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Miniatures Adventure => Post-Apocalyptic Tales => Topic started by: Silent Invader on November 23, 2013, 09:42:33 AM

Title: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Silent Invader on November 23, 2013, 09:42:33 AM
..... Starting to bore me.   :(

It's difficult to discuss this without giving out spoilers; I shall try but please don't read on if you haven't seen up to the episode screened in the UK last night (Friday 22nd November).


I do like that the focus is on the human realities and relationships because it'd be difficult to sustain a series in which every episode was 'slash-bang-gore' but, c'mon, I need something more than an extended back story to keep me engaged.  Last night's episode was quite literally the pits (ha, see what I did there?!  :D)..... So tediously slow with an ending of ludicrous coincidence.  As with all movies of this genre, I expect some 'when, what, where' questions to remain unanswered, though those questions should be about the cause of the zombie outbreak, not the circumstances of the people.  Here's a thought Walking Dead producers, if the circumstances if the people need so much explaining then, er, maybe, they've become just a tad.....

.....over blown?
.....extended, overblown and far fetched?!

And if last night's episode wasn't a 'zom' it was also barely a 'rom'.  Frankly, a 'bomb'.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Driscoles on November 23, 2013, 04:32:43 PM
I saw the first three seasons. I liked the one with the Governator the best.

If it bores you. Stop watching it. I did that with Lost and never regret it.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Elk101 on November 23, 2013, 05:36:54 PM
I did the same with the comics. A mate was lending me the trade hardbacks after he'd read them and in the end I politely said "no thanks, I've had enough". I've recorded the third season but haven't watched a single episode.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Mason on November 23, 2013, 05:42:07 PM
I have just finished Season 3 and found that tedious.
I actually enjoyed the character development in Season two that was totally lacking in 3.
I thought the Governor was an annoying twat, not scary at all.

Season 2 was brilliant and 3 just became a whole pile of poop.

Not seen 4 and not sure if I will.....probably will try it, though.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: moonshado on November 23, 2013, 06:12:38 PM
I thought it was just me becoming fastidious, everyone else where I work still thinks season four is brilliant. I had began to doubt the characters in series three and they have continued in a similar vein this season. How they manage to survive, when others succumb so easily, is becoming incomprehensible. They are the most self destructive set of survivors that American TV has come up with yet and that takes some doing. I'll continue to watch, but it has been downgraded to background TV whilst ironing my shirts and trousers, when most of my concentration is devoted to obtaining razor sharp creases. 
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Silent Invader on November 23, 2013, 07:57:46 PM

I think there are a couple of episodes left until the mid series break, so in the hope that the 'finale' will provide some exciting recompense I shall persevere until then, then that's it, like Driscoles for me it is likely to go the way of Lost.


Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Mason on November 23, 2013, 08:00:08 PM
Seeing as how I felt fairly disenchanted at the end of Season 3, I may not even get that far!

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Too Bo Coo on November 23, 2013, 08:07:13 PM
I think the Walking Dead brings up some problems with American style programming.  One of the things I hated about programs like Black Adder and Peep Show is that they have about 6 episodes a season,a nd then like let's say the UK Office, they kill the program after 3 seasons.  But then again, there seems to be some mentality that it's best to leave on a really high note.  Hard to argue The Office's popularity at the end of 3....  But the US shows just push the programming, when successful, past reasonable limits.  How long was the cast of Friends '20-something'??  Or having to keep children either perpetually young, or advance their age by many years in order to have a viable character?  But I think what WD S4 is suffering from is a mix of popularity and not the easiest subject to drag out.  How scary can the Zombie Apocalypse be if these seeming death-lovers seem to survive to well??  To my taste, there's not all that much each week that I have a drop pf interest in, so I watch shows like this, but I gauge my interest by the fact that I very rarely watch an episode twice.  When I like something, 3-5 times... 
Not that anyone cares, but just my meaningless 2 cents....
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Too Bo Coo on November 23, 2013, 08:09:06 PM
I should add, classic programs like All in the Family, Good Times, ST TOS/TNG/B5/V, Cheers, (And a bunch more) had real social value that transcended their entertainment value, which was often high.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on November 23, 2013, 08:11:01 PM
To be honest, the series is pretty awful in many ways. The comics are great, especially now when they've evolved the arc line. However, the absolute best experience is the game from Telltale. That is one well scripted game with a horrible decision lurking behind each corner ;)

And to be honest, the only series I watch frequent, excluding all the Discovery shows about large machines and big builds, is Supernatural. Cheesy all the way with a great soundtrack!
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Evilcartoonist on November 23, 2013, 08:14:43 PM
George Carlin: Americans are good at two things: Taking a bad idea and running it into the ground, or taking a good idea and running it into the ground.

I also started growing bored with it somewhere in season 3. But I find it a great series to paint to: "Oh boy, some zombie action or major plot point- I'm watching. Oh, now they're talking about their feelings- back to painting."
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: 3 fingers on November 23, 2013, 09:46:28 PM
I've not watched last nights,but cannot get into this series,I watched 2 episodes that I had recorded.and found them lacking.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Ruther on November 25, 2013, 10:41:27 AM
Well seeing that this is the only pa zombie show out there i'll keep watching it (and reading the comics) because there arent that much good zombie movies/shows (but a lot pretty shitty ones) out there which give you that nice post civilisation feeling. After all caracter developement isnt a bad thing and i'm interessted in the psychologic impact on humans which have to live under these conditions. Everything for its own i guess. If you dont like something dont watch it ... althought i guilty of watching  alot of crap show wise but than like american tv shows ... unlike european televison they make a couple of good ones besides all the garbage every year (not sure what all the hollywood bashing is about but the stuff they produce here in europe is very horrid, besides some BBC productions, very very horrid indeed ;) ). 
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Silent Invader on November 25, 2013, 11:49:48 AM
That's an interesting comment about euro TV..... Do you mean just zombie stuff or in general?  In the UK we had a bout of Scandinavian and French TV that I thought was very good.  And there's still some really good stuff out of the US..... American Boardwalk and True Blood being two examples of what is current while Dexter ended very well.  Their subject matter veers away from zombies I know but they are examples of long running series that maintain the momentum.  Lost being an example of one that didn't. :-)

