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Author Topic: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985  (Read 5710 times)

Offline Erik

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2016, 09:27:19 AM »
Looking good, like the waves, the little buildings, that bus, mirror ball, what?!

Even though I have acces to this basement room most of the time and can leave the table standing after and between gaming my kinds also have some claim to the room. I cant rembember when they put up the mirror ball but its been there for quite some time. I like to think that is showes what a versatile hobby room it is  lol

Offline von Lucky

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2016, 10:22:34 AM »
Saturday Nights Zombies is a game I'd play.
- Karsten

"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Blog: Donner und Blitzen

Offline MajorTalon

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2016, 10:36:31 AM »
Looking good, like the waves, the little buildings, that bus, mirror ball, what?!

That's no mirror ball......

Offline Erik

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2016, 07:30:38 PM »
Wednesday we played our third game of the invasion of Køge Bugt i Denmark. The Warsaw Pact forces were on their heels after having had their beachhead hit hard by a Danish counter attack. The Danes established a defensive ring around the Warsaw Pact beachhead and now they were forces to try and break out. Concentrating their force the Warsaw Pact had numerical superiority on a minor part of the Danish defenses. In games term this meant that the Warsaw Pact forces had 4000 points to spend and the Danes 2000 points.
(I am afraid a missed a deployment foto so words will have to do  >:()

The Danes deployed first. On the right a platoon of infantry armed with Carl Gustav ATGW in trenches defended the Danish flank and were ready to take on anything coming through the forest in front of then. Behind them the Danish counter forces consisting of four  leopard 1A4 took up position in a forest ready to strike when the moment was right . On the Danish left the defense anchored on a large forest filed with nasty looking infantry in marders and combat engineers. The plan was to stop anyone going through this way and possibly attack any weakened forces close to the forest. This left the middle and the extreme left undefended but here unmarked minefields secured that no one would get through in a hurry and the tank squadron or the infantry in the forest would be able to finish of anything that made it through. In the skies two F-4 Phantom II were ready on call to strike ground targets.

The Warsaw Pact forces deployed a large tank squadron of T80 tanks on the left and a whole company of Ural farm boys supported by a platoon of recoilless rifles in BMP’s on the right. They sent two platoons of spetznaz in BMP’s on a flank attack.

The target for the Warsaw Pact forces was the Køge highway which was still surprisingly busy considering the heavy fighting that had been going on around the nearby village. They would claim a minor victory for holding this part of the table and a major for exiting 25 % of their forces of the board.

Turn one saw very little action as the Warsaw Pact forces advanced and the Danes kept their heads down. By turn two the Warsaw Pact forces were getting close and particular the platoon of recoilless rifles mounted in BMP’s were of concern for the Danes.

First of they were hit by an F-4 Phantom II airstrike which destroyed one and suppressed another.

The Leopards then moved out of their cover to finish them off. One leopard was suppressed by a spandrel attack from the remaining functional BMP but after that the BMP’s were taken out by the leopard tanks together with the recoilless rifle platoon.

On turn three the Warsaw Pact sent in their flanking force on the right. Luckily for the Danes they failed their second command role and did not get very fare.

The smiles quickly stiffened though as the evil, no good commy bastards launched a massive chemical artillery bombardment on the Danish tank squadron and their commander and FAC. With a lot of hits and all of them suppressed everybody though it was all over for the leopards. The T80’s crossed the hedge and engage them. Through a stroke of miracle and bad command roles the Leopards all managed to survive the assault.

It was time for the Danes to strike back but with the leopards suppressed it was up to the marders in the forest on the right to take care of things with their 20 mm autocannon. They only made it to the edge of the forest though, as their commander failed his second command role. The unsuppressed Danish FAC in the middle of the board still had a chance as well but he failed to contact the Phantoms flying over the battlefield.

Beginning of turn four the marders got a bit back when they managed to suppress two of the spetznaz carrying BMP’s when they tried to move.

