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Miniatures Adventure => Pulp => Topic started by: d phipps on July 10, 2014, 01:19:20 AM

Title: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: d phipps on July 10, 2014, 01:19:20 AM
On the Pulp Alley yahoo group, we've been discussing the idea of making about 10 new Fortune cards.

If anyone has an idea for a new card that they'd like to see included then please let us know.

Here are a few of the ideas we're kicking around, so feel free to let us know what you think ---

BUM RUSH -- Play: Before you move a  character to rush an enemy.
Effect: (pick one) You may move an extra  +3" or you are not limited to rushing the closest enemy.

DIRTY FIGHTING -- Play: Before you roll to fight an engaged enemy.
Effect: (pick one) Your character receives a +1d Brawl bonus or your character receives a +1d Dodge bonus .
AIN'T OVER YET -- Play: After a fight is resolved between two characters.
Effect: If neither character went down or out, the characters immediately fight again.
HOLD UP -- Play: When an enemy moves within 6" of one of your characters, you may interrupt the enemy’s activation if your character is not engaged, has a line-of-sight, and has not activated this turn.
Effect: Your character may shoot or rush the enemy immediately, but may not activate this turn.
SHENANIGANS -- Play: Before you roll to fight an engaged enemy.
Effect: You may roll Might, Finesse, or Cunning dice — instead of your Brawl dice.

SECOND WIND -- Play: When an enemy activates.
Effect: Roll a Recovery check for one of your injured characters (normal results apply).

BLAST IT! -- Play: As an action for one of your characters.
Effect: Place a 3” burst within 12” and in line-of-sight.


Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Mr. Peabody on July 10, 2014, 03:34:21 AM
Some nice twists here Dave. I like what you have done with these.

I think Hold Up could work with even more range, but that's because I like interrupts.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: FramFramson on July 10, 2014, 04:16:10 AM
I love that you've managed to keep a couple of 'modal' (i.e. it has two effects and you choose one) cards from the playtest bunch. And the choices offered are much more interesting than just drawing cards.

I particularly like Bum Rush ( :D ), Ain't Over Yet, and Hold Up.

In the recent playtest cards, you also had these two (hope you don't mind my reposting them):

IT'S EASY -- Play: When a challenge is revealed for a plot point or peril.   Effect:  The number of successes required to complete this challenge is reduced by 1.

IT AIN'T EASY -- Play: When a challenge is revealed for a plot point or peril.   Effect:  The number of successes required to complete this challenge is increased by 1.

...but didn't seem to be sure about them. What about a single card instead:

EASY?! -- Play: When a challenge is revealed for a plot point or peril. Effect: (pick one) The number of successes required to complete this challenge is increased or reduced by 1.

I think the tension between choices makes the card more interesting than something that just gives a straight bonus to yourself or a straight negative to your opponent. It also makes more powerful, but not by too much, I think. If you wanted to weaken it, you could have it apply to ONLY plot points OR Perils.

Also, one minor suggestion: I would change the name of 'Fighting Dirty' to 'Fightin' Dirty'  :)

Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Prof. Dinglebat. Phd. on July 10, 2014, 05:33:10 AM
Sucker Punch ~  Play: Before you roll to fight an enemy.  Effect:Your character receives a +1d Brawl bonus. Opponent can dodge on a -1d roll. (Because even a Pulp Hero at times can be a schmuck and can screw up a punch meant for a sucker)

Don't I know You? or You look familiar or Haven't We Met before? Play before you roll to fight an enemy. Effect: Your character convinces the opponent that they once met you and shared...? in a Bar, Lock Up and or Bordello. Effect: Opponent joins group if convinced successfully.

Old Adventure Wound. Play before you engage an enemy or an enemy attempts a major\minor peril. Effect: Opponent receives a -1d roll on combat\dodge or attempted perils.

