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Author Topic: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.  (Read 5266 times)

Offline flatpack

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DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« on: September 22, 2023, 11:27:37 AM »
Yesterday, some of the “regulars” played our first game of DAK ATTACK, and what a game it was.
We have plenty of figures, trucks, aircraft and scenery all in 15mm.
Looks like we may have found the right rules to use them with.

The scenario was -
LRDG attack on the Bhaginton airfield.
3 LRDG teams, Able, Baker, and Charlie.
Objective, get in, destroy as much as possible, AND GET OUT.
Be aware, there may be a possible returning German patrol ? ? (After move 10).

This raid was led by Lt Bob Greenwood, leading Able team.
Leading Baker team was Sgt Archie Musgrove, and leading Charlie team was Sgt Cyril Appletree.

Here is the table we played on.

Town on the right, airfield on the left.
The DAK ATTACK cards, are possible German positions.

The LRDG teams entered the table at the opposite end.

Baker company approaching the airfield gates.

Baker company ran the airfield gates successfully.

Able company, led by Sgt Appletree took the right hand flank and entered the airfield via a hole in the fence.

Able company opened up on the trucks, and all hell let loose.

At this stage, the DAK ATTACK cards were turned over, near the British troops, to find out which German guards were awake.

On the left wing, Charlie company had parked up, just at the airfield perimeter and hoped over the wall in order to plant bombs under the stukas.

Lt Greenwood and the boys from Charlie company slowly and quietly approached their targets.

This was their sneak attack that was disturbed by the arrival of Able and Baker companies and their fire breathing mgs…

Greenwood and the boys set the timers on their bombs (see small dice under aircraft wings. Just set to 2 so that they went off quickly)

The Germans then opened up on Greenwood and the boys, killing Whittier’s just as he planted his bomb. They also lost Billy Brenda and Cocky Leeds to gunfire.

Greenwood and the boys then took out Whittier’s killers so that they could safely return to their transport.

Lanky Laughton from Greenwoods group ran across the airfield to finish off a Stuka with his Thompson mg.

On the far right, Appletree group were doing well, taking out plenty of the German trucks and causing mayhem.

BTW the matchsticks indicate who is firing at who, so that players don’t change their mind if a target is taken out early.

In the middle, Sgt Archie Musgrove was doing his best to take out anything that moves.

So with all 4 aircraft destroyed, 8 trucks destroyed, 2 more trucks damaged, and several German infantry taken out, it was time to get out of this hornets nest.

Charlie company on the left, made it back to their vehicles and raced off table, heading for home. Unfortunately they had lost Whitters, Billy Brenda, and Cocky Leeds.

Able and Baker companies escaped thro the destroyed airfields main gate.
During this run, Sgt Appletrees jeep took fire. He and his driver Tony Tasha were killed as their jeep burst into flames and crashed. An unfortunate ending for Appletree.

“Let’s get out of here”

Appletree bites the dust.

The remaining LRDG leave the town and airfield at speed and head for home.

Luckily the returning German patrol never appeared (poor dice roll).

So there you have it.
A great game, played with all the flavour of the desert raids.
Great fun, played in the right spirit.

I’d definitely play again.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2023, 11:53:07 PM by flatpack »

Offline Digits

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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2023, 11:42:58 AM »
Now that looks fun!  Great set up too Bob.

Offline Tom Dulski

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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2023, 12:55:23 PM »
Great looking table

Offline flatpack

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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2023, 01:12:19 PM »
Now that looks fun!  Great set up too Bob.

Cheers David.
It really was fun, I can highly recommend it.
Scenery and table were Pete’s, I just took along the Brits and the targets.
I guess it’s cheaper in 15mm than 28mm, and you can get loads of kit on the table.
We played the rules as they were written (for 28mm), but I’ve seen somewhere the we should have changed all the distances from inches in 28mm to centimetres in 15mm….oh well, who cares, as I said, great fun.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2023, 01:47:54 PM »
As the nominal German/Italian player I have to say, 'This was NOT fun'
Whenever a Brit came close I got to throw a D6 with 6 = alert!
Twenty two rolls and not one '6'  :o :o :o
Only when they started blowing thing up did my guys wake up. >:(

None the less a very enjoyable first game of DAK Attack. If you want an
enjoyable game in the style of the old Commando comics, this is for you.
Between us we already had the scenery, vehicles, planes, Infantry etc.
& I picked up the rules at the latest Colours show. (Thanks to the guy
running the demo, who talked us through two moves. It was enough to
get me interested.)

Now for my pictures.
415 - 420 = the quiet before the storm

Offline BeneathALeadMountain

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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2023, 01:52:41 PM »
Awesome stuff sir! I’m working on 15mm additions so I can get this to the table so it’s great to see some inspirational tabletop’age for motivation. I’ve just bought 4 of those very stukas for it.

I saw Brendan (and signifiacant other) at Colours demo’ing the system and I’m glad it’s getting the attention it deserves (keep thinking of Popski/European SAS and the potential they offer). Has.been glad you enjoyed it  :D.

If anyone is thinking about purchasing it please consider buying it from an eBay seller called bigbren10 here


(as it’s the author!…… Something I was overjoyed to find when I purchased it as he signed it for me too!). Im not sponsored (and if such promotion isn’t allowed, please say mods, and I’ll change it) but it’s always nice to support fellow hobbyists as directly as you can.

