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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: cheetor on June 04, 2011, 01:51:19 PM

Title: Cheetor's Orks: Kommando Kill Team 16/10/18
Post by: cheetor on June 04, 2011, 01:51:19 PM
I have been preparing for some Gorkamorka gaming over the last few months.  In addition to getting a lot of terrain ready I have been getting a few orks painted up for my mob.  These are the first orks that I have painted since 1997 or so :D

Budget is tight chez Cheetor so the majority of the figures used are the guys from Black Reach, with a few simple conversions here and there.  I also used one box of Ork Boyz plus a few bits that I got on ebay.

I tried to ensure that the paint job would be easy and quick to replicate as I didnt want to get bogged down in a complicated scheme.  I tried out a couple of others on test figures until I got one that worked for me.  It ended up being a pretty traditional ork colour scheme.  Its not showcase army standard or anything but it is pretty neat and has enough contrast to look good on the table I think.


A Black Reach Nob and a Yoof made from GoMo plastics with a modern head.


A Yoof and a boy.


A Boy and Frankenork


A Boy and a Yoof


Two Yoofs and a Rogue Trader era cybork.


The last Yoof and a Shoota boy.

The cyborks below have magnets inserted at the waist.  As I was running out of torso parts from the Boyz set I only have two cybork torsos and six pairs of legs (from Kromlech).  That why the torsos repeat in the next three photos.




I painted up three resin vehicles from Ramshackle Games for the Bigdogz.  Although they are painted primarily for use in GoMo I wanted them to be suitable for use in other post apocalyptic games.  They are visible in another thread (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=29208.0)

I have more figures than I need painted up for GoMo now but I will continue until I have painted up the remaining fifteen or so that I have, largely because I have enjoyed the ork painting project a whole lot.

More details regarding my ork related stuff can be found here on my blog (http://"http://sho3box.wordpress.com/tag/ork/") if you are interested.

Comments and criticisms are all welcome of course.  Thanks for looking :)
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: Pil on June 04, 2011, 02:22:57 PM
Very nice work, I like your use of the old models as yoofs, with the larger head they really look like young'uns. I like your use of Bionik Bitz too! Can you fit them all on the vehicles? Good luck hunting for your scrap!
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: cheetor on June 04, 2011, 02:29:17 PM
Very nice work, I like your use of the old models as yoofs, with the larger head they really look like young'uns.

Thanks Pil. 

The big heads do make them look a bit gawky, appropriate for ork teenagers I suppose.

I like your use of Bionik Bitz too! Can you fit them all on the vehicles?

Not a hope Im afraid :)  Our gaming group is pretty lenient with that rule ;)

Good luck hunting for your scrap!

I forgot to include photos of the scrap actually...

Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: Heldrak on June 04, 2011, 02:56:02 PM
Orks (of any stripe) are not normally in my wheelhouse Cheetor, but these are very nicely done...!  :-*
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: killshot on June 04, 2011, 03:41:04 PM
Nice brush work!  I've never been a big fan of GW-style Orks (or orcs), but these are well done.
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: cheetor on June 04, 2011, 03:54:25 PM
Orks (of any stripe) are not normally in my wheelhouse Cheetor, but these are very nicely done...!  :-*

Nice brush work!  I've never been a big fan of GW-style Orks (or orcs), but these are well done.

Thanks guys :)

Without getting into the pros and cons of GW Orks (or God forbid, of GW in general) I found these figures great fun.  They were very easy to assemble and convert and while many dislike the cartoonish faces I found them very enjoyable to paint.

Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: mattblackgod on June 04, 2011, 03:59:57 PM
Nice work. I like the cyborg bits.
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: Pil on June 04, 2011, 04:03:15 PM
Not a hope Im afraid :)  Our gaming group is pretty lenient with that rule ;)

How do you use it, did you just set a maximum number of passengers for each vehicle, is there unlimited capacity or can you just pile them on?

I've had lots of fun playing several Gorkamorka campaigns in the past, so have fun!
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: cheetor on June 04, 2011, 04:19:32 PM
How do you use it, did you just set a maximum number of passengers for each vehicle, is there unlimited capacity or can you just pile them on?

We havent played very much at this stage so we are still working out what suits us best.  We have tried all of the above so far. 

Currently we have settled on leaving a couple of the figures in the vehicle and informing the other players that X pile of guys is riding in that truck, like we would if using closed vehicles in pretty much any wargame.  Its not perfect, but it works adequately.

The most important thing is that we dont want our ruling to get in the way of an opportunity to convert or paint a fun figure (like the cyborks above).  We also dont want to have to make gigantic vehicles to accommodate figure bases and the like.

As its a group of only three or four of us who have all played games together for well over a decade we dont tend to get bogged down too much with things like that.  Gorkamorka is a goofy game and our goal is very much beer and pretzels fun.

I've had lots of fun playing several Gorkamorka campaigns in the past, so have fun!

We have a GoMo weekend planned next week.  If I get some half decent photos I will put them up.

Nice work. I like the cyborg bits.

Thanks.  I really cant say enough good things about the Kromlech (http://kromlech.eu/)resin bits.  Nicely designed, beautifully cast and with virtually zero clean up they are brilliant.  Once I painted the bits above up I immediately ordered the cyborg arms from Kromlech. 

They are really pleasant parts to work with and paint.  I highly recommend them.
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: mattblackgod on June 04, 2011, 04:23:22 PM
Thanks for the review. My post apoc settings will be seeing Cyborgs some time in the future so these will be handy for conversions.
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: consectari on June 05, 2011, 05:09:24 AM
Really nice work.  Love the scrap counters.  What is that Frankenork made from?
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: cheetor on June 05, 2011, 09:32:09 AM
Really nice work.  Love the scrap counters.  What is that Frankenork made from?


Frankenork is made from a plastic Mek head, an ork boy left arm and a Heroquest ogre body and right arm. 

The Heroquest ogre came from an old  Heroquest expansion (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/1765/heroquest-against-the-ogre-horde).  I traded with a mate for a few of the ogres a while back.
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: Bergil on June 08, 2011, 06:32:21 PM
Sweet paint jobs.
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: Ramshackle_Curtis on June 09, 2011, 05:48:52 PM
I like the way you have done the Yoofs.

Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: demi_morgana on June 09, 2011, 08:02:34 PM
Nice job - both pj and convos!
I remember I was trying to assemble Gorkamorka band some time ago and was really pi$$ed because of different size of models in WFB, GM and 40K... :?
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: cheetor on June 10, 2011, 09:33:09 AM
I like the way you have done the Yoofs.

Thanks!  The modern heads are just a fraction too big for the old GoMo bodies really.  That said, they do make the yoofs look a bit goofy, gawky and oddly proportioned, just like a human adolescent in other words, which suits me fine.

I remember I was trying to assemble Gorkamorka band some time ago and was really pi$$ed because of different size of models in WFB, GM and 40K... :?

The ork range was in flux when GoMo was released.  That game heralded the look that the orks have had for over a decade now.
There is a lot of variation in the range if you plan to use older parts. 

That said, this mob will be going toe to toe with Rogue Trader era orks, 2nd ed orks and 3rd ed orks this weekend.  Mixing the figures in the same mob can look a bit odd, but I kind of enjoy the variation from mob to mob.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: Ramshackle_Curtis on June 10, 2011, 07:08:23 PM
Gorka Morka is a bit of a stupid game though. There is no logic and its nowhere near as deep as Necromunda. That said, I did have quite a laugh playing it a few months back...
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: General Roos on June 10, 2011, 07:35:26 PM
Great paintjob cheetor.

Gorka Morka is a bit of a stupid game though. There is no logic and its nowhere near as deep as Necromunda.

Yes. Gorka Morka is a stupid game but great fun to play.   
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: cheetor on June 11, 2011, 10:37:17 AM
Gorka Morka is a bit of a stupid game though. There is no logic and its nowhere near as deep as Necromunda. That said, I did have quite a laugh playing it a few months back...


Yes. Gorka Morka is a stupid game but great fun to play.   

Agreed, on all counts.  We played a game last night and it was stupid fun.  The Gorkamorka projct was mainly just a context to get aid a miniature painting and converting project and to keep one of my group who tends to be obsessed with orks happy.  The system itself is secondary.  Once we tire of that we will play other games using the same figures.

Thanks for the feedback!
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: rob_alderman on June 14, 2011, 08:10:15 PM
I wish my group actively wanted to play GoMo, I have tonnes of orks from all periods of 40k...
I'm sorry, but the goofy heads don't do it for me, however, they do suit the nature of the game!
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: Cosmotiger on June 15, 2011, 04:07:41 AM
Current Ork heads on the Gorkamorka bodies is a good idea.  I've never cared for the plastic Gorkamorka heads...very bland.
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka
Post by: cheetor on June 15, 2011, 10:28:13 AM
I wish my group actively wanted to play GoMo, I have tonnes of orks from all periods of 40k...

Thats precisely why I shepherded my group into trying it: we have loads of orks from various eras so we already have everything that we need.  That way we could still play even if some of the group couldnt get around to getting some stuff ready specifically for it.

I used the deadline as an opportunity to get a good few orks painted in addition to some suitable terrain.  It has been quite a productive project for me :)

I'm sorry, but the goofy heads don't do it for me, however, they do suit the nature of the game!


Current Ork heads on the Gorkamorka bodies is a good idea.  I've never cared for the plastic Gorkamorka heads...very bland.

Horses for courses :)  I found the big caricatured ork heads to be great fun to paint.  Some of the most enjoyable things that I have painted for years actually.

Speaking of painting, here is the latest batch.  Nothing very special, but fun all the same:


A Nob and a Boy with a Kannon from Ramshackle.

All of the Nobs heads and necks are magnetised.  I have equipped each of the NObs differently so that I can attach my favoured leaders head to whatever body is armed the most appropriately as he gains skills.


I have some more cyborks and other bits and pieces in the pipeline.  When I get finished I should have ~45 orks painted to an alright gaming standard, which is a satisfying medium sized project for me.

Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka UPDATED: 15/06/11
Post by: MajorTalon on June 15, 2011, 02:27:02 PM
Really interesting. :) I wish I was able to fight against them on the tabletop.
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka UPDATED: 15/06/11
Post by: DeafNala on June 15, 2011, 03:55:48 PM
There is just something that is SO appealing about Orks with Machine Guns. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Orks for Gorkamorka UPDATED: 15/06/11
Post by: Pil on June 16, 2011, 08:12:52 AM
Very cool work and respect for magnetising all those bits! In the past I always chopped up my painted models and adjusted them whenever they got bionik bits. I had lots of fun doing it though!  8)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: cheetor on December 29, 2013, 01:06:04 PM
So, after two and a half years I am back painting greenskins from space. 

The primary driver for this is the pile of Deadzone Marauders that I have been working on recently, but I have also been simultaneously working on ork models from other manufacturers.  I decided to rename the thread so that I can put the whole lot here regardless of source.  They will all be painted in the same palette anyway.

Tastes will differ regarding the different sculpts (and the bursting-into-song pose of the Ripper suits is not really what I was looking for either, but whatever).  Nonetheless, I am content to unify the various different miniature styles with a coherent paint scheme under the "Bigdogz" banner. 

First a pair of "Ripper suits":


Next a pair of Commandos:


Finally for now, an old GorkaMorka Nazgrub Wurrzag - Scrap Prospector mini.  I have had the figure for years and it was great to get it painted.  I really enjoyed painting the Paul Bonner-esque, bark like facial texture.


My Deadzone blog post is here (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2013/12/28/deadzone-marauders-1/) and the Nazgrub one is here (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2013/12/29/nazgrub-wurrzag-scrap-prospector/).  Comments and criticisms all gratefully received as usual.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: Dr. The Viking on December 29, 2013, 02:07:31 PM
Brilliant greens!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: rob_alderman on December 30, 2013, 01:52:18 AM
I've been after one of those Nazgrub miniatures for years...

One day!!!

Lovely painting.  :)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: FramFramson on December 30, 2013, 04:45:22 AM
That Nazgrub!  :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: cheetor on December 30, 2013, 10:02:18 AM

Thanks for the feedback guys :)

I've been after one of those Nazgrub miniatures for years...

Its a nice figure.  You should try to get your hands on one Rob, its very nicely sculpted.  I found it to be one of those figures that almost paints itself, if you know what I mean.  Lovely and crisp.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on December 30, 2013, 01:39:41 PM
Great stuff, Nazgrub in particular looks fantastic - I really like the old Brian Nelson GoMo figures, great sculpts.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: leonmallett on January 01, 2014, 12:32:10 PM
Lovely work on the Marauders; love the weathering and palette. Great stuff. :)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: Mason on January 01, 2014, 01:57:04 PM
Great stuff, cheetor!
I am really glad that you brought this thread back from the dead, as I missed it first time around.

There are some lovely examples of orky-bitz modelling earlier on and the Prospector is one of my favourite Ork figures ever.
 8) :-* 8)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: cheetor on January 01, 2014, 05:32:23 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys :)  Prospector Wurrzag is an exceptional bit of sculpting alright.

Great stuff, cheetor!
I am really glad that you brought this thread back from the dead, as I missed it first time around.

I have actually gone back to add some more textures to the basing and to add an extra final highlight to the flesh on all of the figures painted in 2011, but I havent taken any more photos or anything yet.  The earlier batch should look a little nicer when I do snap them again.

Painting the various ork ranges off-the-peg, with a minimal bit of kit bashing (rather than proper converting) is proving very pleasant.  I have loads more greenies to come, including some of the Goblinaid figures and Goffik Rokkers soon I hope, but for now just a small gretchin update:


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: Mason on January 01, 2014, 06:40:54 PM
Some superb additions.
Red scarf is my personal favourite.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: Achilles on January 01, 2014, 06:44:06 PM
Lovely deep rich skin on these Greenies. Well done! :)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deadzone Marauders & Nazgrub Wurrzag 29/12/13
Post by: hubbabubba on January 02, 2014, 08:59:42 AM
Yum yum, I always had a soft spot for those crazy Grot bandits with the oversized pistols.

Great painting.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: cheetor on January 15, 2014, 04:19:16 PM
2014 has been green on my painting table, with the following painted and photographed in the last couple of weeks.  

Firstly, I got these three Deffkoptas painted.  Goofy models, but fun (something of an ork mantra really):


I find anything larger than a three or so 28mms hard to photograph, so these guys arent shown at their best here.  Here is a solo shot which might make things slightly easier to see:


The Deffkopta blog post with extra photos and blah blah is here (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/01/08/ork-deffkoptas/).

Next is a silly conversion of a Heroclix with an ork headswap.  "Da Captive" is used in a number of Gorkamorka scenarios, so I decided to throw together a figure to represent it.  I think that it looks quite funny, like a dog with its tail between its legs, scampering off in its Wild West style long johns (Da Captive is the guy in the middle, obviously):


I forgot to take a photo of the rear of the figure, but I do have a WIP shot of his arse, wher I added what George of the Jungle used to call a "buttflap" I think.


Da Captive blog post is here. (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/01/02/da-captive/)

Last but not least, I finished a set of Goff Rockers - "Mushrööm Klöwd" - complete with album cover and "Spacehenge Tour 990.M39" promotional image:




The "Mushrööm Klöwd" Goff Rokk band post is here. (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/01/15/goff-rokkerz/)

I have more greenskins in the pipeline, but I have to do some work on my Alien Flora & Fauna project over the next couple of weeks, so the Bigdogz will have to wait for a while.

Comments/queries/criticisms all received with thanks :)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: Dr. The Viking on January 15, 2014, 04:50:43 PM

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: Vermis on January 15, 2014, 05:03:57 PM
Fantastic painting and mad fun - the way orks should be. :D Makes me want to dig out me own AoBR orks.

You especially make the weird heads on the Deadzone minis look good.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: Mason on January 15, 2014, 05:23:15 PM

Love the Captive.
Very clever.

You brought a smile to my face with these.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: Suber on January 15, 2014, 05:39:51 PM
Evreything here is Gork Mork approved! :D
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: Vanvlak on January 15, 2014, 06:41:27 PM
Those are just brilliant!  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: cheetor on January 16, 2014, 09:56:17 AM

Thanks for the feedback everyone.  Some quite extreme, daft miniature concepts, but they have an appeal to a certain subset of gamers  :)

Fantastic painting and mad fun - the way orks should be. :D Makes me want to dig out me own AoBR orks.

The AoBR orks are good, if a little bit "static" in pose.  I dont really ever convert my miniatures much these days - its too much of a time sink and I would rather be making some headway in mining Monte 28mm - but the AoBR boyz benefit from a few simple arm repositionings to in an effort to mitigate the cookie cutter look.

They are fun models though.  I am looking forward to working on the big, chunky, plastic warboss.

You especially make the weird heads on the Deadzone minis look good.

Mantic miniatures are of variable quality, but conceptually I dont really mind whether an ork has a wide modern GW face or a long, vaguely crocodilian Mantic face: I like the variety when painting.  The RT ork faces vary hugely.  I like the variety.

Love the Captive.
Very clever.

Da Captives Heroclix body was minus its foot from a previous conversion, so when I spotted it in the box of parts it seemed like a unique opportunity to use such a unusually posed miniature.  The scampering look is absurd of course, but it makes me think about a yelping dog running from a fight, which is entirely appropriate in a Scooby-Doo sort of way :)  It also makes the model entirely distinct on the table, convenient for an "objective marker" sort of piece.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: phreedh on January 16, 2014, 11:32:26 AM
Da Captive makes me think of Averell Dalton and Rantanplan of Lucky Luke fame. It's indeed a daft, but amusing, piece. =D What's the original model? Beast?

Nice job all round. I never really liked the Goff Rockers models but do approve of the record sleeve cover and nod to Spinal Tap. =) The painting of the rockers is absolutely brilliant though, love the jacket on the mohawk chap! Makes me view the models with fresh eyes.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goff Rockers, Deffkoptas and "Da Captive" 15/01/14
Post by: cheetor on January 16, 2014, 12:04:53 PM
Da Captive makes me think of Averell Dalton and Rantanplan of Lucky Luke fame. It's indeed a daft, but amusing, piece. =D What's the original model? Beast?

Yep, First Class pre-blue fur Beast from a set from around 2006.  It meant that the clix had bigger feet and hands than normal, allowing for a close enough fit for ork physique.

Nice job all round. I never really liked the Goff Rockers models but do approve of the record sleeve cover and nod to Spinal Tap. =)

A nod or two to Englands loudest band was predictable, but inevitable really.  That rock oeuvre is almost beyond parody anyway, making the Tap as close to being a real band as to make pretty much zero difference in my eyes.

The painting of the rockers is absolutely brilliant though, love the jacket on the mohawk chap! Makes me view the models with fresh eyes.

Thanks.  I wasnt ever that bothered with the models myself as a teen, but my miniature tastes have (I cant bring myself to say "matured" about a subject like this) evolved since.  Painting a gaming piece that is a little different is always preferable to painting another spaceman with a gun as far as I am concerned.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: cheetor on April 03, 2014, 11:11:38 PM
I have been working on a few more of these.  First up Mushhrööm Klöwd get a drummer, with drum kit:



The drummers blog post is HERE (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/03/30/mushroom-klowd-drummer/).

Next thing of note is this old Confrontation Bounty hunter, painted up as an human/ork advisor, an asset to the more cunning warlord.  He looks like the love child of Bono and Kim Jong Il.  I plan to have a squad of human mercs for this guy to boss around:


The Advisors blog post is HERE (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/01/21/confrontation-bounty-hunter-blood-axe-human-advisor/).

Last for now, but definitely not least is the old Zodgrod Wortsnagga special character from the nineties.  According to the background, that guy ended up with a load of "super runtz" - particularly skilled gretchin - after some sort of rigorous training and selective breeding program.  I figured that some Bob Olley Pedro Ramos ninja goblin sculpts fit the bill.


The post on those guys is HERE (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/04/03/ninja-goblins-from-space/).