As mentioned on another thread, my favourite zombie movie is I think the French made Mutants.  It deals with the human / relationship issues, which is what holds it together, without losing momentum. Just IMO of course, others will likely differ! :-)

Anyways, back to TWD, having thought about it a bit more I realise that my frustration isn't due to slow pace etc but because, for me, it jumped the shark.  If it's all about people surviving together - which I agree is the best element of any post apoc production - then way more attention should be paid to the realisation that everyone turns when dead.  Despite the events of recent weeks, there seems little recognition of the effect on a group of the risk of someone dying in their sleep.  I guess that risk has existed since day one and so since discovery would surely undermine the human desire to cohabit?  The strain of ostensibly healthy people wanting to be together but needing to be apart would IMO have been an interesting development. Anyways, how did Westbury survive as long as it did without someone 'waking up dead' and biting everyone left, right and center.......

All my personal view of course and the 'don't watch if it bores/sickens/irritates/etc' ideal is kind of at odds with inquisitive human nature..... Sometimes we can't help ourselves, can we  lol
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: maxxon on November 25, 2013, 12:14:59 PM
I watched the first series, bought the first comics compilation and read it...

...and I was really turned off by the torture focus in the last arc. Didn't bother to go back to the TV series.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Commander Vyper on November 25, 2013, 12:34:18 PM
@maxxon: the world of walking dead isn't a nice place bud, neither was what he did to Michone in the comicbook. Yes her revenge was bordering on the extreme; it was contextual.

@Silent Invader: hi Steve. I think the arc is fine, yes a little long winded at times but the infection/flu arch has worked and the added paranoia brought by it has worked well.

I take it you saw this week's Governor fill in story? Worked well I thought,  and showed that that world changes people totally but not finally...

We'll see more next week
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Ruther on November 25, 2013, 12:44:30 PM
I guess there might be some good stuff on french/scandinavian TV but you cant get much of thet here in germany and german movie/tv productions are just plain bad (in my oppinon). Ofc there is always some good independent movie but we tlaking about the general mainstream media (which in case of hollywood still produices good shows even for main stream tv). But enough of that rambling  :D

I think that real humans in the same situation would degrade even farther, i dont think the torture stuff was to extreme (its just shows how the moral compas stops working when society crumbles).

I know the whole prison story is abit dragging and they still making the same stupid mistakes, they really should have grown out with surviving for such a long time but thats just becasue its still just a tv show (would be cool if they showed some real wel thought out precautions and survivor stuff tho).
The current story arc about the Governor started very well ... it shows that nothing is just black and white ... which is a nice thing for a tv show. The Governor is actually more interessting in the show than in the comics. Looking forward to next week as well  :).
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: NickNascati on November 25, 2013, 02:24:31 PM
From what I've been told by my son in law, (who got me watching the series),  this season they have pretty much tossed out any connection to the graphics novels.  I am enjoying the episodes so far, and son in law thinks they made a wise move.  I just hope they don't pull the plug on it as they did with "Copper", "The Borgias", "Magic City" and "The white Queen".
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on November 25, 2013, 08:39:47 PM
OMG! They're attacking the prison?!?!
Spoiler...  :'(
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: NurgleHH on November 25, 2013, 08:47:07 PM
I guess there might be some good stuff on french/scandinavian TV but you cant get much of thet here in germany and german movie/tv productions are just plain bad (in my oppinon).
I do't know which part of Germany you live, but I saw all the scandinavian stuff in the public tv. Some Horror-stuff only on pay-TV. Germany has also good stuff, not all of them are so well known. On the main program it is mostly mainstream orientation.
The budget in germany is not as big as in USA. On the other side a lot of shows end after only one season like alcatraz or in the "middle of nowhere" like jericho after two seasons.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: itchy on November 25, 2013, 09:53:23 PM
enjoyed it all so far , when I don't like it any more I will stop watching .
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Cubs on November 25, 2013, 10:15:22 PM
'Zombie Apocalypse' stories have a limited shelf life really. After a while they must become 'Mad Max', with the zombies being just another survival threat, or you ramp it up with ever sillier mutants.

The story is either depressing or uplifting, depending on what happens to your survivor/s in the end, but if you try to drag it out too long you lose the important horror and abandonment aspects.

Frankly the most enjoyable bit for me is boring the hell out of the missus, telling her how we'll loot the garden centre of all their tools and seeds, then take over Cardiff Castle, lock the gates and turn the interior lawns into a giant vegetable patch. All we need then are some goats (sheep would be easier in Wales) and we're well set up.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Too Bo Coo on November 25, 2013, 10:45:20 PM
There's a bunch of cold war backyard bunkers where I grew up, that's where I thought I'd end up when the zombies rise....

I agree, the shelf life for these things can be measured in weeks, perhaps a few months at most before they really lose almost all trace of shock. Which should make sense, just look at how routine they clear the fences and go out on a patrol.  The zombies could be wold animals for all the fuss, but then for the audience, one of the fundamental draws, the shock at the breakdown of society, disappears and you're at MM.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: fitterpete on November 26, 2013, 01:37:46 AM
I have dreams that Wyatt Twerp(AKA Carl) just ends the whole governor story by popping a bullet in him during a negotiation.Then he looks at his dad and says "You should have done that last season stupid"
That whole parley seen had me yelling at the screen "Just shoot the asshole Rick!"
So I guess it still has my interest :D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Grimmnar on November 26, 2013, 03:21:09 AM
that was ages ago. what season are you on over there?
Spoiler below..................


