395 = Ian (Westbury) Mercenaries tasked with retrieving documents from either truck or Humvee.
3 figures using D10s
397 = Bob (Flatpack) Loyal Militia. tasked to support Ian, but more likely to look after themselves.
4 figures using D8s
394 = Me! Rebel militia, after the bounty on mercenaries. Also 4 figures using D8s.
396 = John Cunningham. Out for whatever he could get. 6 figures using D6s.
A bit about the main part of the rules.
Each player starts with one dice per figure. These are thrown & one dice is placed beside each figure.
It will happen during the game that a player has fewer dice than figures. In that case any figure
without a dice is treated as if they had been allocated a '1' (see below) & is activated first.
1= MUST reduce its current danger level. e.g. In open = go to cover. In cover = cower down.
sneak/run away etc.
2 OR 4 (evens)= MUST move
3 OR 5 (odds) = MUST fire. It doesn't matter if there is no Wargaming target they are shooting
at shadows/noises etc.
6= Dice goes into the dice jail (this can be a cup/bowl/tub etc. to the side of the table.
These CAN be removed at the start of any following move BEFORE player throws his dice.
Different things can be done with such redeemed dice (more later)
7 TO 10 = Can move OR shoot
11 to 15 = Can move AND shoot.
16 to 20 = Can do a double move in each of which figure can move AND fire.
Each figure's actions are fully resolved BEFORE player moves on to the next figure.
I hope to replace long slow reaction/morale tests as well as order decisions with this.
The observant amongst you will have noticed that the table goes up to '20' (Ian, best figures
on the table was throwing D10s, Bob & I D8s & poor John D6s !)This is because one class not
in todays playtest was...The Bee Keeper !

(If you haven't seen the film, I do recomend it.
It is tosh, but enjoyable none the less.) The Bee keeper is one figure, but uses D20.