Adjust the above as needed.  ;) 
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: has.been on July 10, 2014, 07:05:14 AM
How about the old Bob Hope/Bing Crossby (Road to....)
'Patty Cake, Patty Cake'  Play when two (or more) of your charactors are in/about to be in a fight.
effect the opposition have to roll two sucesses on their cunning.
failure = a hit.
As Bob & Bing found out it was useful against followers, less so against their betters.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: religon on July 10, 2014, 04:54:36 PM
I've Got a Bad Feeling
Play: When an enemy activates.
Effect: Decrease one figure's Dodge -1d for this turn only. Also randomly decrease 1 Action Skill -2d. The victim's nearest friendly character also suffers this disadvantage.

Desperate Act
Play: Immediately after the game ends.
Effect: One final action or move by a figure of your choice. No full actions or running is allowed.

Cleaning House
Play: When your character passes a peril not caused by a plot point.
Effect: Eliminate the specific perilous terrain or reduce extremely perilous terrain to perilous terrain. Gain 1 Fortune card.

Like the Boss Does It
Play: Before a level 1 character attempts a challenge.
Effect: You may increase one Action Skill to 2d8 temporarily. Does not improve a Dodge, Shoot, Brawl or Plot Point resolution challenge. Gangs may use this card to improve an Action Skill to 2d6.

I Know Your Weakness
Play: When an enemy activates.
Effect: This character does not benefit from the card players choice of Hardened Veteran, Regenerate, Rugged, Monstrous or Indomitable for this turn only. Lucky Devil offers no protection from this card.

A Hail of Bullets
Play: When an enemy uses Quick-Shot against one of your characters.
Effect: The target of the attack also gains Quick-Shot, which can be used to respond to this attack, until the end of the turn.
Alternately: may be played as Fists of Fury to respond to a Quick-Strike.

At a recent convention game, a player used the Cleaning House card to reduce some extremely perilous terrain (the pyramid interior) to just perilous terrain in the 5th turn of a game. As everyone was out of Fortune cards, he waltzed up to the major plot point and nobody chose to play a peril. Had he rolled a little better on the challenge, he would have stolen the victory.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Wolf Girl on July 10, 2014, 08:38:06 PM
I like the cards that give you two options. Those are going to be fun.  ;)
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Elk101 on July 10, 2014, 09:48:10 PM
I like the cards that give you two options. Those are going to be fun.  ;)

Yes, its definitely good for enhancing tactical flexibility.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: mikedemana on July 10, 2014, 09:52:15 PM
I really like:

Ain't Over Yet
Second Wind

I also like religon's Desperate Act. How many games would a character have gotten off the board, or taken control of a plot point if they had one more action?

Mike Demana
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: d phipps on July 10, 2014, 10:08:49 PM
Lots of good ideas! THANKS for the suggestions. It really helps.  :D :D
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Mr. Peabody on July 10, 2014, 10:12:29 PM
I also like religon's Desperate Act. How many games would a character have gotten off the board, or taken control of a plot point if they had one more action?


'Like the Boss Does It' is a cool idea too... But I don't see why Gangs should be limited in this case. They could have one bright nerd in the herd who just once pulls a rabbit out of the hat.

Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: FramFramson on July 10, 2014, 11:40:44 PM
Desperate Act is interesting, but my main concern would be about the possibility of it being a dead draw for much of the game (which was a problem I dealt with when thinking about cards that had more or less value the earlier or later they were played).
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: d phipps on July 11, 2014, 01:18:06 AM
Ayup, lots of cool ideas. We're definitely going to have a tough time cutting it down to 10 cards.  lol lol lol

...but keep the ideas coming!  ;D
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Wolf Girl on July 11, 2014, 01:52:42 AM
Soooo many good ones. It'll be hard picking the best.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: FramFramson on July 11, 2014, 03:17:32 AM
Here's a question for you Dave. Well for everybody, really. 

What common Pulp tropes does the game currently have no means of replicating?

One of my less-well-thought-out ideas was some sort of card that swapped two character locations. I suspect it wouldn't work mechanically, but "The ole switcheroo" is something to look at.