He is up to date and on par with what is going on this coming week's episode.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Ruther on November 26, 2013, 08:17:52 AM
I havent watched german television in 12 years by now. Just look once in a while whats up when i'm on business trips in hotels and i read about the new shows/movie productions when they come out. You never know they could come out with soemhting good by a long shot ... ok a very, very long one  :D.
I like the documentations (besides the overblown ww2 stuff ...) they make high quality stuff there ... but that completly now runs off topic rnage so we could discuss that via pm  ;).

I guess i just cant never get enough pictures of bleak pa futures ... WD does some good stuff there when they get out of the prison. The z's are just there to lift the normal thread level on a higher stage while the real thread are still the humans.
Have to get me the new episode to night ... sounds good  ;).
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on November 26, 2013, 11:52:51 AM
that was ages ago. what season are you on over there?
I was joking mate. I thought the "OMG" was a big tell. ;)
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on November 26, 2013, 12:37:44 PM
thank god for that. I thought I had spoiled it.

I dont mind them myself because I forget most everything after about a week max. The only thing I still remember about series one was the guy getting out of the tank by the underside escape hatch. I remember that because my mate who comes over to watch it could not figure out how he was going to get out and was rather impressed when I told him those tanks have a hatch in the floor.

I remember that from Tank the movie... :)
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on November 26, 2013, 02:26:34 PM
was that about russian tankers in the 'ghan?

You're thinking of The Beast, good flick.

This was 'Tank' 1984 with James Garner.  He was a Sgt Major with his own reconstructed Sherman Tank, fully operational with ammo....lol  He goes up against perennial cracker, G.D. Spradlin.  Actually, a fun movie.  There's even a Three's Company alum in it!

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Silent Invader on November 26, 2013, 03:54:31 PM
Anyways ...... And back to the walking dead ..... ;) :)
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: mcfonz on November 26, 2013, 11:17:34 PM
I still like it.

I like the way that it changes pace episode by episode. The worse thing it could do is simply be 'generic soap opera with zombies' or 'generic fast paced hack and slash zom'.

To me it's a bit of both. Some episodes you get focused character development. Others you get full on survival mode. Some are a mash of the two.

In some ways I wonder if the series, along with others, is best viewed after recording them all. I say that because I don't think having a week between episodes always helps. If you have to wait a week and are really just looking forward to a pharmacy raid and some action and instead get old one eye moping about I can see how you can get a bit fed up with it.

I have enjoyed most of them so far.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Mencey on November 26, 2013, 11:25:19 PM
i really like it, i think that the comic is better than episodes, but anyway i really like it, its the best zombies make up ever and a really good stories of each carácter, i hope continue more and more seasons!!!
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Silent Invader on November 26, 2013, 11:26:18 PM
McF..... Your point about watching it in one sitting makes a lot of sense.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Knightofspades on December 03, 2013, 11:16:42 AM
So do you still think its boring after the mid season finale?
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Silent Invader on December 03, 2013, 11:41:23 AM
Mid season finale hasn't screened in the uk yet
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!)
Post by: Lowtardog on December 03, 2013, 11:49:16 AM

I cant say it jumped the shark though.


It just repeated the same thing as last time, just this time there was a tank added. Sorry but thats not great writing to repeat the grand finale of the season before. The governor nose dived as an interesting character as well into a cardboard cutout baddie too angry crazy and full of vengeance to fight smart.

Not seen finales yetI dont mind, beats the usual reality and shite pseudo competitions on TV so long may it continue ;D zombies..cant get bored with them biters :D

as to the tank I think it is a M60 Battle tank, must be national guard issue/reserve


When the worry wort cop said it would be much harder for them to live together somehow I thought 'yeah and harder to write for too! THAT aint happening.'

I wonder if characters are leaving the show is so they dont get typecast and spend the rest of their days at comic cons. Get out while their star is on the up so to speak.

Rewatch the first season again and you will see the writing has got tired.

one question what make was the tank?
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: NurgleHH on December 03, 2013, 12:09:42 PM

in the moment I watch TWD. I think after the short first season with a lot of urban action the second became more rural with 13 shows. So the story was craned. But in the third season it is getting faster again(at the beginning). I think it is very hard to push the story, because it is still only zombies walking for food and humans walking for food. And a comic as guideline for the TV Show. But I still like it, even with slowing down in some parts 
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: emperorpenguin on December 06, 2013, 11:22:13 PM
I really don't get why people are complaining, I think it's still the best show on tv right now. And what a mid season finale - I nearly cried!  :'(
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Wilkins on December 06, 2013, 11:30:08 PM
I think the Governor reverted to type WAY too quickly. He tried to be good for all of about one and a half episodes before murdering everyone. It's no longer well written and has become exceptionally predictable. I'll keep going with it to see what happens but it's not the show it was
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Silent Invader on December 06, 2013, 11:36:48 PM
Just watched the episode... there was a lot of logic in Rick's stance and illogic in The Governer's, which kind of fitted with his seemingly 'instant' reversion to type. I enjoyed it tho, so I'm glad I stuck with it.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: uti long smile on December 07, 2013, 12:30:15 AM
I don't think he ever stopped being a sociopath. While the new family offered him a glimpse of what he had lost, his motivation of control and subjugation never seemed to waiver.

