that command base, as well.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 04, 2022, 10:46:47 PM
A productive weekend digging into Kielmansegg's Hannoverian's of the 1st Hannover Brigade. Below we have the Light Battalion Grubenhagen and Light Battalion Lueneburg. At Waterloo, both battalions included a cadre of NCOs and officers from the KGL Light battalions, so I sprinkled in a few models from that range. These are metal Perry Miniatures.


The weekend also had a "setback" with respect to the remaining model count. I very much like the idea of a standard battery being the same 20cm width as a standard infantry battalion - it appeals to my sense of order! - but the 2-model batteries did look a bit light. I toyed with ways to include three guns but obviously 20cm doesn't divide neatly by 3. And then it dawned on me: artillery doesn't have "formations". So there really is no need to keep individual bases. Instead, I have now decided to base a 6-gun battery on a single 20x10cm base with *three* models. A large battery of 8 guns will go onto a 30x10cm base with four models. Of course that meant procuring another three dozen guns which adds around 200 more models to the painting list! Which just happens to be roughly the same number as all the painted stuff so far... Net zero again...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on December 05, 2022, 05:04:31 PM
Lovely painted units and very useful additions to your collection.

Re artillery; actually there are artillery formations that are subject to the rules one uses.  I use General de brigade and the formations listed are Limbered, deployed and massed.
I strongly recommend that you place your guns a crews (4) on a separate base. I use a 60 x 80mm base for 3 to 12 pounders (you could have a slightly larger base for 12pdrs)  and larger bases for 18 and 24pdrs. Having guns (ratio 1 model gun = 2 real guns) on separate bases allows you to use the three artillery formations including the ubiquitous road columns.

For your consideration, I do not glue the gun to the base, so that it can removed and hooked up to a limber and horse team for movement. In my armies every gun has a limber and horse team. I do this to simulate that extensive artillery park that was directly behind the gun line. It also looks good. I realize that not everyone has the budget or time to accomplish this but I think it is worthwhile.

I hope this comment was helpful. I continue to look forward to your project's continued development. It is a joy to view such well painted figures.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on December 05, 2022, 05:37:52 PM
Lovely figures! Nicely done! Masterful brushwork!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 06, 2022, 12:21:33 AM
Ironduke, thanks for the advice. I am quite wedded to the "everything on consistent bases" mantra. Hence the desire to fit a regular 6-gun battery onto a 20cm frontage matching the infantry and cavalry. I am definitely adding limbers - "budget" is obviously not a constraining factor to my madness :) - so any form of moving battery can be represented by those.

Here we have the third of the Hannoverian Light Battalions, from Osnabrueck, to complete that half of the 1st Hannover Brigade. These have been partially transitioned to British uniforms but only got the white crossbelts so far. When bulk painting literal green men, one latches onto such small differences to retain one's sanity!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on December 07, 2022, 01:23:50 AM
You are a painting machine Sir! Since you started this thread you have already exceeded my expected yearly output  :'(
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 07, 2022, 04:13:55 AM
Vodkafan - Thanks. It's the only way for me to wind down from my high stress job :). And Contrast paint truly is a miracle tool. Not only because one coat does the job, but also because it practically flows off the brush into all the nooks and crannies of the complex geometry of Napoleonic uniforms.

Today, we are continuing with the "transition process" of the 1st Hannoverian Brigade. The Field Battalion Bremen was half-way through the shift to British uniforms - more than just white crossbelts - so I represented them as a mix of old Hannoverian green uniforms and shiny new red ones (with a few Hannoverian field caps). The British uniforms all have light company wings to reflect the notional "light" designation of the Field Battalion. Green feathers on their outdated stovepipe shakos for the same reason. And they have some rifles sprinkled in from the Hannoverian Jaeger tradition. And blue trousers for some reasons. This unit truly has it all... or just had an insane quartermaster!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: tomrommel1 on December 07, 2022, 06:30:24 AM
nice additions
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Emporium on December 07, 2022, 10:07:48 AM
Usually I label huge projects like yours as mere dreams almost impossible to achive, let alone by a single person. But looking at your methodical attitude (the storage of your primed "to do" figures is astonishing) and at your steady progress (I've counted more than 12 figures a day) I bet you can get it!
Please keep on and update your progress!
Ah, i like a lot your basing/painting technique very effective and good looking.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: NurgleHH on December 07, 2022, 10:25:33 AM
Great work, Helge. I love the Wound-Marker, had the same idea. Makes a table look better than light coloured markers.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 08, 2022, 03:20:36 AM
Emporium - for the time being it *is* a dream. Just one with a bit of progress paired with optimism :). This is definitely my biggest project to do, but I have previously finished projects of similar scope before. For example, when GW killed the Old World, I spontaneously acquired the entire range for each Warhammer Fantasy army at the time which adds up about 4,000 models. Of those, about 2k - 6 armies - are now painted. And that's numerically comparable to at least the allied army at Waterloo in my scheme. So hope springs eternal.

On the flip side, I just stumbled up the beautiful Calpe Miniatures Prussian range and felt compelled to add some models to my existing line-up. Apparently the parcel came in at 6kg... :).
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Roo on December 08, 2022, 07:41:35 AM
OMG just had a look around your wargames room…wow
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on December 09, 2022, 12:14:46 PM
OMG just had a look around your wargames room…wow

you aint kidding.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 10, 2022, 07:59:49 PM
Bloggard/Roo - Thanks for the kind words. The photos of the room at 10+ years old so it has become a bit more crowded since :) (and the monitor bigger...). I am pretty much all filled up on the display cabinets so i have my eye on an adjacent room as gallery for this Napoleonic collection.

Here we have the last regular unit of the 1st Hannoverian Brigade: Field Battalion Werden. These are fully transitioned to British kit and even got a banner to wave around. i kept just enough Hannoverian elements to separate them from a British line formation.


As I near the completion of the brigade and thus the 3rd Division, I realized that my design change for the artillery will cause some sequencing problems. i have started painting all the foot artillery crew in bulk - about 50 done so far - but I am missing the extra howitzers and larger bases, so I can't finish the two batteries of the 3rd Division in sequence. I will have to back fill those later with photographs once all the parts arrive. New on the list is the 1st Division of the Guards then.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: OSHIROmodels on December 10, 2022, 08:53:06 PM
Cracking collection  8)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 17, 2022, 01:49:26 AM
Life introduces the first delays this week. I was able to complete just over 100 RFA crew, but can't complete any artillery units until the new bases arrive. Fortunately, there was at least some productive progress in the form of von Kielmansegg's Jaeger. These were only two companies strong so i made a small unit formed light infantry and two skirmish bases - both half the size of the larger KGL Light battalions. The models are converted from Perry and Wargames Atlantic plastics and assorted surplus. Leading them - and the whole 1st Hannover Brigade, is MG Graf von Kielmansegg himself.


On to the 1st Guards Division which is saw much bulk painting already!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 17, 2022, 10:18:45 PM
With the divisional artillery delayed, here is MG Count Sir Karl von Alten, commanding officer of the 3rd British Division. One division down (sans artillery), lots to go. Divisional commanders are based with two models on a 75mm base and have an attached ADC/messenger model based on a wound dial counter to act as token for command instructions in some gaming systems (and because it looks nice :)). I will try to connect those to the regiments in the division, so in this case we have a Major from the 1st KGL Light.


And to kick off the 1st British Division, here we have MG George Cooke commanding. His attached officer is a Major of the Foot Guards.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 21, 2022, 02:52:12 PM
Batch painting completed, so here we have MG Maitland leading the 1st Guards Brigade composed of the second and third battalion of 1st Foot Guards. i used Victrix plastic models for the Guards to visually distinguish them, though the heads are a mix of Victrix and Perry for variety. These are large formations so six bases each plus the usual add-ons. 2nd Guards Brigade will follow shortly as i bulk painted the whole lot.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on December 21, 2022, 03:48:09 PM
Your output both in quantity and quality is amazing. I took the liberty of copying the image of your guards and blowing it up to observe the detail. Your attention to detail and shading is truly outstanding!

I continue to admire the incredible development of your Waterloo collection while I plod along with my eastern Peninsula collection. Again, I am truly in awe of your prolific and quality production!

I continue to look forward to your continued progress on this wonderful project.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on December 21, 2022, 10:59:17 PM
Well, those are some more great-looking figures.  Huzzah!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 22, 2022, 02:17:39 AM
IronDuke - thanks for the kind words. Contrast paint does most of the magic!

And here we have the other half the guards division: MG Sir Byng commanding the II/2nd Food and II/3rd Foot. More Victrix models. I used the Victrix kit to give each of the four large guards battalions a unique fighting posture.



Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: tomrommel1 on December 22, 2022, 06:33:39 AM
brilliant additions
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 24, 2022, 09:47:51 AM
 Merry Christmas everybody. Since the artillery is still en route and so are some of the Dutch-Belgians - I added some of the recent Warlord releases late to the line up - I will be shifting straight to II Corps under LG Rowland Hill. Below are Hill (on a 100mm base with thre models plus ADC marker  befitting a Corps level commander) and LG Clinton commanding 2nd Division which is essentially all of II Corps during Waterloo. Now on to lots of batch work for the 1st KGL Brigade of doughty Germans!


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on December 24, 2022, 10:47:35 AM
Happy Christmas - and continued thanks for sharing this fantastic project and ongoing results with the forum.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Melnibonean on December 27, 2022, 02:12:09 AM
That's a frightening amount of painting that you've set for yourself. It would take most people  lifetime to achieve it.
Good luck and I hope you get to the end.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 27, 2022, 03:21:40 PM
Here we have Col du Plat commanding the 1st KGL Brigade. As with the 2nd, I went with Warlord models for the stiff Germans. These paint up very easily with I and II KGL Line on the march below.


I would also love some feedback on Rapier Miniatures 28mm Nassau line if anybody owns them. Between the 1st and 2nd Nassau regiments, there are 6 Nassau battalions but Perry Miniatures only has enough variety for two. I am thus on the lockout for options for the other battalions and stumbled upon Rapier Miniatures. Their photos make the figures look quite small and hunched, but I can't find any comparison images online. All advice would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on December 27, 2022, 03:46:46 PM
I can't provide comment on Rapier but suggest that you look into Front Rank (has large variety of Nassau figure types) and Elite Miniatures.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on December 27, 2022, 04:44:47 PM
So far, so good.  All these minis look great!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on December 27, 2022, 06:02:51 PM
I would say Rapier are comparable to Eagle miniatures, tiny bit smaller than Warlord et al but nice enough.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 27, 2022, 07:35:11 PM
Vodkafan, thanks for the quick reply. I will try to get a battalion or two from Rapier then. Would you by chance know how Rapier miniatures are packaged? The online store shows random pictures of 2, 3 or 4 unpainted, or a cropped show of painted models, but lists every entry at 5 pounds. Is there some kind of standard package size independent of the pictures?
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on December 28, 2022, 11:27:38 PM
Vodkafan, thanks for the quick reply. I will try to get a battalion or two from Rapier then. Would you by chance know how Rapier miniatures are packaged? The online store shows random pictures of 2, 3 or 4 unpainted, or a cropped show of painted models, but lists every entry at 5 pounds. Is there some kind of standard package size independent of the pictures?

I have only ever bought from them at shows (Hammerhead) so sorry I don't know about their online practices.
(I just went quickly to check it out). Oh yes that is odd. Are there 2, or 3, or 4 in some packs all for the same price?
I would GUESS that every pack is four miniatures but I would contact them and get them to explain for sure. They are pleasant to talk to at shows, that's all I know!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 29, 2022, 07:26:41 PM
Vodkafan - thanks. I emailed the owner who confirmed that infantry comes with 4 figures per pack. So I ordered a few battalions of Nassau and - since you kindly mentioned them - also a few battalions from Eagle Miniatures. I am slowly discovering the world of smaller historical figure suppliers :). With these purchases, the full order of battle of the Army of the Netherlands is now in sight. I am still skipping the entire 3rd Netherlands Division for now, but the Brunswick Division and both Nassau Brigades are now present, except the II/28th Orange-Nassau and the III/1st Nassau. For the latter, I have some inbound command figures from Eagle and am tempted to use Wargames Atlantic Prussian Reservists for the troops. The third battalion was a Landwehr formation so it looks quite different than the Nassau line battalions  but similar enough to the Prussians. The packs are probably wrong, but that should be a quick conversion job. Plus, I have a crazy surplus of those plastic reservists, bought before I realized that only a few formations at Waterloo where of this type.

While my enthusiasm added 200+ new figures over the last few days, there has been at least a bit of progress on the painting front. Below at the III KGL Line (and the bulk of IV KGL Line is batched to completion as well with just the command models in need of finishing).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 31, 2022, 12:33:08 PM
In a fit of "completion compulsion", I bought the Front Rank Nassauers as well so that contingent is now well and done. Painting is another matter...

But at least the doughty KGL is progress with the IV KGL Line - and thus the 1st KGL Brigade - completed. On to the Light Brigade!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on December 31, 2022, 05:16:04 PM
More great figures.  They all look good so far!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: skip on January 01, 2023, 04:11:06 PM
amazing progress, love big projects like this
I use contrast paints myself for AWI, your method of not being too careful until
the last process is a good idea and also using apocethary white all over first
could solve my 'white bits' problem ( white flecks left that i missed)


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 03, 2023, 09:53:35 AM
Skip - I find that the inital Apothecary White coat really helps to separate the detail on the model and guide future painting. To avoid white spots at the end, the sloppy nature of painting the core colours means that everything overlaps a bit which covers any unwanted white. And most colours, if overlapping, just become brown or black which creates a bit of natural blacklining at interfaces. Obviously this doesn't work if one side of the interface is a very light colour, but those get cleaned up with white. The only part where I have to pay attention is the beige cloth sack. To make that easier, I paint both the sack and the canteen sloppily - in both cases excess paint goes onto the strap - and then the separating strap with any dark brown which will cover any overpainted beige/blue just fine.

Speaking of beige, here we have MG Adams of the 3rd British Brigade with its light troops. First of those is the large first battalion of the 51st Foot with their buff leathers :).