Any questions or comments or criticisms, fire ahead please :)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: OSHIROmodels on April 04, 2014, 12:19:54 AM
Cracking work  8) 8)

I do love the Goff Rok band  :D


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: Dr. The Viking on April 04, 2014, 06:57:48 AM
Just brilliant!!! Proper orky spirit!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: Commander Vyper on April 04, 2014, 08:27:50 AM
Ninja gobbos. Nice@  ;D
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: Mr Tough Guy on April 04, 2014, 10:19:17 AM
 :-* Old wortsnagga looks brilliant and I love the idea of the ninja supergrunts  lol , well done man
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: Mason on April 04, 2014, 10:57:42 AM
Bloody wonderful, mate.
 :-* :-*

That drum kit is quality and Bono/Kim cracked me up.
 8) lol 8)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: cheetor on April 04, 2014, 12:04:25 PM
Thanks for the kind feedback folks.  Im enjoying painting these old orks and it shows I think.

I do love the Goff Rok band  :D

Thanks.  A sub-project that I wrote off as a teen is now providing me with all sorts of entertainment.  Expect a lead singer and sound engineer at some point.  The Mushrööm Klöwd lineup is going to be as big as Arcade Fire at this rate ;)  "Orkade Fire", heh.

That drum kit is quality and Bono/Kim cracked me up.
 8) lol 8)

The drum kit was very quickly thrown together with parts, but it fits the aesthetic rather well I think, plus its a bit of a laugh.  I have a scenario using it that I am planning to play this weekend in fact.

But if you think that the drum kit is funny, you should look at the image theottovonbismark sent me when he first saw the painted advisor figure, before I had made the connection:


I am skirting the excellent "no politics" forum rule here, so other than appreciating the giggle factor in that image I wont say anything more about it (although as an Irish person I think that I should get extra leeway when talking about Bono ;) . 

More orks to come, Im enjoying working on these guys.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: Major_Gilbear on April 04, 2014, 01:12:02 PM
Fantastic work; I especially like the way you paint Ork skin.

Also, what a super model Zagrod is!  :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: Westfalia Chris on April 04, 2014, 07:26:09 PM
"Dat ain't workin', dat's da way ta do it - teef for nuffink and da squigs for free!"


Marvellous models, excellent execution. The drum set is a stroke of genius.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: Mason on April 04, 2014, 07:33:26 PM
"Dat ain't workin', dat's da way ta do it - teef for nuffink and da squigs for free!"

 lol lol

Like it!

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: TF Riley on April 04, 2014, 09:12:06 PM
Brilliant stuff!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: Ramshackle_Curtis on May 23, 2014, 03:06:26 PM
YOur painting is getting annoyingly good!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Ninjas, Drums and Advisor 03/04/14
Post by: cheetor on May 23, 2014, 08:50:15 PM
YOur painting is getting annoyingly good!

Thanks Curtis, I think ;)

I have two more additions to the band in the queue at the painting table.  I also have another twenty or so greenskins to work on for a game or two in August, so there will be some more stuff here soon.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: cheetor on June 28, 2014, 03:51:50 PM
I have a game with Whiskey Priest at a con planned for August.  WP is using his old Citadel space pirates adn I decided to do some work on a Freebooter Pirate crew to take them on.


I used the same palette as I used for the rest of my orks, but took the yellow and black striped motif (the hazard lines that tend to be overused by a certain era of 40K types that I just cant resist using in this context for loads of reasons) to make sure that all the pirates have appropriately striped trousers.


I used old eighties RT ork boyz for this project as even though they really are quite titchy in comparison even with other models from that era (see above) they are scruffy and lack uniform in a pleasing way thats very appropriate for the sort of totally ridiculous seventeenth century pirate space alien look that I am going for.


Mr Killgore, the cybork Quarteremaster on "Da Dirty Doubloon" was a very satisfying old classic to paint.  A strangely small sculpt for 1990, but still a great little model.

The blog post for these guys is HERE (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/06/28/skabsquigs-scallywags-mr-killgore-and-da-swabz/).

Many more Skallywags should be reporting for duty over the next few weeks with a bit of luck.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: cp models on June 28, 2014, 03:55:31 PM
Great painting they look great :)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: Jonas on June 28, 2014, 04:04:45 PM
Those guys are awesome  :o
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: hubbabubba on June 28, 2014, 05:35:52 PM
Fantastic figs.
They have so much character, especially noticable compared to some of today's digitally sculpted figs.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: area23 on June 28, 2014, 09:06:16 PM
Very, very cool. Most of my orks are the ones with the plastic ars, but these are so much more characterful.

wouldn't it be about time for a group-shot of the orks now?
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: Mason on June 28, 2014, 09:09:04 PM
Love the vibe from these fellas.
 :-* 8) :-*

........Most of my orks are the ones with the plastic ars, ........

I know that you meant to write arms, but this is so much funnier.
 lol lol lol

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: cheetor on June 29, 2014, 10:00:23 AM

These little guys are fun sculpts alright, with their wildly differing clothes, equipment and physiology ;) 

Regarding character, I quite like many of the modern plastic ork designs, even though many grognard types dont.  I do think that I have probably painted enough regular cookie cutter plastic boyz now though, so painting a load of unique sculpts like these in a coherent scheme is fun, even if it takes slightly longer.

wouldn't it be about time for a group-shot of the orks now?

Maybe.  I have a number to work on before an event that I am attending in early August though, so I will wait until I get those done before I get the while lot on the table for a photo.  There are still not that many really anyway, only about thirty or forty at a guess.  Small potatoes in terms of building an army (which I am not) but loads for the sorts of skirmish games that interest me.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: warburton on June 29, 2014, 12:40:03 PM
Brilliant work. The ork scratching his chin is one of my all time favourite ork models, and one I have undercoated to paint myself in the last couple of days.

These really look great; dark and moody, yet with that bright spark of orkiness.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Skabsquigs Skallywags 28/06/14
Post by: Suber on June 30, 2014, 09:31:45 AM
These Orks are absolutely awesome; inspired work, you have produced some real top notch greenskins there. The colours and scheme makes them unique.
I need a Freeboterz Waaagh right now!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: cheetor on July 07, 2014, 10:23:43 PM
Thanks for the encouragement guys.

I added another six old RT era orks to the pirates this evening, with more in the pipeline.  Its funny how much a pair of striped trousers can change the vibe of the miniatures.


And a shot of all twelve of the pirates so far:


More photos of these guys on my blog (http://sho3box.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/skallywags11.jpg).  

Im enjoying painting these old models.  I was never terribly interested in them one way or another over the years, but painting them is making me fonder of the goofy old guys.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: Mason on July 07, 2014, 10:58:02 PM
They look wonderful as a band, mate.
 8) :-* 8)

I know what you mean when you say you were not too keen before, but I have a a hankering to paint some myself having seen yours.
The only catch to that is I have sold or traded almost all my Orks over the last few years.
I have kept one or two classics however, including that great Cybork Pirate, so a few will survive into a future RT project.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: warburton on July 08, 2014, 12:27:45 AM

As for myself, I too do not mind the newer ork plastics (though I preferred the Brian Nelson ones to whoever is sculpting them now). My main problem with them is their pose. There is something not right about the legs. Also the arms are just too big. Still, I have a few that I am not getting rid of.

The RT Kev Adams orks are in many respects not great. They are very small and largely monoposed. What makes them for me is the brilliant character in their faces that Mr Adams has managed to achieve. That is what gets me painting them.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: aliensurfer on July 08, 2014, 08:32:29 AM
beautiful painting there  :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: phreedh on July 08, 2014, 09:16:10 AM
The RT Kev Adams orks are in many respects not great. They are very small and largely monoposed.
I never understood this... or well, I do understand it. In comparison with current orks they ARE small. I would say it's the other way around. I don't like any modern orks (or orcs) as they're all ogre sized lumbering hulks with stupid "just crapped my pants" poses. The Adams orks are fantastic. I wouldn't say they're monoposed at all. There are just a gazillion variants, but the amount of individual and distinctrly unique sculpts is very high:

And that list doesn't even cover all of them.  o_o

Paul - stellar work, as always! The marauder lad doesn't look too out of place. Good job!

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: Mason on July 08, 2014, 09:28:26 AM
....... I would say it's the other way around. I don't like any modern orks (or orcs) as they're all ogre sized lumbering hulks with stupid "just crapped my pants" poses. The Adams orks are fantastic. I wouldn't say they're monoposed at all. There are just a gazillion variants, but the amount of individual and distinctrly unique sculpts is very high....

I cannot stand the newer Orks for the same reasons.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: Dewbakuk on July 08, 2014, 09:43:28 AM
I cannot stand the newer Orks for the same reasons.

I like the newer orks, they're designed around a gorilla body shape, hence the wide stance and longer arms. It's a recognised (at least subconsciously) shape that conveys power. That said, much like most of the figures they do these days they really overdo it with some of them.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: cheetor on July 08, 2014, 09:55:43 AM
They look wonderful as a band, mate.
 8) :-* 8)

Thanks Mason.  More to come.

The only catch to that is I have sold or traded almost all my Orks over the last few years.
I have kept one or two classics however, including that great Cybork Pirate, so a few will survive into a future RT project.

The cybork pirate is a classic.

I have heard that the orks are the second most numerous of the RT ranges (Marines being the most common obviously enough).  As the Eldar range used the same models for many years (the same Warp Spiders have been knocking around for twenty years now) loyts of them are very common too.

So you should be able to pick up a squad or two quite cheaply if you feel inclined Mason.  I only got these orks this year for example (I sold the original batch of orks that I owned back in 1999 to fund a night of clubbing  lol ).


Thanks Warburton

As for myself, I too do not mind the newer ork plastics (though I preferred the Brian Nelson ones to whoever is sculpting them now).

Yep, they have disimproved for sure.

My main problem with them is their pose. There is something not right about the legs.


I never understood this... or well, I do understand it. In comparison with current orks they ARE small.

I think that its more than that actually.  The Adams orks are quite small even alongside human models from the era.


I would say it's the other way around. I don't like any modern orks (or orcs) as they're all ogre sized lumbering hulks with stupid "just crapped my pants" poses.

The duck arse thing is odd for sure, but beyond that strange engineering based design decision, I am quite content to have both the older style and the newer guys co-exist.  I see them as like dogs, with large morphological variation.  Conceptually I am fine with some orks being musclebound savages and others being more rounded characters.