Brilliant, brutal telly.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Silent Invader on December 07, 2013, 07:55:24 AM
Yeah I agree, that's what I meant by seemingly instant.  It wasn't really an instant reversion it was just him being who he was.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on February 10, 2014, 02:12:23 PM
Cheers Prof!

Once again,
Ok, the ONLY person I wanted to die in the whole damn series is not only STILL alive, but he's still got that retarded hat and even more ass-backwards holster.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Dr.Falkenhayn on February 10, 2014, 02:27:49 PM
 lol lol lol hm,i like Carl... ::)
He'll be staying around for another while,just in Case you haven't read the Comics,don't worry you'll see him suffer soon enough  >:D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Commander Vyper on February 10, 2014, 02:33:30 PM
Eye, erm sorry aye! ;)
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Archie on March 07, 2014, 11:12:41 PM
The thing that is boring me now (and I find it sad to say that) is the whole show seems to be zombie ... bash ... stand around a bit ... zombie bash ... rinse and repeat.

I would love someone on the show to talk about society or wonder where the government and military has got to. Not since the cDC scientist have we had any discussion of the wider world.

I love the character of Rick, I quite like Carl but I am getting bored.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 08, 2014, 12:11:11 AM
The thing that is boring me now (and I find it sad to say that) is the whole show seems to be zombie ... bash ... stand around a bit ... zombie bash ... rinse and repeat.

I would love someone on the show to talk about society or wonder where the government and military has got to. Not since the cDC scientist have we had any discussion of the wider world.

I love the character of Rick, I quite like Carl but I am getting bored.


What irks me, and this is a general 'horror movie' complaint, the hero(es) are ninjas at one moment while the baddies are nearly impotent, and then this dynamic flips.  At some point I find myself thinking, "You deserve what you're getting dumb dumb..."
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Grimmnar on March 08, 2014, 02:08:23 AM
I would love someone on the show to talk about society or wonder where the government and military has got to. Not since the cDC scientist have we had any discussion of the wider world.
Are you up to date to all the episodes in season 4? That is exactly what A Ford is trying to do. His mission to get to DC with his traveling companion Eugene.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Timotl on March 09, 2014, 03:04:40 AM
I too have become bored with TWD. I thought I'd only be able to stay with it for 2 seasons when it first came on but it surprised me! I just can't stand how stupid the characters are. The had all that time at the prison and knew that it could get over run yet they still didn't have a rally point in case they got split up? Really? When the farm fell at the end of season 2 they found each other by chance. You can't tell me that wouldn't have made enough of an impression on them to say "if the prison falls and we have to scatter, let's meet up here..." Just bad writing in my opinion. Clearly trying to draw out material that is stale.
What I really would have love to have seen is WWZ getting done by HBO as a finite series like Band of Brothers. Make 20 episodes, with a few minutes in the beginning of each episode like interviews, but then revert back and tell their stories as if they were present day. Could've been great! Too bad Brad Pitt got his claws into it and ruined it. I always thought WWZ was better than TWD comic. Oh well.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Johnno on March 09, 2014, 05:16:31 AM
I'm a firm believer that the written version is (usually) better than the one made for TV/film.
I have the graphic novels. I've also watched season 1. I thought season 1 was decent  but still very different and that threw me off a little bit. My colleagues know I've read the books so they tell me about the recent episode s and I tell them the relevant section in the novels.
I'm starting to grow weary of the groups constant struggle to survive against other survivors than zombies but that's probably a truer fact as morality goes out the window.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Silent Invader on March 09, 2014, 06:39:56 AM
Much like with WWZ, I've suspended expectation and am viewing it 'in the moment' without thinking too much, so I am enjoying it again!    :D

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Commander Vyper on March 09, 2014, 09:00:58 PM
With twenty trade paperbacks under my belt you could say I'm a solid fan. I'm continuing to enjoy the tv series and looking forward to seeing how this continues to weave and dance around the core story.

Did I say dance, I meant shamble...  ;)
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Archie on March 09, 2014, 09:33:48 PM
I am slightly behind I think and I certainly heard or seen anything about the wider world.

I thought the show was absolutely brilliant in the very first few episodes as Rick tried to come to turns with things. Recently ... sigh ... I agree with the chap above about not learning from the fall of the farm. Wouldnt you have back up plans? And surely you would lock the door of the room you slept in just in case? Yet this didnt happen in the prison when people got sick.

I want the show to be brilliant I really do but it falls short  :-[
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on March 10, 2014, 11:27:29 AM
I find pop-culture's recent obsession with zombies tedious in the extreme and as it's a mainstream phenomenon it's hard to ignore unless you live in a cabin somewhere remote. Regarding 'The Walking Dead' I found it so cliché-laden that I was bored stiff by the end of season one. I dearly love (and own) classic zombie flicks like 'The Plague of the Zombies', 'Night of the Living Dead' and 'The Return of the Living Dead', but most of the cinematic zombie output from over the last decade has left me feeling braindead, never mind the on-screen shamblers. And that's just films; when you add all the zombie-related computer games etcetera into the mix as well I don't think it's at all unfair to call overkill. Let's give zombies a rest for a while!
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Chainmailninja on March 10, 2014, 05:02:03 PM
I've been enjoying TWD simply because it gives a wider view of things than most zombie flicks, which tend to be "Oh no we're stuck in town/building/etc surrounded by zombies!" with a brief intro sequence showing the world descending into chaos followed by the entire thing taking place within a small set. One of the cooler aspects of the show (to me anyway) is that you at least get to see a wider cross section of the effects of the zombie apocalypse.