These are Perry plastics but with arms - or just wings - from Perry, Victrix and Warlord ot get enough variety. Painted as usual but with a coat of Skeleton Horde over the white straps at the very end. The heads are metal from Brigade Games (formerly Victrix sculps).
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on January 03, 2023, 09:08:02 PM
Great paintings!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Fred Mills on January 04, 2023, 12:09:57 AM
I just read through this terrific project thread, with its incredible figures, pace of work, and organizational rigour. What a real treat, with special thanks for all the painting detail, manufacturers' comments, and insights into how you organize units and so forth. Greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Golgotha on January 05, 2023, 07:45:08 AM
Truly an impressive project I particularly like the natural looking basing which makes these miniatures so vividly and realistically come to life. Very keen to see more.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on January 05, 2023, 10:24:32 PM
I hate to sound like a broken record, but another great-looking unit!  Huzzah!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on January 05, 2023, 10:50:01 PM
Really amazing project. You certainly don’t start easy, Helge. Good luck and continue the awesome painting!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 12, 2023, 02:58:30 AM
Back after a bit of delay. I received a bunch of the "second wave" orders and was busy assembling. Still, here are the I/71st Foot. These are based on Perry plastics but with extra Victrix flank arms and custom shakos. For the later, I bought a whole bunch of Perry plastic Rifle figures, shaved off the feather and then used green stuff to add the central pompom. There appears to be some debate on the historically correct headgear, but in an ocean of red all variety is welcome. Some Scottish touches were added as well to touch on their origin.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on January 12, 2023, 03:08:12 AM
Another really nice looking unit.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 16, 2023, 03:39:49 PM
The famous 95th Rifles are on the field with their second battalion. Similar to the KGL Light, I based these as a formed backbone unit with 4 figures per base plus skirmishers. The models are an mix of Perry, Warlord, Wargames Atlantic, Brigade/Victrix and anybody else I could find.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: OSHIROmodels on January 16, 2023, 03:43:41 PM
Splendid  8)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on January 17, 2023, 06:14:50 PM
Wow! You churn out painted units faster than even Napoleon could raise them!  :o ;)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on January 18, 2023, 04:25:04 PM
Yup - more great-looking units!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on January 19, 2023, 12:53:13 PM
There appears to be some debate on the historically correct headgear, but in an ocean of red all variety is welcome.

Yes, there was some discussion as to whether lights and rifles were actually issued Belgic shakos in time for Waterloo, having been among the last to retain the stove pipe in N E Spain/S W France due to being in constant contact with the enemy.  Some contemporary paintings of rifles in Belgics had surfaced recently.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 20, 2023, 02:18:30 AM
And the third battalion of the Rifles. Same mix and composition (boring, but there is a third one coming :)).



von Wreckedoften - That seems to be the general debate, but more specifically I also found conflicting sources for the headgear of the 71st foot. Beyond stovepipe and belgic shako, they also have the unique blue shako cover with central pompom. Some sources show them with this, others in conventional stovepipe/belgic. I went with the unique pompom arrangement in dark blue just for the visual differentiation. History overruled by visual appeal :)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on January 21, 2023, 08:03:29 PM
Well, headgear notwithstanding, those Rifles look great!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 23, 2023, 01:53:37 AM
Nothing finished, but this weekend I made progress on the Royal Foot Artillery. Six batteries including the 1st KGL Foot Artillery. Guns are Victrix plastics while the crew is a random assortment of Victrix, Perry, Warlord, Elite, Front Rank, Foundry and possibly some others. I just pick up artillery crew for all three armies whenever I order something so that there is variety for each unit. I will base these up and add better photos once finished. Three of these will go to the already completed 1st and 3rd Divisions. Afterwards I will post them with their divisions as I paint them (just to satisfy my sense of order :)). The 10 batteries of horse artillery will be done in bulk in a similar manner. Add the Hannoverian, Dutch and Brunswick artillery, this will ultimately yield a truly "grand" battery measuring 270cm wide (68 guns). More house is needed :).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on January 23, 2023, 12:10:57 PM
Helge matey, you've put me to shame, bigstyle. I've been doing my 'Airfix Waterloo' collection for over 50 years now, here's you nailing it in 50 days!!!

:'(  :o  :'(
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: jon_1066 on January 23, 2023, 02:50:49 PM
Helge matey, you've put me to shame, bigstyle. I've been doing my 'Airfix Waterloo' collection for over 50 years now, here's you nailing it in 50 days!!!

:'(  :o  :'(

He’ll have it done in … 100 days

Amazing scope and speed.  You’ll have to hire a village hall to refight the battle.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on January 23, 2023, 04:46:40 PM
100 days, that'll be...
'A near run thing!'

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on January 23, 2023, 06:04:54 PM
Ok then.  That'll be one impressive gun line!  :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 24, 2023, 10:40:39 PM
Col. Halkett - sibling of his more senior brother - leads the 3rd Hannover Brigade. Only the Osnabrueck Landwehr actually engaged the enemy so I am skipping the other three Landwehr battalions. Thus - sans artillery - this completes the full 2nd British Division.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 02, 2023, 02:51:24 PM
Basing the foot artillery turned out to be a bit of a nightmare. Even 3mm MDF starts to warp - apparently - at the 20x10cm size of the base. So I have to use an elaborate system of clamping and coatings during the basing process. That annoyance took some of the wind out of my sails so for the last few days I only have a few offerings. First, the two foot artillery batteries accompanying 3rd British Division.

Lloyd's Company:

1st KGL Foot Artillery:

I added the limbers behind the unit on 10x5cm bases for additional decoration.

Then we have the leadership of I Corps in the form of the Prince of Orange, with ADC, and his Chief of Staff Baron de Constant-Rebecque on a separate base with his staff.


Finally, the grand man himself - the Duke of Wellington with ADC.

Now that I have a few completed divisions - soon with full complement of artillery - I also started on a page for the army on my blog (https://wargamingworkshop.com/napoleonics/allied-army-of-the-netherlands/). This shows all the painted units with a bit of description. Have a look :). I will add to the blog as each new full division is completed while continuing to post unit-by-unit here.

Next on the list are the two divisions of the Reserves with their kilted highlanders (and basing of the remaining artillery...).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on February 02, 2023, 10:32:41 PM
Wow!  More great figures/units.  Your progress is commendable!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 03, 2023, 09:26:50 PM
Thanks Captn.

And here is Alm's Company of 3rd RFA, attached to the 2nd British Division. A couple more batteries to (tortuously) base and the Foot Artillery will be done.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: David H on February 03, 2023, 10:37:23 PM
Those artillery batteries look really impressive on the big bases.
Wonderful project and at an amazing pace.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on February 03, 2023, 10:54:39 PM
Those artillery batteries look really impressive on the big bases.

I agree.  Those 3 gun bases must look pretty damn cool set up together...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 04, 2023, 03:39:21 AM
Thanks. I do indeed quite like the larger bases. Looks a bit more like an active battery. Of course I promptly messed up the gun allocation for Alm's company. There should of course be a howitzer which is now rectified in the new photo (replacing the old one).

With two more batteries drying in the clamps and two more in prep, it's time for some more infantry. Let's tackle the 5th British Division led by pottymouth LG Sir Thomas Picton. He is joined by a couple of Scots Majors, one as ADC counter as usual for division commanders.


Then we have MG Kempt commanding the 8th Brigade in the division with its highlander and rifle battalion (which will follow ... just some basing to do).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on February 04, 2023, 10:01:42 AM
Wow!  :o You churn out high quality units at an amazing rate!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 04, 2023, 03:16:53 PM
And here we have Sandham's Company of III/RFA. I am now "caught up" on foot artillery for the completed divisions. Still missing the two batteries of KGL horse artillery for 1st and 2nd Division but for those I need crew models that are stuck in the UK mail system (which has eaten 9 parcels so far from orders stretching back to November...).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on February 04, 2023, 04:12:54 PM
Yep - those look really good, too!  :)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on February 04, 2023, 10:18:47 PM
Boy, you do have an impressive painting speed!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on February 05, 2023, 03:05:02 PM
I absolutely love your collection! Masterful brushwork and some of the best looking bases in the hobby! Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Gunner who? on February 05, 2023, 08:20:34 PM
Your pace is impressive mate!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 06, 2023, 02:38:19 AM
Thank you all for the kind work. Back to the good old redcoats. Here we have I/28th Foot which still wore the old stovepipe shako at Waterloo. I take every little bit of variety I can get :).


Speaking of variety, I still have quite a lot of British foot regiments to do - 9th Brigade in 5th Division, all of 6th Division, and the much reduced 4th Division. Counting Landwehr, that's another dozen battalions once 8th Brigade is done. For the sake of the aforementioned variety, I am tempted to make a little excursion into either the cavalry or the Dutch-Belgian infantry. Some of the Nassau and Brunswick are sadly still in transit from the UK so that will have to wait. Any preferences between cavalry or the 2nd Dutch-Belgian Division?
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on February 07, 2023, 12:20:28 AM
I wouldn't dare to try to redirect your flow of painting work I just like to see the pretty results. I hope you like the Eagle and Rapier miniatures when you finally get them.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on February 08, 2023, 01:26:38 AM
Any preferences between cavalry or the 2nd Dutch-Belgian Division?

My vote is firmly for....either!  I would happily look at any of your painted figures... :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 10, 2023, 03:37:12 AM
Thanks for the encouragement. I think i will complete the two highlander brigades and then do some cavalry. Below with have I/32nd foot with their white facings.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on February 10, 2023, 03:58:35 AM
Impressive ongoing progress.  Hope your missing parcels arrive before you run out of troops to paint.  lol
Looking forward to the horse.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 17, 2023, 06:03:02 PM
Here we have the I/79th Foot Cameronian Highlanders. Victrix plastic models with some metal command models from Perry blended in. The tartan is more of a visual suggestion than the full pattern.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 17, 2023, 06:22:39 PM
And the I/95th Rifles to round out 8th Brigade. These were admittedly batch painted with their parent regiments so just added here for completeness.


Next is 9th Brigade with more highlanders, but I am batch painting horses in the background for the upcoming cavalry.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on February 18, 2023, 11:10:13 AM
I really like this project, it is amazing how the little regiments come together.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on February 18, 2023, 11:56:41 PM
I told ya!  I happily looked at those photos... :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 19, 2023, 02:22:00 AM
Thank you for the kind words. I definitely won't run out of models to paint anytime soon...

A productive day so the start of 9th British Brigade commanded by MG Sir Pack.


The first battalion of the brigade are the III/1st Foot, the Royal Scots. A straightforward unit with the addition of the obligatory piper.


I have also started some batch preparation work for the upcoming cavalry. These are near 200 horses for the Light Dragoons and Hussars in my handful of "horse colours". Base paint, wash and drybrush. Now they just need details when the riders get painted later.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on February 19, 2023, 07:57:52 PM
Those horses…I would really be disheartened just to see so many to be done. I really admire both your discipline and your speed with this project!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 21, 2023, 12:26:07 AM
And here we have the Black Watch, the I/42nd Foot. Again these are Victrix plastics with some Perry command models mixed in. I should have mentioned previously that I replaced the original Victrix backpacks - which are very slim - with surplus Perry plastic backpacks. Just a quick trim to remove the accessories and they fit nicely. This gives me a uniform backpack size with the metal Perry models and also looks more realistic.


DivisMal - batch painting like this is actually a tonic for my soul :). A great way to just zone out completely and let my hands to their thing while my mind processes the stresses of the day!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on February 21, 2023, 04:00:52 PM
Your Highlanders, Royal Scots and 95th Rifles all look great1  Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on February 21, 2023, 05:00:15 PM
@ Helge: it’s extremely impressive nevertheless! I struggle to paint 15s in let’s say half the speed. But painting also has a very metitative effect on me. I can understand it.

The Black Watch is also great!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 26, 2023, 04:18:11 AM
Thanks for the kind words. Busily batching horses but also getting to the end of the infantry (for now). Here is the II/44th Foot.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on February 26, 2023, 01:02:38 PM
Your quality and quantity of production never ceases to amaze me. It is most enjoyable to view your breathtaking progress. Thank you for taking the time to post these wonderful photos.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 04, 2023, 08:37:00 PM
Time to wrap up 5th Division! Here we have I/92nd as the last kilted regiment, completing Pack's 9th brigade.


The division also includes 5th Hannover Brigade under Colonel von Vincke. These four Landwehr units were positioned on the extreme left wing with nothing to do beyond waiting for the Prussians. So i will skip the brigade. i did complete Col. von Vincke who also appears as von Wencke and von Wincke in various documents.


Finally, we have the divisional artillery composed of a 9pdr battery of 3rd Btn. RFA led by Captain Rogers


and a 6pdr battery from Hannover under Kapitän Wilhelm Braun.


I found some references showing the Hannover artillery with light blue carriages so I went that way. On the other hand, the British artillery were in greys but seem often depicted in light blue as well, so who knows! I am also using Avant Post resin models for the Hannover guns to distinguish them a bit more from the Victrix plastic guns of RFA.

This completes 5th Division. All four full British divisions are in the field now. There are still 6 British battalions to do to cover the truncated 4th and 6th Division which only had a short brigade of 3 British battalions each (plus some Landwehr). I will move those to the back of the line to start the cavalry phase. Horses, here I come!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on March 05, 2023, 05:33:21 PM
Your work continues to impress there, fella.  Well done, lad!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on March 06, 2023, 07:14:13 PM
Absolutely gorgeous! Well dobe! Inspirational!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on March 07, 2023, 10:04:45 PM
I’ll join the applause. Go for it!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 08, 2023, 02:15:28 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. To launch the arrival of the cavalry, here we have Henry Paget, Earl of Uxbrige serving as overall commander of the mounted force. His one-armed brother General Edward Paget (Front Rank) is with him though in reality he was absent at Waterloo. But since he had an illustrious career in the Peninsula War, I thought I would include him as part of the family history :). The ADC is Major de Lacey of the Scots Greys from the Perry kit.


Not much else because all my long-awaited parcels from the UK just arrived in a burst! The boxes have supplies the missing battalions of Brunswick and Nassau infantry from Eagle and Rapier Miniatures. The Perry's only have one set of poses per Brunswick/Nassau regiment so the second and third battalions had to come from elsewhere. This also puts me in the position to comment on the three manufacturers and their compatibility.

Perry: Best in class as usual with crisp detail and very little clean-up needed. The Brunswick models are a bit small compared to the rest of their British/Allied range. Not quite 25mm but closer to that than to the 28mm scale that their later sculpts use. But they mix well with other Perry models.

Eagle: Similar in size to Perry (but likewise smaller than newer Perry models). They feel slimmer than Perrys but that might just be their poses. Clean models with very little flash. The sculpting is a bit more muted and "soft" compared to Perry but I think the two would mix fairly well.

Rapier: A bit smaller than the other two and definitely 25mm. I don't think they will mix with modern Perry and even the smaller Perry Brunswickers tower over them. Their shakos are quite small as well - more like caps - which is noticeably different. The models need a lot of clean-up with some sections requiring drilling/dremel use to get off (e.g. solid pewter in enclosed areas such as bent elbows in firing position). The sculpts are good but the casting makes some of the models very soft with washed out details that is present in other models of the same sculpt. About 10% of the models had missing parts that didn't cast properly (e.g. pompoms, gun barrels, bayonets). Some of this can be fixed with green stuff but I would recommend ordering a few extra packs if you rely on exact model count to form your units (a mistake I made, so I just ordered a few extra packs to compensate for miscasts).

