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Author Topic: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)  (Read 25741 times)

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2020, 04:00:46 PM »

I’ve painted 2-3 human squads over the years, but nothing I’ve ever been enamored with. With this side I decided to try something a bit more bold and colorful in the old style of the game. It would also be my attempt at using the white contrast paint.

Truthfully, most of the work here was on applying several coats of white over my grey primer so the white contrast could work its devilry. If I expand this team to a larger 16 model BB squad, I would simply prime white.

The inspiration for this team came from all of the avian iconography on the models and their transfer. I goggled about for a bird that would look neat to pattern the team after in that colorful manner I was wanting to try, while still being simple enough for my meager talents. the red-headed woodpecker fit the bill.

So, there’s the base game squads finally done. Now, if I only could think up a name for the humans. Any suggestions?

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2020, 03:57:22 PM »

Halflings were always my preferred Dungeons and Dragons race when I was a a youth, but I never felt drawn to play them in Blood Bowl. I guess I was never a fan of all the kitchenware on their models. I can get behind them being a joke team, but I’d still like them to look like a…well…sports team.

Going back to the beginning, like most gamers of my generation, some of my earliest experiences with fantasy were the classic Rankin Bass Lord of the Rings movies, The Hobbit and Return of the King. The ‘Samwise the Strong’ sequence at the beginning of Return of the King was the first memory I have of a literary character invoking an emotion in me. The idea of this meek, diminutive individual rising up to punch above his weight class resonated.

It wasn’t too much longer after that, when my father brought home the Dungeons and Dragons basic box on a whim. The above Jeff Dee illustration solidified my idea of the heroic halfling and remains one of my favorite D&D pieces ever.

Eventually, January 1988 came around and with it the Halfling Defender subclass in dragon Magazine #129. Above is the Jim Holloway (RIP) piece featured for the article, and this issue of Dragon Magazine became my most used throughout the rest of AD&D 1e’s lifespan. Now, I had actual mechanics to run the sort of small hero I had been building on my own.

It wasn’t too much longer after this, I started to fall into Games Workshop gaming. GW had a fun tongue in cheek approach to fantasy with its Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Rogue Trader, so I had to adjust to halflings being the incompetent faction, but it was ok. I had sorta grown some and was into the punk scene at the time so the cockney bootboy orcs and the mohawked wardancer and slayers were plenty to capture my imagination in the twisted worlds of GW.

Eventually, ‘heroic’ halflings came to The Old World in the form of Lumpin Croop’s Fighting Cocks. This was a Dog of War Regiment of Renown unit that generals could draft into their armies. Still, halflings remained jokes on the Blood Bowl pitch, which was and is my main GW game. It doesn’t bother me too much, there does need to be a lower tier and it makes sense. However, they are known to be a pretty strong damage inflicting team in tournament play if you have the right treeman combination with ’em. Despite that damage potential, I was never really drawn to the models.

When the Blitz Bowl team was released and early game results had them performing very well, I figured now was the time to finally paint up a squad of these stoutfoots for the pitch. I don’t mind if Halflings wind up the dominant team in the game. It would be a bit jarring to be honest, but I would use the squad as sort of the ‘training’ team for new players and maybe not really use them in leagues or tournaments. Let them be a sort of in-game joke. They’re so dominant at the game, but can’t commit to a full schedule…it gets in the way of their meals.

Anyway, onto the team. In a nod to the ‘Fighting Cocks’ name, I’ve gone with ‘Sporting Cocks’. I don’t follow the MLS Kansas City team, but they already rock ‘Sporting’ so with my meager paint talents it would be easy to repurpose that for this team. I figure I may as well go with the colors too, as I haven’t done a team in this color scheme. I also passed on putting the team numbers on shoulder pads this time, but went simple and on the jersey where maybe a soccer team’s logo would go.

