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Author Topic: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - West Eros Trailer Park - Pg5 Ned's B@stard  (Read 6112 times)

Online Romark

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2024, 05:33:48 PM »

Thanks mate...actually I've already got a whole bunch of Copplestone but had forgotten to add them to the list  :D
Thought that may be the case  ;) :)

Offline NurgleHH

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2024, 10:00:00 AM »
Thanks everyone, I'll do my best to live up to your expectations with this project...again, its just meant as a little side project...but then I've said that before as well  8)

Thanks mate...actually I've already got a whole bunch of Copplestone but had forgotten to add them to the list  :D
Maybe you should take a look at the brigade-Ranges. In AC57 and the Postapo they have a bunch of good rednecks...
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Offline Michi

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2024, 12:34:54 PM »
Thanks everyone, I'll do my best to live up to your expectations with this project...again, its just meant as a little side project...but then I've said that before as well  8)

You've got my attention. I was planning to build a trailer park for quite some time now and have already gathered both camper vans and inhabitants, but no trailer homes yet. This is the way!

Offline Father Primus

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2024, 09:48:34 AM »
Brilliant idea, looking forward to see this bold project on a tabletop!

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2024, 08:00:44 PM »
I don't expect it will be easy to properly capture the true image of true 'trailer trash' people.  But you will need them for this game.

And no offense to those trailer park dwellers who don't qualify as 'trailer trash'!   lol

For the uninformed, here in the USA 'trailer trash' refers to those low life's who live in run down trailers in run down parks, generally with bad teeth and bad breath to go along, a lit cigarette dangling from their lips while talking, a beer can and its attendant belly (male or female), holes in their clothes and/or shoes, somteimes track marks on their arms from drug use, etc., and general layabouts.  A great cinematic example is the character Galen in the movie Mud, played by Michael Shannon - though Galen isn't a layabout so much.  Of course, there are trailer parks full of fine people in good quality trailers - usually senior citizens only (55+).
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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2024, 08:22:29 PM »
Note that rednecks and trailer trash are seen as perjorative terms by many although a fuck ton of these people embrace the term redneck. The polite, contemporary, term is 'low information voters' if you want to avoid offence and banjo music. The overlap is so great they are effectively synonymous.  My American friends tell me that the correct terminology is 'crackers' or, more properly, 'mother fucking crackers'.

Just remember to paint their baseball caps red and their wife-beaters a sort of dingy, stained, off-white. Screaming eagle motifs are a common design.


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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2024, 09:26:08 PM »
Awesome!!  :o lol lol

...and I still have to understand some of it, from abroad.  o_o  lol

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2024, 10:05:42 PM »
I remember that, quite a few years ago now, somebody produced a trailer park trailer as a pdf - paper terrain you could print out and build, and as many as required. I can't for the life of me remember who the publisher was but that might be the way to go if you need a dozen or so trailers for the table?

Online CapnJim

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2024, 02:08:05 AM »
Note that rednecks and trailer trash are seen as perjorative terms by many although a fuck ton of these people embrace the term redneck. The polite, contemporary, term is 'low information voters' if you want to avoid offence and banjo music. The overlap is so great they are effectively synonymous.  My American friends tell me that the correct terminology is 'crackers' or, more properly, 'mother fucking crackers'.

Just remember to paint their baseball caps red and their wife-beaters a sort of dingy, stained, off-white. Screaming eagle motifs are a common design.


Some semantic perspective here.

A.   Not all rednecks live in trailers.  The term "rednecks" is ordinarily applied to VERY rural types, many of whom appear as carlos describes.  And there will be couches in front yards, cars on blocks, trash (big and small) lying about, sometimes their cars that work are worth more than their trailers.  Ironically, one purported origin of the term "redneck" comes from the red bandanas worn around coal miners' necks in the coal mine wars and unionization movements of the early 20th century (particularly in West Virginia).  So they said at the Coal Mine Wars Museum in Matewan, WV.  Those "rednecks" wore the term proudly... 

B.  I've never heard the phrase "Low Information Voters".  Until now that is.  And that term spans the political spectrum, and the globe...unfortunately...