Except for season 2. Oh God. So stagnant. Still, this season has been pretty good so far.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 10, 2014, 08:40:36 PM
It's a TV show, i tend to see these as pure entertainment.  I try not to get stressed over the quality of fiction :D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Archie on March 10, 2014, 11:54:21 PM
It's a TV show, i tend to see these as pure entertainment.  I try not to get stressed over the quality of fiction :D

For me the quality of  show is intrinsic to the level I can enjoy it. Occasionally there are shows that I know arent great but have a 'bubblegum' quality to them and I can enjoy them at that level. There is a limit however and some if those shows end up slipping off my radar e.g. Agents of Shield.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 11, 2014, 12:23:09 AM
I have t say, the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way with the show was how it got preachy in the very beginning.  Sorry, but too much 'God talk' sounds like subtle proselytizing, which is irritating.  
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Conquistador on March 11, 2014, 07:42:03 PM
I have t say, the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way with the show was how it got preachy in the very beginning.  Sorry, but too much 'God talk' sounds like subtle proselytizing, which is irritating.  

Never watched the show (and almost certainly never will) but I believe it occurs in the USA and historically some places in the world (USA, Parts of Africa, South America outside - and possibly inside - the urban centers, much of Asia,) turn to "a faith" when really bad things shake the society's neat assumptions of how good the world is (and implicitly always will be.)  I can't speak for Europe because I have little experience in the last two decades with Europeans outside of the war game hobby.


Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 11, 2014, 08:05:33 PM
Never watched the show (and almost certainly never will) but I believe it occurs in the USA and historically some places in the world (USA, Parts of Africa, South America outside - and possibly inside - the urban centers, much of Asia,) turn to "a faith" when really bad things shake the society's neat assumptions of how good the world is (and implicitly always will be.)  I can't speak for Europe because I have little experience in the last two decades with Europeans outside of the war game hobby.



I would also say, at least in the States, it's a regional thing.  Where I grew up, when you were looking for a home, there would hardly ever be a mention of local churches in the brochure, but I lived in the Southwest for a few years and I never looked at property without being told, as a selling point, of all the places of worship in the area. 

Like they say, there are no atheists in foxholes.  So I do get that.  When two people are making love and one exclaims, 'OH GOD!" I dont even notice.  But when two characters are in the middle of survival and then in a very contrived manner stop for a real heart to heart about God, and in this case we're talking Judeo-Christian-Islamic versions of religion, I get SUPER turned off.  My maternal grandmother was not very educated or well traveled, but she was one sharp lady.  When I was a little boy she told me that people who mention god, too often, tend to be the worst people around.  They're generally trying to sell their 'goodness'.  So when this stuff gets shoehorned into a perfectly wholesome Zombie Apocalypse, I find it rather irritating and well proselytized. 
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Lowtardog on March 11, 2014, 09:07:14 PM
Really enjoying it, 3 series and this one have made up for dire second series. Dont watch much now Ripper street and george gently are finished, only next GOT can save me ;D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 11, 2014, 09:33:40 PM
the best bit is in this series is there is some proper evil people. No power plays or dreams of grandeur from these ones, just kill the men and rape the women then kill the women too. MUCH more terrifying than the evil guys with loads of 'character'.

The reality is once central authority breaks down those sorts of people are thick as fleas on an old coon dog. 

That's true!  I've even picked out some deviants I used to lock up in my hometown as the antagonists in my games.  A family of real dirtbags.  The Gully Gang (Names changed, but cleverly >:D)
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: emperorpenguin on March 17, 2014, 10:30:56 PM
Was that the darkest episode of tv ever or what?  :o
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 17, 2014, 10:36:49 PM
Was that the darkest episode of tv ever or what?  :o

Was the kid meant to be mentally ill??  Man, given the chance she would have offed them all!  Carole is one tough cookie.... 
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Dr Mathias on March 17, 2014, 11:31:28 PM
Was the kid meant to be mentally ill?? 

I believe so- the way that Mika was directing Lizzie to 'Look at the flowers' earlier in the last episode seemed to me to suggest that Mika had done things like that, or watched her parents talk Lizzie down. Lizzie was unbalanced even before the epidemic IMO. I haven't read the comics so I may be way off base.

The humans are the real fear factor in this show. Every time I see a new human character I think 'Oh shit'.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Commander Vyper on March 17, 2014, 11:42:27 PM
She's actually not in the comics, there are a set of twins, boys one kills the other, citing that it's ok because he'll come back. Carl kills him. tyrese doesn't make it out of the prison, it's he who loses his head to the governor rather than Herschel.

Heavy episode i have to confess, but still very true to the source and in keeping with kirkman's subplot, fear the living, rather than the dead...
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Lowtardog on March 18, 2014, 09:00:24 AM
Thoroughly enjoyed the episode and the young actress was very good, at times her face went through expressions that gave the impression of being demented, very well done
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Silent Invader on March 18, 2014, 09:18:25 AM
Yep, a great episode with powerful acting

(As an aside, the 11 year old who played Lizzie also plays one of Marty's daughters in True Detective)
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 18, 2014, 10:03:12 AM
While I was working yesterday, and surfing the net, somehow I caught sight of "Carole kills Lizzie in episode shocker!" and thought, "Jeeze, is Carole turning into a serial killer?!?!"  Then I saw the episode...  It was very entertaining.  I like to watch things a few times, but lately TWD hasnt really been interesting enough to do it, but this episode I'll watch again.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Weird WWII on March 18, 2014, 03:22:54 PM
Gav up on it a while ago. 

Comic is still awesome,
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 24, 2014, 11:59:09 AM
Holy crap, Tasha Yar joined the show.  She has definitely aged, it took me a few moments to recognize her.  I suspect that they are setting us up for a next week, end of season clash.  But perhaps with some unknown variables making it more like a clash or three, maybe four 'armies'??