There’s also a head with a squirrel that’s pretty popular, but I didn’t want him on this squad. If i were kitting out a full BB team with the treemen and dryads and their birds, squirrels, faeries and such everywhere, then probably. For only six models though I wanted to create as much cohesion on the squad as possible. Plus, the model with the ferret has no choice but to carry his pet onto the pitch and I just love the goofy grin he has. He’s so proud of bringing sneaking his furry friend past the coach and refs…I don’t wanna take that away from him by another player with a squirrel.

Following my BzB standard of all teams, the team coin and marker were painted up in generic, worn brass.

So, that’s the Halfling team then. Probably the only time I’ll ever paint Halfling models for a GW game. What’s that you say? They can now be included on the human roster? I guess I’ll be revisiting The Moot for another recruitment drive in the near future…
« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 04:02:13 PM by Jack Hooligan »

Offline Bloggard

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2020, 10:01:43 AM »
great stuff.
have such strong memories of the LoTR animated film (first installment anyway) - saw it at time of release at the pictures...

contrast white has worked very well - better than my efforts with it. And love the halfling team.

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2020, 02:15:33 PM »
I wonder if there's too much white on the humans, or if I should have picked out a few other bits to paint.

My next post is also going to be related to The Hobbit cartoon...

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2020, 05:47:03 PM »

Blitz Bowl doesn’t have an official Wood Elf team…but the newly released Blitz Bowl Season 2 does! In anticipation I went ahead and traded a sprue of Dark Elves for Wood Elves with @caseyrog I don’t have history with Woodies across any GW game, but I knew which approach I would take with the team.

I like to paint my Old World elves in colorful skin tones. I like the folklore tradition of elves being more supernatural beings and not just humans with pointy ears. Their stats certainly lend support to them having otherworldly origins. So, my Dark Elves are light blue in the classic ‘night elf’ style of the 80’s. My High Elves are all white like Elric of Melnibone. The Wood Elves? As I wrote about in the Halfling team post, I’m a big fan of the Rankin Bass Tolkien cartoons, so they’re a grey/green hue with bright yellow hair as seen above in the still from The Hobbit. Those are the wood elves surrounding the party of dwarves.

Well, all bright yellow hair except for one. I really liked the cropped mohawk head on the sprue for the female thrower and thought I’d give a nod to the badass Annie Lennox, so fiery orange hair she has. Yeah, no elf in the cartoon has orange hair, and going yellow across the whole team may have been better for team cohesion, but I’m not setting out to recreate anything, but just use influences to inspire my little corner of the Blood Bowl universe.

The twig on the wardancer head had to go. It’s already a shame that the best player on the team has my least favorite sculpt, and he didn’t need a branch coming out of his head. The hawk beaked catcher is a fantastic model, imo.

On a trip to Hobby Lobby, I came across this Vallejo green grey, and pulling up the Rankin Bass image, it looked to be a perfect match for what I was reaching for. However, to my eye they seem to have ended up a bit more light bluish. I’m not going to repaint the team, but I feel like there may have been a better color out there. Bummer. It looked like it would be a perfect match.

The above line elf model is probably my favorite pose of the bunch. He reminds me of the classic 2nd edition team line elf. Of course, I’ve continued the worn brass for the coin and team marker.

So, that’s a wrap on the Wood Elf team. I’ll be interested to give them a run on the pitch when Season 2 drops. By and large I think I did ok on the team colors to match the classic Hobbit cartoon. I’ll probably be able to look past the skin. I just hope they don’t end up looking too similar to the light blue Dark Elves coming down the tunnel. Thoughts?

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2020, 06:40:39 PM »

The Dark Elf Blood Bowl team is one that I’ve achieved great highs with, but also terrible lows. I’ve taken them undefeated to the championship of Orclahoma (the largest single day BB tourney in the US), but have also gone winless and been abused in a league. The lowest low though was simply assembling the new GW plastic team for Blitz Bowl…this squad almost had me quit the hobby again.

Sadly, I don’t have a good picture of the classic 2nd edition models I use to run with. I sold them off a while back, but I do have the image above. It’s hard to tell here, but they are light blue skinned in the classic ‘night elf’ style of the early 80's and early Blood Bowl editions.