Thank you for posting Flatpack (and has.been for showing the other side), I’m glad it worked as a group game as I was hoping to do so at times,


« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 01:59:14 PM by BeneathALeadMountain »
Beneath A Lead Mountain - my blog of hobby procrastination and sometimes even some progress

Offline has.been

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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2023, 02:04:32 PM »
Arrival of the LRDG.

They attacked in three groups.
JC charged the main gate, but that's JC for you.
Vodkafan snuck around by the side entrance, passed sleeping guards!
While Flatpack came up against (literally) a brick wall. Declining advice
to emulate the Royal Navy's Gun Team Race (Take the vehicles apart,
carry the bits over the wall then reassemble them) he simple climbed
over the low wall & ran to place bombs against the Stukas.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2023, 02:12:11 PM »
Opting to bluff rather than shoot there way in, the LRDG manages to
get in without disturbing the slumber of my troops! :o :o :o
As mentioned I threw 22 times for possible alerts, needing a six each time,
and failed to get ANY sixes. I am currently under arrest for breaking the law of averages.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2023, 02:17:00 PM »
The Mayhem starts.
Too many juicy targets, so they start shooting.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2023, 02:29:52 PM »
The Germans finally leap into action, but it is far too late.
The whole command is likely to soon be reassigned to the Russian Front. :(

There were some British casualties. Sgt Appletree (Vodkafan) was amongst the
fallen. Already wounded his jeep was shot up & crashed in flames.
There has been an ongoing feud between James (Vodkafan) & myself & my attempts to
get a member of the Appletree Clan goes back centuries (We play lots of periods)
This was my first ever success.

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2023, 02:41:21 PM »
Far too many Brits get away.
To the echoing strains of 'I've been working on the railroad' (Thanks to Alexa)
Reminiscent of one of the scenes  from Kelly's Heroes, they headed back to the Desert.

A game that everyone said they enjoyed. :D
Thanks must go to:-
 JC, who started (many years ago) the 15mm collection of vehicles & Infantry.
 Bob (Flatpack) who finished them all (there is more by the way) getting them to the table.
James (Vodkafan) for talking me into the playtest at Colours & (Finally) giving up an Appletree.

It has inspired us & we hope to play another game soon.
Will need a LOT more explosion markers though.  lol lol lol

Offline has.been

  • Galactic Brain
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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2023, 02:58:42 PM »
(as it’s the author!…… Something I was overjoyed to find when I purchased it as he signed it for me too!).

I was kicking myself, on the way back from Colours, for not getting him to autograph my copy. :'(

Offline MaleGriffin

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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2023, 04:41:24 PM »
Looks like an incredible game! Fantastic figures, vehicles and terrain! Well done!
Hoc quoque transibit
Sanguinem sistit semper

Offline Freddy

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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2023, 05:13:05 PM »
Such a great looking game!

Offline vodkafan

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Re: DAK ATTACK - played in the best possible taste.
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2023, 12:10:23 AM »
Great fun was had! After a long time of not playing for various reasons, there is nothing like the feeling of turning up for a game and all your mates are there and a lovely looking table spread out to game on and a brand new FUN set of rules.
The desert town really was spectacular to look at.
I can't better the photos that are already up, but I can add a few atmospheric shots I hope. Also, as Officers are wont to do, Lt. Greenwood make a couple of tiny errors in his despatches. So here is my point of view of the battle. 
The three groups race abreast across the desert in the dead of night. My group is nearest the camera.

In the lead Jeep I sit. Sgt. Cyril Appletree.  (I use the Appletree character in every game, and Peter tries to kill Appletree every game) Beside me, my daughter Tasha.
My other 6 real life kids are crewing the other two vehicles. I had to think of 7 names on the spot and they came first to mind.

At 11 years old Ella is really too young to be handling those twin Lewis guns but what the hell there is a war on.

We slow as we drive through the town. My group peels off to the outskirts

We drive silently a back way into the base under two detachments of Germans who don't see us!

We are first into the base and the Germans STILL haven't woken up! We delay firing until we hear JC's group crash the main gate. Here he is getting ready to ram.

Our surprise is complete. We are well into the compound before we open up with everything we have. In two turns we brew up 8 trucks and damage two more.

On the airfield airplanes are going up in gratifying balls of flame as our comrades set to work.

But the Germans are now, belatedly fully awake. As my jeep starts to turn I am shot and killed. (you can just see the front of my jeep through the smoke from the truck) So you see I was already dead before we got out of the compound.

 Time to get out of here. My daughter Tasha races the jeep full speed though the destroyed main gate without being hit but then is caught by a burst of machine gun fire from a rooftop outside. She is killed and the jeep crashes into a house. Oh no!
The rest of my kids manage to fight their way out and manage to take out two Germans on the way.

I think overall we lost 6 raiders from all the groups. These are a very exciting set of rules because once shooting starts it is very brutal.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 12:13:45 AM by vodkafan »
I am going to build a wargames army, a big beautiful wargames army, and Mexico is going to pay for it.

2019 Painting Challenge :
figures bought: 500+
figures painted: 57
9 vehicles painted
4 terrain pieces scratchbuilt


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