Good episode!
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: emperorpenguin on March 24, 2014, 10:50:28 PM
Did anyone else notice Bub's cameo?  :D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 24, 2014, 11:19:55 PM
Did anyone else notice Bub's cameo?  :D

Who's 'bub'?
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: jp762 on March 24, 2014, 11:34:18 PM
Who's 'bub'?

! Day of the Dead. Bub. My avatar.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 24, 2014, 11:35:21 PM
! Day of the Dead. Bub. My avatar.

Ah, gotcha!  :D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: jp762 on March 24, 2014, 11:39:13 PM
He came wandering down the tracks with his lumberjack shirt on and I scared the missus out of her chair by yelling "Bub"! to which she replied, "yes dear, calm down"
Wimmin, no empathy.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Archie on March 25, 2014, 10:11:44 PM
Given up on The Walking Dead ... I do hope Rick and Carl make it until civilisation fixes itself ... right off to watch Arrow instead. Yes I know, plot holes abound and very silly but at least it tries to advance its plot and frankly its fun.  :)
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: joroas on March 26, 2014, 09:32:39 AM
I had that same boredom feeling with Prison Break, there was no end to it............
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 26, 2014, 04:28:15 PM
I do like the gung ho bloodnut in the latest episodes. He cracks me up.

He was great in Band of Brothers
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Grimmnar on March 26, 2014, 05:29:49 PM
Did anyone else notice Bub's cameo?  :D
Funny thing is i noticed him right away. But didnt recognize Denise Crosby till they mentioned her name on Talking Dead. :-)

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Brummie Thug on March 26, 2014, 09:58:58 PM
This season has been great with many highs and lows. I think with the zombie genre as a whole the walking dead is a lot more plausible than most movies seem to be.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 26, 2014, 10:28:38 PM
I like the survivalist aspect.  Has anyone played ZPocolypse board game?  It has the same sort of riff...  If you make it 4 days you are epic, so a bit more deadly...
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Chainmailninja on March 26, 2014, 11:10:35 PM
The thing I like the most about WD is that it shows "the world" in a larger scope than most zombie movies tend to. Usually, the main characters are stuck in a mall or other static set and you don't get to see the effects on the world at large, or how they play out over the long term. It leaves you wondering how cool it'd be to see what's going outside the mall, which is exactly what WD shows. To me, it's a refreshing change of gears from most zombie flicks. :)

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Archie on March 29, 2014, 10:48:03 PM
I think it would be fair to say its decent TV at a time when decent TV is a rare thing. Most of the TV shows here are fixing up houses or cooking crap show with a competition aspect. (because its so f'ing boring IRL they have to add cut throat competition to it to make it viewable.)

That alone makes it decent viewing

I do think there is some very fine acting in it ... particularly from the actors who play Rick and Carl.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Evilcartoonist on March 30, 2014, 05:06:23 AM
The thing I like the most about WD is that it shows "the world" in a larger scope than most zombie movies tend to. Usually, the main characters are stuck in a mall or other static set and you don't get to see the effects on the world at large, or how they play out over the long term. It leaves you wondering how cool it'd be to see what's going outside the mall, which is exactly what WD shows. To me, it's a refreshing change of gears from most zombie flicks. :)


Not that I don't like a trashed mall or bloody hospital, but it's nice to see the medium spread its wings.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on March 30, 2014, 08:54:58 AM

Not that I don't like a trashed mall or bloody hospital, but it's nice to see the medium spread its wings.

I'm with Carmen, I love it all...  :D  That said, it's only fair to point out that unlike films, WD has many many hours to spin out their tale, which allows for this wider world view. Whereas in a 2 hour film, I think the shopping mall, cityscape does an admirable job in conveying either a taste of the initial chaos or a slice of the 'long term game'.  WD has had to deal with interesting questions.  It's not like say a film that takes place sometime after the outbreak and says, "Ok, at this point we think that 70% of the initial zombies are still active." WD must not only answer those questions but also in a more serious way deal with how this attrition takes place other than human activity.  

As an aside, In the nuclear age I've always been curious what would happen in a PA context once various reactors start to meltdown and traveling becomes really interesting....
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Mr Tough Guy on March 31, 2014, 10:29:21 AM
I was really close to giving it up, but hung in there and am sort of starting to like it again, sometimes at least. TBH I think the quality of the show is VERY inconsistant, when it's good it can be REALLY good, but when it's bad it really really sucks. First season was great, second season sucked for the most part , third season was inconsistent all the way through, same goes for the fourth season, almost gave up on it halfway when they did the governor centric episodes, just really couldn't care less about the character, but it started to get better after they left the prison, although it's still very inconsistant, the daryl/what's her name, maggie's sister episode didn't do anything for me, but the carol kills the kids one was great.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Archie on March 31, 2014, 09:33:25 PM
My issue with it is that the wider picture is not covered. The most we got was in season one and two when they were travelling and we got flashnacks and info aboit cities getting run over by zombie swarms. Seeing shop of the week having been abandoned doesnt tell me anything new.

I think the show has missed a real opportunity to illustrate what the movies dont have time to cover.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Brummie Thug on April 01, 2014, 09:39:28 AM
Caught up last night on the finale. Pretty superb episode. Rick just is pure Awesome badass and what a cliff hanger to end on dammit!
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Silent Invader on April 01, 2014, 10:18:34 AM
The series has been a mixed bag: I tired of The Governor and some of the Great Trek episodes of late have had too much tedium but there have also been some edge-of-the-seat absolute crackers as well.

Quote from: Too Bo Coo
As an aside, In the nuclear age I've always been curious what would happen in a PA context once various reactors start to meltdown and traveling becomes really interesting....