At my table, the true color of proper dark elves.

For team colors, I had them as a tribute to horror-punk band, The Misfits. Pretty much all black, but in this case a single red armoured shoulder pad. I thought they were a cool looking team, but I still opted to move the team on when the game shifted to 32mm. That’s just as well because I wanted another crack at painting them.

Oh, the team name was also a nod with a reference to the song ‘Hatebreeders’, but done in the classic Iron Maiden font. The team name was called out as ‘problematic’ or ‘questionable’ in a podcast, but I don’t think those podcasting had any idea behind the inspiration which has nothing to do with me advocating hate at Blood Bowl tables. Good grief.

Anyway, that was an old edition of the team several years ago…back to the new GW plastic. Even though a Blitz Bowl squad is only 6 models, essentially half of Blood Bowl team, the unnecessary complexity of their assembly has pretty much put me off of the desire to ever rebuild a full squad for Blood Bowl. I used to be impressed with GW’s plastics, but have recently fallen out of love, and this team underscores the reason. 12 parts to assemble one medium sized humanoid? That’s not clever. That’s a bit excessive. Particularly, since this isn’t like the old Mordheim plastics where a sprue of parts allowed one to mix and match parts to create their own mercenaries. This is 12, some very small, bits of plastic for one very specific model build. It reminds me of the complaint I’ve read from modern Lego enthusiasts… too many specialized blocks in recent sets…where’s the generic ones?

I dunno, maybe I’m wrong, or just getting old. Either way this team wasn’t fun to build, but I pushed through. When it came time to putting paint to plastic, I figured I would go with the same red and black color scheme. This time I’d take advantage of the dragon/serpent hide around their necks to more closely match Misfits’ bassist Jerry Only seen in the photo up-post. However, once I put on the skin color around the red (on the left above), I didn’t care for the look too much. On a whim, I went with my favorite blue color, The Fang, and this looked much better I felt (on the right).

Even with the pink introduced as a new color to this team’s scheme, I like how it adds a few streaks of lightness to an otherwise dark kit. Night elf blue also helps break up all the darkness and it was a no-brainer to go with the white transfers. Oh, I manually trimmed down the white tribal tattoo-looking transfers to look less like the art on 90’s dude bros but more like stylized waves. For the Witch Elf this transfer had to go on her hot pants.

The downside to this color scheme is that it’s moved the squad away from it’s Misfits roots. They look more like a synthwave album. I’m also not sure on what team name I should go with. We could revive the Hatebreeders if I change up their logo. I also like the name the Nightrunners, but that might be too close to the DE team the Nightmares. Plus, I also wanna use Nightrunners for a skaven team…and also a Necromantic team. Maybe they’ll all be the Nightrunners. Ha! I dunno.

Well, that’s two of three elf teams done. I guess maybe 2 of four if the High Elves ever make an appearance. I’m on the fence with the Elf Union team. The team that introduced a bit of fluff discombobulation to the game’s setting, but when will the High Elves ever show up? If I do decide to get the Elf Union, I’ll be sure to paint up two elf players of each elven faction. Seems to make sense.

For more posts like this and other mini misadventures, head over to Wyrd Stones and Tackle Zones.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 07:15:05 PM by Jack Hooligan »

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2020, 01:24:00 PM »

When the Nurgle Team was released for Blood Bowl, I was excited at the prospect of hopefully painting them one day. The models are full of character, they looked fun to paint and they’re one of the 2nd ed teams that are fairly well known, but they’ve never really been produced well in miniature form by Games Workshop/Citadel. However, I don’t really care to ever play this team again after one crushing season, but again, Blitz Bowl’s here to make this coach’s gaming dreams a reality.

Some 15-20 years ago, Games Workshop did put out a booster blister of a few rotter and pestigore models that could be supplemented with your Chaos team or whatnot to make a Nurgle squad. Bloaters weren’t a position and there was no rotspawn type big guy model available that I recall. Still, I was a fan of that booster, so tracked down some 2nd edition Chaos Blockers to create the team above, The Herdstone Toxins.

