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Author Topic: Fireforge Knights of Albion compared to GW 5th Edition Bretonnian Knights?  (Read 6522 times)

Offline Neldoreth

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Hello LAF peoples!

I am hoping one of you knows how the Fireforge knights of Albion compare to the Bretonnian 5th edition Warhammer knights?

I have a couple of units of 5th edition Warhammer Bretonnian knights from the starter set, and they are my favourite style of Bretonnians. I want to expand the force but eBay just wants too much for them these days. So, does anyone have a comparison between the Albion knights from Fireforge and the Bretonnians from 6th edition? Would they work together in the same force? In the same unit?

I can't even find a comparison between the 5th and 6th edition Bretonnian Knights... any help would be appreciated!

« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 09:52:47 AM by Westfalia Chris »

Offline Ogrob

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Found this with a quick google:

I do believe that the 6th ed Brettonians are a bit chunkier than the old starter set 5th ed ones, so 5th should go decently with Fireforge.

Edit: Oh, and if you want plate armour arms for your Fireforge bodies, Perry agincourt works well. I've got examples in my Game of Thrones blog in my sig.

Offline jauntyharrison

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Knights of Albion are built off of sprue components of Fireforge's historical stuff, which are quite petite. The newest fantasy stuff from Fireforge would be chunkier, sufficiently so to look ok side by side with GW minis. Their northerner infantry/cavalry don't have a plate armor aesthetic though.

Offline Belgian

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You can find a size comparison of the new fantasy Forgotten World Northern Cavalry with GW cavalry in my latest review. Quite a good match although their look would suit them better for mounted men at arms or as a base for further conversion in knights.

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Offline Neldoreth

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Thanks for the responses, I appreciate it!

Ogrob, I had seen that one, but I didn't think it was good enough because it compared the 6th edition knight to the FireForge historical knight, and I really wanted to compare a 5th edition Bretonnian knight to the Albion figs from Fireforge. I see now that the bodies are the same for both the GW and Albion figs across the versions, so yeah, the horses might match, but comparatively, the GW riders are giants. I guess I'll have to just pick up some old Bretonnian Knights from eBay if I want to expand my army...

That being said, I did find the Northern Army figs as well, and they are very nice. They have the padded armour that I like so much in the Bretonnians, and they just look great. They also appear to fit perfectly in the GW paradigm. Thanks jauntyharrison for posting that picture, appreciated.

Great review Belgian, excellent and appreciated.

So now the question is, can I mix these two ranges into my Bretonnian army? Or should I just scrap the Bretonnian army project (perhaps sell them for an overly high price on eBay) and build a northern army instead?!? I imagine that these northern infantry and cavalry from Fireforge would make up the regulars in the army, and I could do irregulars or peasants using Frostgrave Soldiers! It sounds like a great army idea... :) If only it didn't require me to paint an entirely new army :)

Another option for the Bretonnians is to pick up some old GW knights, but then instead of paying through the nose for more Bretonnian Men at Arms, that I'd use the Oathmark human infantry. They don't have the padded armour of the Bretonnian men at arms, and their helmets are a little more dark-age than the Bretonnians, but I think they might work just as well? What do you all think?

Thanks again,

Offline Machinegunkelly

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I would recommend Fireforge foot sergeants rather than Oathmark if you are going to substitute GW Brettonians. Fireforge are closer to the early Brettonians looks and are easier to build full squads from.


« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 04:17:44 PM by Machinegunkelly »

Offline Neldoreth

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Thanks Machinegunkelly,

I agree that they are a similar design to Bretonnians, the problem is that they are too small to mix well with the current Bretonnian figures that I'm using.


Offline Belgian

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Maybe these can also help, not sure on their size though.


Offline Byrthnoth

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The heads of the fireforge medieval figures look pretty close in size to the GW and fireforge fantasy – you could pick up a box of fireforge figures and have a bunch of heads (and heater shields) that would work for Bretonnians, and stick them on the Northerners.

Offline Ethelred the Almost Ready

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Gamezone horses are big and chunky so might go with GW horses and knights.  They are not particularly cheap.


I presume you have been here......


Offline Machinegunkelly

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Ok, I just assumed you used the earlier editions infantry as well, rather than the later clunkier editions.