I've seen only the one PA movie  - German, The Got Chronicles, IIRC - that considers that.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 01, 2014, 10:43:43 AM
The series has been a mixed bag: I tired of The Governor and some of the Great Trek episodes of late have had too much tedium but there have also been some edge-of-the-seat absolute crackers as well.

I've seen only the one PA movie  - German, The Got Chronicles, IIRC - that considers that.

I think it makes many PA ideas sort of moot.  Once you have all of these reactors melting down, and we are talking all over Europe, the US, India, I'm not sure if Israel has a nuclear reactor, but I imagine just a small scale one if nothing else, obviously Japan and some Asian nations.  This would I think make the entire surface fairly well uninhabitable for what, a century or two?  Longer?  How many weeks of a zombie apocalypse would it take for the necessary personnel, infrastructure and then back ups all to fail to have Atlanta a nuclear wasteland?  Anyone else see the history channel program, End of Us?  It shows what a city would look like in years and centuries after a fictitious disappearance of mankind.  But whenever I watch it and they even get to 100 years I couldnt help but think, what about the nuclear reactors??
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Cubs on April 01, 2014, 03:29:38 PM
I've just finished a really compelling Zombie Apocalypse book on my Kindle. It's called 'Surviving the Evacuation, Book 1: London' by Frank Tayell and is a journal kept by a man left behind whilst the rest of London is evacuated. Having broken his leg in an accident just as the first infections began, he has to try to survive and escape the city somehow with one leg in plaster, learning survival skills from scratch and dealing with the loneliness as well as the guilt of his own unfolding part in the great tragedy ...

I honestly found it hard to put it down, being as it deals with a very personal kind of panic and fear instead of the usual guts and gore. I think it was either free or dirt cheap in the Kindle shop, so I'll certainly now try to get the following books. Definitely recommended.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 01, 2014, 04:06:08 PM
I've just finished a really compelling Zombie Apocalypse book on my Kindle. It's called 'Surviving the Evacuation, Book 1: London' by Frank Tayell and is a journal kept by a man left behind whilst the rest of London is evacuated. Having broken his leg in an accident just as the first infections began, he has to try to survive and escape the city somehow with one leg in plaster, learning survival skills from scratch and dealing with the loneliness as well as the guilt of his own unfolding part in the great tragedy ...

I honestly found it hard to put it down, being as it deals with a very personal kind of panic and fear instead of the usual guts and gore. I think it was either free or dirt cheap in the Kindle shop, so I'll certainly now try to get the following books. Definitely recommended.

Cheers Cubs!
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 01, 2014, 05:52:23 PM
Hey!  New Zombie series!

Wranglers of Death!

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Sardoo on April 01, 2014, 07:15:46 PM
I've just finished a really compelling Zombie Apocalypse book on my Kindle. It's called 'Surviving the Evacuation, Book 1: London' by Frank Tayell and is a journal kept by a man left behind whilst the rest of London is evacuated.

Read this - and its first sequel - a while ago. Pretty good stuff. Lots of cheap or even free zombie books for Kindle.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 01, 2014, 10:27:26 PM
TBC the history channel show life without people goes into what happens to the reactors. TBH you should be more worried about oil storage facilities.

Cheers Scurv, must have missed that one.  Oil?  Guzzaline? :D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Grimmnar on April 02, 2014, 05:40:04 AM
Caught up last night on the finale. Pretty superb episode. Rick just is pure Awesome badass and what a cliff hanger to end on dammit!
Screw the damn cliffhangers. I was so enthralled into the episode i didn't pay attention it hit 11 o'clock which means that damn cliffhanger ending was there. SonsAbitches. I knew it was coming but i hates cliffhangers.
Now i have to wait till October.
Who has there time machine handy? I need to go ahead in time. At least GoT starts back up this weekend. I got something to keep my attention for a bit.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Slayer on April 02, 2014, 06:18:54 AM
yip it was a beautie for sure.....hurry up next season...
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Mr Tough Guy on April 02, 2014, 08:04:52 AM
yep best episode of the season, now if next season we can get more of this and less of EMO carl/rick we'll all be happier  :D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Dr Mathias on April 02, 2014, 06:47:34 PM
I was actually thinking that the last episode wasn't going to address Terminus at all, and leave us hanging.

Interesting development, I knew Terminus was flies to the web...
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Commander Vyper on April 02, 2014, 07:13:08 PM
Hey!  New Zombie series!

Wranglers of Death!


1st April bud......Moving on.

Really enjoyed the season finale. Knowing how Kirkman works I really had a heart in the mouth moment when Rick et al got jumped, I really thought Kirkman was going to kill Darryl off. I also thought the cannibal storyline was gonna come in from the books, but it was just the violence of the revenge from Rick.

I didnt see the final scene with everyone in the train car as anything but perfect timing. The Rick we see in the train car is the Rick the group need, his growth and evolution in the comic is such that he is totally badass as are the group.

Roll on season five. Also remember there's a spin off  WD series on the way too.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Silent Invader on April 02, 2014, 07:21:28 PM
What I liked about the way the series ended was that it ended with Rick back to being Rick.  :D
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 02, 2014, 08:12:06 PM
I'm guessing the BBQ ribs were the last visitors before this group....
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Commander Vyper on April 02, 2014, 08:18:08 PM
I kept thinking where's Carol, Tyrese and Judith.... baby back ribs?  :-X
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 02, 2014, 08:20:48 PM
I kept thinking where's Carol, Tyrese and Judith.... baby back ribs?  :-X

I thought they opted out of Terminus...which left them open to act as reinforcements at 'just the right moment'! But they could very well be the blue plate special as well!
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: NickNascati on April 02, 2014, 08:56:16 PM
"I kept thinking where's Carol, Tyrese and Judith.... baby back ribs?"  And Beth, she was carried off episode before last, and not a word about her since.  You'd think Darryl would have gone after her.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Laflin and Rand on April 03, 2014, 01:56:39 AM
You'd think Darryl would have gone after her.