C.  "Crackers" originally was a racial epithet used by people of color referring to white folk.   :o

And, as a tip, perhaps look at Prohibition-era figure lines for hillbilly (another possible synonym for redneck...  ;) ) figures.  Great Escape Games (their Chicago Way line), Copplestone Castings, and Old Glory25s offer some figures that might be useful to you.  Also, look for The Walking Dead terrain sets, one of which includes 2 beat-up pickups (you'll see these in my modern games), 2 beat up cars, and various size piles of trash and junk.  (Edit:  Having gone back and read the original post, this "tip" info may in fact be redundant...)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 03:11:46 PM by CapnJim »
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Offline carlos marighela

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2024, 02:35:42 AM »
The origin of 'cracker' actually precedes its racial epithet sense but I'm quite convinced that is indeed the intent of my informants. Kind of evening up the score as it were and in parts of the old Estados Unidos where institutional racism rules supreme, I can hardly blame 'em. ;)

Jim, you just haven't been paying attention if you haven't heard 'low information voters' before. Every political pundit has been using it for the past year or so. I think the alternative meaning is 'turkeys voting for Christmas'.

Yes, I've also read that the bandanas used by the West Virginia coalminers was the origin of the expression 'redneck'. That said, I suspect it has a far more prosaic origin. Rural types who work the land and till the soil in honest toil are much more likely to redden their exposed skin. The fact that there are near identical terms in other languages and cultures strongly supports that view. Still, it's a nice story and it did remind us both to paint our Matewan figures with approriately hued neckerchiefs.

Now, inquiring minds will want to know what the preferred style of domestic abode is of the famed 'Florida Man' is. lol

Offline syrinx0

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2024, 05:05:43 AM »
This project is wonderful.  My brother wound up living in a more rural area in a double wide for awhile as it was really cheap. Definitely was not a 55 & older place.  I think everyone in the park referred to each other as 'trailer trash'.  I used to joke about his going native as he started hunting and would string and clean the deer and other game next to his trailer.  I never said no to the venison, geese or duck he brought me to cook though.  :)
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Offline Patrice

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2024, 11:47:21 AM »
At high school my English teacher, who was American, explained the term redneck (in some Faulkner's book I think) by sun burn and dust of red earth in Georgia.
I wouldn't know...? ...but I could believe it: in the old days the people in the village of my grandmother near the Mont-Saint-Michel (France) who used to fish shrimps walking on the large muddy beaches with big nets were called “nombrils jaunes“ (yellow navels) because of the mud on their bellies...  lol

Online v_lazy_dragon

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2024, 12:52:48 PM »
During the Boer war, the Boers uaed to call the English soldiers rednecks after the sunburn!

Here in Atlantic Canada, Redneck is something of a term of endearment. Pretty much all the usual cliches, but in a mostly good way. Hillbilly is used for the derogatory version.
Have heard " so and so's a redneck, but he aint no hillbilly" a few times!

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Offline AKULA

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Re: AKULA's Game of Rednecks - Battle for the West Eros Trailer Park
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2024, 01:08:47 PM »
I'm glad that the idea seems to have hit a chord with my fellow LAF'ers  lol

First figures are in the paint queue... work has got in the way over the last week or so.

In the meantime. some more AI-generated rednecks for you...

Offline AKULA

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AKULA's Game of Rednecks - West Eros Trailer Park - Pg2 Terrain & 1st figure
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2024, 07:05:21 PM »
Ok...first off the blocks, some terrain

The caravan is a print from TwistedPinnacle3D (via Etsy)...the scatter is various...Old Crow, Crooked Dice, TTCombat etc

My first figures in my fantasy Game of Thrones project were for House Bolton, so I thought it fitting that my first figure for this project was also a Bolton...  I actually used a similar conversion of this mini in my Post-Apoc Zombie project... I just love the sculpt (Copplestone Future Wars)... have converted with a Foundry Chainsaw.

Obligatory group shot to show the size of the caravan

« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 07:08:48 PM by AKULA »


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