Overall, this gives me 7 serviceable Brunswick battalions and 6 large Nassau-Usingen battalions with unique posture for each. So much more to paint... :)

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 11, 2023, 12:34:44 AM
The first batch of horses are done and the new Nassau/Brunswick troops are prepped on sticks. Nothing worth photographing yet but I should have a cavalry regiment or two ready on the weekend.

Meanwhile, I thought this might be of interest. I couldn't resist and started a bit of prep work on the *next* army now that I am about halfway through the allied force. Below is the flag sheet for the Prussian army of the lower rhine. Or at least the units that arrived on the field at Waterloo.


On the right we have all four brigades of von Zieten's IV Korps. Each with a line regiment and two Landwehr regiments. To the left are the 1st Brigade of I Korps and 5th/6th brigades of II Korps. These all have two line regiments and one Landwehr regiment. With all regiments having three battalions, and subtracting a few detached units, this represents 60 infantry battalions on the field. In reality, only three of IV Korps brigades engaged the enemy but the I and II Korps brigades have all the interesting uniforms so they had to be added. Flags are of course mandatory no matter the historical reality.

This will need a pot or two of Prussian blue. But first the allied army...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on March 11, 2023, 05:30:38 AM
Helge, no such thing as a daft question  but this'll come close...
Wot about the Frenchies, you'll kind of need some of them kicking about at Waterloo?

 :o  ???  :o
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 11, 2023, 09:04:15 PM
Harry, there will definitely be some French as well :). At present, i have a few filing boxes full of French which will be formed into:
- full Imperial Guard (3 infantry divisions plus assorted cavalry)
- full I Corps (4 infantry divisions, 1 light cavalry division)
- Jerome's 6th division from II Corps
- 2 additional light cavalry divisions
- full III Heavy Cavalry Corps (2 heavy cavalry divisions)

Comes to just under 2,000 models. Not quite the full order of battle, but enough to fill a (few) table(s). I am missing 2 infantry divisions from II Corps, the entire reduced VI Corps (2 infantry divisions, 2 light cavalry divisions), and the entire IV Heavy Cavalry Corps (2 heavy cavalry divisions). The French formations are quite repetitive so skipping a few divisions will keep me sane...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on March 12, 2023, 04:51:27 PM
Harry, there will definitely be some French as well :). At present, i have a few filing boxes full of French which will be formed into:
- full Imperial Guard (3 infantry divisions plus assorted cavalry)
- full I Corps (4 infantry divisions, 1 light cavalry division)
- Jerome's 6th division from II Corps
- 2 additional light cavalry divisions
- full III Heavy Cavalry Corps (2 heavy cavalry divisions)

Comes to just under 2,000 models. Not quite the full order of battle, but enough to fill a (few) table(s). I am missing 2 infantry divisions from II Corps, the entire reduced VI Corps (2 infantry divisions, 2 light cavalry divisions), and the entire IV Heavy Cavalry Corps (2 heavy cavalry divisions). The French formations are quite repetitive so skipping a few divisions will keep me sane...

Holy crap!  Dat's a lot of figures...you may consider my mind boggled... :o :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on March 12, 2023, 05:22:09 PM
I wonder what you‘ll do, Helge, once you’re finished. In your speed, I guess around Easter.  ;)
Borodino? Leipzig? Lower the scale to have one model represent a single soldier? lol
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 12, 2023, 09:53:49 PM
DivisMal - i suspect that it will take just a tiny bit longer :). I am currently at 1,128 models painted out of just under 6,000 for the planned OOB of the three armies. Given that I have a tendency of "adding a bit more" once a project is under way, i am guessing that the full effort will come in around 6,500 models. So plenty left to do :).

Counted in the above is my first small cavalry unit! Here we have a single squadron of Staff Corps of Cavalry. I used this as a prototype for the four main horse colour schemes for the light cavalry. I will have a full regiment to post tomorrow once the basing glue is dried.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on March 12, 2023, 10:18:57 PM
A tiny bit longer, sure, and en passant you cranked out another unit.

Your speed is just amazing!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 13, 2023, 02:14:30 AM
And here is the first real regiment all dry and eager to charge. Major General Sir Vandeleur commands 4th Cavalry Brigade. The model is a special one from Perry that you get for ordering 3+ boxes of light dragoons. i started with 4th brigade somewhat at random and will do one of the heavy cavalry brigades afterwards.


The first regiment of the brigade is 11th Light Dragoons. It's just the regular Perry kit with GMB flags for the first and second squadrons. Two bases form a squadron, so most of the British cavalry come with 6 bases in two lines.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 18, 2023, 06:22:07 PM
And here we have 12th Light Dragoon (Prince of Wales'). Not much difference to 11th though if you really look closely, this one has yellow facings rather than buff for the 11th...

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on March 18, 2023, 07:07:15 PM
 continuing productivity and quality of paint-work is just amazing.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on March 18, 2023, 07:29:28 PM
I think you are going to need a bigger table. Wonderful units.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 25, 2023, 03:55:07 PM
Thank you for the kind words. The Allied Army just barely fits onto my 9'x5' table (if tightly packed and of course still much of it as empty bases for placeholders). Once they are done, I will have to figure out display storage so that the table gets clearer for the Prussians and French. But that's a worry for the future.

For now, here we have 16th Light Dragoons. I build these in older uniforms just for a bit of variety among the seven Light Dragoon regiments. Not historically accurate but the Tarleton helmet needs to be in there somewhere :)


This wraps up 4th Cavalry Brigade. Next I will tackle the heavies of 2nd Cavalry Brigade (can't do first because I am still waiting for Victrix to release its Lifeguard models).
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on March 28, 2023, 09:25:10 AM
Yes totally agree about the tarletons!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on March 28, 2023, 08:33:32 PM
Great looking cavalry!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 02, 2023, 06:07:40 PM
Change of plans. Instead of grinding through the cavalry, I thought I would mix in the Royal Horse Artillery batteries as each cavalry brigade is completed. To that end, I batched a bunch of them to "catch up" with the RHA assigned to non-cavalry formations. The guns are Perry metal and the crew are the usual mix of random manufacturers to give variety. I included a mounted model for each battery to visually separate them from the foot artillery.

First we have the two batteries of KGL Horse Artillery which are respectively attached to 1st and 2nd British Infantry Division (finishing those) as well as the two batteries assigned to the general reserve.

2nd KGL Horse Artillery with 9pdr guns (1st Division)

1st KGL Horse Artillery with 9pdr guns (2nd Division)

Bean's A Troop RHA with 6pdr guns (Reserves)

Ross' D Troop RHA with 6 pdr guns (Reserves)

With the "backlog" out of the way, I now have one more RHA battery for each of the British cavalry brigades. Since we finished 4th Brigade, let's add Gardiner's E Troop with their 6pdr guns.


*Now* on to the heavy cavalry!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 09, 2023, 03:07:38 AM
Here we have Major General Sir Ponsonby, commanding 2nd Cavalry Brigade. Often referred to as the "Union" brigade due to its mix of English, Scottish and Irish regiments. The model is Perry.


And the 1st "Royal" Dragoons using Victrix plastic models.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 14, 2023, 01:40:15 AM
and the Scots Greys (2nd Dragoons). These are Warlord models.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on April 14, 2023, 03:11:58 AM
As always, impressive output.  Keep up the momentum!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 18, 2023, 03:56:38 AM
And here we have the 6th "Inniskilling" Dragoons, completing the Union Brigade.


Attached to them is F Troop RHA with their 6pdr guns.


For variety - since the cavalry is clearly a limited hit - i will treat myself to a brigade of colourful Dutch-Belgians. Specifically, let's have a crack of Bijlandt's Brigade who have such a disputed history during the battle. Did they run on first contact or retreat only after intense firefight?

For our amusement, my spreadsheet tells me that the full allied OOB at Waterloo comes to 6608 points using the Black Powder point system. There, you know this useless factoid now :). Maybe more importantly at this scale, it fills a full 9'x5' table if tightly packed...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: David H on April 18, 2023, 09:45:43 AM
Your progress and commitment is amazing!
Keep it up.
I'm looking forward to your next units.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on April 18, 2023, 03:06:18 PM
I'm absolutely green with envy!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on April 19, 2023, 04:33:44 PM
Wow!  You keep showing us some marvy figures.  Well done!  Again...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 20, 2023, 01:24:26 AM
Thank you all for the kind words. Regrettably, I have to report an "incident" that may impact my painting pace. While my Waterloo project is grand in scale, it is limited to the historical order of battle so I am painting against a static target. Armed with that mental safety net, I carelessly wandered to the Warlord Games website to look for just a few more flag finials for the ocean of French flags in preparation - some 80+ battalions. They had a big banner announcing a loyalty reward scheme offering sprues of their new 13.5mm Pike and Shotte line. Like an uninhibited toddler - but one armed with a lot of "points" after buying countless Napoleonic models - I clicked a lot of buttons. And then some guy on Youtube said that Peter Pig metal fit the scale so that website got a visit too. Boom, I had a considerable English Civil War collection. Except in my enthusiasm I forgot to order the actual stuff I needed (it happens :)). Having already bought all one could possibly get from the Pike & Shotte range - and on the principle that one civil war is much like another - I filled a second "free shipping" basket with their 13.5mm American Civil War boxes. The things one does to "save" $10 in shipping! And then back to the metal suppliers...

Bottom line, after a wanton evening of online indulgence, I now own about a thousand bases of 13.5mm ECW and ACW models. And that might just delay progress for the Napoleonics when they cross the Atlantic ocean! :)

On my positive news, the promptly summoned architect thinks that a substantial building expansion might be allowed on the property so there is hope that all this stuff can get a "historical display room" later in the year rather than encroaching on the existing display cabinets. Once painted of course...

Speaking of painting, it is now time to hit the Netherlands. Specifically, 2nd Netherlands Division commanded by LG Baron de Perponcher-Sedlnitzky, accompanied here by his ADC from 2nd Nassau.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: David H on April 20, 2023, 08:55:34 AM
I hope you dont get too distract by your civil war purchases  ;)

So, not only are you painting the complete armies for Waterloo, in order to house them you are going to build a new extension to your house?

Wow! I just love your commitment to this project.

Keep it going, I look forward to your updates.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 20, 2023, 02:11:47 PM
At least I have some time until the parcels arrive!

As for the extra room, this was becoming a pressure factor even before the Waterloo project. My gaming room (https://wargamingworkshop.com/about/wargaming-room/) was built with a good amount of display cabinets, but over the last decade they have all been filled. The main cabinet is now as tightly packed as I can with display trays installed every 8" (below is a snapshot of one of the three cabinets). The side cabinets are also all full.


For the Waterloo Project, my long term ambitious is a diorama layout in museum-style display cases. That will need four sections of 6m x 3m each to cover Hougoumont & far west wing, centre, east wing, and Plancenoit (see below). As it happens, my kids currently occupy a floor with rooms laid out conveniently in the kind of L shape needed for the battlefield. So mutterings of "your room will be Papelotte when you go to uni" can occasionally be heard at the dinner table :).


For now though, I have to contend myself with just an extra room full of display cabinets. The room is already there - adjacent to my existing game room - but the stuff in it will have to be migrated so a new solarium will have to be added for that purpose. Until that's built, I will just gradually encroach by building one display cabinet at a time. And by gradual, I mean like Napoleon's encroachment on the German states ... because 6 cabinets are ordered already... :). Those will fit the Allied Army on 17 display trays as shown below. Not super spacious, but it will do. Then 6 more for the French and a handful for the Prussians...


Now it just needs to all be painted. I am a bit over half-way there...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on April 20, 2023, 09:07:54 PM
Impressive looking collection!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 24, 2023, 01:22:51 AM
Warlord parcels are arriving every day, but in all the excitement I just managed to get something done. Remember these base labels? Well, they are getting filled!


First we have Major General Bijlandt commanding 1st Brigade of the 2nd Netherlands Division. And then the 7th (Belgian) Line Battalion. These are Warlord "pseudo resin" models and not particularly pleasing. Weird proportions and the resin is quit rubbery. But they are done, so there is that.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: DivisMal on April 24, 2023, 06:19:45 PM
Mon dieu, Helge! You don’t do things half-hearted. I’m excited about the new projects and that little museum your planning!  lol :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on April 25, 2023, 03:08:23 PM
Those Dutch look OK to me.  I'm curious now - how were their proportions weird?
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 26, 2023, 12:18:58 PM
Those Dutch look OK to me.  I'm curious now - how were their proportions weird?

They look out strangely elongated like somebody printed them with a 110% height scaling without adjusting width. Below is a photo comparing them to some Dutch-Belgian Line from Perry in the same marching pose. They are not only noticeably taller and thinner, but all their features are stretched too. Look at the faces or shako. Note that this isn't just a "true-scale" type of issue. Warlord's other sculpts are very much consistent with Perry's. I suspect that this has something to do with the moulding technique for these new "soft resin" models where they need very "linear" features to make the process work. Even the command models have no real dimensionality beyond "straight stick".


Note that the presence of unpainted Perry Dutch-Belgian Line models is foreshadowing :). Despite my earlier plans, I decided to do 3rd Netherlands Division as well so there are a bunch more Line and Chasseur battalions in the pipeline now. The list grows... Though at this point there really isn't much else to add to the Allied Army apart from 6 Hannover Landwehr who truly didn't come close to the battlefield (though I said that for 3rd Netherlands as well...).
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on April 27, 2023, 11:14:39 PM
Ah.  I see now.  I suspect that they'll look fine in their own units...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 29, 2023, 04:33:13 AM
Ah.  I see now.  I suspect that they'll look fine in their own units...

They are ok as a separate unit, but still look a bit odd. I measured their faces/heads and got a height of around 4mm with a width of just 2mm. Perry and other manufacturers tend to be 3x3mm. Everything feels a bit elongated with the Warlord resins. That said, I guess I am just a petty grumbler :).

On to some Perry's though: This is 27th Dutch Jager Btn, the second regular unit of 1st Brigade. It's all militia from here...

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on April 29, 2023, 02:25:27 PM
Your quantity and quality of this project's production is still impressive. I remain envious but enthralled with your posts. Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on April 29, 2023, 05:54:01 PM
Your quantity and quality of this project's production is still impressive. I remain envious but enthralled with your posts. Well done!

What he said!   :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on May 03, 2023, 04:20:12 AM
I had a very productive weekend with little to show for it. All the Warlord EPIC boxes arrives so I spent lots of time clipping and scraping to get them ready for spray coating. Armed with a dozen spray cans, next weekend will be a grand base coating bonanza. Hundreds of strips and models for both the ACW and ECW forces.