Here’s a better shot of some of the rotter minis. There were only three poses, so I did a bit of converting. Adding helmets from the Bretonnian WFB line with a little greenstuff to be the ear pads hoping to give the team an old school leather helmet look. I really liked creating the model holding his helmet by the straps, and have carried a similar pose to my current BzB Halfling team.

With only two pesigore poses, some more converting was necessary. A top knot on one, but a punch dagger from the Chaos Beastmen on another. For the Big Guy, I grabbed one of those Albion Fen Beasts off eBay but put a minotaur skull head on it. Painted the skull in two colors split down the middle in the same manner as the Houston Texan’s logo.

Here’s those sweet 2nd edition Chaos Blockers and the team banner with that play on the Texan’s logo. I did the Nurgle triple orb thing for the eye which I thought was cleaver. A few of those little metal nurglings for reroll markers, a coach with a headset whipping his rotting lads into form, and a chaos drummer rounded out our coaching staff.

This team, and many others from coaches from around the world during the early ’00 era, can still be found at the Blood Bowl Old Skool Picture Archive – I was going by ‘Bullbear’ online at the time.

Seeing my old team here, long sold off after an abysmal season where I don’t know if I scored a single TD, you may ask yourself…what’s with the new colors on the BzB team? To be honest, I really struggled with an idea for the new nurgle team. I do like the blues and greens I used on my old Toxins team, so much so that I’ve decided to move it over to a team that I’ll most likely keep playing in Blood Bowl. A team still to be painted for the modern era. So, I really didn’t know what to do with the new Nurgle. It wasn’t until all the mentions of the Nurgle models in a recent episode of The Crush podcast: https://thecrush.libsyn.com/, that I knew I had to take a crack at Nurgles…crack.

For inspiration I dove into my 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac, and the tale of Bilerot Vomitflesh’s decent from young rookie Wilhelm von Mitfleish into the rotting debauchery of nurgle gave me a kernel of an idea. My Ironkeep Bloodskins Chaos chosen team, popped it.

As blogged about previously, my Chaos Chosen team was the continuation of an idea and line of Chaos warriors across several GW gaming systems. A line I’ve continued through to the Nurgle team. The Ironkeep Bloodskins are chosen from the toughest of the tough, the roughest of the rough. Their roster is selected from rookies who rise and survive within the GORECHOSEN (always in capital letters – respect to that game!) fighting pits. Those that don’t fare so well are cast beneath the Ironkeep and this is where the tale of my Nurgle team bubbles up from.

The maimed and lame Chaos Blockers and Beastmen Runners who survive their wounds find support and comfort with Papa Nurgle as they stew in their own juices at the bottom of the keep. As my Chaos Chosen team has armour adorned with blessings, these failed servants of Nurgle scrawl prison-like blessings into their skin. Well, an attempt at prison tattoos I did using transfers with a little drybrushing over to give them that faded, uneven look. Chaos Blockers who’s bodies swell up become Bloaters.

Those Chaos Blockers who’s body emaciates, twist down into rotters. I thought the rotter with the single large shoulder spike was a neat perversion of the large spike on the Chaos Blockers. However, in hindsight I think I’d rather have tattooed a ‘6’ on the side of his head instead of the nurgle orbs, as there is no other good place for a number. Oh well.

Only one pestigore model in this squad, but as I’ve gone with a darker, ‘blood clot’ color red for my Beastmen Runners, I continued that theme with this beast being a darker green than the human rotters. This is such a weird model though, and am never satisfied with the proper angle to take a picture of it from, so here’s another below. Not because I like him a lot…he’s my least favorite sculpt on the team, just weird pose or something…

I also trimmed off that large, third horn growing out it’s back. It was just too much for me. And as always, brass and oxide on the team bits.

So, there’s the Nurgle team sorted. Discarded souls from my Chaos Chosen team’s pool of recruits. Using the same team colors, the only available kit pulled off the walls within the Ironkeep, these recent devotees of Nurgle have a boil to pick with my Bloodskins. Rivals if you will in my head cannon. I guess for a name, they’d have to be something like the Ironcell Rotskins? I dunno.