Paul - stellar work, as always! The marauder lad doesn't look too out of place. Good job!

Thanks Mattias.  I have enough old ork grunts now, but all the same I would like to pick up the other five or six Marauder models.  I would like to paint them, rather than "need" them for a game or whatever.

I like the newer orks, they're designed around a gorilla body shape, hence the wide stance and longer arms. It's a recognised (at least subconsciously) shape that conveys power. That said, much like most of the figures they do these days they really overdo it with some of them.

Agreed on all counts Dewbakuk.  Sometimes I like my dirty scheming uncouth orks and sometimes I like my hairless green gorilla with a machine gun orks.  Its apples and oranges to an extent :)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Skallywags 07/07/14
Post by: phreedh on July 08, 2014, 10:12:59 AM
I think that its more than that actually.  The Adams orks are quite small even alongside human models from the era.
A-HA! As a matter of fact, it's the silly old codgers Goodwin, Copplestone, Naismith, Olley and Morrison who got it all wrong and made the humans too large.

Put an ork next to a space marine. Presto - true-scale marines. They have been there, since the eighties. Available, for a pittance. No need for modern monstrous scale creep "true-scale". We just need true-scale humans. And eldar. And uhm... yeah.

Orks and Marines are good and proper, see.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: cheetor on July 09, 2014, 10:12:27 AM
I finished Kaptin Fiddy Teef last night, along with his sidekick Mister Scuttle.


This classic old model will be in charge of my Freebooter contingent at a convention game that I will be playing in with Whiskey Priest.  Its a classic old sculpt and it was very satisfying to paint it after trying to find an excuse to do so for a full twenty-four years.  


As a teen I thought that these pirate guys were sort of cool but a bit too "unrealistic".  Now I see them as a very good catalyst for giggles at the games table, which is a far healthier attitude.  So I guess I have made some personal progress in the last quarter of a century after all.


The cat-squig/gyrinx had an indistinct thing going on over its left eye.  I think that it might have been supposed to be an eyepatch, but I couldnt tell.  I whipped up a bionic enhancement from green stuff and styrene to lock it isn as a futuristic space pirate cat: I didnt want anyone thinking that it was a regular old 17th century pirate cat now did I?


Fiddy got his stupid name after a conversation about a gretchin that I painted recently - Notorious G.I.T..  It isnt a particularly clever reference, but the guy does have a memorable set of chompers and its easy to remember, so thats that.

More images and other details in the blog post (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/07/09/fiddy-teef-ork-freebooter-kaptin-and-mr-scuttle/).  Some gretchin space pirates next.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: OSHIROmodels on July 09, 2014, 10:13:51 AM
Great stuff  :D


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: Jonas on July 09, 2014, 10:21:27 AM
Best Ork pirates I have ever seen. They have the right balance between silly and serious. I think some Ork Freebooter paintjobs tend to go over the top on sillyness.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: Blackwolf on July 09, 2014, 10:28:14 AM
Wow,fantastic work :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: area23 on July 09, 2014, 10:49:00 AM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: warburton on July 09, 2014, 12:00:12 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: Dr. The Viking on July 09, 2014, 12:13:43 PM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: Mason on July 09, 2014, 12:17:49 PM

Fiddy Teef... lol

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: cheetor on July 09, 2014, 01:02:54 PM
Thanks for the encouragement folks.

I think some Ork Freebooter paintjobs tend to go over the top on sillyness.

I agree.   These guys are definitely pretty silly all the same though.  There is a cat with a bionic eye wearing a tricorne for example ;)   lol  Still if someone cant see how inherently ridiculous the 40K universe is, then I probably dont want to play games with them anyway.

The striped trousers were a bit of a gamble.  They had lots of potential to go badly wrong and look terrible but I think that they worked out alright.  I think that referencing the yellow and black hazard stripes that show up here and there on the rest of the orks helps.  The hazard line pattern was heavily over done for many years of course, but I really do still like it in certain contexts.

While it could also have been fun to put together a crew of ork pirates that looked a bit grittier, like a Merc crew out of a Riddick movie or the crew of The Betty in Alien 4, there is such a rich history of ridiculous pirate nonsense that its hard to avoid referencing it.

I also think that it would be an absolute shame to paint an ork pirate crew and leave out the cybork pirate and the Kaptin model shown above.  They have too much potential for fun.

Thansk for the feedback :)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: PF on July 09, 2014, 01:24:56 PM
Cool stuff as usual.
No love for squigs? There were some small and funny.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: area23 on July 09, 2014, 06:50:34 PM
Three thoughts came to mind today.

did these pirate goblin kickstarter with Kev Adams sculpts ever became available to the public?

how is it everbody has commisioned kevin adams to do goblins the last few years but NOBODY did old school space-orks!?
I want him to make me space monkeys, something in the middle of these old orks and a Judge Dredd ape gang.

The two freebooters are such wonderfull miniatures because the were some of the few that didn't have those plastic arms!
My tiny space ork raiders are led by the powered/cyber freebooter too, while the plastic arm guys just don't fit with the gang. The freebooter Painboy is a good character too. The Kaptin probably goes for crazy money now.

tonight I'm going to browse my old ork books! Waaaargh!

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: blackstone on July 09, 2014, 09:16:44 PM
Super nice painting and photos! :)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: Jonas on July 09, 2014, 09:43:31 PM
I agree.   These guys are definitely pretty silly all the same though.  There is a cat with a bionic eye wearing a tricorne for example ;)   lol  Still if someone cant see how inherently ridiculous the 40K universe is, then I probably dont want to play games with them anyway.

Of course things are allowed to be silly, but doesn't need to be full blown clown college  :D

Except if you are an Eldar Harlequin of course, but that is still serious buisness too....
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: Hatemonger on July 10, 2014, 04:14:38 PM
the right balance between silly and serious
I believe you may have just stated the ultimate secret to Orks, if not 40k in general.  :D

- H8
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: FramFramson on July 10, 2014, 05:34:44 PM
Oh these are just wonderful.

Time for a few humies to WALK THE SPACE PLANCK.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: aliensurfer on July 10, 2014, 08:14:46 PM
the painting is  :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: cheetor on July 11, 2014, 12:56:52 PM
No love for squigs?

Plenty of love for squigs PF and I do have a couple in the pipeline, but when I saw an opportunity to paint a green cyborg cat in a pirate hat I had to go for it :)

Of course things are allowed to be silly, but doesn't need to be full blown clown college  :D

I imagine that the Skallywags here will be too silly for many and not silly enough for others.  Im comfortable with the Saturday morning cartoon level that they are turning out at.

Time for a few humies to WALK THE SPACE PLANCK.

You betcha!  A few of them will be scraping the astro-barnacles off the hyperdrive vents too, not to mention hoisting the folding space.  Etc me hearties.

did these pirate goblin kickstarter with Kev Adams sculpts ever became available to the public?

I forgot about those.  The FB page seems rather quiet.

how is it everbody has commisioned kevin adams to do goblins the last few years but NOBODY did old school space-orks!?

I was thinking that myself.  Im sure that there is a market for a sci-fi ork that bridges the gap between the fun but small RT types and the more extreme modern ones.  I would like a few orks in things liks space suits too, rugged and well worn hi-tech things, rather than covered-in-glue-and-rolled-in-a-scrapyard.

I want him to make me space monkeys, something in the middle of these old orks and a Judge Dredd ape gang.

Everyone wants space apes surely?

The freebooter Painboy is a good character too.

I would like one of those and one of the Freebooter Mek too.  Some day maybe.

Thanks for all the feedback guys.  Im working on gretchin for the next instalment.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: warburton on July 11, 2014, 01:49:21 PM

I was thinking that myself.  Im sure that there is a market for a sci-fi ork that bridges the gap between the fun but small RT types and the more extreme modern ones.  I would like a few orks in things liks space suits too, rugged and well worn hi-tech things, rather than covered-in-glue-and-rolled-in-a-scrapyard.

Agreed! I prefer the orks hi-tech myself; proper technology but more rugged and basic, to the covered in glue and rolled in a scrapyard as you so aptly put it look that began in 3rd edition 40k.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goblinaid/Hasslefree Gretchin 17/07/14
Post by: cheetor on July 17, 2014, 10:32:45 PM
Four Goblinaid and two Hasslefree models this time (although confusingly, one of the Goblinaid models has since become a Hasslefree model).


The gretchin in the spacesuit with a rifle - I see him as a pilot - isnt really part of this unit, but I painted him alongside.

The models had a couple of weapon swaps to make half an effort to make the space pirates, but it was a minor thing really.


The associated blog post with more info and images is here (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/?p=9870).

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goblinaid/Hasslefree Gretchin 17/07/14
Post by: Mason on July 19, 2014, 11:25:38 PM
Top drawer, mate.
Really top drawer.
 8) :-* 8)

Now please stop it.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goblinaid/Hasslefree Gretchin 17/07/14
Post by: weismonsters on July 20, 2014, 01:46:00 AM
These pirates are really colourful and characterful. Love them.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goblinaid/Hasslefree Gretchin 17/07/14
Post by: Hawkeye on July 20, 2014, 09:58:52 PM
Brilliant! You have those stripy pants down to a fine art, and the green of the skin is handled really nicely. Great stuff, this!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Kaptin Fiddy Teef 09/07/14
Post by: Vermis on July 21, 2014, 12:50:47 AM
I imagine that the Skallywags here will be too silly for many and not silly enough for others.  Im comfortable with the Saturday morning cartoon level that they are turning out at.

I think some elements of 40K are better all serious or grimdark (I can't imagine jokey nids, for instance. Not that I don't want to, I just can't) but orks should be the anarchic nutters in the setting. They're like 40K's Eddie Blake: they saw the true face of the 41st millenium and chose to become a reflection, a parody of it.

Best portrayal of orks? Deff Skwadron.

Everyone wants space apes surely?

After some movies and new trailers on tv, I'm thinking we need more apes with guns...