Maybe a card that switches control of two plot points? or switches the location of the major point and a minor point? (I think that second one might have a lot of problems in certain scenarios though). Neither of those sound quite right though - I'm sure there's a better idea.

I suppose the red herring could be Role-played as a "Switcheroo" moment too.

What other classic Pulp tropes could use some love?
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: has.been on July 11, 2014, 10:42:49 AM
'Yer mean itsa fake !!!!
Play on someone who has control of a plot point and it returns to it's original setting.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Valerik on July 11, 2014, 01:28:20 PM
'Yer mean itsa fake !!!!
Play on someone who has control of a plot point and it returns to it's original setting.

I LIKE this idea, but not your outcome.

How about 'removes that plot point from the game, reducing the final score' instead?

Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Elk101 on July 11, 2014, 02:43:07 PM
Yer mean it's a fake! if used to relocate the plot point to its starting position could be used to drop a plot point into the lap of a waiting league, which isn't necessarily against the grain. If it removed the plot point it could potentially muck up a planned scenario. The idea, however,  is pretty cool! What if it relocated the plot point to a random location instead?
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Malebolgia on July 11, 2014, 03:02:24 PM
Click...BOOM! -- Play: When an enemy model makes a Shoot attack.
Place a 3" Burst template over the character. The enemy character may not make the Shoot attack.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: FramFramson on July 11, 2014, 05:30:15 PM
I LIKE this idea, but not your outcome.

How about 'removes that plot point from the game, reducing the final score' instead?


I think the Red Herring card is a better implementation of this idea. The number of minor and major plot points has been pretty carefully chosen to reduce the incidence of ties or awkward scoring, so destroying points might mess with this.

Also, destroying hard-won plot points or ones which are unclaimed but much nearer to your opponent, would really short-circuit a lot of the fun of the game, I think.

One idea I suggested in the playtesting forums was this:

It's Broke!

Play: When an opponent's character carrying a plot point activates.
Effect: Put this card on that reward card. The bonus text of that Reward has no effect for the remainder of the game.

I think this concept has problems. It's a very negative play experience and it's also very non-interactive. But something like this would be better as a starting point for playing with plot points than outright cancelling them.

Another idea I had was:


Play: At the beginning of the turn on a character carrying a plot point.
Effect: For the remainder of this turn, any characters attacking that character gain +1D for that attack. The character carrying the point point may drop that plot point to cancel this effect.
"Git 'im!"

Still not sure about this, because characters carrying plot points are already targeted heavily. But I think it would play a lot better.

Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: d phipps on July 13, 2014, 06:58:21 AM
I'm going to make some temporary cards for playtesting. There may be closer to 15 cards to start with, but we'll need to thin it down to around 10.

Anyone interested in helping?
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Mr. Peabody on July 13, 2014, 04:56:40 PM
My printer is on standby....
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: gary42 on July 13, 2014, 06:21:49 PM
Coming in 5x5... Confirmed...Standing by.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: FramFramson on July 13, 2014, 07:11:19 PM
Ready Aye Ready!
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: d phipps on July 16, 2014, 04:29:30 AM
I've got a couple pages ready to share.

Can you please make sure I have your email, if you'd like to test/review these new Pulp Alley cards? -- either PM or email me please.

Just a reminder, although I've prepared 16 cards, we're only going to keep 10.

Also remember that this is early playtesting, so most of these cards will change.

Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Mr. Peabody on July 16, 2014, 06:03:18 AM
Got them, thanks. Will print them out and get a game going ASAP.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: gary42 on July 16, 2014, 06:20:42 AM
And I, also!  Looking forward to dropping some on you very soon Mr. Peabs!
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: d phipps on July 24, 2014, 01:03:50 AM
THANKS for the feedback on the new Pulp Alley Fortune cards. Glad you guys had fun.  :D

I'm really happy with how they are playing so far, so it's going to be tough cutting the list down to 10 cards.

Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: gary42 on July 24, 2014, 01:39:14 AM
Agreed.  Three of us chose six total to remove if we had the choice.  It was difficult as they were all good.  Some cards were chosen that played well but maybe just slowed the action a bit.  None were really dealbreakers.  Mr.  Peabody has the list.  We did all really enjoy the interrupt cards and would like to see more of them.  I think all but one came out in play!
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Mr. Peabody on July 24, 2014, 02:06:19 AM
Mr.  Peabody has the list.
Here you go...

The whole set of sixteen is pretty awesome, so it was hard choosing six that we would be willing to part with. But here they are, the six that we agreed we could manage to play without:

1. Wrong Place. While we found this card very humorous (it got played in two games), we agreed it has great potential to force a seventh turn or simply deny a play for a Plot Point and change a game with one card. Red Herrings already provide a similar effect but they do it better as the potential is known up front and the risk is shared between all players.

2. Give or Take.
We felt that the effect was just too subtle. The Challenge portion is a 2-success w/ one skill, so harder than usual and that makes the card tempting to hold on to.

3. Fightin' Dirty. Again, a subtle effect for a card with such a great name.

4. Switcheroo.
Is this a card you would hold in your hand, or simply cycle through and only use the effect occasionally? The Challenge portion could be more dramatic to make it more of a 'holder'... If this card makes it into the final selection, it was suggested to add "immediately" to the wording to make the timing of play as clear as possible.

5. On a Roll.
Potentially a great card, but we didn't manage to use its effect. At this point we are eliminating cards to get six candidates, this was a hard choice. I bet it will prove popular in play-testing.

6. Shenanigans.
What a great name! Like 'On a Roll', this ended up on our discard pile only because there were so many other great cards. An improved Challenge would make this a keeper for sure.

Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: Wolf Girl on July 24, 2014, 03:32:03 AM
Here you go...

The whole set of sixteen is pretty awesome, so it was hard choosing six that we would be willing to part with. But here they are, the six that we agreed we could manage to play without:

1. Wrong Place. While we found this card very humorous (it got played in two games), we agreed it has great potential to force a seventh turn or simply deny a play for a Plot Point and change a game with one card. Red Herrings already provide a similar effect but they do it better as the potential is known up front and the risk is shared between all players.

2. Give or Take.
We felt that the effect was just too subtle. The Challenge portion is a 2-success w/ one skill, so harder than usual and that makes the card tempting to hold on to.

3. Fightin' Dirty. Again, a subtle effect for a card with such a great name.

4. Switcheroo.
Is this a card you would hold in your hand, or simply cycle through and only use the effect occasionally? The Challenge portion could be more dramatic to make it more of a 'holder'... If this card makes it into the final selection, it was suggested to add "immediately" to the wording to make the timing of play as clear as possible.

5. On a Roll.
Potentially a great card, but we didn't manage to use its effect. At this point we are eliminating cards to get six candidates, this was a hard choice. I bet it will prove popular in play-testing.

6. Shenanigans.
What a great name! Like 'On a Roll', this ended up on our discard pile only because there were so many other great cards. An improved Challenge would make this a keeper for sure.

I think you're right about Wrong Place. It's one of those mean cards that may be a little too "mean". I like the fact that the cards are fun but don't have a HUGE impact on the game. The timing of the scenarios are so tight, that card could definitely change things.
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: FramFramson on July 24, 2014, 03:43:29 AM
I had some concerns about the card too, but it was more a logistical one of what to do if terrain conflicts with the move (which is not impossible to resolve, but maybe precludes it being on a card).
Title: Re: New Fortune Cards for Pulp Alley
Post by: d phipps on July 29, 2014, 11:00:16 PM
I had some concerns about the card too, but it was more a logistical one of what to do if terrain conflicts with the move (which is not impossible to resolve, but maybe precludes it being on a card).

Yup, another good point.

We're really enjoying these new Pulp Alley cards, but we need to cut it down to 10 cards.

Based on playtesting and feedback it looks like Wrong Place and Switcheroo may get dropped.