Nevertheless, I did at least get a small unit done. This is the 5th Dutch Militia Btn of only two bases. They got mauled badly at Quatre Bras and only had 175 effectives in the field at Waterloo.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on May 13, 2023, 08:52:01 PM
Aside from cleaning, spraying and highlighting Warlord's EPIC figures, I have been batch painting all the remaining light horse mounts. A few kingdoms worth of horses...


I shall have some more full painted units ready over the weekend!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Belgian on May 13, 2023, 09:56:26 PM
Wow, epic project and that's quite a bunch of horses!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on May 20, 2023, 12:11:47 PM
In between travel and more Epic scale prep, here we have 7th Dutch Militia. I added a mix of headgear to differentiate them a bit more from the Line battalion.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on May 21, 2023, 03:23:02 AM
Impressive progress.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on May 21, 2023, 07:16:43 PM
Yeah - those fellas look good too!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on May 21, 2023, 07:52:26 PM
And here we have 8th Dutch Militia. Perry metals again.


The brigade is support by a single section of Dutch Foot Artillery. The battery got badly mauled at Quatre-Bras so only two 6pdr guns made it onto the field at Waterloo. This is represented by a "Tiny" battery on a single 10x10 base (half-batteries of 2 sections will be 2 guns on a 15x10cm base, standard 3 section batteries on 20x10cm and large batteries will have 4 guns on 30x10cm bases).


This wraps up 1st Brigade. 2nd Brigade will have to wait a bit as I am still missing a few Nassau models - replacing miscasts from Eagle Miniatures. I will migrate to some cavalry instead, now that the horses are completed.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: lethallee61 on May 22, 2023, 02:32:41 AM
Don’t take this the wrong way, but having given up all thought of pursuing Napoleonics in any scale after a number of failed attempts - I hate you so much right now.  ;) ;) ;) :o
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 06, 2023, 03:28:33 AM
Don’t take this the wrong way, but having given up all thought of pursuing Napoleonics in any scale after a number of failed attempts - I hate you so much right now.  ;) ;) ;) :o

Let the hate flow through you :). Just for you, I had to take a bit of a painting break due to travel. Now that I am back home, here is the start of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade with its KGL core. The brigade is commanded by MG Sir Doernberg. Below we have 23rd Light Dragoons with their red facings.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on June 06, 2023, 08:47:45 AM
the quality and quantity of your painting remains staggering, really. Brilliant stuff.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: OSHIROmodels on June 06, 2023, 09:40:11 AM
Love it  8)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on June 06, 2023, 05:09:19 PM
More nicely painted troops.  Well done!  Again!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 08, 2023, 01:13:27 AM
Thank you all for the kind words. Here we have the 1st KGL Light Dragoons with four squadrons.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 12, 2023, 01:38:00 AM
And here we have 2nd KGL Light Dragoons with white lace compared to the gold/yellow lace for the 1st.


This completed 3rd Cavalry Brigade. By tradition of this thread, I am adding another Royal Horse Artillery battery. This time it's Captain Mercer's famous G Troop. Two sections of 9pdr and one of 5.5" howitzers.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Diablo Jon on June 12, 2023, 07:49:17 AM
Flippin heck you are churning this stuff out at an impressive rate. I was looking at my own 28mm Napoleonic project this weekend I've managed six battalions of 16 miniatures, 2 units of skirmishers 8 miniatures each, I cavalry unit 8 miniatures, 2 guns and crew and a few commanders and casualty markers in six months of work since January.....I think that's about a week's painting for you 🤣
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on June 14, 2023, 06:26:50 PM
Good Lord, man!  You've done it again!  Well done, lad! 
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 16, 2023, 03:25:36 AM
Diablo Jon - maybe not quite a week, but I am trying to get this one done for sure :).

CapnJim - thank you again :)

After so many "exotic" units, I thought I would return to the trusty redcoats for a bit. So we will have a crack at the much reduced 6th British Division. First we have MG Sir Lambert, acting commander of the Division. He is accompanied by a Captain of 4th Foot as his ADC "counter".


The main fighting formation of 6th Division was 10th British Brigade. Since its brigade commander, Sir Lambert, was leading the Division, I made up Lieutenant-Colonel Brooke of the 4th Foot as brigade commander. He would have been the senior officer on the field - the other battalions being commanded by Majors - but in reality I suspect that Sir Lambert directly commanded the brigade since his "division" didn't contain much else.


And here we have I/4th Foot, the King's Own Regiment with their blue facings and gold lace. All very standard Perry plastics as usual.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on June 16, 2023, 07:54:23 PM
Great looking units!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 18, 2023, 11:53:27 AM
Thanks Freddy. Here we have I/27th Foot, the Inniskilling regiment with their buff facings and gold lace for the officers.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on June 19, 2023, 07:35:01 PM
I hate to sound like a broken record, but those sure are nicely painted figures....
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 24, 2023, 10:19:27 PM
CapnJim - broken record or not, I appreciate it.

Here we have II/40th Foot, the 2nd Sommersetshire regiment. This was a large battalion, one of the largest on the field at Waterloo.


This completes 10th British Brigade since the fourth battalion - II/80th Foot - was detached at Hal and thus absent from the battle.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 27, 2023, 05:29:51 PM
I need some insights from the wiser members: what sash colour would be appropriate for the 1st Nassau Regiment?

I am preparing the two Nassau formations for painting and noticed that every single command model has a sash. Perry, Eagle, Front Rank - all modelled with sashes. And then I noticed that the officers of the 1st Regiment don't have sashes on the Cent Jours website. The 2nd Regiment has orange sashes which I guess indicates that they are in Dutch service as part of 2nd Brigade of 2nd Netherlands Division.

Since the sashes are there, I need to know how to paint them. Would orange sashes be appropriate for the independent 1st Regiment? Any other colour?
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 29, 2023, 12:33:23 AM
The 1st Nassau sash colour remains undecided. Various blogs - including one kindly linked by a member - show lots of orange sashes, but I don't know if that's historically correct or just everybody making the same incorrect assumption from the 2nd Nassau regiment in Dutch service...

So while I wait for more authoritative guidance, let's get started with 4th Hannover Brigade in 6th Division. The brigade is composed of four Landwehr battalions but only two were engaged. I will skip the other two. For now, here is Colonel Best, commanding the brigade.


I also just realized that my choice of sash colour for this officer might be wrong. Charles Best was a British officer who held commissions in various British regiments and ultimately 8th KGL Line. In 1814 we was sent to Hannover to lead a brigade in Hannover service. Would he wear the red sash of a British officer or the yellow sash of Hannover? I picked red because I saw that the KGL officers seconded to Hannover Landwehr units in Kielmansegg's brigade retained their red sash. But maybe those were only transferred temporarily for the battle while Best had been seconded for longer? Would he have switched to a yellow sash and thus needs to be repainted? Ah, the agony of indecision...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on July 01, 2023, 04:08:35 PM
I have concluded that the red sash is appropriate for Col. Best. There are various illustrations showing C. Halkett with a red sash and he has the same background: KGL officer commanding Hannover brigade. I remain less sure about the 1st Nassau but might just go with orange for simplicity.

Here we have Landwehr Osterrode with their special green cord on shako. Perry metals.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on July 02, 2023, 10:04:49 PM
Here's a surprise - I like these guys!  ;) Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on July 07, 2023, 11:52:15 PM
Thank you as always CapnJim. I know this gets somewhat repetitive. At least we are almost through the redcoats at this point. Below is Landwehr Verden. The two other Landwehr battalions can wait for now so I declare 4th Hannover Brigade provisionally completed.


Since this also completes 6th Division, I can also reveal the last British foot artillery battery. Below is Capt Sinclair's battery of 3rd RFa. The second RFA battery in 6th Divisions pool was kept in reserve.


After this, the only redcoats left are the three battalions in the truncated 4th Division which was otherwise posted at Hal. I will leave those for later so the focus is now on the black Brunswick and green Nassau regiments. And of course some more cavalry!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on July 09, 2023, 03:29:44 AM
I just noticed that the completion of 6th Division also marks a big milestone for this army. Two actually. First, I have now painted over 2,000 figures for this army. Second, the infantry has crossed 45 battalions which rises to a much more noteworthy 50 if you count the skirmishing light infantry battalions. Plus of course some cavalry and artillery. Not bad for 8 months of grinding :). There are about 700 figures left to complete for the Allied Army - mostly Brunswicker, Nassau and the remaining cavalry - and then it will be on to the next big project.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Belgian on July 09, 2023, 05:50:04 AM
I just noticed that the completion of 6th Division also marks a big milestone for this army. Two actually. First, I have now painted over 2,000 figures for this army. Second, the infantry has crossed 45 battalions which rises to a much more noteworthy 50 if you count the skirmishing light infantry battalions. Plus of course some cavalry and artillery. Not bad for 8 months of grinding :). There are about 700 figures left to complete for the Allied Army - mostly Brunswicker, Nassau and the remaining cavalry - and then it will be on to the next big project.

That's quite an output and quality too
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on July 20, 2023, 05:16:10 PM
Thanks Belgian!

We are now heading in the land of green uniforms. Lots of batch preparations so hopefully i can bang out the Nassau battalions in rapid succession. Leading the independent Nassau Brigade is Major General von Kruse. I have settled on orange sashes in the absence of any other good options.


The first battalion of 1. Nassau Regiment follows below. These are Perry Miniatures. There is some debate whether the white shako covers were worn at Waterloo, but I opted for visual impact as usual. All the Nassau battalions are Large formations.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Aethelflaeda was framed on July 21, 2023, 12:02:36 AM
Man, those are some sweetly painted figs…when you run your game can i play!?!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: aphillathehun on July 21, 2023, 03:29:26 PM
Wow, this was a fun thread to catch up on.  I love how you do your artillery bases.  What size are they?

I noticed you made a comment that they are prone to warping and need heavy clamping when adding basing material.  You might try spray painting them with a lacquer varnish first and then try basing.  I've had success that way for larger bases.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on July 21, 2023, 06:29:45 PM
Aethelflaed, you are always welcome :).

Aphillathehun, thanks for the kind words. I had some debate on the artillery bases but ultimately decided that single large bases would look better. The base sizes are tuned to the rest of the collection rather than having a consistent width per gun. All are 10cm deep (same as a cavalry regiment in two lines) and width varies:

10cm for a single section with 1 gun (same as a Small battalion of 2 50mm bases)
20cm for three sections with 3 guns (same as a Standard battalion of 4 50mm bases)
30cm for four sections with 4 guns (same as a Large battalion of 6 50mm bases)

That covers all the typical battery sizes and lines up with the Blackpower unit scales. The exception are two section batteries such as the (not yet completed) Dutch half-batteries attached to the cavalry. I will be using 15cm 8 10cm for those. While not a consistent "cm per gun", it works quite nicely in the overall context of the army.

Thanks for the tip on warping. I gave up on the clamping early on and just paint a layer of brown paint on the base first. Similar to the lacquer, that seems to do the job.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on July 24, 2023, 03:09:44 AM
And here we have II/1st Nassau Line. These models are from Front Rank in full dress uniform with massive plumes. Glorious! Still in 1815-16 uniforms though to match the regiment.


I have also started a Sci-Fi and Fantasy paint-along post to feed me some side projects (in the respective sub-forum). Fear not, the Waterloo project will remain the primary focus. Next is the Nassau Landwehr!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on July 24, 2023, 03:19:35 PM
Sci fi and fantasy!? Heresy I say, heresy! lol

A wonderfully painted unit that will grace your table. I still can't get over your production and quality rate. I bet you have borrowed some of Santa's elves to help you? Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on July 27, 2023, 09:51:45 AM
Absolutely stunning!!  :o

I have a 6mm Quatre Bras British + Allies project that has been on the painting table longer than your 28mm version! I am very jealous of your output! :D

Are you making use of contrast paints? If so, which ones do you prefer? Do you have a certain receipe you have found that works for the faces? I was not so impressed with my trials with larger models.   ???
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on July 31, 2023, 03:41:28 PM
Thanks! I am using Contrast paints for almost everything. All models get a Wraithbone spray undercoat and the faces are just Guilliman Flesh. The real "magic" is that everything gets a spray coat of AK Interactive Matte Varnish at the end. That not only takes away the shine of the Contrast paints but also "blends" the transitions nicely.

Next we have the III/1. Nassau. This was a Landwehr battalion with quite different uniforms. I used plastic models from Wargames Atlantic's Prussian Landwehr which fit well enough. Command models are from Front Rank. Not the fanciest unit but it will do.


Finally, I added a small "Regimental Command" base to represent the fact that the Nassau "Brigage" is really just a single regiment with it's own internal command structure beyond the Brigade commander MG von Kruse. Plus, I had spare models :).


This wraps up the Independent Nassau Brigade. There are still some Nassau troops to be done for the 2nd Dutch-Belgian Division but I think I will mix things up with some Brunswickers first. Or maybe some cavalry.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on July 31, 2023, 05:19:12 PM
Your work ethic is incredible! Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on August 01, 2023, 09:51:14 AM
green on the nassau's came out particularly well.

isn't that 2,000 figures this year alone? Extraordinary.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 01, 2023, 03:40:01 PM
Thank you both. Bloggard, that's correct. This project has caused a satisfying pink spike in my painting tracker. Sometime this year I crossed 10,000 painted models (counting 28mm and up as a model, anything below as base=model).


Of course it has also caused an even larger spike in my model ownership tracker so there remains work to be done :). That one now crossed 20,000 so I will be busy for a while yet...

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Redshank on August 01, 2023, 05:16:57 PM
Impressive is hardly the word for the volume and quality of output here.

Apologies if I missed this upthread somewhere but who makes your casualty bases? I take it there is a little number wheel in there? I like casualty bases, rather than putting little dice or other tokens next to my units.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 01, 2023, 07:37:34 PM
Apologies if I missed this upthread somewhere but who makes your casualty bases? I take it there is a little number wheel in there? I like casualty bases, rather than putting little dice or other tokens next to my units.