I've got to admit I was never a big fan of Kev Adams' greenskins, but this topic has gone some way to convert me. That guy with the big white beard is excellent!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goblinaid/Hasslefree Gretchin 17/07/14
Post by: Katsuhiko JiNNai on July 21, 2014, 12:09:29 PM
Excellent! I really love these vintage greenskin models  :D
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Goblinaid/Hasslefree Gretchin 17/07/14
Post by: cheetor on July 22, 2014, 10:01:07 AM
Top drawer, mate.
Really top drawer.
 8) :-* 8)

Thanks Mason.

Now please stop it.

Not for a while yet Im afraid.  I have a few more ork miniatures that I have to get finished before I take a trip to Foundry for the Oldhammer/Bring Out Your Lead day in early August.  I will see where that leaves me regarding ork-thusiasm levels.

These pirates are really colourful and characterful. Love them.

Thanks! Definitely on the goofy side, but the older that I get them more this sort of lighthearted thing appeals to me. 

Brilliant! You have those stripy pants down to a fine art, and the green of the skin is handled really nicely. Great stuff, this!

Thanks.  The striped trousers have been a big hit.  Its not that hard to paint or anything, but people seem to like it.  I do too, which helps.

They're like 40K's Eddie Blake: they saw the true face of the 41st millenium and chose to become a reflection, a parody of it.

I have been pondering this sentence since you wrote it Vermis.  I think that I agree pretty much 100%.  It also gave me an urge to make an ork version of the Watchmen, which has all sorts of fun potential :)  A "Komedian" at the very ;east would be fantastic fun to game with.

I've got to admit I was never a big fan of Kev Adams' greenskins, but this topic has gone some way to convert me. That guy with the big white beard is excellent!

The cybork is one of my favourites for sure.  I had only painted a handful of orks and goblins before 2011 and almost every Kev Adams goblinoid that I own was acquired late last year/early this year.  I dont have a significant history with them. 

I can say that this ork project has for a number of reasons proven to be quite rewarding.  I think that my painting has both improved and speeded up as a direct result of painting these guys, which is about as good a result as I could have hoped for :)

Excellent! I really love these vintage greenskin models  :D

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: cheetor on August 07, 2014, 01:04:35 AM
Mushrööm Klöwd got themselves a "Toor bus"...



(bus blog post here (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/08/03/mushroom-klowd-tour-bus/))

...and Skabsquigs Skallywags got a troll/ogryn/big ork to repel boarders and shiver timbers and the like...


He is a big fella...


(the Big Billy post (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/08/07/big-billy-and-crackers-troll-and-parrot-space-pirates/))

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: Mason on August 07, 2014, 01:26:22 AM
 :o :o :o

Bloody brilliant!
 8) 8)

While the big fella is excellent, you have made me sit here with a massive grin gawping at that 'Toor Bus'.
Love it!

So much!
 :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 07, 2014, 06:13:28 AM
That's fantastic  :D :D :D

You need some groupies next  ;D


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: Suber on August 07, 2014, 07:11:28 AM
Once again you beat yourself o_o. Both bus and Big Billy look wonderfully integrated with the rest of the bunch (and of course they also look gorgeous! :-*).
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: cheetor on August 07, 2014, 07:52:32 AM
You need some groupies next  ;D

These will have to serve double duties in that regard I think...


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: FramFramson on August 08, 2014, 04:41:43 AM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: warburton on August 09, 2014, 12:03:22 AM
Nice work!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: Sinewgrab on August 09, 2014, 02:41:20 AM
For some reason I pictured a group of Sisters/Howling Banshees/insert humanoid alien female here with green paint and shaved heads trying to "fit in" to their favorite band....
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: cheetor on August 18, 2014, 11:52:35 AM
Thanks for the feedback folks, Billy, Crackers and the Toor Bus have proven  to be crowd pleasers in the couple of games that I have got in since :)

Big Billy, Crackers and the Skallywags got an outing at BOYL (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/08/14/bring-out-your-lead-2014-pt-1/) just over a week ago.  It appears certain at this point that Crackers is the brains of the organisation.

Big Billy convinces the captain of Blovelds Buccaneers of the validity of Crackers point of view.

Billy and Crackers shakedown local Eldar crime kingpin in the gaming parlour of "The Rusty Blaster".

Kaptin Fiddy Teef relieves the Buccaneers of their booty.

For some reason I pictured a group of Sisters/Howling Banshees/insert humanoid alien female here with green paint and shaved heads trying to "fit in" to their favorite band....

Now that you mention it, some GorkaMorka Diggas, with their ork wannabe stylings fit that bill rather well, except that they are all male.  They would make good human fans of an ork band though.

On a related note, Alternative Armies have just re-released an old set of ork rockers (http://www.alternative-armies.com/products/orb-orc-rock-band) from the early eighties.  The sculpts look a bit quaint, somewhat of the era, but I reckon that I can get them involved in this increasingly ridiculous alien pirate/ninja/rocker project I think.  The appeal of having some female ork rocker models is high :)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Tour Bus & Big Billy 07/08/14
Post by: warburton on August 18, 2014, 01:06:46 PM
Nice photos of the game!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: cheetor on December 29, 2014, 10:27:03 AM
In an effort to finish off a few partly completed models before the end of the year I have come back to the greenskins again after a break since the summer.  I have wanted to add a dedicated lead vocalist to Mushrööm Klöwd for a while, so a second edition 40k Weirdboy Warphead had his staff converted into a mic stand in order to create Steev Tylork.  


Somewhere along the way the band picked up a sound engineer and primitive (but amusing, to me anyway) mixing desk.


The blog post for the two above is HERE (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/12/27/mushroom-klowd-steev-tylork-and-klem-fandangork/).


I also finished off a pair of Brainboyz that I made from Gnoblar heads and 15mm scientist bodies.  If the concept of Brainboyz doesnt mean anything to you then more information and more photos about those guys are in their blog post, HERE (http://sho3box.wordpress.com/2014/12/29/brainboyz/).



Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: Mason on December 29, 2014, 11:01:28 AM
I have been waiting for you to post those Brainboyz after seeing them on that Other Place.
I love them!
A genius idea, I reckon.
 :-* 8) :-*

But.....then you go and spoil us with the other additions and that bloody wonderful mixing desk!
 8) 8) 8)

You little Santa, you.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: Malebolgia on December 29, 2014, 11:11:47 AM
Waaaahahahahaha, how frigging awesome!!!
Love what you did with those last guys. You sir, are a real genius!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: warburton on December 29, 2014, 11:33:56 AM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: OSHIROmodels on December 29, 2014, 12:17:30 PM
Cracking work  :-* :-* :-*


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: Bloggard on December 29, 2014, 01:29:14 PM
almost too much awesomeness to comprehend...

fabulous stuff, all ...
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: Prof.Witchheimer on December 29, 2014, 01:30:35 PM
So impressive, so creative, bravo  :-*

Gnoblar Scientists are genius  :)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: Dentatus on December 29, 2014, 03:34:52 PM
So excellent, brings tears to my eyes.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: FramFramson on December 29, 2014, 06:20:51 PM
Just fanananananantastical work!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: von Lucky on December 29, 2014, 08:50:46 PM
Yeah, this last batch is awesome.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: Dr. The Viking on December 29, 2014, 09:41:35 PM

The longships yearn for Ireland!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: cheetor on December 30, 2014, 09:58:30 AM
Thanks for all of the kind feedback folks :)

I have been waiting for you to post those Brainboyz after seeing them on that Other Place.

Posting on LAF is always the next priority after posting on the blog.  It will always get here eventually.

But.....then you go and spoil us with the other additions and that bloody wonderful mixing desk!
 8) 8) 8)

The desk is a bit of a laugh, I am sure that it will make a game or two a bit more fun.  It was simple thing to bash it together (although close up shots show that I really was a bit heavy handed when gluing the sliders to the deck itself.  I should have taken a bit more care I suppose, but as a pretty minor piece of terrain/objective marker sort of thing it probably got as much attention as it deserved.


A sound engineer/hobbyist suggested a name for the deck.  It sounded authentic enough for me, so I since added a simple logo for the "NoyzKraft Kustom 200".

Gnoblar Scientists are genius  :)

Thanks.  The 15mm bodies are a little stiff and simplistic, but that actually slightly adds to the clichéd geeky scientist look in this goofy, vaguely Muppets looking context.


Im looking at 15mm miniatures in all sorts of different ways now...

The longships yearn for Ireland!

And a 28mm Ragna-Rock awaits, rhythmically stamping its feet, banging its head, impatiently awaiting the arrival of Warboss Batshit :)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: FramFramson on December 30, 2014, 07:44:19 PM
Viking ships, orcs, and rock? How can I resist not posting this.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Steev Tylork & Brainboyz 29/12/14
Post by: cheetor on July 13, 2015, 10:22:31 PM
The lure of the WAAAGH has again become irresistible in Chateau Cheetor recently, although I managed to channel it in a fun way.  I needed a model for an upcoming "Deathrace 40,000" game and lo, Speed Raceork, his jokaero co-pilot Chim-chim and the kustom buggy, Da Mork 5 were born.









That all makes sense, right?  And if you need further explanation about whats going on here, or of you want to take a look at some other photos, then head over to the blog post (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/07/13/speed-raceork-and-the-mork-5/) for more.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: OSHIROmodels on July 13, 2015, 10:29:44 PM
Cracking work  :D

Love the Gobsmasha  ;D


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Major_Gilbear on July 13, 2015, 10:58:32 PM
Excellent stuff as always!

I think that's the first time I've seen anyone make Brainboyz models too, and I really like them.  8)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Mason on July 13, 2015, 11:38:23 PM
 :-* 8) :-*

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Vanvlak on July 14, 2015, 06:34:27 AM
Oh my! Best use of a Jokaero ever!
 8) 8) 8) 8)
Where did the Gobsmasha come from?
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Sinewgrab on July 14, 2015, 06:42:28 AM
I am jealous, and yet, I feel the need to follow up on some cheesy ideas that this has provoked...
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Dr. The Viking on July 14, 2015, 07:57:10 AM
Waaaagh! :-*

And it ain't even red!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Just John on July 14, 2015, 08:13:56 AM
Brilliant as ever Paul  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: The_Beast on July 14, 2015, 01:44:20 PM
Waaaagh! :-*

And it ain't even red!

