Yesterday, some of the “regulars” played our first game of DAK ATTACK, and what a game it was.
We have plenty of figures, trucks, aircraft and scenery all in 15mm.
Looks like we may have found the right rules to use them with.
The scenario was -
LRDG attack on the Bhaginton airfield.
3 LRDG teams, Able, Baker, and Charlie.
Objective, get in, destroy as much as possible, AND GET OUT.
Be aware, there may be a possible returning German patrol ? ? (After move 10).
This raid was led by Lt Bob Greenwood, leading Able team.
Leading Baker team was Sgt Archie Musgrove, and leading Charlie team was Sgt Cyril Appletree.
Here is the table we played on.
Town on the right, airfield on the left.
The DAK ATTACK cards, are possible German positions.
The LRDG teams entered the table at the opposite end.
Baker company approaching the airfield gates.
Baker company ran the airfield gates successfully.
Able company, led by Sgt Appletree took the right hand flank and entered the airfield via a hole in the fence.
Able company opened up on the trucks, and all hell let loose.
At this stage, the DAK ATTACK cards were turned over, near the British troops, to find out which German guards were awake.
On the left wing, Charlie company had parked up, just at the airfield perimeter and hoped over the wall in order to plant bombs under the stukas.
Lt Greenwood and the boys from Charlie company slowly and quietly approached their targets.
This was their sneak attack that was disturbed by the arrival of Able and Baker companies and their fire breathing mgs…
Greenwood and the boys set the timers on their bombs (see small dice under aircraft wings. Just set to 2 so that they went off quickly)
The Germans then opened up on Greenwood and the boys, killing Whittier’s just as he planted his bomb. They also lost Billy Brenda and Cocky Leeds to gunfire.
Greenwood and the boys then took out Whittier’s killers so that they could safely return to their transport.
Lanky Laughton from Greenwoods group ran across the airfield to finish off a Stuka with his Thompson mg.
On the far right, Appletree group were doing well, taking out plenty of the German trucks and causing mayhem.
BTW the matchsticks indicate who is firing at who, so that players don’t change their mind if a target is taken out early.
In the middle, Sgt Archie Musgrove was doing his best to take out anything that moves.
So with all 4 aircraft destroyed, 8 trucks destroyed, 2 more trucks damaged, and several German infantry taken out, it was time to get out of this hornets nest.
Charlie company on the left, made it back to their vehicles and raced off table, heading for home. Unfortunately they had lost Whitters, Billy Brenda, and Cocky Leeds.
Able and Baker companies escaped thro the destroyed airfields main gate.
During this run, Sgt Appletrees jeep took fire. He and his driver Tony Tasha were killed as their jeep burst into flames and crashed. An unfortunate ending for Appletree.
“Let’s get out of here”
Appletree bites the dust.
The remaining LRDG leave the town and airfield at speed and head for home.
Luckily the returning German patrol never appeared (poor dice roll).
So there you have it.
A great game, played with all the flavour of the desert raids.
Great fun, played in the right spirit.
I’d definitely play again.