All my bases are MDF from Warbases in the UK. This includes the casualty market which indeed has a little wheel. They have multiple version at 30mm and 40mm diameter. Mine are 40mm which fits a lying model just fine.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 03, 2023, 02:15:43 AM
Bloggard likes the green, so who am I to refuse him some more green boys :). I had a lot of left-over command models so here is a small decorative Drummer Corps for the Nassauers.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on August 03, 2023, 11:17:08 AM
yep - looks great there too  :D

I'm still reeling a bit from your statistical work above !
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 04, 2023, 03:42:20 AM
What can I say, I like excel :). The data goes down to indvidual miniatures, so once in a while I can look back to track my past ambitions, failures and achievements. Even the macro data above shows some interesting eras of the last twenty years. Some are public events such as the death of Specialist Games in mid-00's resulting in a panicked wave of purchasing of those ranges (same of which got painted, some linger to this day) or the death of the Warhammer Old World resulting in a similar purchasing burst. Others are more personal such as my jump onto the North American Grand Tournament circuit in 2003 for several years or my participation in the Tale of Epic Gamers series from 2008-2011. Each one of those saw big spikes in purchasing and painting. Napoleonics is the most recent spike - one that will dwarf all others pretty soon :).
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on August 07, 2023, 01:25:21 AM
My charts don't track anywhere near the number of figures as yours do.  But tracking my hobby progress (or lack of), new purchases, sales and individual painting progress is probably my most successful hobby project. Excel has all those wonderful embedded graphics how could you not use them?  lol
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Wellington Bonaparte on August 08, 2023, 10:05:55 PM
This project is just so incredibly mad! You are an artistic machine to be able to undertake such a fabulous project, thank you for sharing your progress can't wait to see the French. More power to your elbow  o_o
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 08, 2023, 11:50:52 PM
Thanks Wellington! I am slowly approaching the end of the Allied Army. Though of course I just had a burst of enthusiasm and bought a bunch more units (Vincke's Hannoverian Brigade and much of 3rd Dutch-Belgian Division - all from Perry). But at least the OOB is finite and now I have bought pretty much everything possible to buy for it (except a few Dutch Line/Militia units in 3rd Division for which I am waiting for Warlord's releases). About 700 models left to paint which will land me just north of 3,000 total for the Allied Army.

To make progress in that direction, here is the start of the black Brunswick contingent. 1st Line Btn. These are Perry models. I tried to differentiate the black clothing from black-brown leather, but it's definitely subtle.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 12, 2023, 04:16:25 PM
And here we have Brunswick 2nd Line. These ones have green facings. Oh the glorious variety :)

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Ray Rivers on August 12, 2023, 05:26:26 PM
Another very nice unit!  :-*

I've been continuously lurking on this thread and have come to the conclusion you are totally mad!  ;)

Keep up the, incredibly impressive, work.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on August 12, 2023, 05:36:28 PM
I haven't checked in here in a while.  But you have more great-looking figures!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 15, 2023, 12:26:26 AM
Thank you both for the kind words. Here is 3rd Brunswick Line to finish the brigade. Will switch to some more Nassau troops now for variety.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 15, 2023, 01:03:53 AM
I am also pleased to report that the new "home" for this army is finished. Five brand new display cabinets with 9 glass sections, each with three shelves for minis. Each shelf is 24" by 16". All nicely lit. I set this up in the new "Waterloo Room" which still needs to be finished in some details. But at least the important part is done :). Each shelf will hold roughly two brigades and each of the full sized cabinets will hold a Corps (I, II, Reserves, Cavalry). The half cabinet at the end is for the independent formations (Brunswick Division and Nassau Brigade). The closed cabinets at the bottom will hold books and other stuff associated with the Waterloo project. The room has enough "wall surface" to hold another 6 cabinet columns along the same wall. That should be enough for the French and Prussians once they are painted. 22 feet of Waterloo glory :).


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on August 15, 2023, 01:49:14 AM
Your display cabinets are as nice as the miniatures.  You could host wargames as your retirement job.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: tomrommel1 on August 15, 2023, 06:30:51 AM
that looks really good
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on August 15, 2023, 01:42:48 PM
Certainly looks a tad more impressive than the old shoe boxes, my Napoleonics used to billet in!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on August 15, 2023, 01:58:48 PM
Your display cabinets are as nice as the miniatures.  You could host wargames as your retirement job.

I would echo that! 👍
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on August 15, 2023, 05:59:14 PM
Wow! Fantastic cabinets for an incredible collection!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on August 15, 2023, 10:17:05 PM
Yeah - they should work out quite nicely!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 17, 2023, 04:24:07 AM
Thank you all for the kind words. We are still a few construction steps left before the army can move into its new home. Too much dust until then. On positive news, construction  has finished in my new printing room. Resin printers are already set up. The K1 FDM printer will move to its new location on the weekend.


This new room also serves as the new "long term storage" for projects. As you saw earlier in the thread, I store "active" projects in small drawers in my paint room. Long term stuff goes into more efficient banker boxes. Second picture are the three Napoleonic boxes (the second French box has already been assembled and is thus in the small drawers). Lots of assembly to come soon...

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: tomrommel1 on August 17, 2023, 06:34:59 AM
you are so incredably organized and you have so much space! makes me a bit envious....
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: peachey_c on August 17, 2023, 01:29:25 PM
Lovely set up, what are you planning on printing?
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 18, 2023, 02:23:11 PM
Lovely set up, what are you planning on printing?

Thanks. I have been printing for a while now, so this is just the new physical setup. Below is a photo of a Warmaster Ogre Kingdom army printed and painted as an example. I also printed some bigger projects such as a large 40k Death Korps of Krieg army (Maker Cult Valour Korps models) and some forces from OPR. Haven't gotten around to painting those yet though...


On more Napoleonic news, I am starting on 2nd Brigade of 2nd Netherlands Division. Below we have the Prinz von Saxe-Weimar commanding the brigade.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: peachey_c on August 18, 2023, 04:19:30 PM
Excellent  8)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Aethelflaeda was framed on August 19, 2023, 12:09:04 AM
It is utterly vile to keep such beautiful figures hidden in a box when not in play.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 19, 2023, 02:57:07 PM
It is utterly vile to keep such beautiful figures hidden in a box when not in play.

The stuff in boxes is all unpainted long term raw material. Everything that is painted is in display cabinets. The photo a few posts above is the next display cabinet for my Napoleonic collection. For now those are stored on the main table in my primary gaming room. They will get transported over to the Napoleonic display gallery once construction in that gallery room is completed.

The rest of my collection is also housed in display cabinets. My main gaming room has two walls covered in custom cabinets for that purpose:

Army Storage: Three cabinets with two adjustable columns each. These hold display trays 24" wide and 18" deep with up to 10 shelves stackable. Below you can see a quick photo of the "Small scale" cabinet. Mostly 6mm Epic  with some Dystopian Wars at the bottom.


Skirmish Storage: Three cabinets with five shelves of 36" x 12".  Each shelf has a custom "half-shelf" to elevate the rear area. The first cabinet holds (from top) Blood Bowl, Mordheim, Battlefleet Gothic.


The second cabinet holds 15mm DBA, Saga, Man-o-War plus some empty space for the future :)


The third cabinet holds Warcry, Blackstone Fortress, Warmaster, and a 28mm Early Imperial Roman force at the bottom.


Bottom line, nothing painted is dishonoured by box storage :)

Editing to add something a bit more Napoleonic. I mentioned the table that currently stores the Napoleonic project. Here it is in a crappy photo. You can see the finished units, labelled bases for the unfinished ones, and the flag sheets for the Prussians in the foreground. In the back you can see the three army cabinets.


For the curious (and my amusement), I added a labelled version of the photo.


Apologies for the bad photo quality. I made a few attempts and there is no hope to focus over this depth/lighting situation with my phone. The table is 9' long...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on August 19, 2023, 06:12:23 PM
This is all absolutely jaw dropping  :o
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Wellington Bonaparte on August 20, 2023, 02:57:10 PM
You are a proper war games legend  :o.  Up there with the greats, I'm astounded at your work, attention to detail and devotion to this project.  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on August 20, 2023, 08:30:00 PM
Yeah, and I thought I had it good in my gaming space.  But yours is splendid! :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on August 27, 2023, 07:09:14 PM
Yeah, and I thought I had it good in my gaming space.  But yours is splendid! :D

Thank you (and Bonaparte himself!). I am blessed with the trifecta of space, means and a tolerant spouse :).

Here we have the regimental command of 2nd (Light) Nassau Regiment followed by the first battalion. Models are Perry with some surplus from Front Rank/Perry for the regimental base.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on September 05, 2023, 10:23:41 PM
And here we have II and III battalion of 2. Nassau-Usingen. These are Rapier Miniatures which are - frankly - the worst models in this entire collection. Lots of miscasts, fragile parts and not the best details. But at least I am done with the green Nassauers now. On to the more Dutch Belgians!


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on September 07, 2023, 06:01:45 PM
Those are some more great-looking troops.  Nicely done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Wellington Bonaparte on September 09, 2023, 03:16:44 PM
I don't know if you have previously mentioned it but whoe flags do you use?
They look very much like GMB flags, I wonder if they may be a wee bit large for my burgeoning Napoleonic armies which are old school miniature figurines 25mm.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on September 13, 2023, 01:22:14 AM
I don't know if you have previously mentioned it but whoe flags do you use?
They look very much like GMB flags, I wonder if they may be a wee bit large for my burgeoning Napoleonic armies which are old school miniature figurines 25mm.

Indeed, these are mostly overwhelmingly GMB. I have a few flags from Warflags where GMB was missing something. For example, I tried to have some kind of differentiation between the conventional Dutch line infantry banner and the 28th Nassau Regiment in Dutch service which otherwise looks identical. So I used Warflags for the latter.

Speaking of 28th Nassau, here is there first battalion. Another large unit of six bases.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on September 14, 2023, 01:28:31 AM
Thank you (and Bonaparte himself!). I am blessed with the trifecta of space, means and a tolerant spouse :).

Plus an insane amount of energy to keep assembling and painting at this pace! Wonderful work. 
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on September 14, 2023, 01:50:11 AM
Plus an insane amount of energy to keep assembling and painting at this pace! Wonderful work. 

LOL. I am definitely committed. I have a high stress job and assembling/painting allows my mind to work out mental stress while my hands are on autopilot. I am toying with the idea of (very) early retirement in the coming years which would bring more time and less stress. Not sure if that will result in a net gain or loss of miniature painting productivity :).
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on September 14, 2023, 02:06:37 AM
Strangely enough my retirement decreased my painting.  There was some impact due to fine motor control health issues but also quite a few other tasks shifted my way as I was off during the day.  In hindsight a decrease in stress (I was in financial trading system devops) really changed my habits. Who knew it is normal to sleep more than 4-5 hours a night?  ;D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on September 22, 2023, 01:23:51 PM
i am not retired yet, so the army is still progressing :). Here we have the second battalion of 28th Nassau in Dutch service, often called the Orange-Nassau Regiment. This is a regular sized one.


Attached to the 28th regiment were a few volunteer Jaeger.


Finally we have a battery of Dutch-Belgian Horse Artillery. This is a large 4-section battery on a 30cm base. In keeping with my basing convention, I added a mounted model to denote their "Horse" status. This wraps up Saxe-Weimar's 2nd Brigade and with it the 2nd Dutch-Belgian Division. Back to some Brunswickers!


As an educational side note, these volunteer "hunters" are often found with two spellings: "Jäger" versus "Jagers". This isn't some weird anglo-speak mistake but rather the linguistic difference between German and Dutch. In German, a single "hunter" is a Jäger and multiple "hunters" are also Jäger (the Umlaut is often spelled ae on keyboards without the special "dotted a" symbol). But in Dutch, a single hunter is a Jager (no Umlaut) and multiple hunters are Jagers (with an "s" for plural).

Now, Nassau is a German principality - or was in the age of Napoleon - so these individuals would have identified themselves as "Freiwillige Jäger" (Volunteer Hunters in German) in a formation called Freiwillige Oranische Jägerkompanie (Volunteer Orange Hunter Company - the "g" in Orange is missing in German). But they were attached to the Orange-Nassau Regiment - not the green-coated 2nd Nassau Light even though they wear the same uniforms - and that regiment was technically the 28th Line Regiment of the Dutch order of battle. So their Dutch masters would have referred to them as "Vrijwillige Jagers" serving in the Compagnie Vrijwillige Nassausche Jagers (Company of Volunteer Nassau Hunters in Dutch). Note that the intermediate combo "Jaegers" or "Jägers" doesn't exist. Either Umlaut or "s" plural, not both. There. You know that now :).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on September 22, 2023, 11:41:55 PM
While updating the progress list in the first post, i notice that this whole adventure started on November 23rd 2022. So we are two months away from the project's first anniversary. Wouldn't it be nice if the Allied Army of the Netherlands could be done by then? i don't think i can do it, but it's worth a try. Here is what is left to do:

I Corps - All done except the 3rd Netherlands Division which only had a few units in combat at the very end of the battle. I have models for two Chasseur battalions and two Dutch Line battalions. Maybe those can wait until after the first anniversary.

II Corps - All done except 4th British Division which only had 3 battalions of the 4th Brigade on the field. Three standard redcoat units seems doable.

Reserves - All done except four Hannoverian Landwehr Battalions from Vincke's 5th Brigade and two from Best's 4th Brigade. These were largely unengaged and not originally planned for this collection so maybe I will be forgiven for not completing them by the first anniversary.

Independent Contingents - Nassau is done but we still need the four Brunswick Light battalions, Advance Guard, Cavalry and Artillery. I will focus on this next.

Cavalry - Lots to do here with the Household Brigade (4 regiments) and 8 Hussar regiments of 5th, 6th and 7th Brigade to be done. This is a stretch but I will see how far I can get. And we have the 7 regiments of Netherlands cavalry which are only partially purchased (for lack of available models).

All in, we are looking at 18 infantry battalions, 21 cavalry regiments and two artillery batteries. Definitely not doable in 2 months, but maybe i can do finish the 8 engaged battalions (Brunswick/4th British) and the core 12 British cavalry regiments. Still feels like a stretch, but let's give it a try! Wish me luck.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: peachey_c on September 23, 2023, 01:57:37 PM
Good Luck! It will be a fine show anyway. :)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on September 23, 2023, 02:14:39 PM
An ambitious goal. Nonetheless, your production and quality rate is extraordinary! Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on September 24, 2023, 07:58:39 AM
If anyone can do it Helge it is you. I have never seen anyone paint to such quality and quantity so fast. Your example has even got me out of a long rut and painting again  :o
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on September 28, 2023, 01:40:30 AM
Normal Helge speed is rather good...  While anniversaries are nice don't break yourself to meet an arbitrary deadline for the first army.  You after all have two more planned! 
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 11, 2023, 02:36:13 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. Just a quick update. I am still in the fight for November and making good progress on the Brunswick infantry. Bad weather over the last couple of weeks have made it risky to spray varnish them so I am accumulated "painted, not based" units. Hopefully I can post the full brigade this weekend. Then it's on to the last British infantry (4th Brigade).

Meanwhile, I realized that I forgot to post the Brunswick command for the previously completed Line Brigade. So here they are! First we have the divisional commander, the Duke of Brunswick with staff and ADC as usual. In history, he was killed two days earlier during the battle of Quatre-Bras but Perry makes the model, so...