Well there's the 'five', and a heck of a lot of rust, and...

Okay, so Raceork is so self-confident, he handicaps his ride...  lol

Thanks, Cheetor! One thing I miss from 'the old days' at the shop were the weird death races. They tended to be big, taking a lot of space, but unlike the big multi-player battles, things really MOVED.

Now you've done it; a bit of a tear in my eye.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: FramFramson on July 14, 2015, 04:35:16 PM
Oh my stars and garters. All the madness of Doktor Bent Cranium, and then some.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: BlackWidowPilot on July 14, 2015, 07:27:36 PM
There are no words for this latest madness.... Sir, I salute you! lol
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Malebolgia on July 14, 2015, 07:46:27 PM
Totally bonkers and totally brilliant. Once again a masterwork 8)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: randycarter on July 14, 2015, 09:51:24 PM
Definetly: chapeau.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: cheetor on July 15, 2015, 10:44:49 AM
Thanks for all of the kind words everyone.  I enjoyed this sub-project a lot and I think that it shows.

I think that's the first time I've seen anyone make Brainboyz models too, and I really like them.  8)

Yeah, a silly little pair of side pieces, but a lot of fun.  Professor Heisenbork has led a scientific mission or two since.

Where did the Gobsmasha come from?

Its a resin piece released by "Monolith" under licence from GW back in the early nineties.  Its "Monolith Gobsmasha version One" visible on the Collecting Citadel Miniatures wiki (http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/Resin_Vehicles_&_Titans). 

According to the info on that page "There was only a trial run of around 30 of these produced".  I traded for this one earlier this year.  The old epic Gobsmasha was always a favourite so I have a fondness for the totally ridiculous design.  My efforts to make one from the plans in WD#136 back in 1991 were scuppered by a lack of coffee jar lids to make the wheels, so its nice to have one to hit the table soon.

A painted (and converted) version appeared in Adrian Woods army in White Dwarf 201 several years later (visible on the extreme right here).


Thanks, Cheetor! One thing I miss from 'the old days' at the shop were the weird death races. They tended to be big, taking a lot of space, but unlike the big multi-player battles, things really MOVED.

Ill take a few photos of the Deathrace when it takes place and stick them up somewhere here Mr Beast.  It should look entertainingly daft, like a more homicidal Wacky Races. 

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Suber on July 15, 2015, 01:24:48 PM
 :o :o :o :o
 :-* :-* :-* :-*

'Awesome' does not even begin to cover what I'm trying to express. Bravo, maestro.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: The_Beast on July 15, 2015, 02:18:06 PM
Its a resin piece released by "Monolith" under licence from GW back in the early nineties.  Its "Monolith Gobsmasha version One" visible on the Collecting Citadel Miniatures wiki (http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/Resin_Vehicles_&_Titans).  

According to the info on that page "There was only a trial run of around 30 of these produced".  I traded for this one earlier this year.  The old epic Gobsmasha was always a favourite so I have a fondness for the totally ridiculous design.  My efforts to make one from the plans in WD#136 back in 1991 were scuppered by a lack of coffee jar lids to make the wheels, so its nice to have one to hit the table soon.

A painted (and converted) version appeared in Adrian Woods army in White Dwarf 201 several years later (visible on the extreme right here).

A 'merican company, Epicast, made one as well, though the barrel was more like the 'converted' vehicle in your piccie there. I still have one about, I think. Massive block of resin for the hull.  :o

Quote from: cheetor

Ill take a few photos of the Deathrace when it takes place and stick them up somewhere here Mr Beast.  It should look entertainingly daft, like a more homicidal Wacky Races.  

Thanks! Really looking forward to it!

'Wacky Races' is about the way I remember them; usually a mix of serious and silly gamers at the first, and just as usually, everyone laughing, barely avoiding rolling on the floor, by the end.  :D

Probably second in spectator value only to the 'deathworld' tourneys.  You COULD shoot each other, but usually too busy with local flora and fauna and stuff that could go either way. Not NEARLY as much laughing there.  ;)

:o :o :o :o
 :-* :-* :-* :-*

'Awesome' does not even begin to cover what I'm trying to express. Bravo, maestro.

What he said...

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Vanvlak on July 15, 2015, 04:48:00 PM
Thanks Cheetor - it's a grand little thing, I love that design too. One of my very first GW blisters (in Epic scale) and possibly the first wargaming models I ever painted!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: The_Beast on July 17, 2015, 07:05:07 PM
Cheetor: Do you know if any other vehicles were made? I've a resin Spleen Ripper around somewhere. If I could find the kit, do you think people would like to see it?

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: cheetor on July 17, 2015, 10:07:53 PM
I would certainly be interested in seeing a resin Spleenrippa Doug. Absolutely!

As for how many types of resin vehicles were omce available, the Collecting Citadel Miniatures wiki (http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/Resin_Vehicles_&_Titans) is where I get my information.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Dr. The Viking on July 18, 2015, 07:47:02 AM
That Ady Wood shot is amazing! Nostalgia frenzy! lol
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Speed Raceork 13/07/15
Post by: Andym on July 18, 2015, 08:33:05 AM
Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant! :o

Thanks for the last half hour! I've somehow never seen this thread. I thought the speedracer car was amazing, then I went through the rest of the thread and found the rock band......then the pirates.....then the tour bus.. .then the brain boyz!!! It just keeps getting better and better!!


My brother and myself used to have a copied version of a couple of those buildings from White Dwarf somewhere. I wonder if they're still in one piece.....

Amazing stuff! Keep up the good work!!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: cheetor on July 23, 2015, 03:15:18 PM
Thanks for the last half hour! I've somehow never seen this thread. I thought the speedracer car was amazing, then I went through the rest of the thread and found the rock band......then the pirates.....then the tour bus.. .then the brain boyz!!! It just keeps getting better and better!!

Im glad that you like them Andy.  I tend to really enjoy putting these ork sub-projects together and I think that it shows.  Every so often I get the urge to work on greenskin again and for a while I tend to wonder why I dont work on them all the time :)


Thats a good idea.  I try to sort a photo of the lot out in a few weeks, when I finish working on the current batch.

Amazing stuff! Keep up the good work!!

Ill do my best.  Although I have a load of other things that I need to have painted and ready for a trip to a gaming weekend in a week, I got an urge to assemble and paint this instead.  I will add it to the figures that I am bringing to the Deathrace that Speed Raceork is taking part in. 

The sneaky little guy may or may not be used in the game, but the appeal of putting such a Dick Dastardly-esque item together was too much for me to resist.




The very short blog post is here (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/07/23/divershun/).
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: Mason on July 23, 2015, 03:24:34 PM

Love it!

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: OSHIROmodels on July 23, 2015, 03:58:34 PM
Great stuff  lol

You've got to use it now  8)


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: Michka on July 23, 2015, 04:34:23 PM
Awesome! I hope it works in the game.
I must be feeling orky this morning, because it took a moment to read what the sign said.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: FramFramson on July 23, 2015, 05:21:04 PM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: Vanvlak on July 23, 2015, 05:27:14 PM
Love the fact the little guy cannot be seen from the front. Perfect  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: Suber on July 24, 2015, 06:45:44 AM
Haha, great! lol
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: Andym on July 24, 2015, 07:07:25 AM
Genius idea! 8)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: Major_Gilbear on July 24, 2015, 10:41:36 AM
[...] the appeal of putting such a Dick Dastardly-esque item together was too much for me to resist. [...]

Dork Dastardly and his squighound sidekick Mutlork are just crying out to be made now...  ;)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: cheetor on July 24, 2015, 07:22:14 PM
I must be feeling orky this morning, because it took a moment to read what the sign said.

The ork master plan relies on that split seconds hesitation Michka ;)

Love the fact the little guy cannot be seen from the front. Perfect  8) 8) 8)

Im actually glad that someone else paid that even the slightest bit of attention.  I regarded it as imperative for this particular piece to be "realistic"... well, realistic in context.

Dork Dastardly and his squighound sidekick Mutlork are just crying out to be made now...  ;)

Thats a surprisingly appealing idea.  If I can track down any of the other Epic inspired, racier resin 28mm Ork vehicles at a future date then Dork and Muttlork are high on the list. 

Thanks for all of the encouragement folks :)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: Sinewgrab on July 25, 2015, 12:20:07 AM
The biggest problem I run into is every time you do another one of these, I want to either duplicate it, or take it further. Like I immediately wanted to paint up a battlewagon yellow and black, and do Racer Orx...

Or do an entire He-Man ork collection.

Darn you Cheetor! Darn you all to heck!

And I would recommend a Yogi Ork, and Gob-Boo to face off with Dork Dastardly.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Divershun 23/07/15
Post by: FramFramson on July 26, 2015, 05:50:04 PM
Mutlork, you snickering, floppy eared squig.
When courage is needed, you're not so big!
Those medals you wear on your filth-eaten chest
Should be there for bungling at which you are best!

So, stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor

Nab him
Jab him
Tab him
Grab him
Stop that servitor now.

You, Zillork, stop snickering, it's not worth the chance.
For you'll be returned by the seat of your pants.
And Klunk, you invent me a thingamabob
That catches that servitor or I'll lose my job.

So, stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor
Stop that servitor

Nab him
Jab him
Tab him
Grab him
Stop that servitor now!

I didn't change Klunk, because really, that name's orky enough as it is!  lol
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: More Divershuns 30/07/15
Post by: cheetor on July 30, 2015, 10:59:59 AM

And the song just gets even more appropriate FramFramson...



Speed Raceorks Spec Ops Pit Crew has taken on a pair of little green guys distributing tacks and a second pair spreading glue in order to increase Speeds chances of victory (and amusement) in the upcoming Deathrace 40,000.  I also added a guy with a chequered flag as it seemed apt.


More photos and the like in the blog post (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/07/30/more-divershuns/).

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: blacksoilbill on July 30, 2015, 11:05:24 AM
I love the box of tacks. Very clever!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Malebolgia on July 30, 2015, 11:06:17 AM
8) Fantastic
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Suber on July 30, 2015, 11:16:04 AM
Oh, man, I'm crying with laughter lol, that's too awesome.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Tactalvanic on July 30, 2015, 11:20:31 AM
Legendary gaming levels.