For more posts like this and other mini misadventures, head over to Wyrd Stones and Tackle Zones.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2020, 01:27:35 PM by Jack Hooligan »

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2020, 09:23:40 PM »

I recently finished up the last Blitz Bowl team that I was able to wrap in paint in the dark year of 2020…the Dwarves. Dwarves have always been one of those fantasy races that I admire, even appreciating the gruff mirth of their player base, yet they’ve never really gripped me personally. I didn’t have a strong opinion going into this team on what their scheme would be. Initially, I thought I’d take another whack at a bright second edition style kit, as I did with the humans. In the end, I wound up looking back to a team from my gaming past. A lazy crutch of mine?

In the halcyon summer of 2017, I hosted a gaming weekend for some buddies and ran a themed Dreadball tournament for which we all had prepped teams for. I worked up some tickets to the event that I emailed out via snail mail and the event was a lot of creative fun on my end. Anyone interested in days of gaming past can see a post I did about this at my old blog… The Pit: https://thepit198.wordpress.com/2017/07/05/dreadball-ghosts-in-the-grid/.

Anyway, one way or another I coached a Brokker team. Space Dwarves. At the time I was also heavily influence by Italian junkshop glam band, Giuda. Their 2013 album, “Let’s Do it Again” is a masterpiece in my opinion and the cd is still seeing heavy rotation.

The theme of the album is pretty much the classic James Caan film, Rollerball. A great concept for a 70s rock inspired band to pick up on.

Inspired by all of this, I went with dark colors, but yellow ring on the sleeves. Mantic’s Brokkers have always been ethnically diverse which was another good fit. This was an easy enough color scheme to use as I basically just kept the same grey shade as the primer, so a little yellow, a wash, and some transfers, and the Glamrokk Systems Dynamo were founded.

In Blood Bowl and Blitz Bowl, I like to name the teams with the [location] [mascot] convention. For Dreadball I used [corporation] [mascot] for all my teams. Unfortunately, the Dynamo didn’t do very well in their first, and only tournament.

Brining us back to 2020 and the Blitz Bowl dwarves…I’m not sure if they’re going to take the field as the [location] Dynamo or not. Dynamo is also a name I like for an ogre team, a team I feel a little more excitement for. Names aside, I picked the old Dynamo color scheme for my Blitz Bowl team for a few reasons. First, it’s pretty straightforward it looked like something I could forge between holiday preparations. Second, with the way the new GW contrast yellow paint sort of pools up orange, I was hoping that the bright yellow and orange would contrast with the dark grays so they’d look like little, well, forges. And Finally, there’s no white or silver on them at all. Two colors I felt like I was relying a little too much on for my BzB teams.

Of the three positional players, the runner ended up my favorite by a bunch. In fact, this model is the one that’s given me a little stronger emotional connection with the team. I wanna see him stiff arming his way into endzones.

On linedwarf #4 we can see how that orange pools up at the bottom of the back plate, giving all of the dwarves the look of hot fire under their numbers.

A promo shot of the team captain here with the standard team token and coin.

This puts me at nine painted BzB teams for the year. Add in a few NPCs I’ve also done, and I put paint to about 60 models during the pandemic. Much like 2017, 2020 was to see another weekend gathering, but this time Blitz Bowl would have featured. Unlike 2017’s Dreadball event, I’m expecting Blitz Bowl to see many, many more events going forward. And perhaps it’ll be one of these future events where the Dynamo, or ascendant franchise, will rise forth from the furnaces and hold high the cup.

For more posts like this and other mini misadventures, head over to Wyrd Stones and Tackle Zones
« Last Edit: December 24, 2020, 09:43:14 PM by Jack Hooligan »

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2021, 03:02:25 PM »

2020 started with a plan to host a gaming weekend in the summer which featured a Blitz Bowl tournament. The dastardly Covid had other plans, but I pushed forth and took the opportunity to get a lot of painting done. Though I didn’t hit all of my goals, I got really close finishing these on December 31st.