The rest got away though and now it was time for the Danish forces in the forest to fell the communist chemical touch. Chemical artillery bombardment is really nasty. Especially when deployed as barrage. It covers a 60x20 cm area where everybody gets suppressed on top of the 6 in open, no amour hits. Nobody was killed but everybody including the HQ got suppressed.

The Warsaw Pact forces had cleverly laid out their chemical smoke so that only a small corridor remained open in the middle. Now the T80 tanks made for this opening. Unfortunately the Danes had placed a minefield just there and the tanks got bogged down with three suppressions in the initial hit.

Concluding that no goats no glory the communist tank commander pressed forward taking even more hits and suppressions. Two tanks made it through though.

This was the chance the Danish tank squadron had been waiting with the enemy tank caught and suppressed in the minefield. Unfortunately they were themselves in a sticky situation as the chemical smoke remained around them. Only one made it out without getting suppressed, but the T80’s were hit by a Phantom airstrike as well. Not enough to really damage the T80’s though.

By turn five the spetznaz and the two T80 tanks that made it through the minefields made it to the highway. On their way the two T80 overran the FAC in front of them.

The rest of the tanks where still struggling with suppression and the conscript infantry on foot was making slow progress. Their Hq ran into another minefield which was bad news for him but saved the conscript from doing it themselves. Before moving into the minefield the Hq called in yet another chemical bombardment. This time on the so fare unengaged Danish infantry on the right flank. By now we had run out of wool as the chemical smoke remains on board but you can still get an impression of the Warsaw forces plan of cutting the table in two, capturing the Danish forces on the “wrong” side of the chemical smoke curtain while the spetznaz made it for exit zone.

Closeup of the right flank with more chemical smoke and minefields. All the Danish tanks finally had the T80 in the flank but through a string of bad dice rolling and poor command ditto every Warsaw tank made through the onslaught. The infantry on the Danish left crawled out of the chemical smoke getting multiple suppressions for their troubles.

By turn six the Spetznaz crossed the highway and the Danish forces  now had no chance of stopping them exiting the board and earning the Warsaw force an major victory. The leopard tank where given a final chance of destroying the T80, but once again they completely blew it. By this time we stopped the game.

It had been a really interesting game. Even though the Warsaw forces had more or less run the game as they had planned the Danish forces had many chances of getting back in the game. The marders for instance had a great chance of destroying the BMP’s carrying the spetznaz thereby completely ruining the Warsaw Pact plan. The T80 were also really lucky not getting destroyed by the multiple minefield, Phantom and leopard tank hits. The Warsaw Pact plan of cutting the table in two was really clever and they followed it by the book and did not get tempted to halt and engage tempting enemy targets. Even though my opponent promises he won’t use chemical artillery strikes in every game I really have to find some way of coping with then. We also agreed that its good solid Warsaw Pact strategy to drown the opponent in chemical gas and drive through the enemy lines while they are suppressed by the gas.

Next game will be the Exploitation scenario as the Warsaw Pact forces strike the rear of the Danish lines. Another game of very unequal forces and this time the Danes won’t be able to employ of board artillery as the enemy has hit their rear where the artillery is deployed. That is bad news because on board artillery cannot engage in counterbattery combat which at the moment is my only plan of countering the Warsaw Pact chemical artillery strikes.

Hopefully help will some arrive as the Danes are hard pressed and the enemy has the Copenhagen skyline in their sights.   

Online Dr. Zombie

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2016, 07:43:31 PM »
It truly was a great game. My plan really came together. But even if I had lost. The look on your faces as the chemical bombardments kept coming was totally worth it. :D  8)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 07:47:57 AM by Dr. Zombie »

Offline Dangerdaz

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2016, 11:17:04 PM »
Great AAR

Offline von Lucky

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2016, 09:03:51 AM »
The Khmer Rouge; in the pay of the Danes since 1985.

