The ground shook for the second time that day. Though it was not near as intense or the results as spectacular, those facing the cause of these tremors had reason to believe it would be every bit as deadly.
A red cloud rose above the advancing enemy as the defenders of the Paramar Nexus watched them approach. The Iron Warriors in their bunkers and defensive works looked past the massive metal frames of the Legio Gryphonicus titans that stood in front of them. They couldn't believe what was happening and didn't understand why it was happening but Imperial forces were marching on territory they were sworn to protect. Understanding had little to do with what the IV legion was going to do however, and that was to stop the attackers anyway they could.
Urketh Rakarsh could now make out the markings on the titans approaching. The dust cloud rose behind them and by his guess there were scores of Legion APCs and tanks approaching in the wake of the titans. That would have to be dealt with later. The first salvo had just been exchanged between the two forces of God Engines.
The Tiger Eyes were rushing on heedless of the ordinance launched against them. From Urketh's understanding it seemed like the plasma reactors must be at their limit to make the enemy force move so quickly, he had never seen any allied titans moving that quickly in any of the battles he had witnessed before.
The first death took the veteran Iron Warrior by surprise as he had not seen any weapon fire targeting the titan that was only just visible behind a rocky outcrop. It was destroyed nonetheless in a glowing fireball that spewed wreckage and molten armour over the advancing forms of allied warmachines.
A quick count of the titans in his immediate area showed that his allies were outnumbered and even more outmatched. It was nice Tiger Eyes to seven War Griffons and one of those Tiger Eyes was a behemoth class that Urketh had never seen before. It towered even above the Legio Fureans Warlord.
It seemed that their numbers made the Tiger Eyes overconfident and two of the enemy titans were almost beheaded by Gryphonicus fusillades. He could see the crew of one of the Reavers quite clearly, so much of the armour had been ripped away from their command deck.
Still they pushed into the defenders position and then, for a few moments, Urketh could see nothing at all.
Massive explosions tore down the van of both forces. A third wave of shaking hit, much more intense than the rumbling footsteps of several titan maniples approaching. Even the stalwart Astartes warriors were knocked from their feet as the blast wave of six titans detonating in a chain reaction of explosions washed over their positions.
When he could focus on the battle again the situation had changed dramatically. The defenders were moving out of targeting lanes of the attackers and into what little cover their was. They fired off their weapons trying to damage any of the Tiger Eyes titans that were vulnerable. Ultimately they did little damage and the return barrage was catastrophic.
Soon only a sole defender still stood. The Warlord
Chateau A Pied still faced his enemies. The Warlord was seemingly undamaged and his void shields still stood.
That is when the first of the Alpha Legion vehicles came into view. Urkreth called out for his men to fire on the advancing Astartes and soon small explosions dotted the ground near the feet of the Yellow clad God Engines.
Chateau A Pied added his volcano cannons and missiles to the barrage and even though his voids were quickly collapsed and the Warlord perished to enemy fire the Alpha Legion had suffered immensely in their drive on the Iron Warriors position.