The aircraft is a Beaufighter Ten. Apparently the roman numeral marks had been replaced by this era.
The aircraft was used as a Fighting Vehicle with Flying ability. As the aircraft could not possibly see anything in the jungle it could only react to a visual signal from one of the ground units. As an activation a ground unit could use smoke, flare or balloon to identify a target square which the aircraft could then hit in a single pass across the battlefield.
The jungle was laid out like a chessboard so that units moved and fought from square to square.
From my point of view as umpire I thought the whole concept worked quite well but the players did not seem to be having as much fun as I had hoped. To be fair there were some odd inconsistencies like the SAS as Elite troops being the only unit that could not Firefight. And the insurgent Recce units firing at with better Shoot value than British regulars.