Offline Erik

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2016, 06:34:01 AM »
Our communist invasion of Zeeland continuous with an Exploitation scenario last night. The Danes have to stop the Warsaw Pact forces from holding the center third of the table (major victory) or the furthest third of the table (minor victory). The Warsaw Pact forces have it the other way around.

The Danes deployed a platoon of three leopard 2 tanks at that back of the large hill on the left and infantry and mortar in the village in the center supported by two leopard 1 tanks.

The Warsaw Pact forces enter with a whole company of conscripts mounted on trucks and two platoons of T80 tanks supported by a BRDM ATGW platoon and some AA on a BMP.

On the second turn they are already close to the village. The Danes try to take out some of their recce vehicles with BO 105 attack helicopter but with no luck.

The BRDM platoon brings their spandrels within range and start hitting the leopard 2 on the hill. Simultaneously the Warsaw Pact flank attack arrives with spetznaz and BMP. More spandrel and RPG fire take out a leopard and suppresses another.

The Danes bring helicopter support to halt the onslaught and they manage to take out some of the enemy unit and suppress other. Finally they move of the hill to get out of sight of the ATGW platoon.

Mean vile something goes terribly wrong with the communication on the communist right as the whole company of conscripts are stranded in their trucks right in front of a Danish infantry platoon deployed in the forest to the right of the village.

Now things turn from bad to worse for the Warsaw Pact forces as through a string of failed command roles from their CO the too large platoons of T80 tanks as well as the ATGW platoon strand for three turn leaving the conscripts and spetznaz to fend for themselves. Some artillery hit the Danish infantry but nothing serious and the company of conscripts as taken out along with their recce unit on the hill in front of the village.

On the left the Danish helicopters and leopard tanks take out the spetznaz and their hq.

Picture of the stranded communist tanks. At this point all their on table infantry has been killed.

Finally the T80 tanks get going again. But as their crest the hill in front of the village the Danes concentrate all their fire on the tanks. Both from the forces in the village, now support by an infantry platoon armed with Carl Gustav IATW brought in from the reserves and the leopard 2 tanks that are ready to join in after having finished of the flanking force. On top of all this two attack helicopters also hit the communists with rocket fire.

The result is deadly. All eight tanks are either suppressed or burning and the Warsaw Pact forces are forces to retreat giving the Danes the entire table and a firm major victory.
This was a truly enjoyable game for the Danes but a very frustrating one for the communists. The Danes also had their share of bad luck but the continuous failed command roles from the communist CO meant that the Warsaw Pact forces couldn’t support each other and the Danes were able to take them out on at a time.

The communist were actually closer to victory that this report might suggest as both their hq were rather fare ahead of the rest of the communist forces by the end of the game. They could have had a chance of bringing in further reinforcements, had the communist moral held, thereby putting a lot of pressure on Danes. That being said the communist were down to a CV6 to stay in the game.
It seems now that the Danes have finally stops the communist advance and rumor has it that the Americans are racing up from Germany to help out the Danes. Next time it will be the Warsaw Pact forces turn to be on the defensive.     

Online Dr. Zombie

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2016, 07:03:16 AM »
Next time I will bring my own dice. Yours are obviously cursed and/or rigged >:(

It was not just my CO failing command rolls left and right. But also my two HQ units kept failing. With commanders as inept as this it is hard to win games..

If only my left flank HQ had brought in the combat engineers and Spetsnaz from reserves when he was supposed to your Leopard II's would have been ripped to shreds and the game would have been over by turn three. But nooo the Ruski commi bastards insisted on blundering about the battlefield getting shot to pieces..

All survivors are now on an express train to a Sibirean Gulag for "reeducation".

Offline cardophillipo

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Re: Invasion in Køge Bugt 1985
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2016, 10:38:28 AM »
Great series of AAR's. Look forward to more and more games. Terrain looks really good.

Thanks for posting  :D


Richard P
I'm going to need a SWAT team ready to mobilise, street level maps covering all of Florida, a pot of coffee, twelve Jammie Dodgers and a Fez!


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