For my summer project I decided to make a proper SAGA army. I've got my Game of Thrones minis, but I thought I might as well have a somewhat historical force. I've seen the occasional picture of people taking Perry's Mahdist Ansar and making them into dark age irish, and thought "I can do that!".
So, from no real research, the key compontents of dark age irish are:
1) Bare feet
2) Knee length tunics
3) Possibly trousers
With that in mind, I identified plastic kits to use and settled on a box of Mahdist Ansar, a small set of 12 Victrix Balearic Slingers and a heavy sprinkling of bits from Warlord Games Celtic Warriors. I've ended up also using bits and pieces from Frostgrave, Gripping Beast and Conquest Games. Looking over the irish battleboard and rules, I settled on a simple list to begin with:
1 Warlord with Javelins
2 Curaidh (heroes) with Javelins
24 Warriors with Javelins
24 Levy with Slings
51 models to convert all told. It's taken me about three weeks of work to get to this stage, where I can show you all the converted models (all the Warriors with javelins will get shields after painting):
First of, for the Warlord I decided to go metal. A female barbaian from Oathsworn minis:
Levy made from Victrix bodies with a variety of heads:
Also made two warriors from those bodies:
I really like the dynamic bodies of warlord celts. Inaccurate as they are, they feel close enough for me. Slingers have had sling hands swapped on from Victrix or Gripping Beast kits:
You can probably tell I like the ducking forward bodies. Here's a closer look:
And then the main part of the builds, Ansar bodies. Heads from all sorts of kits, slings and sling arms from Victrix and GB added on.
Also made two Warriors from Conquest archers. These are a bit more generically medieval, but variety is nice, don't you think?
The Curaidh were made by taking GB saxon thegn bodies and cutting off their legs to add Ansar legs. Also added arms from the ansar kit, and did some greenstuffing.
And that's that. Here they are, all lined up ready for priming:
In the end, I'm really pleased with these builds. There are a number of inaccuracies, namely far too many kilts, some tunics really should be longer and there should probably be more cloaks but no big deal for me. What do you think?