The featured image above of the Snotling Pump wagon flanked by some refs is a collection of NPCs I plan to have for variant match types. I’ve also stage the photo to hark back to some Blood Bowl NPCs I created about 20 years ago. From left to right…Dark Elf ref, Big NPC, then Dwarf ref.

How do I intend to use these NPCs? After bouncing some ideas around with coaches in The Crush Discord, I think I’m going to go forward with the following.

Referee: Referees are essentially movable blocked squares. During initial set-up, after placing the ball, determine a trapdoor as if a second ball were coming into play. Once a trapdoor is determined, roll a d8 and consult the bounce chart, placing the referee model in the corresponding adjacent square next to the trapdoor. Add the following to the Game Sequence between “No Ball in Play Check” and “Emergency Reserves”:

“Move Referee”
. The active player consults the point value of the rightmost Challenge Card in the Active Challenge Card Spaces. This is the number of spaces the referee will move that turn. Roll the d8 that number of times, moving the Referee as if they were a bouncing ball. If the referee would move into a blocked or occupied space, ignore that roll.

This is basically it. The referee just moves around the pitch causing a blocked space for players to content with. The ref doesn’t provide assists nor do players need to worry about moving adjacent to them. True, sometimes the Ref will move somewhere random…hug a sideline or something but maybe they’re arguing with a fan, or getting out of the way of the play.

For my referees, I used the two from the recent Blood Bowl Second Season Edition box. I dreaded painting straight lines and didn’t do the best job, but at arm’s length on a table they’re fine. I used Eschen Grey for the black lines and washed the clothes with the white contrast paint to shade the white parts, but it also dulled the Eschen Grey which worked in the favor of having the uniforms look more natural I feel. I wasn’t sure what color to do the elf ref initially, thinking maybe as a high elf, but then I thought the Dark Elf skin would contrast better with the uniform. Plus, who can forget the classic piece of a Dark Elf player paying off a ref? Well, now the Dark Elves just have an insider.

If you wanted a little variance between the two referees maybe consider something like this:

Dwarf Referee: Moves one less than the point value of the rightmost Challenge Card

Elf Referee: Moves one more than the point value of the rightmost Challenge Card.

With this you might have the Dwarf grudgingly holding down a square, but the Dark Elf nimbly dances about the pitch. Another variant option you might try, is to use the value of the leftmost Challenge Card. This would take the number of spaces the ref moves out of the player’s hand as the active player won’t know what the value of the leftmost card is because Challenge Card refresh happens when their turn is over.

The Snotlings…this is a new team to Blood Bowl, and they also don’t have official Blitz Bowl team rules. For me, I don’t really see them being an organized team, but I do want to include them somehow, so decided to use them as another variant match time for those coaches finding themselves on the Pub Table. Plus, I’ve only ever been involved with Snotlings in games via the classic DungeonQuest where they’d pile into a space on a hero.

So, how would I use the Snotlings in a BzB match? I’m going to just go with the Pump Wagon, and treat it very similar to the Refs, except they aren’t here to observe, but to assault players with rocks, stones, pans, rollers, utensils, anything that wasn’t nailed down backstage.

Pump Wagon: The Pump Wagon is movable blocked square that can knock down adjacent players. During initial set-up, after placing the ball, determine a trapdoor as if a second ball were coming into play. Once a trapdoor is determined, roll a d8 and consult the bounce chart, placing the Pump Wagon model in the corresponding adjacent square next to the trapdoor. Add the following to the Game Sequence between “No Ball in Play Check” and “Emergency Reserves”:

“Move Pump Wagon”. The active player consults the point value of the rightmost Challenge Card in the Active Challenge Card Spaces. This is the number of spaces the Pump Wagon will move that turn. Roll the d8 that number of times, moving the Pump Wagon as if they were a bouncing ball. If the Pump Wagon would move into a blocked or occupied space, ignore that roll. If The Pump Wagon moves adjacent to a player that player suffers a Knocked Down result. If the Pump Wagon ever moves into either end zone, remove it from play for the rest of the match.