And then we the brigade commander Lt.-Col. von Specht leading the Line Brigade that I posted a few weeks ago.


Every time I look at the Brunswick division, I just imagine the following dialogue with the Duke:
Adjutant: Duke, what uniform colour shall we use for the Line infantry?
Duke: Black
Adjutant: And maybe some green for the Light infantry?
Duke: Black
Adjutant: But surely the cavalry will have some other colour?
Duke: Black
Adjutant: Ok, but maybe at least the senior officers will have something a bit more interest?
Duke: Nope, black. All black...
Adjutant: ...
Duke: Except you. You get baby blue pants! Just you...

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 14, 2023, 05:07:54 PM
The weather was kind, so here we go with the entire remaining Brunswick infantry!

The Advance Guard is commanded by Major von Rauschenplatt and composed of two companies of Jaeger and two companies of Gelernte Jaeger (Skilled or Trained Hunters). I modelled these in the style of the Rifles with a formed unit of Jaeger in black and a skirmish screen of Gelernte Jaeger in grey.


Afterwards we have the Light Brigade commanded by Lt.Col. von Buttlar. This is composed of the Leib Battalion - the lifeguards of the Duke - and three Light battalions with buff, yellow and orange facings. All Perry except the 3rd Light from Rapier. I also added a small drum band from spare models for fun.


Next on the list is the British 4th Brigade as the last engaged infantry formation. Then it's only cavalry and artillery left for my first anniversary goal. Getting there!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on October 15, 2023, 10:47:19 AM
This project is amazing!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Wellington Bonaparte on October 15, 2023, 08:14:57 PM
Unbelievable stamina on your part Helge, you are an inspiration both in output and quality!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 22, 2023, 03:48:55 AM
Thank you both. Still going strong on that objective. One month to go...

I am digging into the 1st British Cavalry Brigade, the Household Brigade. Here we have Major General Sommerset and 1st and 2nd Life Guards. These are Victrix plastic models which are quite nice.




Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on October 22, 2023, 02:29:18 PM
But a blob of black/grey on the end of the bugle, it'll really pop, then!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 23, 2023, 12:22:28 AM
But a blob of black/grey on the end of the bugle, it'll really pop, then!

Absolutely right and now corrected. I usually drill out the trumpets but this was a new kit from Victrix - recently released - so I overlooked that part. Fixed now with some paint.


Also, we now have the three squadrons of the "Blues", the Royal House Guard. Almost done with the Household Brigade.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 25, 2023, 04:07:02 AM
And here we have 1st Dragoon Guards to finish the brigade. On to some more redcoats...

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Count Belisarius on October 25, 2023, 10:34:47 AM
Very nicely done
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on October 25, 2023, 05:00:09 PM
It's been a fair bit since I checked in here.  More great-looking stuff.  Well done, again!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 25, 2023, 09:41:08 PM
Thank you both for the kind words. One month left for my self-imposed one year project anniversary. Excluding the less engaged Landwehr and the Netherlands Cavalry Division, I need to complete:

3 battalions of British infantry (4th Brigade)
2 batteries of Brunswick artillery
2 regiments of Brunswick cavalry
7 regiments of British/KGL/Hannover Hussars

If I can get three units done per week, I might just make it! Final sprint!

Also, I owe you H Troop of the Royal Horse Artillery since I wanted to post one RHA battery per  cavalry brigade (they got batch painted a while ago). So  here they are:

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on October 26, 2023, 01:18:53 PM
And then we have the brigade commander Lt.-Col. von Specht leading the Line Brigade that I posted a few weeks ago.


Much as I hate to do it, especially in light of your splendid effort to represent Die Schwarze Schar as more than just a handful of combat units, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you (well, four bits of bad news, in fact).

1) Lt Col von Specht deserted during the retreat after Quatre Brase, possibly even a bit earlier.  His absence was noted by the Brunswick staff, and all officers in his command were briefed to reply "I don't know" if any senior officers - up to and including Wellington - were to ask them where he was.  Specht returned two days later, but everyone refused to serve under him and he appears to have taken no part in the battle of Waterloo.  Never mind, you can always claim that the figure is his replacement (I regret that I have been unable to find out who it was).

2) Major Adolph (there's a name you don't find very much nowadays) von Rauschehplatt of the Avante Garde was a Gerlente Jager officer and hence wore their grey uniform and the Crosehut hat.  However, he was severely wounded at Quatre Bras, losing his right arm, and was not present at Waterloo; he was replaced by Captain von Bulow I of the 1st Light Battalion, who was promoted to Major on the morning of 18th June (not to be confused with another Captain von Bulow II of 2nd Line Battalion who was killed at QB).  Von Bulow was himself wounded on 18th June.  I regret that I cannot help with the colour(s) of his horse furniture - I would be tempted to go with black, with a light blue trim.

3) Lt Col von Buttlar is depicted in the uniform of the Leib Garde Battalion (formerly Battalion von Prosstler); however, there is no record of him serving in the Peninsula, so it is more likely he would have been drawn from the Westphalian veterans who joined the Duke in 1813/1814.  On that basis, he would have worn Light Infantry uniform, with a light blue-over-yellow plume, but (most likely) with the light blue facings of the staff. He was wounded at Waterloo and replaced by Major von Wolffradt, who was a former Peninsula veteran, so might well have had that uniform.

4) I liked your little unit of drummers - in fact, the "Black Horde" actually had a full band, drawn from the orchestra of Jerome's court, prior to his abdication/flight.  They were attached to the 1st Line Battalion, and as such should have red facings.  Sorry!

As a placatory gift, don't forget the Polizei Husaren, a unit of 17 (or possibly 19) men, all sergeants with the appropriate rank badges, who provided support services to the staff, as well as carrying out Military Police functions.  They wore the hussar uniform - no pelisse or carbine - with a red collar, light blue cuffs, a light blue and yellow barrel sash, and a white falling plume on the shako (http://www.braunschweiger-feldkorps.de/ on the left-hand menu, click on "Representations" and scroll down to the last but one set, which is of the cavalry impressions).
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Gunner who? on October 26, 2023, 03:34:33 PM
Beautiful miniatures and painting Helge! And I admire your pace - what an effort! Forgive me please, just a remark: I think the helmets of Household-Regiments had brass peaks...?

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 27, 2023, 03:38:33 AM
I think the helmets of Household-Regiments had brass peaks...?

They are painted as such, unless I am missing something. Brass on the helmets and then the plumes. Am I misunderstanding your question?

Much as I hate to do it, especially in light of your splendid effort to represent Die Schwarze Schar as more than just a handful of combat units, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you (well, four bits of bad news, in fact).

First of all, I am much impressed by this wealth of knowledge! Thank you for sharing. Let me address them one at a time:

1. Specht: Replacement it is. The same is true for the Duke of Brunswick base since he was also absent during Waterloo - killed at Quatre Bras - so technically the model should represent Col. Offermann. Both models will do proxy duty for Quatre Bras vs Waterloo.

2. Rauschenplatt: Honestly, I only included him because the Perry set came with three mounted commanders. I guess he could be von Buttlar instead per your next point :).

3. Buttlar: With Rauschenplatt becoming Buttlar, I shall christen old Buttlar to be von Wolffradt in Leib uniform. Problem solved :)

4. Drummers: Corrected below :).


I have also updated the Brunswick section of the page for the collection (http://wargamingworkshop.com/historical-collection/napoleonics/allied-army-of-the-netherlands/) with credit to you. Hopefully it is all correct now. Thanks again!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on October 27, 2023, 06:50:56 PM
Thank you for the kind words - I am glad that the information was helpful and do ask if you want to know more about them.  As I said, I love to see people doing a thorough job on the Brunswickers beyond just portraying the basic combat units.  Like so many non-British contingents in Wellington's army, they have suffered from some very Anglocentric coverage of their performance (principally Mercer's descriptions of them) and not been given as much credit as they deserve.  For example, in addition to the Duke, both Olfermann and Wascholtz were wounded, as was Buttlar, whilst Cramm of the hussars was killed; almost half of the unit commanders, or their replacements, were killed or wounded over the three days.  In terms of action, there was a charge by the uhlans late in the day at Waterloo that overran a French horse artillery battery adjacent to the eastern end of the garden/orchard of Hougoumont; this is not mentioned in any British account, but is described in the documents uncovered by Gareth Glover (Waterloo Archive).

As luck would have it, I recently made a figure of von Rauschenplatt, using a head from the Perry Avante-Gard Rifles command and the body and horse from the Perry Chasseur a Cheval plastic command sprue (trimmed off the epaulettes, but the horse furniture is spot on).  As yet, he is unpainted, but he will be the senior officer (Level III) of an Avante-Garde/Cavalry Sharp Practice force - they had 30 hussars and 20 uhlans attached to them.

Incidentally, I have a list of the colour of each horse ridden during the campaign by all the senior officers and unit COs, if you - or anyone else - would like them; for the record, Rauschenplatt rode a "grey".
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 29, 2023, 02:29:11 PM
Baron, I continue to be impressed. It's always fascinating when little pockets of history are preserved like this!

This weekend I am having a crack at 4th British Infantry Division, or rather the small portion of it that was at the battle. Most units were at Hal to guard the army's extreme right flank.

Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Colville is in acting command of the division. Shown here as a division commander (2 models on 75mm) with an ADC from the 23rd Foot.


The division's only brigade in the field - 4th British - is led by Lt.-Col. Mitchell.


The brigade only has three battalions at Waterloo with the 81st detached. The first of this is III/14th Foot, the Buckinghamshire regiment, with buff facings (and a crooked bayonet I just saw...).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 30, 2023, 11:12:29 PM
And here we have I/23rd Foot, the Royal Welch Fusiliers.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Gunner who? on October 31, 2023, 07:20:50 AM
.They are painted as such, unless I am missing something. Brass on the helmets and then the plumes. Am I misunderstanding your question?

Hello Helge - I meant the front peaks of the helmets, just a minor detail though.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on October 31, 2023, 10:48:11 AM
great stuff, as ever.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on October 31, 2023, 01:15:24 PM
Hello Helge - I meant the front peaks of the helmets, just a minor detail though.

And you are absolutely correct! Thanks for persisting and pushing through my dull mind! Here are the corrected Life Guards with brass peaks and black dots on the trumpet.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Ray Rivers on November 01, 2023, 01:40:56 AM
Marvelous as always!  :-*

Great progress as well.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on November 01, 2023, 09:40:33 PM
Will it never end?   :D

More great-looking figures....
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 01, 2023, 11:47:47 PM
Now that I am on the final sprint for the Allied Army, I am starting to think about assembling the next part of this project. I bought lots of beautiful Calpe Miniatures Prussians - alongside the usual Perry/Warlord/etc mix - so I am tempted to do the Prussians next. Their force is also a bit smaller and less daunting than French (a bit...).

There seems to be a lot less info outline about the Prussians than the Allied Army so I am hoping that the history savants of this form might help me to validate my intended order of battle. Below is my general understanding of the 3 Corps who engaged at Waterloo and specifically the absent/unengaged forces on the day (which I will not include in the collection). Please correct as needed :).

Main Thrust at Plancenoit:
Buelow's IV Corps is fully deployed here. 15th and 16th Brigade hit first, supported by Prince Wilhelm's three brigades of reserve cavalry. Later they are joined by  13th and 14th Brigade as well as the six batteries of reserve artillery. I only found a few absent units that were detached on flank duty (F/11. Infantry Regiment and III/1. Pommeranian Landwehr from 14th Brigade; 10th Hussars, 2nd Pommeranian Landwehr Cavalry and 1st Silesian Landwehr Cavalry). Everything else in the field so they will all go into the collection. Incidentally, it's somewhat annoying that the most engaged Corps had all the "boring" Landwehr units...

Pirch Reinforces:
My understanding is that Pirch's II Corps followed IV Corps' line of march and essentially reinforced Buelow's attack on Plancenoit. They arrived pretty late and only the two leading brigades - 5th and 6th - made it into contact. Does anybody know if the attached reserve cavalry under von Wahlen-Juergass made it into contact? Maps I have seen suggest that that only cavalry involved in the fight for Plancenoit are IV Corps unit, but I haven't found a good map with per-unit designation for that part of the battlefield. My understanding is that the 11th Hussars detached to the infantry brigades and could have been in contact. Any comments on the other cavalry units would be welcome.

Zieten's March:
Zieten's I Corps marched separately further north and came up behind the Allied forces holding Papelotte - giving us the iconic scenes of friendly fire on Saxe-Weimar's 28th Nassau and Mueffling begging Zieten to keep marching. Only 1st brigade got into contact. So that brigade will be included - also because they have some of the "cool" units :) - but not the other three infantry brigades. My understanding is that von Roeder's reserve cavalry also made it onto the field but I don't know if they really engaged.

If my understanding above is correct then I am looking at 7 infantry brigades (minus a few detached units), one full reserve cavalry group (IV Corps), one reserve artillery group (IV Corps), and possibly two other reserve cavalry groups (I and II Corps). Did I get this right?

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 04, 2023, 06:20:35 PM
I guess you are as stumped about the Prussian's order of arrival as I am. I will keep digging.

Here we have the I/51st Light Foot.


Posting this is a bit of a milestone because it is the last British infantry unit for the Waterloo collection. This is it. All done for the Brits. Of course there are still a half dozen Hanoverian Landwehr in red coats, but no more proper British. Now let's tackle the Hussars!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on November 04, 2023, 09:54:03 PM
Gosh - you really are a glutton for punishment, aren't you?  Well, all credit to you!