Brilliant stuff, absolutely brilliant
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Vanvlak on July 30, 2015, 11:21:37 AM
These guys need their own cartoon  lol
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Mason on July 30, 2015, 11:24:50 AM
Bloody brilliant!
This thread is so full of genius ideas that always make me chuckle..
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Major_Gilbear on July 30, 2015, 12:02:03 PM
The tacks look good, but I love the little fella stuck in the glue! Was he trying to make glue angels in it...?
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Andym on July 30, 2015, 12:31:59 PM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Dr. The Viking on July 30, 2015, 01:00:08 PM
Haha genius!

I am happy to see you couldn't leave it alone.  lol
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Dentatus on July 30, 2015, 01:47:22 PM
Oh that is excellent beyond words.  lol

made my morning.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: randycarter on August 01, 2015, 07:50:07 AM
Oh yes, oh really, really YES!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: Steve F on August 01, 2015, 09:00:40 AM
Marvellously inventive, beautifully executed.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Spec Ops Pit Crew 30/07/15
Post by: FramFramson on August 01, 2015, 04:37:39 PM
This is all far too perfect.  ;D lol
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: cheetor on August 04, 2015, 06:09:13 PM
Thanks for all the nice responses folks!  I have picked up a load more little guys for painting green to maks similar little hazard/objective markers with in future.

Meanwhile, I was at an event in Nottingham last weekend and part of that was the Deathrace 40,000 game that Speed and his pit crew were assembled for.  Rather than start another thread for that, I will just put up a few photos of the race here.





Deathrace 40,000 was only one of the many games at that event.  There are more photos of the Deathrace and the other games in my blog post (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/bring-out-your-lead-boyl-2015/) on it.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: area23 on August 04, 2015, 06:13:41 PM
this is so cool I don't what to say!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: thenamelessdead on August 04, 2015, 08:09:42 PM
Reminds me of Carmageddon!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: uti long smile on August 04, 2015, 10:09:10 PM
How have I missed this?! Spectacular from start to finish. This is why I love LAF.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: Brummie Thug on August 04, 2015, 10:32:56 PM
Awesome thread. Been reading all the blogposts about it sounds like it was a cool weekend for all involved.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: hubbabubba on August 04, 2015, 10:34:50 PM
 Fantastic write up on your blog, sounds like a fine weekend :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: Andym on August 05, 2015, 07:09:35 AM
Brilliant stuff! It looks like a lot of fun!

I don't see a pic of your Kev Adams sculpt!  :'(
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: Malebolgia on August 05, 2015, 07:20:43 AM
Wow! That weekend sounded like the ultimate gaming day. It shows what these games are all about: having fun with friends. Really inspiring.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: Suber on August 05, 2015, 08:55:03 AM
Everything looks so lovely and awesome! You really managed to officially rock and become a reference!!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: cheetor on August 05, 2015, 07:32:05 PM

It was a great weekend, with a few LAF'ers in attendance.  My greenskins featured in a few games, I do enjoy playing games with the little guys.

I don't see a pic of your Kev Adams sculpt!  :'(

Im saving it until I paint it.  It will show up in my Sci-Fi Non-Combatants (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77015.0) thread when I do.  Its kinda goofy and to misquote the Goblinmaster, it looks not a lot like me despite technically being a portrait.  The face however is a Kev Adams original, so I love it like a fanboy regardless.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 05, 2015, 07:45:38 PM
That looked a cracking game  8) 8)

I think a trip to Oldhammer might be on the cards next year (it's was tentatively this year but never happened).


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: Grimmnar on August 06, 2015, 10:13:04 AM
Hey Cheetor, who owns/converted the TiMmee armored car in the back row at the start of the race?

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: cheetor on August 06, 2015, 11:25:39 AM
Hey Cheetor, who owns/converted the TiMmee armored car in the back row at the start of the race?

That is the "Graveyard Express", driven by Dave Grigger and owned by LAF'er James Holloway (http://gonzohistorygaming.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/bring-out-your-lead-2015.html).  He did a great job on it.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: The_Beast on August 06, 2015, 06:25:52 PM
That is the "Graveyard Express", driven by Dave Grigger and owned by LAF'er James Holloway (http://gonzohistorygaming.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/bring-out-your-lead-2015.html).  He did a great job on it.

PLEASE tell me you heard the groan all the way 'over there...'

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Deathrace 40,000 04/08/15
Post by: cheetor on August 06, 2015, 06:30:38 PM
PLEASE tell me you heard the groan all the way 'over there...'

Take it up with James Doug, I just work here ;)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: cheetor on September 14, 2015, 10:48:54 PM
Fellow LAFers and gaming buddies theottovonbismark, Mr Saturday and Just John are meeting up with me and with another mate for some gaming soon.  One of the proposed games is the goofy "Brewhouse Bash" game that was printed in White Dwarf in the late 1990s.  Brewhouse Bash is about drunk orks fighting.  The end.

For fun we decided to each put together and paint a specific brawler model for the game.  For reasons that I am not 100% clear about, I decided to go for an ork that is based on the super badass bouncer character of "Dalton" from the eighties movie "Roadhouse.


I dug around in the mancave until I found some suitable bits...


(I ended up using a different head than the one shown, but for illustrative purposes it makes little difference)

... and then bulked up the arms a little and added a shocking mullet.


Sculpting is very much out of my comfort zone, but I got away with it here I think.  The hair ended up a bit crudely sculpted, but I was confident that I could cover up the worst aspects of the sculpting at the painting stage.





This subject may be pretty dumb in many respects, but I havent enjoyed putting together and painting a toy soldier as much as Swayzork for a long time.  The combination of the trousers and the hair make me smirk every time that I look at it.  Maybe I am just easily amused, but I hope that some of you guys find it even a little bit as entertaining as I do. 
It cracks me up.

The blog post with a few more photos and the like is here. (https://sho3box.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/patrick-swayzork/)

Thanks for looking!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Elbows on September 14, 2015, 10:53:13 PM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Cherno on September 14, 2015, 11:34:10 PM
Swayzork is great, a ridiculous character from a ridiculous movie :D
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Hat Guy on September 15, 2015, 12:42:32 AM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Mason on September 15, 2015, 12:46:02 AM
 lol lol lol

That gave me a damn good chuckle, mate.

 8) 8)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Grimmnar on September 15, 2015, 07:06:48 AM
Swayzork is great, a ridiculous character from a ridiculous movie :D
A movie they are remaking. :-)

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Michka on September 15, 2015, 07:10:50 AM
The painting is fantastic, as always, and the idea is brilliant too. But that sculpting... That's pretty damn good for something very much out of your comfort zone. (to paraphrase)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Steve F on September 15, 2015, 07:11:00 AM
Lovely mini.  Taking the mickey is what Orks are for.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: axiom on September 15, 2015, 07:16:59 AM
Stunning (conceptually and in execution)!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: tomrommel1 on September 15, 2015, 07:37:05 AM
the sculpt and the painting are both top notch
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Andym on September 15, 2015, 07:50:17 AM
G-E-N-I-U-S!! :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: von Lucky on September 15, 2015, 09:53:11 AM
Lurve it.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: cheetor on September 15, 2015, 12:55:02 PM

Thanks for all the encouragement folks.  This model was a bit further down the rabbit hole than some of my other projects, but even at the early stages it looked like it was going to work.  Still, you never know how people are going to react to something until you present it, and ork versions of 1980s movie Patrick Swayze is pretty niche after all.

That gave me a damn good chuckle, mate.

Glad to hear it :)  If you dont have to occasionally pause a game of toy soldiers to try to regain composure after laughing so much that snot came out of a nose, then you are doing it wrong in my opinion.

Anything that assists in achieving that state of being - such as 28mm mullets and miniature hideous pleated cream trousers - is to be pursued.

The painting is fantastic, as always, and the idea is brilliant too. But that sculpting... That's pretty damn good for something very much out of your comfort zone. (to paraphrase)

Thanks Michka.

I sculpted a brain onto a 28mm version of a Resident Evil "Licker" about five years ago, but other than that I have only ever used it to fill gaps and for push moulding really.  This was the most involed that I have ever been with the sculptural side of things.  I am pleased with how it worked out though, it wasnt as frustrating as I was expecting it to be.

Lovely mini.  Taking the mickey is what Orks are for.

For certain.  Swayzork is about as far as I have pushed the envelope, which considering some of the other things in this thread is satisfyingly far really.  Thanks for the feedback Steve.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 15, 2015, 01:05:35 PM
Awesomesauce  :D


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: blacksoilbill on September 15, 2015, 01:57:44 PM
Well, that was different! Hilarious though, and beautifully executed as always.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: FramFramson on September 15, 2015, 04:39:07 PM
That's priceless.  lol lol lol

Also really liking the paintwork on the pants and shoes.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: cheetor on September 16, 2015, 10:46:00 AM
Thanks guys.  It was pointed out to me yesterday that I managed to post this up on the anniversary of Patrick Swayzes death, by sheer coincidence.  Possibly a little in bad taste, but 100% unintentional.  Oh well.  Apologies if I upset any Swayze fans.

Well, that was different! Hilarious though, and beautifully executed as always.

Thanks blacksoilbill.  I must admit that when I saw your Reliquarist just when I was finishing off the painting this miniature, I did have a very brief moment of reflection.  "What am I doing?  Why am I going to the trouble of making a figure as ridiculous as this when I could be making something as groovy as that reliquarist instead?".

I got over it pretty fast though, there is plenty of room for both sorts of projects in toy soldier-dom in my opinion, even if they are strikingly different in some respects.

Also really liking the paintwork on the pants and shoes.

Thanks. People dig the pants.  Considering how ridiculous the rest of the model is, the fact that people comment on the nasty creamy cleats is extra entertaining: they must really be strikingly horrible lol

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: blacksoilbill on September 16, 2015, 02:00:40 PM
Why am I going to the trouble of making a figure as ridiculous as this when I could be making something as groovy as that reliquarist instead?".