She left in a car at high speed. Darryl was on foot. Then he got to a crossroad and met that gang. He didn't have a lot of choice but to give up.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Brummie Thug on April 05, 2014, 04:22:31 PM
She left in a car at high speed. Darryl was on foot. Then he got to a crossroad and met that gang. He didn't have a lot of choice but to give up.

If he hadn't of joined them they would of killed him I reckon.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: nic-e on April 05, 2014, 04:27:40 PM
I thought they opted out of Terminus...which left them open to act as reinforcements at 'just the right moment'! But they could very well be the blue plate special as well!

In the shipping containers.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 05, 2014, 04:51:07 PM
In the shipping containers.

There was that fenced area with all of the fresh human bones.... 
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: nic-e on April 05, 2014, 05:06:28 PM
There was that fenced area with all of the fresh human bones.... 

indeed there was, but when Daryl ran past the containers he heard shouting and looked back saying "carol!?!" in his typical husky manner.i doubt they'd kill her just like that after that whole killing kids storyline.

If terminus is meant to replace the hunters from the comic then i feel like they could have gone a better way with it, maybe had them in sewers like morlocks.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 05, 2014, 08:17:39 PM
I missed Darryl calling out.  Cant say I'm much of a comic book guy, so never got around to them myself.  Any good?  
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: nic-e on April 05, 2014, 08:23:58 PM
I missed Darryl calling out.  Cant say I'm much of a comic book guy, so never got around to them myself.  Any good?  

aye pretty good. i never read them before the series, then one year i got given all of them on a disk for Christmas and spent the next few nights breezing through them. worth a read if you get the chance.

as for the crying out, blink and you'd miss it, but he does call out carol if my mind isn't playing tricks on me.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Too Bo Coo on April 05, 2014, 08:33:43 PM
aye pretty good. i never read them before the series, then one year i got given all of them on a disk for Christmas and spent the next few nights breezing through them. worth a read if you get the chance.

as for the crying out, blink and you'd miss it, but he does call out carol if my mind isn't playing tricks on me.

It sort of makes sense that he would fixate on her voice, I think they had a small thing.  Great cliffhanger and pretty freakin sweet that tomorrow is GoT4!!!
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: nic-e on April 05, 2014, 08:40:46 PM
It sort of makes sense that he would fixate on her voice, I think they had a small thing.  Great cliffhanger and pretty freakin sweet that tomorrow is GoT4!!!

my body is so ready for GoT....

yeah they did, but i don't think fans really responded to it so then they gave him and beth a mini thing before she got nabbed/drove off.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Grimmnar on April 06, 2014, 04:29:09 AM
There was that fenced area with all of the fresh human bones.... 
You mean the cage of ribs? Or what we just call the rib cage?  ;-)

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Grimmnar on April 06, 2014, 05:39:15 AM
indeed there was, but when Daryl ran past the containers he heard shouting and looked back saying "carol!?!" in his typical husky manner.
He doesn't call out 'Carol" but infact you hear the end of him saying "what the hell." It wasnt her voice calling out.
I just went back and watched it five times and with my mind disposed to him saying Carol i heard "what the hell" each and every time.
Not saying that her and Tyrese are in a container somewhere but that wasn't her.

Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: XCIV on April 06, 2014, 06:00:00 AM

When people start running out of food, they do desperate and crazy things. Donner Party springs to mind. Then, once you've gone 'beyond the pale,' well, you're beyond the pale. In the comic, they started hunting humans because we were easier to catch than wild game for a bunch of people who had never had to work harder than a trip to the corner grocery to get food. I'm not sure that the presence of the living dead makes cannibalism any less socially acceptable to non-cannibals. Plus, this is the first group that has gone down that road as far as we know. Rick and his group have met at least five other groups (the Farm, Woodbury, the Governor's second group, Joe's claimer gang, and Abraham/Eliot/Rosita - did I miss any?) that were not cannibals. I'm not including the fellow from the CDC - he was all alone, anyway.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Agent Brown on April 06, 2014, 09:39:59 AM
There were empty cartons of formula milk outside the carriage. Rick notices them as he gets in. So, a clue that Tyrese, Carol and Judith have already been there or a red herring?
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: nic-e on April 06, 2014, 12:13:52 PM
He doesn't call out 'Carol" but infact you hear the end of him saying "what the hell." It wasnt her voice calling out.
I just went back and watched it five times and with my mind disposed to him saying Carol i heard "what the hell" each and every time.
Not saying that her and Tyrese are in a container somewhere but that wasn't her.


Yeah rewatched it last night and realised I'd misheard him.this is why people living through the zombie apocalypse shouldn't mumble.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Achilles on April 07, 2014, 02:34:02 AM
It's canon to the comics though (although the actual delivery is quite different than how it goes down with poor old Dale).
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: bandit86 on April 12, 2014, 08:54:42 AM
Just finished watching this season, I thought it was great and loved it all (well most of it) but I do tend to get emotionally involved (really) I want them to get away and kill everyone in terminus and they all get away.
Title: Re: The Walking Dead is......(!!SPOILERS!!)
Post by: Driscoles on August 06, 2014, 05:21:03 PM
Just finished final episode season 4 and I liked it. I was a bit uncertain at the beginning cuz havent seen it for more than a year - but soon got back into it and I think it is entertaining and exciting.
Good show to me. Will  watch season 5 too.