If you haven't already got it, there is an Osprey Men-At-Arms (#496) on the Prussian Army of the Lower Rhine, which will give you a lot of basic information on them and includes some regimental-level accounts of the fighting at Plancenoit and Papelotte.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 07, 2023, 01:07:55 AM
Thanks for the book suggestion. I have it now but am still not quite satisfied with the battalion-level detail (or lack thereof). That said, I have the beginning of a plan for the Prussian collection. As described above, I will focus on 1st Brigade and Cavalry from I Corps, 5th and 6th Brigades plus Cavalry from II Corps, and the entire IV Corps. Of this line-up, I will skip two Landwehr Regiments we appear to have had minimal engagement (5th Westphalian and 2nd Neumark which had 2 horses die between them according to some German casualty records of the era that I found). That brings the target list to:

10 Line Regiments with 29 Battalions (18th Line had their Fusilier Btn. detached)
9 Landwehr Regiments with 26 Battalions (1th Pommern had their third Btn. detached)
4 Dragoon Regiments with 14 Squadrons
3 Hussar Regiments with 9 Squadrons (two were detached)
4 Uhlan Regiments with 15 Squadrons
7 Landwehr Cavalry Regiments with 24 Squadrons
13 Artillery Batteries
Plus assorted light infantry skirmishers and specialists

While the Prussian army isn't as varied as the Allied force, it does has some diversity due to incomplete modernization of the 1813 force organisation. I will add further variety by using models from primarily three manufacturers: Perry Miniatures, Warlord, and Calpe Miniatures. Calpe offers an incredible selection, Perry is excellent as always, and Warlord fills the gaps. I have now fired off a bunch of orders to augment my existing stock with the following game plan:

Line Infantry Regiments
These all have two musketeer battalion and one fusilier battalion.
- 9th, 10th, 15th, 18th and 26th regiment wear regular uniforms and will be built from Perry's plastic set with the metal upgrades for fusiliers and various Perry command models (plus just a few Perry reserve models thrown into 18th)
- 2nd regiment has some minor tweaks and will be all Calpe metals (but regulars)
- 11th regiment had their fusiliers battalion detached which makes them a good choice for Foundry models that lack fusilier sculpts
- 12th and 24th regiment had a mix of regular and reserve uniforms for which I will use dedicated Calpe models

Landwehr Regiments
These all have three battalions but with some variety of equipment.
- 1st Westphalia had entirely reserve uniforms so I will use Wargames Atlantic reserve models with converted shako (they wore modified stovepipe shako)
- 3rd Neumark wore a mix of stiffened and flattend caps which I will reproduce with Perry metals that offer both.
- All of 2nd Silesian and some of 1st Elbe wore shakos which is easily done with Warlord's plastics since they come with both options
- The other five regiments were standardized. Using the full range, I can cover two with Calpe, one with Foundry, and the remaining two with more Warlord plastics (with some pikes thrown in for fun).

Regular Cavalry
- Dragoons will all be Perry except one regiment from Warlord for variety
- Hussars are all Warlord with some British busby heads for one squadron of the 8th Hussars
- Uhlans will be converted from Perry Dragoons and their lance upgrade kit except again one regiment from Warlord for variety

Landwehr Cavalry
- 2nd Kurmark are unique models from Calpe with stovepipe shako
- 3rd Silesian will be converted from Polish lancers as they wore that uniform for some reason
- The remaining 5 regiments will be two from Calpe, one from Perry, and Warlord for the last two as that's the maximum each manufacturer makes

That's the assembly plan. Below is a snapshot of the pre-assembled inventory missing my last order (about 1/3 of the above). It will take me a while to knock this into shape. Lots and lots of popsicle sticks :)


And of course I still have to finish the Allied Army. I wrapped up some Hussars but still need to base them. Photos tomorrow.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on November 07, 2023, 10:12:44 AM
man, progress remains amazing.

love the look of the last Brit unit particularly.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on November 09, 2023, 12:19:44 AM
Just reading your plan for the Prussian collection is exhausting.   lol
Good luck on the assembly and priming.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 09, 2023, 02:20:06 AM
Thank you for the kind words. Just so that you don't think that I am just a lazy theorist or new-found Prussia lover, here are the first hussars! Specifically, the 5th Cavalry Brigade led by Major General Grant and the 7th "Queen's Own" Hussars.


MG Grant achieved his colonelcy in the 18th Hussars so I believe he would have worn their uniform (despite 18th Hussars itself being in 6th Brigade). Of he might also just have worn standard "general uniform" but the hussar get-up is just too nice!


I assembled 7th Hussars without pelisse as their dress is otherwise identical to KGL Hussars (all blue, black fur trim, gold/yellow lace). I wanted all the Hussar regiments to look different so no pelisse for the 7th. All other regiments have them of course. Stay tuned for more hussar glory soon.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on November 09, 2023, 10:57:18 AM
my goodness, they look particularly hussar-tastic.  :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on November 09, 2023, 03:31:57 PM
It'd be easy to come to hate Heige, he seems to do effortlessly, wot we all aspire to!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 11, 2023, 05:21:28 AM
Harry, don't hate me :)

And here we have 15th Hussars.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: armchairgeneral on November 11, 2023, 09:15:07 AM
They look superb.

Just reading Bernard Cornwell’s book on Waterloo at the moment (which is an excellent) as a friend is persuading me to do the 100 days campaign in 28mm. Trying to resist but your thread really isn’t helping  lol
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 11, 2023, 02:03:21 PM
They look superb.

Just reading Bernard Cornwell’s book on Waterloo at the moment (which is an excellent) as a friend is persuading me to do the 100 days campaign in 28mm. Trying to resist but your thread really isn’t helping  lol

I finished my third reading of the book last weekend. Rotating through it every year :). Indeed, I  have to admit that the whole collection does look glorious all laid out. It now fills a full 9x5' table even tightly packaged just for the allied forces. I might do a video walkthrough once the last units are done. Still 10 to go for my anniversary deadline and then 15 more after to wrap it all up. And then glorious Prussia!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 14, 2023, 02:45:02 PM
And here we have 13th Light Dragoon which was attached to 5th Brigade from 7th.


This completes 5th Brigade so here is the customary attached Horse Artillery battery. This is Ramsay's H Troop with their 9pdr cannons.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on November 17, 2023, 06:26:31 PM
Fantastic figures as usual! Masterful brushwork!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on November 18, 2023, 10:09:26 AM
... Indeed, I  have to admit that the whole collection does look glorious all laid out. It now fills a full 9x5' table even tightly packaged just for the allied forces. ...

look forward to seeing the whole shebang. Just amazing productivity and quality.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on November 18, 2023, 07:58:54 PM
When I see the full collection in all it's glory. I'll probably have a large Napoleon brandy, walk out on to the veranda, put my service revolver to the temple and pull the trigger!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 19, 2023, 03:26:55 AM
Deal, I will figure out how to make a video of the army once it is done. A few more units to go. Here we have the two 8 gun batteries supporting the Brunswick Division. One Horse, one Foot.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on November 19, 2023, 09:54:41 AM
Lovely work there. Tempted now, to add some Brunswickers to my 1815 collection.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on November 19, 2023, 07:31:13 PM
I'm running out of superlatives here...so, I'll just go with "Yeah, they look OK..." :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 20, 2023, 12:49:17 AM
Thank you kindly. It is evident that I will *not* get everything done for the one year anniversary. But I will go down fighting!

Here we have Sir Vivian commanding 6th Cavalry Brigade and the 10th Hussars thereof.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Gunner who? on November 20, 2023, 11:05:26 AM
"The Waterloo Companion" by Mark Adkin is my read at the time (great book btw), so I follow your troops en passant in the book. Your output is most impressive - best wishes from my side.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on November 20, 2023, 12:13:44 PM
Here we have the two 8 gun batteries supporting the Brunswick Division. One Horse, one Foot.

Spendidly done!  However, judging by the axle boxes, it looks like you've used British guns with the block trails, yes?  If so, you're going to hate me (again).....

Several manufacturers have, quite wrongly, used British guns for their Brunswick figures, but in fact the Duke sent his artillery commander, Major Mahn, to purchase two full batteries of captured French/Dutch 6-pdrs at an auction after Leipzig.  There is no record of the vehicles ever being repainted, although one would have thought this would have happened at some point, given that the Brunswickers had had them for almost 18 months by the time of Waterloo.  So either British grey (most likely colour if they were repainted) or French Gribeauval Green (if they weren't).  Mahn rode a chestnut gelding at Waterloo, in case you want to represent him.

You can always re-deploy the British guns as a British or Hanoverian battery!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 20, 2023, 02:37:21 PM
Ah, I knew that was going to happen. I searched online for info about the Brunswick guns, found them referenced to being painted grey, and just assumed that made it British-made. I appreciate the correction Baron. That said, this one will have to stay "in error" for a while. I am finished with all British/Hannover artillery units and just bought extra models for the one Prussian battery equipped with British-made guns. So there is no place to put these x guns and it feels like a shame to just throw them out. I will make a note to correct this in the far future if the opportunity arises, but incorrect it will remain for now.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on November 21, 2023, 02:19:03 PM
Fair enough - your models, your rules.  Most people - including some very prominent figure makers - don't know about it anyway!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on November 22, 2023, 05:36:25 AM
I rushed to finish up 6th Brigade as *today* marks the one year anniversary of this project (or at least the first post on this forum - I assembled, primed, etc before that date).

First we have 18th Hussars with their beautiful "icy" uniforms of white and light blue accents. Lovely if i may say so myself.


Then the stalwart 1st KGL Hussars with four squadrons.

And finally I Troop, Royal Horse Artillery with their three sections of 5.5" howitzers.


Arguably, I am now down with the "anglo" portion of the Anglo-Dutch army depending on whether the count the remaining 3rd KGL Hussars as British or German. Almost done overall...

I am now heading into a short vacation trip. Once I am back, I will push through the last remaining units: 3rd KGL Hussars in 7th Brigade, the ill-fated Duke of Cumberland Hussars, six Hannover Landwehr, the Brunswick Cavalry, and the entire Netherlands cavalry division. 17 more units and counting down. And then it's literally thousands of Prussian Landwehr...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on November 22, 2023, 10:50:32 AM
latest additions: just superb.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on November 24, 2023, 04:41:17 AM
Happy anniversary! Another couple of excellent units to mark the occasion is nice.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on December 01, 2023, 11:28:34 AM
Those hussars are superb.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Wellington Bonaparte on December 12, 2023, 10:24:16 PM
I'm just gobsmacked at what you are able to do in such a short time, if I even mentioned the scope of your project I'd be on the streets of Norfolk for Christmas!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on December 14, 2023, 06:31:26 PM
Your minis continue to look the business.  More "Well done!"s to ya lad...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 24, 2023, 11:58:39 PM
Thank you all for the very kind words and encouragement. After coming back from a trip, I am now heading to another one for the holidays. So there was limited painting. That said, I got a few things done:

I give you Landwehr Bataillon Lueneburg and Muenden of Charles Best's 4th Hannover Brigade. These are both a mix of Warlord plastics and Perry British in worn uniforms from their Peninsular range which seem to fit the Landwehr.



Together with previously-shown Osterode and Verden, this completes another Brigade.

Happy holidays everybody and see you in 2024!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on December 25, 2023, 05:27:50 AM
Nice work on the Landwehr.  Happy holidays
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 25, 2023, 06:53:05 PM
Thank you Syrinx. Basing glue dried on a few more bases, just in time for the trip to the airport. So here is a Christmas Special:

First we have Colonel Arentschildt commanding 7th Cavalry Brigade and the 3rd KGL Hussars who make up the brigade (since 13th Light Dragoons is attached to 5th Brigade for the battle).



As usual, I am including a Royal Horse Artillery Battery with each cavalry brigade, so here we have the (previously painted) I Troop with a rocket frame and a section of 6pdr guns.


This concludes the British Cavalry and Artillery! Actually, this wraps up the entire British collection. The only items left are Vincke's Landwehr brigade, some Dutch-Belgians from 3rd Division, the Brunswick cavalry, and the Dutch-Belgian cavalry division. 8 infantry, 8 cavalry, and a couple of small batteries. All these remaining units are assembled so I had a look through the fairly small left-over pile. Some surplus Brunswick Lights were turned into skirmish bases (not worth a photo, but my blog has updated images with the old Light battalions and now attached skirmish base each). From the rest I made a few vignettes for fun. Below we have a few Hannover Lights being drilled by a Sergeant of the II KGL Light (who were attached as training cadre to the Light Battalions of Hannover so this seems fitting). Also some rude Brits from Black Hussar Miniatures. More coming after my trip.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on December 26, 2023, 09:50:19 PM
Yep - those guys look really good too!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 27, 2023, 01:02:18 AM

I am preparing for the last big infantry block - the 3rd Netherlands Divison - and ran into a problem that would benefit from the wisdom here. I had previously bought figures labelled as Chasseur/Jager from Perry miniatures but now realize that these have the wrong shako. As I understand it, Dutch units wore a tapered stovepipe-style shako while Belgian units wore the belgic shako. The Perry figs come with the stovepipe shako so I correctly used them for the 27th Jager in 2nd Division (pew!) but they are incorrect for the 35th and 36th Chasseurs in 3rd Division.

This leaves me with a few choices. I could modify the shakos and add belgic ones. This isn't straightforward for metal models: remove the shako, find 48 belgic shakos, sculpt on the Chasseur emblem, and re-attach. Alternatively, I can use the figs as Dutch Line which - I think - would also require modifying the shako emblem. I  could then buy Belgian Line figs for the Chasseurs which would again only need a shako emblem modification. This is a much easier option, but assumes that the rest of the uniform of the Chasseurs and Line is identical.

So, are the Chasseur and Line uniforms the same other than the shako emblem?
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: batu on December 31, 2023, 01:49:42 AM
What a fantastic project so far. Can't wait to see the Prussians! Can you try to explain why you like to mix manufacturers for variety. I am asking because I am the opposite in this regard and I find your approach very interesting.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 31, 2023, 04:26:05 AM
What a fantastic project so far. Can't wait to see the Prussians! Can you try to explain why you like to mix manufacturers for variety. I am asking because I am the opposite in this regard and I find your approach very interesting.

Thanks! I mix manufacturers to accommodate the scale of this project. Between British, KGL, and Hannover troops, this army has over 35 redcoat batallions. Even Perry's large range only really offers a handful of variants with two types of metal units and three core poses in their plastic kit. That seems pretty repetitive - to paint and to look at - so I combine ranges as much as possible.

For the Prussians, I will use Calpe's extensive range for the first three brigades, then Foundry/Front Rank for another, and finally Perry/Warlord for the last three. It will keep the brigades internally consistent but offer variety over the entire collection.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on December 31, 2023, 03:31:58 PM
Wishing you all a wonderful New Year! Thank you for all the encouragement over the last 13 months of this project. It really pushed me to keep up the momentum. As a result of your support, my Napoleonics painted collection has now officially outgrown all previous game systems. Below is my historical track of painted models by game system. Notice that purple rocket ship :)


Of course much remains to be done since I also added quite a few Napoleonic models this year which still need to be painted. So there is no end to this effort any time soon!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 18, 2024, 10:52:11 PM
After family travel, work travel, and the now almost obligatory COVID quarantine resulting from such trips, I am finally back in the painting business!

Here we have the 2nd Brunswick Hussars and a single squadron of Brunswick Uhlans. This belatedly completes the Brunswick division. Next will be the last Landwehr brigade.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on January 19, 2024, 10:15:47 AM
and looking as good as ever.
you sure do pack it all in. Do your days have only the usual 24 hrs I have to wonder.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: brunei35 on January 19, 2024, 03:34:12 PM
Look great as usual, hope the Covid has left you OK now gone

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 22, 2024, 04:39:55 AM
Thank you both. The final sprint continues. I am now digging into Col. Vincke's 5th Hannover Brigade as the last red infantry. Here we have Landwehr Bataillon Hameln made from leftover Perry metals and some Warlord plastics.


