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Author Topic: Gluttonous Leprechauns  (Read 885 times)

Offline Peithetairos

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  • Posts: 496
    • DaggerandBrush
Gluttonous Leprechauns
« on: January 23, 2024, 10:55:56 PM »
I painted these grungy leprechauns for a colab with Agema Miniatures for their upcoming Kickstarter. They will release a whole Blood Bowl team of these chaps.

They are 3d prints and are very well done. Crisp detail, very sturdy, almost no clean-up. No assembly needed and easy to paint.

Obviously the sculpts are great, too. These two here are star players Poggy and Sindy. Both have a penchant for food and look kinda unpleasant.

I tried my hand at violet based shadows for the skin. The yellow was also interesting, as I used a pink base colour. Gives a beautiful rich yellow when painted over. The mud effects were also fun. Just some beige paint, filler and acrylic gloss medium.

All in all very pleased how they came out.