This is clearly the game on “Hard Mode”. It’s a lot like a referee in execution, but the result can lead to whacking players off the pitch. I would save this for a fun end of season type match for teams on the bottom table. On that note, as I’ve posted other variant matches before…gobbo night, rot spawn, etc… I wouldn’t stack multiple of these, but only one variant for each match.

So, now I’ve got some referees in training getting involved in these minor league Blitz Bowl matches, but also a crazy Pump Wagon rolling it’s way around the pitch. These are both some pretty simple ways to keep adding BB universe flavor to BzB.

The last thing I needed to do to close out the year was get a collection of balls painted.

These were a total slop-n-go job and a grind to push through them all. These pieces will see the most wear and tear during games so I didn’t want to be concerned about proper paint jobs. I also lathered them with ‘ardcoat gloss before hitting ’em with Dulcote. Hopefully that’ll protect them some. I skipped the balls with pegs because I don’t really go for that.

In the end 2020 was a big year of painting Blitz Bowl for me. I assembled and put paint to three tables of terrain, nine teams, eight npc models, and all the tokens, coins and balls needed. I ended up only two Blitz Bowl teams short from my entire collection…the Skaven and Lizardmen. Well, to be honest, in the last month I also found myself with a sprue of Imperial Nobles, Black Orcs, and Ogres, so this would be five unpainted Blitz Bowl teams left. As I have nine ready to go though I think I’m good for awhile. Here’s what all the work looks like in their new storage.

On the Blood Bowl front, I started 2020 with two teams to paint. The Humans and Orcs. I started on the Orcs in preparation for a local tournament in March, but…The Covid. I didn’t pick up any new teams that I kept, so still have a BB team and a half to get through. With new strains popping up I’m not sure that BB tourney is gonna happen this March either, so there’s no rush there. Still, here’s hoping 2021 sees more face to face game time for all of us.

Happy New Year.

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2021, 03:19:13 PM »
Excellent, I'm impressed by the effort you've put in. I currently have six platic teams all waiting for an undercoat...

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2021, 06:33:30 AM »
Every time I see Bloodbowl, I must chant my self: "Dont need another system. Dont need another system. Dont need..."

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2021, 02:27:16 PM »
Every time I see Bloodbowl, I must chant my self: "Dont need another system. Dont need another system. Dont need..."

Heh, I get it.
If temptation is too strong though, I highly recommend Blitz Bowl as it's a faster playing version of the game with smaller squads. It might even play well with the family.

Offline Inkpaduta

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2021, 05:42:33 PM »
I was reading something on Blitz Bowl. It said that outside of just scoring there were goals that players could try to achieve during play.
can you give me an idea of what this meanings? What type of goals?

Offline Mr. White

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2021, 06:37:21 PM »
I was reading something on Blitz Bowl. It said that outside of just scoring there were goals that players could try to achieve during play.
can you give me an idea of what this meanings? What type of goals?

Along the pitch is a section of Challenge cards that have objectives on them. objectives such as: knock the ball loose, throw a pass, put three players on defense, etc. If you do this action you get the card and however many points were assigned for that challenge. You collect the card in your hand because the backside of the Challenge cards has bonus plays you can play to help your team.

Touchdowns are worth 4pts, if I remember correctly, and i think the Challenge cards vary from like 1-3. If one coach scores more than 10 overall points than their opponent, that's a landslide victory and an auto win. Otherwise, you play til the Challenge deck runs down (cards drop off it every turn...it's a game clock).

So, during each turn a coach has to keep their eye on touchdowns and challenge objectives. It really mixes the game up and with only 6-7 players a side, three actions per turn, it doesn't overwhelm at all. It's a great game.

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Re: BlitzMania! (Blood Bowl & Blitz Bowl)
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2021, 07:29:15 AM »
Oh man - there are some great paint schemes and execution of them in this thread - well done!
- Karsten

"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."
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