Thanks. Given the quality and imagination of your output, that's a great compliment! As far as Swayzork goes, one of the beauties of your blog (and the posts here) is that you really have no idea of what is going to come up next. And I suspect the funny miniatures live in the memory long after the serious ones have faded.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Bergil on January 28, 2016, 11:03:45 PM
Any more orcs to come?
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: cheetor on January 29, 2016, 11:56:57 AM
Any more orcs to come?

Lots more Bergil, but not for a while at least Im afraid.  Im working on some fantasy samurai and ninja at the moment and I have another few things that I will be working on after that before I get around to more orks.

I have loads of ideas, plans and models for more, its just a matter of time.  My 9-5 job only funds the purchases, its doesnt allow for as mjuch painting time as I would like, sigh.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: jdeleonardis on January 29, 2016, 03:21:47 PM
I dont usually post here - I lurk more than anything, but I had to post a comment about Swayzork!  That is just spectacular!!!!!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Ramshackle_Curtis on January 29, 2016, 07:57:45 PM
Best Patric Swazie ork I have ever seen. Have you seen the film "keeping mum"? He is good in that.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Patrick Swayzork 14/09/15
Post by: Za Zjurman on January 29, 2016, 09:47:22 PM
Somehow missed this thread. Brilliant this. Great painting and some cool ideas.  :-* :o


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: cheetor on January 01, 2017, 10:29:18 PM

My first painted figure of the year is a secret santa gift from a buddy, so I decided to get it painted before I went back to work.


Its a GorkaMorka ork "Spanner" (mechanic in training), one of the lovely Brian Nelson sculpts of the late 90s.


I decided to bandwagon jump with this guy and paint it in a Fury Road "War Boys" scheme. 
"Blackthumb" here will be the first member of my "White Spiders" ork sub faction.

More info and images here (https://sho3box.com/2017/01/01/blackthumb-techno-tribal-positively-primal-shamanic-anarchistic-archaic-revival/) if any of you are interested.

Happy New Year! 

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: Andym on January 01, 2017, 10:46:42 PM
Excellent mate! I love the different choice of skin colour! :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: Mason on January 01, 2017, 10:51:32 PM
The Albino Boy is a wonderful idea.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: JoeRugby on January 01, 2017, 11:09:39 PM
Looks great

how did you do the skin?
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: Vanvlak on January 02, 2017, 06:28:06 AM
That is sheer brilliance! Great idea - do we get vehicles as well?  8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: OSHIROmodels on January 02, 2017, 08:09:46 AM
Great stuff  :-* :-*

The white skin works a treat  8)


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: Dr. The Viking on January 02, 2017, 08:24:27 AM
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: Malebolgia on January 02, 2017, 09:04:50 AM
What an excellent idea! The colours work perfectly.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: Suber on January 02, 2017, 09:31:31 AM
Tremendously cool, I didn't expect the white skin to look so good. There was an albino Ork character back in the day for the Jadeberry Hill scenario, just came back to mind :). Quite a charming bloke!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: tomrommel1 on January 02, 2017, 10:01:54 AM
looking really good :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: Diablo Jon on January 02, 2017, 11:04:14 AM
ohh nice! White Orks look better than green ones  :o
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: pocoloco on January 02, 2017, 03:00:57 PM
Most excellent! Super paint job on great idea!  :-*
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: hubbabubba on January 02, 2017, 07:03:55 PM
He's fantastic, screams warboys. Great idea and execution.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: jambo1 on January 03, 2017, 09:40:29 AM
Wouldn't have thought white would work but well wrong, it looks really good. Nice job!! :)
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: cheetor on January 03, 2017, 02:56:31 PM
Thanks for all of the encouraging feedback everyone!  The War Boy/GorkaMorka mash up really is one of those tasty combos.

As is my wont, I have immediately stopped working on anything else other than pale orks since I painted that guy.  I dont know if I will get as far as vehicles, but I really want to, primarily because of this (not my paint job):


Its a model scratch built/sculpted by my buddy Captain Crooks as documented on his blog (http://funkywenisrodeo.blogspot.ie/2016/12/hobby-corner-boom-wagon.html).  Curtis at Ramshackle Games has cast the master and put them up for sale (http://shop.ramshacklegames.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6&products_id=555), so I picked myself up a copy.

The urge to add that particular model to this subgroup of orks is extra high at the moment.

But some ground pounders first... and maybe the driver of said vehicle...

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: cheetor on January 08, 2017, 09:20:39 PM


Im still chasing Da Warboyz to Valhallork.

Even better, when I looked in a box of orks to see what might be well suited to this sort of project, I found a more or less perfect model looking back at me...


It was sent to me by a friend (Captain Crooks) and I had put it aside until the ork mood took me again.  So that worked out rather well.

The wiry nature of the GorkaMorka figures make then very well suited to this project.  If any of you reading this have any spare that you might want to trade then PM me please.  Im also looking for plastic GoMo boyz.

Anyway, this project is proving to be a lot of fun.  I have some more of these on the painting table.  I should have a few more over the next week or so.

The blog post for Doubletap and Fryota is here (https://sho3box.com/2017/01/08/doubletap-and-fryota-white-spider-war-boyz/) with some more photos etc for those interested.

Thanks for looking!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: Mason on January 08, 2017, 09:31:06 PM
 :-* :-*

White is the new Green!
 ;D ;D

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: Diablo Jon on January 08, 2017, 09:34:34 PM
Very cool  :o

I must resist digging out my plastic pile of Orks...
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: supervike on January 09, 2017, 01:10:06 AM
Eternal Chrome!

This whole thread is filled with inspiration.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: horridperson on January 09, 2017, 03:10:02 AM
Awesome!  The grot with the guitar and horns just rocks!  Your colour choice puts a fresh face on those figures.  Love the contrast and the browns between transitions. 
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: Bergil on January 09, 2017, 06:32:07 AM
Perfect little figure! Looking forward to seeing more of the similar.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: Dr. The Viking on January 09, 2017, 10:47:03 AM
You did it again! Marvellous!
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: OSHIROmodels on January 09, 2017, 10:58:08 AM
Cracking work  8) 8) 8)

I really love the RT orky vehicles  :D


Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: Jagannath on January 09, 2017, 11:19:53 AM
These are top - the skin colours great. I like your choice of shading - it keeps the skin looking organic (instead of, say, a grey shade that I would have probably chosen). Really ace. I love the gorkamorka range, I just wish the posing had been better on some (I know they were sculpted to stand on the really narrow bases though). Top work.
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Blackthumb 01/01/17
Post by: cheetor on January 09, 2017, 05:57:24 PM
Thanks for the feedback everyone.  Fury Road is a crowd pleaser :)

how did you do the skin?

Grey primer (car spray),
GW Celestra Grey all over the flesh,
GW Agrax Earthshade all over flesh,
Overbrush GW Celestra Grey all over flesh,
3:1 GW Lahmian Medium: GW Reikland Fleshshade all over flesh (to warm it a tiny bit and blend the scruffy overbrush a tiny bit),
Layer GW Ulthuan Grey
Edge highlight pure white (I used Army Painter White).

Awesome!  The grot with the guitar and horns just rocks!  Your colour choice puts a fresh face on those figures.  Love the contrast and the browns between transitions. 

Thanks.  The brown element was the bit that was trickiest to manage.  In teh movie, the War Boys have pale human skin tones beneath the white powder/paint, that influences the colours of the recesses.  Onbviusly green orks should look different and bee greenish in the recesses.

I chose to ignore that and try to make them look like ork versions of the palette in the movie, if that makes sense.

These are top - the skin colours great. I like your choice of shading - it keeps the skin looking organic (instead of, say, a grey shade that I would have probably chosen). Really ace. I love the gorkamorka range, I just wish the posing had been better on some (I know they were sculpted to stand on the really narrow bases though). Top work.

See above re the skin colour decisions Jagannath.  I went too far in a warm brown direction on top of a blue grey base initially (it sounds so dense when I see it written down), but it worked out with the recipe shown above.

Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: tomrommel1 on January 10, 2017, 01:56:25 PM
 :-* :-* :-*cool
Title: Re: Cheetors Orks: Doubletap and Fryota 08/01/17
Post by: Dentatus on January 10, 2017, 03:29:06 PM
All excellent but that guitarist is  :-*
Title: Re: Cheetor's Orks: Kommando Kill Team 16/10/18
Post by: cheetor on October 16, 2018, 11:52:24 PM
It's been a while, but enthusiasm for orks always comes back.

This time it's the first batch of an ork Kill Team that I'm working on.


And another shot of them in front of some ridiculous flora that makes the camo colour scheme look a lot less ridiculous, with some mates.


The blog post is HERE (https://sho3box.com/2018/10/16/kommandos-1/) for anyone who wants more info.

Thanks for looking!

Title: Re: Cheetor's Orks: Kommando Kill Team 16/10/18
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on October 17, 2018, 09:36:51 AM
Very nice work.
Title: Re: Cheetor's Orks: Kommando Kill Team 16/10/18
Post by: Mason on October 17, 2018, 01:58:29 PM
I love those old Kommando sculpts and you have certainly done them justice.
 :-* :-*

As for that scene in the jungle.....
 o_o o_o :o o_o o_o

I cannot see the wood for the trees.

Title: Re: Cheetor's Orks: Kommando Kill Team 16/10/18
Post by: Suber on October 17, 2018, 07:43:44 PM
Ohh, it's been some time since I hadn't seen these models. They look properly Red Era, so fantastic! :-*
Title: Re: Cheetor's Orks: Kommando Kill Team 16/10/18
Post by: grant on October 17, 2018, 07:50:38 PM
Lots of classic models / nice!
Title: Re: Cheetor's Orks: Kommando Kill Team 16/10/18
Post by: cheetor on October 18, 2018, 08:05:25 PM

Thanks everyone, I'm glad that you like them.

As for that scene in the jungle.....
 o_o o_o :o o_o o_o

I cannot see the wood for the trees.

Miniature camouflage that actually works certainly defeats the point of the exercise in many ways, but as these giuys will likely stand out absurdly in most games that I play, I thought that it would be fun to have them looking relatively professional in a couple of shots :)

I'm working on a few more of these, so hopefully I should have some more to show off soon-ish.