I am also assembling more field vignettes. Here we have a Scots band of the Black Watch, a few wagons, a field smithy, and a sightseeing officer. The last is from the new Warlord Peninsula Veteran box which I will sprinkle into the remaining Landwehr were the older uniforms fit in.






Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Bloggard on January 22, 2024, 09:42:01 AM
oh wow, all particularly good  :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: IronDuke596 on January 22, 2024, 02:24:10 PM
These are outstanding vignettes that will add character to your battlefield. Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on January 23, 2024, 01:49:01 AM
Lovely vignettes.  Is that an umbrella to keep the sun off in the last one?  lol
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on January 23, 2024, 03:07:42 PM
It's Waterloo, keep the rain off!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 27, 2024, 03:20:39 AM
Thank you all. Here we have Landwehr Gifhorn, again from leftover Perry and Warlord models.


In a (final) fit of enthusiasm I have not committed to do the full 3rd Netherlands Division just so that truly everything on the field at Waterloo is in the collection. Models are en route over the pond so the Anglo-Dutch army isn't quite done just yet...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Freddy on January 27, 2024, 09:32:19 AM
This project never stops to amaze me. Well done!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on January 27, 2024, 10:30:21 PM
Yep - even more great-looking figs.  Your output is impressive!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on January 28, 2024, 03:21:55 PM
Thank you both. Still plugging away. Here we have Landwehr Hildesheim assembled from my remaining Perry (they had belgic shakos unlike the typical Landwehr).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: MaleGriffin on January 28, 2024, 05:55:10 PM
You're inspirational! Thank you for documenting your journey!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: brunei35 on January 29, 2024, 11:31:05 AM
Superb !
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 03, 2024, 11:06:47 PM
No new unit yet, but I have been playing around with a little side project. I designed and printed movement trays with a label on them. Below is an example for the II/30th Foot. I thought this would be a nice way to show the unit designation. The label is at the front since these will mostly be in display cases rather than the gaming table. I won't redo all the photos - and it will take a while to print all these - but maybe the Prussians will get photographed with their trays.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 04, 2024, 08:41:08 PM
And here we have Landwehr Btn. Peine which concludes not only Vincke's brigade but all Hanoverian infantry.


Now the only thing left is the 3rd Netherlands Division and the Netherlands Cavalry (and the inglorious Duke of Cumberland Hussars...).
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on February 05, 2024, 08:44:01 AM
Hurrah! Congratulations on completing the Hanoverian Contingent! Mightily impressive minis as always :D  And nice touch with the unit tray and name plate. It certainly adds to the display of the unit. I cannot wait to see a full reveal of all your hard work and effort. I hope in the future you offer guided tours of your games room to visiting fellow enthusiasts. I am sure we would all pay to see it ;)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: batu on February 05, 2024, 09:17:47 AM
Great idea with the name tags in the front. Makes for a very nice display.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Ray Rivers on February 05, 2024, 04:24:39 PM
Given the scope of your project, I would imagine that the unit trays are a must.

Astonishing progress, as usual.  :-*
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on February 06, 2024, 04:32:43 AM
A label in front of the unit seems like a great idea. Movement trays are always welcome in my experience with big battles on the table.  You could always reverse them to show the controlling player the unit label.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on February 06, 2024, 04:48:11 PM
Your output is impressive as ever.  Well done on those!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on February 10, 2024, 03:09:29 PM
Thank you all for the encouragement! It's time to dig into 3rd Netherlands Division. This one will be in bursts because some of the models are still en route over the Atlantic and I still need to convert the Chasseurs. For now, here we have LG Chassee with ADC to command the division, followed by Col. Detmers leading its 1st Brigade.



and 2nd Line with their Dutch-style tapered shakos (Perry Miniatures).


I am skipping the three militia units of the brigade since I already "used up" the limited Perry Dutch militia range in 2nd Netherlands Division. I might add them later if Warlord releases militia models in their upcoming Dutch wave. So until I finish converting the Chasseurs, this is it for 1st Brigade.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 03, 2024, 03:14:39 AM
Travel upset my schedule, but I managed to finish the Duke of Cumberland Hussars from Hannover - infamous for retreating from the field on first sight of the French. These are based on the Perry plastic box with a bit of conversion green stuff work. I also finished the conversion of Perry's metal Dutch Jager into Chasseurs Belge so those will be coming soon.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on March 03, 2024, 12:44:28 PM
They might have run away, a la Monty Python, but they had very pretty uniforms. Really great work!! As always I'm in awe of your project and your continued productivity!! :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on March 07, 2024, 02:36:08 AM
Indeed. Gorgeous if useless troops.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 20, 2024, 12:52:20 AM
I finally bit the bullet and converted the Belgian Chasseurs. These are based on the Perry Dutch Jager models with their shako shaved down on all sides, a new "Belgic" peak sculpted on, and a shift of the plume to the side.

First we have 35e Chasseurs Belge with skirmishers.


I am skipping the four Militia battalions which appear to have remained unengaged.

Next we have 2nd Brigade commander Generaal-Majoor Alexander d'Aubremé.


36e Chasseurs Belge form the light battalion of 2nd Brigade, with the same conversions as 35e above.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Count Belisarius on March 20, 2024, 07:35:51 AM
Nicely done
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on March 20, 2024, 08:34:16 AM
Very nice indeed! Congratulations! You're basically there with the Allied army! :o
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: OSHIROmodels on March 20, 2024, 08:38:21 AM
Great stuff all round  8)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 20, 2024, 10:34:26 PM
Very nice indeed! Congratulations! You're basically there with the Allied army! :o

Almost! A few more infantry units for the 3rd Netherlands, their division artillery, and the Netherlands cavalry. Around 200 models and its all done.

To make progress in that direction, here we have 3rd Line Btn. These are listed as Dutch and illustrations show them with the belgic shako worn by Belgian troops. So I went that way. Perry models as usual.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on March 22, 2024, 09:14:09 AM
Very impressed with the Dutch-Belgian troops, especially the conversions - well done!

On the subject of the named movement trays - would it not be more useful turning the tray around and having the name plate facing to the rear so that the "owning" player can see who they are?  It might also make it an (un)pleasant surprise for the opposing player, too!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Tommy20 on March 22, 2024, 05:28:19 PM
I just assumed it was to the front for display, to the rear for play…
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 23, 2024, 11:34:59 PM
I just assumed it was to the front for display, to the rear for play…

Indeed, that's the plan. These will mostly be in a display cabinet anyhow.

Here we have 12th Dutch Line. Almost, almost done!


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 25, 2024, 03:02:56 AM
And the 13th Dutch Line. Repetitive, but at least they are done.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on March 25, 2024, 06:13:31 AM
Very nicely done Helge! By my reckoning that's the last of the Dutch infantry (assuming no militia) Congrats!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 25, 2024, 10:06:45 PM
Very nicely done Helge! By my reckoning that's the last of the Dutch infantry (assuming no militia) Congrats!

Indeed, though I have indulged in one more militia unit from some spare Perry models. This is 3rd Dutch Militia in all their (limited) glory. This wraps up the infantry for the entire Anglo-Dutch order of battle! Some more artillery, some horsey and this is all done!


To celebrate this milestone, I watched Napoleon on Apple TV. I really wish I hadn't... The reviews were obviously not promising but I thought that I could at least enjoy the visual spectacle. Except everything is just so so wrong. I can live with artistic license with the story line - it's 20+ years in 2+ hours after all - and even the relationship focus of the movie might be chalked off to a unique spin, but even the battles were just incredibly bad.

Waterloo had the longest battle sequence in the movie and none of it makes sense. The battles opens with grey fog and pouring rain, showing both sides deeply entrenched in earthworks with stakes and trenches. Doesn't make sense, but maybe the director wanted to visually convey the defensive posture of the Anglo-Dutch army. Except the English march out of those trenches toward the charging French cavalry. Except now there is French infantry from somewhere as well, Prussian cavalry charging mysteriously from the West, British cavalry charging into the rear of their own infantry, and ultimate it is all a giant brawl. With Napoleon fighting in the middle. It's Braveheart with shakos...

I genuinely don't get the choices here. They clearly had the extras, costumes, landscape, and budget for linear formations. The scene showing the forming of squares shows this. So why all the deliberate choices that are not only historically incorrect, don't make any sense in movie, and reduce the visual spectacle? Napoleonic warfare has the fanciest uniforms, lines of troops with flamboyant flags. Why waste all this in badly choreographed battle scenes?

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: syrinx0 on March 28, 2024, 01:51:09 AM
Can't explain why one would spend millions on inaccurate and chaotic battles scenes but your final infantry unit for the Anglo-Dutch OOB looks great.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on March 28, 2024, 11:12:18 AM
The team at Little Wars have done an excellent video on what the movie could have been [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oVQBAp0CdkU&pp=ygUbGl0dGxlIHdhcnMgdHYgbmFwb2xlb24%3D (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oVQBAp0CdkU&pp=ygUbGl0dGxlIHdhcnMgdHYgbmFwb2xlb24%3D)]
If only! Would have been an excellent movie. Perhaps someone will make our visa kickstarter or similar  :D

And indeed congratulations on getting through the foot! Last dash to the finish and maybe a group photo or 12  ;)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on March 28, 2024, 08:18:28 PM
Laughable flim, innit?
What was the little  man in the funny 'at doing, dining with Nosey, on a fookin' boat!!!???
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Baron von Wreckedoften on March 31, 2024, 04:39:31 PM
Yes, but Harry - what do you know?  You weren't there!!!  lol lol lol
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on March 31, 2024, 10:34:51 PM
Well, I wasn't at Waterloo either, but I suspect one of the 200k men there might have mentioned getting whacked by Napoleon with a sword :).

Here we have the Horse Artillery battery attached to 3rd Netherlands Division. My usual format of three guns, a howitzer, a mounted officer to denote "Horse" artillery, and a mix of crew from multiple manufacturers.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 13, 2024, 05:43:17 PM
After a wasted week in sickbed, I am back with some more Netherlands troops. First, we have Kpt Lux' foot battery which wraps up 3rd Netherlands Division.


That leaves only the Netherlands Cavalry Division led by LG Baron de Collaert, with ADC market as usual.


His Heavy Brigade is commanded by MG Tripp.


The first regiment are Dutch Karabiniers with some wonderful Perry models.


Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 13, 2024, 05:45:52 PM
Argh, forgot the black dot on the trumpet yet again. Fixed in real life but I won't take another photo...
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on April 13, 2024, 05:49:37 PM
Ok, here is another photo with the black dot... The things one does...

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Basementboy on April 13, 2024, 07:53:49 PM
Much better lol
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on April 18, 2024, 05:31:50 PM
I haven't checked in here in a bit.  But I see there is some more great-looking stuff!   :)
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: schoey on April 19, 2024, 08:00:08 AM
Great looking cavalry and artillery.

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Ray Rivers on April 28, 2024, 08:41:29 PM
Amazing amount of work!  o_o

Your display case to put all those miniatures must be enormous.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on May 04, 2024, 02:50:46 AM
Your display case to put all those miniatures must be enormous.

It's a "display room" actually :). My gaming room cabinets are all full already so I have taken over an adjacent room as my new "historical room". It has a solid wall of 16' worth of display cabinets from floor to ceiling which should last for a bit. I just ordered three large plaque prints of the maps for the battles on which my historical collection are built, including a ~4'x3' plaque for Waterloo. The plaques are custom-framed in the back to allow me to flip them over and use as ready-made skirmish tables separate from my main gaming table in the primary game room. I will share some photos when everything is finished.

For now, here is the second heavy cavalry regiment in the Netherlands Division: Carabiniers No. 2. These are Belgian. I am somewhat running out of steam in the final stretch of this project with new projects taking ever more of my mindshare. 5 more cavalry units and two more (half) batteries to go... Pushing myself :)

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Harry Faversham on May 04, 2024, 09:39:38 AM
Crack on Helge mate, you can do it!

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: CapnJim on May 05, 2024, 05:30:37 PM
Push on. lad!  Your progress thus far is impressive.  Keep painting and carry on!
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on May 07, 2024, 10:20:16 PM
Come on Helge!! You can do it! So close, don't lose focus now!  :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Basementboy on May 07, 2024, 10:51:06 PM
Glorious! Where are these models from?
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on May 08, 2024, 05:11:13 AM
Thank you all for the encouragement. I shall prevail :). Painting the last heavies now, though I might batch the horses with the light cav as a bundle.

The model are from Perry. Belgian Carabiniers Charging. Same for the first unit except those are Dutch. They are single models with rider and horse as one part. Nice sculpts but limited variety. For the third (Dutch) Karabiniers, I went with Front Rank instead for variety. The light cav is likewise a mix of Perry and Front Rank.
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 03, 2024, 10:17:36 PM
Alright, I think I broke the devil's back! The 3rd Karabiniers regiment is finished and with it the Netherlands heavy cavalry brigade. Also shown below are the two half-batteries of horse artillery attached to the Netherlands division. Finally, I batch-painted all the light cavalry horses and metallics so the final four regiments should come together quickly.



Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on June 04, 2024, 10:42:20 AM

Those charging heavies are very impressive :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Basementboy on June 06, 2024, 01:25:19 AM
Huzzah! Beautiful as always, happy to see more from the thread :D
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: Helge on June 06, 2024, 01:59:03 AM
Thank you both. Here we have MG de Ghigny, commanding the first light cavalry brigade, and the 4th Light Dragoons with four squadrons (Lichte Dragonders No 4). Like I said, it's going to go quick from here (hopefully!).



I have also finished my preparations for the final "resting place" for my Waterloo collection. Eight large display cabinets now grace the wall of my new "historical room" and a wood print of the battle map looms over the seating area. The print is multiple purpose: the front is a plaque print of the battle while the rear has a frame which leaves a 4'x3' area covered in grass terrain. This allows me to flip the plaque onto the (expanding) coffee table in the seating area for use in skirmish games. Not sure if it will ever get used for this purpose, but the notion amuses me :).

Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: tomrommel1 on June 06, 2024, 09:17:32 AM
nice idea
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: vodkafan on June 07, 2024, 01:56:00 AM
I am somewhat running out of steam in the final stretch of this project with new projects taking ever more of my mindshare. 5 more cavalry units and two more (half) batteries to go... Pushing myself :)

After all this it should be against the law for you to stop Helge  lol
Title: Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
Post by: LazyStudent on June 07, 2024, 12:34:22 PM
OooooooOOoOoOoO!  :-*

Very nice woodcut. If I might ask, where did you purchase it from?

I really like the plan to have the battle board on the back. Is it magnetised, so you can leave minis in place if you have to squirrel it away in a hurry?